The C's mentioned that all these cell towers we see everywhere are a back up system. The directed energy beams could come from space (via satellites, for example).
A: We told you that "HAARP" was being designated for capturing and modulating electromagnetic fields for the purpose of total control of brainwave patterns in order to establish a system of complete "order on the surface of the planet" in either 3rd or 4th density.
Q: (L) Is HAARP in operation at the present time?
A: Yes, in its early stages.
Q: (T) Is the spreading of all these communication towers out across the country the equivalent of a HAARP program on a continental scale?
A: Back up system.
Q: (L) So, they don't need the towers to operate the HAARP system, but they are there as the backup?
A: Towers serve dual and lateral purposes.
The end goal is not necessarily to kill, but to prepare the 'containers' (human bodies) for the hyperdimensional 'content' (4D STS), i.e. outright possession.Q: (L) Well that's creepy, too. Do any of those directed beam applications involve the zombie apocalypse?
A: Close
Q: (L) Ooo, creepy! [laughter]
(Joe) Is that what they were referring to in a previous session when they said some vaccines would be used to control people?
A: Yes
Q: (Andromeda) And what percentage of these vaccine batches have this technology?
(Joe) Or how many people?
(Andromeda) Yeah, how many people?
A: 12 percent.
Q: (L) How do you mean? Creating a race to replace human beings, or abducting specific humans to replace them with a clone or whatever?
A: Mainly the former. You see, if one desires to create a new race, what better way than to mass hybridize, then mass reincarnate. Especially when the host species is so forever ignorant, controlled, and anthropocentric. What a lovely environment for total destruction and conquest and replacement... see?