Hello everyone.
Since a few days ago, I feel the need to ask a lot of things concerning diet and health, but I do not realize which is the most appropriate thread. I finally decided to ask these questions here, but if there is a more appropriate thread I thank the moderators for moving it there.
The case is the following:
With my wife a few years ago that we try to have a more appropriate diet for Work.
Despite the fact that we have very low economic possibilities, we have managed to change many things in our diet, with very noticeable positive results.
What we have not been able to achieve is to completely eliminate wheat flour. We are aware of the importance of doing that. I know that somehow we will get there. In fact, eating bread the way I used to, I don't feel like it anymore.
Buckwheat is very expensive for us.
The few times we have bought it, we couldn't manage to make tasty things at all

, but we will keep trying.
We don't eat dairy products, white sugar very rarely, vegetable oils none, only olive oil sometimes. We use animal fat. The meat we eat the most is pork. Before it was more beef than pork but now it is the other way around (everything from the supermarket

Also some fruits, vegetables, rice, potatoes, and other things I can't remember now.
As for liquids, for years we have had zero alcohol and no soft drinks. If we want something tasty, we do it with fruit. Basically we drink tap water and mate every day.
As for supplements and things like that, the case is as follows:
Both my wife and I use basically the same elements or substance, only that each one does it in a particular way, according to what we think is best for each one's body.
I will tell you about my routine and the changes or recent additions, which is exactly what I want to ask about.
My heartburn problems decreased enormously with the changes in my diet, and the improvement increased much more since I drink water with bicarbonate when I get up and before going to bed.
Some time ago, I think less than a year, I started with Magnesium, but also with Borax.
Even though I took them spaced one from the other, and only once a day each, after a few days I began to have great discomfort.
I felt terrible, as if I had eaten something bad.
I never knew what it was all about, because I got scared and stopped taking both substances.
I recently resumed taking Magnesium and it is not causing me any problems.
I intend to take the Borax again, and watch what happens with a little more courage.
I am also taking vitamin C. (one teaspoon of Ascorbic Acid in a glass of water) once a day.
Lately I am also taking a teaspoon of salt in half a glass of water when I wake up, and then I take the water with bicarbonate.
My first question is if that would be the correct order, or if I should take the water with baking soda first and then the water with salt. So far I have not had a problem, but I would like to make sure.
Another question is regarding the magnesium.
In the drugstore we get very cheap sachets with 35g of Magnesium Chloride, to mix in 1 liter of water. And from this we take a small glass of liquor per day. I mean those little glasses like drinking tequila.
The thing is that I took it once a day but at any time. And someone here, I don't remember who it was, commented that possibly the Magnesium was better absorbed if it was taken before going to bed.
So I started doing that, but again I was faced with the dilemma of whether to take it before or after the glass of water with baking soda that I also take before bedtime.
At the moment I am taking the Magnesium first and then getting that almost foul taste out of my mouth, with the glass of water with Bicarbonate, which in comparison is a delight.
Any advice you can give me would be greatly appreciated.
Regarding Ivermectin, we have been taking it once a month, but we have not been able to buy it for several months.
It is too expensive for us and, at home we are three people with my daughter.
Faced with this unavoidable reality, what occurred to me was to buy Wormwood.
I bought it as soon as the C's talked about the importance of eliminating parasites.
We have not used it yet, because we were able to buy Ivermectin.
But now we are not, and I think perhaps Wormwood might be a good option as an alternative, since that was what we were given as children for parasites.
If anyone here knows Wormwood and wants to share their opinion, it would be helpful.
I have a lot more questions, but I don't want to make this post too long. I will surely ask them soon.
Just in case this is something to consider, I will tell you that we are not vaccinated, none of the three of us.
I know that this does not exempt us from the problem, and that the protection protocol is necessary.
I only added the data for more information in the above context.
Thanks for reading, and for any advice or suggestions you can give me.
Best regards.
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