Help with creating (and proofreading) transcripts of SOTT Talk Radio shows

Two more available on SOTT:

For the transcript published before April 3 2016, you can use those tables:

See this table for the direct link for the European shows:,31252.msg413444.html#msg413444

See this table for the direct link for the The Truth perspective shows:,31252.msg561681.html#msg561681

See this table for the direct link for the Health and Wellness shows:,31252.msg574684.html#msg574684

And for the transcripts published after april 2, 2016, you can use that method described in that post:,31252.msg642481.html#msg642481

Thanks so much for all the volunteers that are doing such a great job. :clap:
Two more available on SOTT:

For the transcript published before April 3 2016, you can use those tables:

See this table for the direct link for the European shows:,31252.msg413444.html#msg413444

See this table for the direct link for the The Truth perspective shows:,31252.msg561681.html#msg561681

See this table for the direct link for the Health and Wellness shows:,31252.msg574684.html#msg574684

And for the transcripts published after april 2, 2016, you can use that method described in that post:,31252.msg642481.html#msg642481

Thanks so much for all the volunteers that are doing such a great job. :clap:
Two more available on SOTT:

For the transcript published before April 3 2016, you can use those tables:

See this table for the direct link for the European shows:,31252.msg413444.html#msg413444

See this table for the direct link for the The Truth perspective shows:,31252.msg561681.html#msg561681

See this table for the direct link for the Health and Wellness shows:,31252.msg574684.html#msg574684

And for the transcripts published after april 2, 2016, you can use that method described in that post:,31252.msg642481.html#msg642481

Thanks so much for all the volunteers that are doing such a great job. :clap:
Two more available on SOTT:

For the transcript published before April 3 2016, you can use those tables:

See this table for the direct link for the European shows:,31252.msg413444.html#msg413444

See this table for the direct link for the The Truth perspective shows:,31252.msg561681.html#msg561681

See this table for the direct link for the Health and Wellness shows:,31252.msg574684.html#msg574684

And for the transcripts published after april 2, 2016, you can use that method described in that post:,31252.msg642481.html#msg642481

Thanks so much for all the volunteers that are doing such a great job. :clap:
Two more available on SOTT:

For the transcript published before April 3 2016, you can use those tables:

See this table for the direct link for the European shows:,31252.msg413444.html#msg413444

See this table for the direct link for the The Truth perspective shows:,31252.msg561681.html#msg561681

See this table for the direct link for the Health and Wellness shows:,31252.msg574684.html#msg574684

And for the transcripts published after april 2, 2016, you can use that method described in that post:,31252.msg642481.html#msg642481

Thanks so much for all the volunteers that are doing such a great job. :clap:
I'd like to add my thanks to Gandalf's to those who are transcribing the shows! Kudos to you! :thup:
I typed out a transcript of the latest H&W show with Dr Stephanie Seneff. It was sooo packed with information that I stopped listening at about the 20min mark and decided to start again and copy it. There are a lot of terms in there that I was unfamiliar with, and though I looked them up while I was typing, I'm not sure if I got everything right. In any case I've attached a copy here.


Jones said:
I typed out a transcript of the latest H&W show with Dr Stephanie Seneff. It was sooo packed with information that I stopped listening at about the 20min mark and decided to start again and copy it. There are a lot of terms in there that I was unfamiliar with, and though I looked them up while I was typing, I'm not sure if I got everything right. In any case I've attached a copy here.

Hi Jones,

Someone in the translation/transcription group was already working on it.

For the non members of the translation group, it is always a good idea to ask here if a transcript has been done or if someone is working on it before beginning to do it.
So, in this manner we avoid doublon and we maximise our work.
Thank you for the IT Jones and bringing it to my attention Jacques. I will do the PR and post in the database.
Gandalf said:
Jones said:
I typed out a transcript of the latest H&W show with Dr Stephanie Seneff. It was sooo packed with information that I stopped listening at about the 20min mark and decided to start again and copy it. There are a lot of terms in there that I was unfamiliar with, and though I looked them up while I was typing, I'm not sure if I got everything right. In any case I've attached a copy here.

Hi Jones,

Someone in the translation/transcription group was already working on it.

For the non members of the translation group, it is always a good idea to ask here if a transcript has been done or if someone is working on it before beginning to do it.
So, in this manner we avoid doublon and we maximise our work.

Fair enough. And sorry about creating extra work. I'll keep your suggestions in mind.
Another one available on SOTT:

For the transcript published before April 3 2016, you can use those tables:

See this table for the direct link for the European shows:,31252.msg413444.html#msg413444

See this table for the direct link for the The Truth perspective shows:,31252.msg561681.html#msg561681

See this table for the direct link for the Health and Wellness shows:,31252.msg574684.html#msg574684

And for the transcripts published after april 2, 2016, you can use that method described in that post:,31252.msg642481.html#msg642481

Thanks so much for all the volunteers that are doing such a great job. :clap:
Another one available on SOTT:

For the transcript published before April 3 2016, you can use those tables:

See this table for the direct link for the European shows:,31252.msg413444.html#msg413444

See this table for the direct link for the The Truth perspective shows:,31252.msg561681.html#msg561681

See this table for the direct link for the Health and Wellness shows:,31252.msg574684.html#msg574684

And for the transcripts published after april 2, 2016, you can use that method described in that post:,31252.msg642481.html#msg642481

Thanks so much for all the volunteers that are doing such a great job. :clap:
May I do the IT for 'Behind the Headlines: Doing Putin's 'Dirty Work': Barmy British Incite War With Russia' if it is available please?
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