Help with creating (and proofreading) transcripts of SOTT Talk Radio shows

May I do the IT for 'Behind the Headlines: Doing Putin's 'Dirty Work': Barmy British Incite War With Russia' if it is available please?

It is available dikiitanetsdooshi and I have just written in our database that you are doing the IT for that one.

Thanks a lot.

Hi @beetlemaniac ,

Thanks so much.

To answer your question :

Dear Gandalf,

Will it be easier for you if I joined the transcription group, so I could find out which transcripts need to be done? I feel that there are a huge number of podcasts that have yet to be transcribed. I don't know how we are going to get through all of them!

Thanks & Regards,

Yes it would be easier for both of us and you will be able to network with the other transcribers.

So, I would send you an invitation to join the transcription group as soon as you send me your email via a PM.
So, I would send you an invitation to join the transcription group as soon as you send me your email via a PM.

Thanks for your PM @beetlemaniac.

I have just send you an invitation to join the yahoo group.

Please post a little intro as soon as you have joined the group. The translators/transcribers team will be happy to welcome you.

And if you have any questions about transcription, do not hesitate to post them in that group.

And as you know, please remember the following note which is very important for all translators/transcribers :[/QUOTE]

"Notice to all those interested in volunteering to do translations: We would also like to strongly suggest that you participate regularly in the forum. As you can imagine, translating SOTT/QFS/FOTCM/Cass material also requires a desire to work on the self. This project, believe it or not, is a very useful tool for us all, as we learn a lot about ourselves, networking and the material itself while doing it. But most of the networking and work on the self needs to be done in the forum. The more you participate, the more you learn and the more other members learn with you! "
Another one available on SOTT:

The Health & Wellness Show: More Than Meets the Eye: Interview with Optometrist Reshma Seth --

For the transcript published before April 3 2016, you can use those tables:

See this table for the direct link for the European shows: Help with creating (and proofreading) transcripts of SOTT Talk Radio shows

See this table for the direct link for the The Truth perspective shows: Help with creating (and proofreading) transcripts of SOTT Talk Radio shows

See this table for the direct link for the Health and Wellness shows: Help with creating (and proofreading) transcripts of SOTT Talk Radio shows

And for the transcripts published after april 2, 2016, you can use that method described in that post:

Help with creating (and proofreading) transcripts of SOTT Talk Radio shows

Thanks so much for all the volunteers that are doing such a great job. :clap:
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