Help with creating (and proofreading) transcripts of SOTT Talk Radio shows


May I just add my name to the Editors list to do proofreading? or is there a procedure I should follow?

Well first of all @anartist , you need an invitation to join the translation/transcription team. And after that you can present yourself to the group and add your name to the list. So, if you are interested, please give me in a private message your email address in order that I could send you an invitation to join the team.
Well first of all @anartist , you need an invitation to join the translation/transcription team. And after that you can present yourself to the group and add your name to the list. So, if you are interested, please give me in a private message your email address in order that I could send you an invitation to join the team.

Thanks for your PM @anartist

I have just send you an invitation to join the yahoo group.

Please post a little intro as soon as you have joined the group. The translators/transcribers team will be happy to welcome you.

And if you have any questions about transcription, do not hesitate to post them in that group.

And as you know, please remember the following note which is very important for all translators/transcribers :[/QUOTE]

"Notice to all those interested in volunteering to do translations: We would also like to strongly suggest that you participate regularly in the forum. As you can imagine, translating SOTT/QFS/FOTCM/Cass material also requires a desire to work on the self. This project, believe it or not, is a very useful tool for us all, as we learn a lot about ourselves, networking and the material itself while doing it. But most of the networking and work on the self needs to be done in the forum. The more you participate, the more you learn and the more other members learn with you! "
More updates!

These shows now have transcripts available:

Great work everyone! :thup:
More shows with transcripts!

So now that all the shows are on YouTube and we've got some transcripts for those shows, I did a little experiment to see how YT's auto-sync feature works. Basically, you can upload a text file, tell it to sync and you'll have proper subtitles for the show. While YT's auto-transcribe feature is not bad, but it's also not great and apparently it doesn't help with search ranking (and possibly penalize you since sometimes it spits out gibberish which search engine interpret as spam). In other words, it's better and recommend to use proper transcriptions for the shows.

However, if we are going to start using the transcribed texts, we might want to re-evaluate how we transcribe. For audio only transcriptions there was more leeway in condensing speech, removing extra 'umms' and 'aahss', rewording sentences etc. However with video, where the text is rolled out live with the speaker, the rules are a bit different. What I'm wondering is if we can find a happy medium, where a bit more of the live speech is captured, while at the same time keeping the text fairly readable for those just reading.

Anyway, for those who are interested, here's what I did to convert the transcript into a YT friendly format and sync it to the video. It does a fairly good job for the most part but it still does require some intervention on part of the user to fix areas that aren't perfectly synced.


1. Open a plain text editor and copy/paste into it from the SoTT article. Delete all instances people's names and stuff in brackets (ie, [laughter] - see red circles). Save the text file.


2. Go into creator studio in YT. Select the video you want to edit and then go to the "Subtitles/CC" tab.


3. Click on the button "Add new subtitles or CC". A drop down menu appears. Select "English". At the same time, you might also want to turn ON community contributions. A link will appear under the video. This link will allow others to edit the time stamps and text. I think what we could start doing is for videos that have a transcript uploaded, this link can be put into the spreadsheet. At some point it can be reviewed and since the auto-sync isn't perfect it could do with someone tweaking the captions that are a bit off.


4. Select upload file. A dialogue box will appear. Browse to where you have saved the text file and upload.


5. After it uploads you will see the text from your upload in the text box. Review the text quickly by scrolling through looking for weird symbols. Sometimes characters don't save correctly in text format (for example, a quotation mark copied from word doc is not the same as the one copied from a text doc). If all looks okay, click "Set timings".


6. It will take a while (depending on length of video) but you can check back periodically to see if it has finished by clicking on the greyed out button. If it is not ready you'll get a message telling you to check again.


7. Once done you'll be taken to the editing screen. Here you can review the text and fix parts that are off. It is pretty easy to edit and remove/add captions if necessary. Once finished hit "Publish".


And that's it! The other thing that is really good about using proper transcriptions is the the auto-translate feature also works better. You'll get better translations since it reads off your transcript file instead of the auto-caption.

However, if we are going to start using the transcribed texts, we might want to re-evaluate how we transcribe. For audio only transcriptions there was more leeway in condensing speech, removing extra 'umms' and 'aahss', rewording sentences etc. However with video, where the text is rolled out live with the speaker, the rules are a bit different. What I'm wondering is if we can find a happy medium, where a bit more of the live speech is captured, while at the same time keeping the text fairly readable for those just reading.

I was just thinking about the same thing, fabric. I have already started increasing my accuracy in transcribing the podcasts, mostly as how you've described it above. Would it make sense to make the work of uploading and time-syncing the transcriptions to the YT video the responsibility of the person doing the PR2, i.e. the second proofreader?
I was just thinking about the same thing, fabric. I have already started increasing my accuracy in transcribing the podcasts, mostly as how you've described it above. Would it make sense to make the work of uploading and time-syncing the transcriptions to the YT video the responsibility of the person doing the PR2, i.e. the second proofreader?

I think it might be better to have a 3rd person (as to spread out the work load) do it but it if the person doing the PR2 wants to return to clean things up that would be fine too. As for uploading, better to let the channel administrators handle that. What they can do is allow "community contributions" and paste the link in the spreadsheet. Then whoever decides to work on it can do so at their leisure. We can add another column for all the new YT shows and add it as a task to be completed.
Transcripts now on SoTT!

A couple of more:

Latest transcripts:

Just a heads up for transcribers. Now that the shows are on YouTube, transcribing should be a bit easier. You can download the auto-generated closed captioning transcript directly from YT. Just click the three dots, then "open transcript". A box will open on the right hand of the screen with each line transcribed. They do a fairly decent job. (You can toggle the timestamps on and off by clicking on the three dots at the top of the transcript box.) Just copy and past and you have a basic transcript to work on. It just needs punctuation, and the odd change in a misinterpreted word here and there.

Thanks for this. It takes a lot of the finger ache out of the initial translation. FYI if you are using MS Word, it will copy it as is, including all of the paragraph breaks, ending up looking something like this:

But if you're on Windows and press Ctrl + H to open the find and replace box, enter ^p in the Find box and put a space in the Replace, then hit Replace all a few times, it'll replace the line breaks with normal spaces.

Saves a bit of time. Result:

Probably similar instructions you can lookup for other OS's and word processors.
These now have transcripts available:

More updates:

Thanks for this. It takes a lot of the finger ache out of the initial translation. FYI if you are using MS Word, it will copy it as is, including all of the paragraph breaks, ending up looking something like this:
View attachment 31064

But if you're on Windows and press Ctrl + H to open the find and replace box, enter ^p in the Find box and put a space in the Replace, then hit Replace all a few times, it'll replace the line breaks with normal spaces.
View attachment 31065

Saves a bit of time. Result:
View attachment 31066

Probably similar instructions you can lookup for other OS's and word processors.

Then if you do Ctrl + H again and put 2 empty spaces (space bar) in the find box and just 1 empty space in the replace with box, it takes out all the double spaces.
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