Help with creating (and proofreading) transcripts of SOTT Talk Radio shows

Transcripts now available for:

Happy reading!
Transcripts now on SoTT!

Just incase some hearing impaired people weren't aware next to the CC (subtitles) tool at the bottom right of many youtube videos is a playback speed option whereby you can slow the readout of the presenter. I find this handy when the audio on my pc goes awol and then I like to set the speed at 0.75

Downside is the machine translater can mangle maybe 1 out of 10 words

Hi there, is the Yahoo Group still being used for the transcripts of the older shows? It looks like Yahoo is revamping the system and it no longer shows a conversation list. I checked their FAQ and they've indicated that the following features will be removed:

These shows now have audio transcripts:

Hi there, is the Yahoo Group still being used for the transcripts of the older shows? It looks like Yahoo is revamping the system and it no longer shows a conversation list.

The workgroups have moved to a new service and are no longer using Yahoo groups. You should have received a message (in fact several) about the move if you were in any of the workgroups. If you missed it or are interested in joining, let @Gandalf know and he can sort you out.
More updates! Nice work guys, ya'll are doing a fine job.

Hi all,
I'm a professional Technical & Business Writer and Editor - ping me if you ever need help with anything.
The following now have transcripts:

Show updates!! These now all have transcripts available:



Hi there, please could somebody invite me to the IO groups for transcribing? Apologies for not requesting it initially when we moved from google to groups IO
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