Help with creating (and proofreading) transcripts of SOTT Talk Radio shows

Right you are. PM incoming. Thanks.

Hi @strategic enclosure

I have just send you an invitation to join the group.

Please post a little intro as soon as you have joined the group. The translators/transcribers team will be happy to welcome you.

And if you have any questions about transcription, do not hesitate to post them in that group.

And as you know, please remember the following note which is very important for all translators/transcribers :[/QUOTE]

"Notice to all those interested in volunteering to do translations: We would also like to strongly suggest that you participate regularly in the forum. As you can imagine, translating SOTT/QFS/FOTCM/Cass material also requires a desire to work on the self. This project, believe it or not, is a very useful tool for us all, as we learn a lot about ourselves, networking and the material itself while doing it. But most of the networking and work on the self needs to be done in the forum. The more you participate, the more you learn and the more other members learn with you! "
Hi @strategic enclosure

I have just send you an invitation to join the group.

Please post a little intro as soon as you have joined the group. The translators/transcribers team will be happy to welcome you.

And if you have any questions about transcription, do not hesitate to post them in that group.

And as you know, please remember the following note which is very important for all translators/transcribers :

Much obliged, sir. I have joined the group and posted a little intro message and am looking forward to getting going. Message received and understand with regard to your 'quote'.
Transcripts available!

Thank You for the show: MindMatters: Ibn Arabi, the Unlimited Mercifier: Interview with Stephen Hirtenstein

I loved Stephen mentioning creating a very special prayer and his apparent - I think, well-founded - obsession with prayers.
I loved how he emphasized its really useful to know --= To Whom =- you are praying, Stephen mentioning there also exist the names of The Names of God. Sounded to me like a good consideration must be given to address-space in higher realities.

As Above So Below:
So post offices aren't needed in our reality at all, since our sent packages and snail-mail are self-aware and can fly to the target, like carrier-pigeons can find their own way to the addressee. This is good, because - As Above So Below (if there is a heavily bureocratic post office in 3rdD, there is really now chance in Hell, there exist something similar in higher densities..), so there is really no need for a Cosmic Bureocracy Mega Phone Centre for prayers in higher realities, since those billions of prayers just intelligently find their own way to the addressee, harassing a higher entity with millions of mis-spelled prayers that have not the correctly spelled Names of the Names of God, so the poor, mis-addressed higher entity - angel, etc.. - can get bogged down in BackLog Hell [sic] by sending back prayers to whoever they really belong [after he decided a lot weren't really meant to him] and there is absolutely no Cosmic Bureocracy Center [with many many higher-density "post-office" workers] needed to figure out, which exact addressee the billions of poor misguided praying humans meant. :D

I'm loving how this investigation into PrayerLand is turning out. :D Now the third famous person emphasizing the importance of prayers, he mentioning is very important to nail down, to whom you pray, which of course implies great confusion and misguidedness of the masses, because of deliberate obfuscation by PtB, so the masses don't even know, to whom to pray to. So the Spiritually Hijacked Masses of Sheeple can't all get their much needed help from prayers..
There are people for example, who pray to specific saints. Its not all to The Holy Spirit of Christ, you know..
Anyway I do like, where this is going! :D Please continue! :D
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Great job everyone!

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