Laundromat. Thrift shop. Places real life occurs that women go. But… it sounds like some self-work is indeed in order. A “girlfriend” may not be the droid you are looking for.
Realistically, I don't think many women, at least of my age and type, go such places. I was at a bar at one evening maybe a week ago and took a beer, just regular folks there, no women. I lived in this town my whole life, and I never seem to find any people here that seem to fit my profile, which is another reason I am planning on moving away from here. But I am looking for a girlfriend, not C-3PO.
“sex, food and drinking.” Go to the pub.
Sure, there is a pub in this town where nothing ever happens. I will go for a beer, just to observe what people goes in. But I bet that most places these days are rather civilized and people who go out are already in relationships and have families and orders something to eat. Perhaps I am wrong but it's not like in the movies or like it was some decade ago, at least in this town, where people would get drunk and have fun, but then again, I don't go out much.
I think it is worthwhile to really think deeply about what characteristics and values your ideal girlfriend would have. Describe your perfect woman and include aspects of her spirituality, kindness, morality etc as well as the more basic need to have common interests.
Then think deeply about whether you are the kind of person your ideal girlfriend would want to be with. Work to becoming that person.
Thanks for one of the more serious replies so far. I will try to describe my 'perfect woman'. She should be between 25-35, white skin, blue eyes, in good health. And seriously, good looking. The value merit would be that she isn't religious or follow any odd teachings. UFO/alien interest like myself is fine. Cleans up after herself and keeps a good hygiene. I would like to have a dominant, kind, and reflective woman. Motherly in her relationship. She should fit my taste for things, for example, I prefer leather sofas so should she, I can listen to rap music, she should be capable of hearing it, and I should in retrospect be able to listen and like the things she is likes when riding in a car for example. I would not be in a relationship with someone who doesn't fit my profile. Since I am somewhat at times a person who may get ideas and find myself in odd situations, my perfect woman could be a woman, who doesn't fear at all to correct me when I am getting 'psychotic'. So, if she wanted to, she could really use physical corrections, like grabbing me if I am about to do something which I myself don't quite understand what I am doing at those situations. This is something that should work, because if that doesn't work then I guess there is no point in continuing a relationship. Sexually, it's important that that works. I would not feel offended if I got a whip pushed down my throat. I Hope this describes better what I am looking for.
From momentsscription of what you are looking for, you could just order an Uber, drive through Maccas and get dropped off at the whorehouse.
Except I don't eat McDonalds, I prefer kebab rolls.
Seriously, do you actually want to be in a relationship?
Have you read all of Lauras books and gone through the recommended reading list? Are you eating a good diet? Is your lifestyle wholesome? Are you doing the work?
In short, I came into the C's material when I was 13 years old. I have not read all of Laura's books, but I have read some through the years. As for the recommended reading I have read a few books mentioned there. I am listening to Valiant Thor right now but otherwise I haven't done much reading. I have a simple diet, but have eliminated candy, soda, sugar and milk. I only drink water when I eat, which seems better for me. Lots of meat, oranges, paprika and lemon. I don't smoke tobacco anymore but smoke Vape, which is steam not smoke. My health is good, but sometimes when I feel uncomfortable my eye sight gets worsened for some reason. Usually, it happens when I haven't eaten too well and have drinken too much water or if I have come into contact with fragrances from some people.
There is the old saying "If the pupil is ready, the teacher will appear". I think it's the same with GF - whenever you need to learn a lesson that person will pop up in your life - for good or bad.
I feel ready to face the teacher.