Hemochromatosis and Autoimmune Conditions

anart said:
Looks like since the transferrin readings are low (TIBC and UIBC from what I understand) and the ferritin reading is high, I'm dealing with 'chronic disease' and perhaps iron overload? I'm not dealing with any acute conditions, though, so any correction or clarification on that would be appreciated!

Iron overload for sure. Says here in the book (Exposing the Hidden Dangers of Iron):
The percentage of transferrin saturation is calculated by dividing serum iron by TIBC and multiplying by 100%.

So yours is 46%. It should be less than 35%. Quoting from book:

If the patient has an elevated transferrin iron saturation percentage greater than 45% with an accompanying elevated serum ferritin, iron overload is present and phlebotomy can commence.

I hope you don't mind decanting.
anart said:
...Okay, here are my results:

Test Description Result Range Units
Iron, Serum001339 105 35-155 ug/dL
Iron Bind.Cap.(TIBC)001347 230 250-450 ug/dL (the lab flagged as low)
UIBC 001348 125 150-375 ug/dL (the lab flagged as low)
Iron Saturation 011362 46 15-55 %

Test Description Result Range Units
Ferritin, Serum 004598 197 13-150 ng/mL (the lab flagged this as high)

Now, I'm trying to make sense out of it with the pdf that LQB linked to above and I'm having a little trouble figuring it out. Looks like since the transferrin readings are low (TIBC and UIBC from what I understand) and the ferritin reading is high, I'm dealing with 'chronic disease' and perhaps iron overload? I'm not dealing with any acute conditions, though, so any correction or clarification on that would be appreciated!

That is a positive reading on all three measures, using the IOD criteria! It's not borderline. The IOD approach is simpler than that of some of their spin-off/look-alikes (no genetic testing & no liver biopsy), and makes more sense to me. It sounds to me as though you should try decanting some significant amounts of blood, in order to confirm the test results.

I am thinking the same for myself, although only two measure were out of bounds and the other was barely inside. In both cases, yours and mine, there is likely to be something peculiar (and unwanted) going on with iron, whether HH is the cause or not.
In between decantations (how's that for a word?) I'm doing the EDTA oral chelation as I've mentioned. I've been doing it three days on, four off, and taking mineral supplements on the four days off. It must be really doing something because I get these bursts of energy while taking EDTA. I understand that is because it is unloading the evil heavy metals and allowing the zinc to do its thing (whatever it is) with the mtDNA energy factories. I also noticed that I had mild leg cramps this morning so I stopped after two days this time and will go a week taking minerals before the next round.

Anyway, funny thing: I had a dream the other night that someone was supposed to give me a validation or verification of some sort for Matthew 24. I was given a box and inside was a funny looking carton which I opened and it had 72 eggs in it cleverly arranged like sphere packing so that they all fit in this very small carton. This was supposed to be the "validation of Matthew 24. (Don't ask, I just dream the stuff!)

Today, a box arrived in the mail and I opened it. Inside were things that looked like big egg cartons - in fact, like the ones in my dream. BUT inside these boxy paper egg carton looking things were bottles of liquid minerals that I had ordered because I have problems swallowing the pills (they are giant). (Grape flavored, too!) Ark made a joke about my 72 eggs and Matthew 24 of the dream a couple nights ago.

That got me to thinking about all this blood, mineral, energy, transformation business and holding that bottle of minerals in my hand reminded me of something Cs once said about another dream I had, back in 1997:

Q: I had a dream the other night. As Ark and I were leaving
the park in my dream, I looked up and saw a mosaic on the
side of the mountain. It had seven sharks, one above the
other, the lowest being pale almost to the point of
transparency, and the highest being very dark and intense
in color. There was a HUGE sperm whale to the upper left,
he was in the posture of whipping around, his eye had
caught {sight of} the sharks, and his mouth was open and he was going
to swallow them all in a single gulp. What was the
meaning of the whale and the sharks?

A: Logic.

Q: Are you telling me to use logic, or that the meaning IS

A: Logic says to you: examine!

Q: The other part of the dream was that I disappeared and
reemerged from a cleft in a rock. I was cleaning... he
went to investigate... and he returned and was crying and
all this water was flowing out of there like a spring...
What was the significance of this?

A: Trace minerals interact with deeply held secrets.

Now the reason this reminded me of that dream was because in the dream, what I was cleaning was a bottle or vase I had picked up out of the mud in front of the cave that was similar in size to this bottle of minerals that just arrived in the mail. I was using something like Q-tips to clean out tracings in the vase and beautiful etching was being revealed and the vase itself was turning out to be beautiful purple translucent glass.

Anyway, this sorta came together with a conversation we had here about a week ago. We were talking about the fact that most people who give blood now and then don't even think about it in terms of it being beneficial to unload iron much less in esoteric terms. We were also speculating about the genetic implications of what we are doing and the step by step process we have followed for the past 5 years of physiology research, and that's when Belibaste said something like "what we are really doing here is going beyond being human, acquiring knowledge and application that go beyond just 'getting healthy'." When he said it, it struck me that, yeah, we aren't yet totally able to control everything in our environment with our thoughts as we would like, but we are practicing doing that, in effect, by acquiring knowledge and using ordinary 3D tools to do what amounts to the same thing, including our bodies. It then becomes like a feedback mechanism: once you know exactly what it is you need to do and how it feels, you can better achieve mental mastery. It's like practicing doing things with your mind via the medium of 3D reality actions.

Next thing is that while I was searching for that clip about the minerals, the following also came up from 1998:

Q: (A) Now, I have here something from Australia. These
people are talking about many things including this
Kozyrev Time Machine. Also, they have something on what
they call 'The Amazing Hieronymous Machine.' (L reads)

"On 27th September, 1949 a very strange patent was granted, by
the United States Patent Office, to one Dr. Thomas
Hieronymous. It was for a device which was intended for
the detection and analysis of minerals, using a previously
undiscovered sensing method. The machine uses a sensing
detector made of a coil of wire, an optical prism which is
mounted on a rotating mechanism, a small electronic
amplifier, and an output device known as a 'tactile
sensor.' Sometime in early 1960 when I owned an
electronics design laboratory a regular client wandered in
with one of these devices. He had found instructions on
how to build one in a popular science fiction magazine,
and he wanted to see what I thought of it. Well, I can
tell you now, I didn't think of it. The whole thing was
ridiculous and was an insult to everything I had learned
about electronics. The only problem I had was... it
worked!! And it worked like this: the mineral sample was
placed in front of the pickup coil and the prism rotated
mechanically until a signal was detected at the output.
And this is where my belief system was strained to its
limit! The 'output' consisted of a flat coil of wire
placed beneath a piece of glass. I was told to rub my
finger lightly over the glass and tune the prism at the
same time. At a critical point in the tuning process the
contact between my finger and the glass suddenly felt
'tacky' as if someone had spilt orange juice on it. And
this was the basis for the patent, a new form of
detection... the Tactile Detector. All forms of detection
in measuring equipment prior to this had been by sight or
sound. That is, you could watch a voltmeter mover or you
could hear a changing audio tone. but this new device
worked by a 'change in feel/touch.' Since then this form
of detection has been widely adopted for use in general
'radionics' devices which are used by a number of
alternative medicine practitioners in Australia as a
means of determining health problems. I have seen one of
these machines demonstrated by a skilled operator and the
accuracy is better than 90%. If the dial of a Hieronymous
machine is calibrated to a certain mineral, any similar
mineral placed by the pickup coil will produce a
'response' at exactly the same portion of the dial. By
using advanced attenuating circuits the metallic ration in
alloys can be accurately determined. Nobody has a clue
how or why it works but then again, in the 19th century,
nobody had a clue how electricity or magnetic fields
worked, but plenty of people used these strange 'new'
effects to make money. [...] A well known rocket
engineer, Harry Stine, who was employed at the White Sands
missile range, New Mexico, built one of these machines and
tried it out on the other scientists and engineers on the
base. He found that 80% could get it to work and even Dr.
Clyde Tombaugh, the astronomer who discovered the planet
Pluto in 1930, found he could make the machine work
effectively. Stine was so dumbfounded with the
possibilities that he has since devoted a fair portion of
his life to investigating these and similar devices.' (A)
I would like to ask why this machine works?

A: Transducer is crystalline in nature. Quartzine polymer
collects ambient radiation through point of even balance.

Now, I don't know any more about the Hieronymous machine or what it could be used for, but I am definitely intrigued by trace minerals "interacting with deeply held secrets".
Laura said:
...Now, I don't know any more about the Hieronymous machine or what it could be used for, but I am definitely intrigued by trace minerals "interacting with deeply held secrets".

Oh my aching brain -- so many things to think about. I just keep thinking about the possibility of a downside to removing all excess stored iron. I wonder if something more than iron could be lost.
Megan said:
anart said:
...Okay, here are my results:

Test Description Result Range Units
Iron, Serum001339 105 35-155 ug/dL
Iron Bind.Cap.(TIBC)001347 230 250-450 ug/dL (the lab flagged as low)
UIBC 001348 125 150-375 ug/dL (the lab flagged as low)
Iron Saturation 011362 46 15-55 %

Test Description Result Range Units
Ferritin, Serum 004598 197 13-150 ng/mL (the lab flagged this as high)

Now, I'm trying to make sense out of it with the pdf that LQB linked to above and I'm having a little trouble figuring it out. Looks like since the transferrin readings are low (TIBC and UIBC from what I understand) and the ferritin reading is high, I'm dealing with 'chronic disease' and perhaps iron overload? I'm not dealing with any acute conditions, though, so any correction or clarification on that would be appreciated!

That is a positive reading on all three measures, using the IOD criteria! It's not borderline. The IOD approach is simpler than that of some of their spin-off/look-alikes (no genetic testing & no liver biopsy), and makes more sense to me. It sounds to me as though you should try decanting some significant amounts of blood, in order to confirm the test results.

I am thinking the same for myself, although only two measure were out of bounds and the other was barely inside. In both cases, yours and mine, there is likely to be something peculiar (and unwanted) going on with iron, whether HH is the cause or not.

I have an appointment to give blood next week, so that's a start.
Got my test results back from LabCorp:

Test Description Result Range Units
Iron, Serum001339 47 40-155 ug/dL
Iron Bind.Cap.(TIBC)001347 187 250-450 ug/dL (flagged as low)
UIBC001348 140 150-375 ug/dL (flagged as low)
Iron Saturation011362 25 15-55 %

Test Description Result Range Units
Ferritin, Serum004598 511 30-400 ng/mL (flagged as high)

I have an appointment to give blood in 3 weeks.
Heimdallr said:
Got my test results back from LabCorp:

Test Description Result Range Units
Iron, Serum001339 47 40-155 ug/dL
Iron Bind.Cap.(TIBC)001347 187 250-450 ug/dL (flagged as low)
UIBC001348 140 150-375 ug/dL (flagged as low)
Iron Saturation011362 25 15-55 %

Test Description Result Range Units
Ferritin, Serum004598 511 30-400 ng/mL (flagged as high)

I have an appointment to give blood in 3 weeks.

Your transferrin saturation is OK but UIBC is low and something is going on with serum ferritin (as it is with me). From what I understand so far, this may indicate some sort of chronic inflammation. The UIBC is an alternate way of testing for iron overload (HH or otherwise), and that reading is reason for concern, I believe.

In addition to hereditary hemochromatosis there are other iron overload disorders and even when these tests come back negative for HH, additional follow-up may be called for. This is where having a doctor that understands this stuff can come in very handy!

Decanting blood weekly and observing that hemoglobin comes right back seems to be the definitive way to diagnose HH, although evidently doctors may be reluctant to prescribe that.
anart said:
...I have an appointment to give blood next week, so that's a start.

Is there any way you could follow that up with a test the following week to see if your hemoglobin recovers rapidly? (I don't know if a single decanting is enough to establish the pattern, though.)
For American members is at the moment this ebay auction running for Roberta Crawfords book (the person writes to be contacted beforehand before bidding from foreign countries, I tried but it is impossible to contact the person):

Laura said:
...Now, I don't know any more about the Hieronymous machine or what it could be used for, but I am definitely intrigued by trace minerals "interacting with deeply held secrets".

That Tactile Detection Machine reminds me of a visit I had with a naturopath years ago. She had me hold different substances (like milk, wheat) in my hand while she touched my other hand. With her free hand she rubbed her index finger and thumb together. If the rubbing sensation was tacky or not smooth it indicated that my body did not want whatever substance I was holding. So in a way, humans can be tactile detection machines. Maybe this technique, if it's not total bunk, can be used to detect and analyze the bodies mineral levels and then compared to actual lab results as an experiment. :P
I did a general blood analysis the previous week. The results were normal in almost all items. Except my ferritin levels were 105 ng/mL (sorry, but I have not asked further examination), but my level of immunoglobulin E are very high (I am a man of 30 years, and I suffer from allergies all my life, even before starting the paleo diet a couple of years ago. Though from the diet change have intensified my allergies). So I went to donate blood. And really after that I felt the same as someone said before, that my lungs opened up and I could breathe better, which is too obvious for someone like me with asthma. And what also happened is that the allergic reaction, hives from last week, disappeared.
For a more complete analysis would suffice with Transferrin saturation, serum Ferritin and serum iron or I need more? I also plan to genetic analysis, but maybe that should be the second step.
Odyssey said:
Laura said:
...Now, I don't know any more about the Hieronymous machine or what it could be used for, but I am definitely intrigued by trace minerals "interacting with deeply held secrets".

That Tactile Detection Machine reminds me of a visit I had with a naturopath years ago. She had me hold different substances (like milk, wheat) in my hand while she touched my other hand. With her free hand she rubbed her index finger and thumb together. If the rubbing sensation was tacky or not smooth it indicated that my body did not want whatever substance I was holding. So in a way, humans can be tactile detection machines. Maybe this technique, if it's not total bunk, can be used to detect and analyze the bodies mineral levels and then compared to actual lab results as an experiment. :P

I read a book many years ago about radionics/dowsing and the possibilities it offers. The autor explained that through charts designed for a specific purpose he can obtain information about mineral balances in the body. It was something like put the pendulum in a periodic table, element by element with a picture of the subject in contact with the other hand and with a mental convention about the spin of the pendulum, ask if there was an excess of lack of any element in the body. Of course that need a lot of practice, but it was always in my mind to do it. Then, you can even ask if the mineral deficiency is present in any organ in the body using a chart of the human body parts. So it seems to be useful but needs to dominate the technique.
Laura said:
Anyway, this sorta came together with a conversation we had here about a week ago. We were talking about the fact that most people who give blood now and then don't even think about it in terms of it being beneficial to unload iron much less in esoteric terms. We were also speculating about the genetic implications of what we are doing and the step by step process we have followed for the past 5 years of physiology research, and that's when Belibaste said something like "what we are really doing here is going beyond being human, acquiring knowledge and application that go beyond just 'getting healthy'." When he said it, it struck me that, yeah, we aren't yet totally able to control everything in our environment with our thoughts as we would like, but we are practicing doing that, in effect, by acquiring knowledge and using ordinary 3D tools to do what amounts to the same thing, including our bodies. It then becomes like a feedback mechanism: once you know exactly what it is you need to do and how it feels, you can better achieve mental mastery. It's like practicing doing things with your mind via the medium of 3D reality actions.

What you said Laura invokes in me an experience I had with some multimineral supplement. I tried to regularly take the tablets like religion. And one day I just looked at the tablets and I thought I should take one but I had the feeling that no this is not the thing I need right now. I tried then to force myself but found that I would be ashamed of myself if I did that. I had to throw it out. Only now I realize that it was a good thing because I remember that the supplement contained a fair dose of iron. Back then I didn't know (I had only a feeling) but now I see it was a logical choice with the knowledge about iron overload.
Regarding the trace minerals that is an interesting stuff. The question is if the trace minerals are beneficial, or they tend to interfere with the body functions in some way. Like forming some plaque. The cleaning of the vase or bottle invokes in me cleaning of the body and EDTA surely cleans the body. But it can be interpreted in many ways.
There's some research by Clifford Carnicorn on Morgellon's and iron that may be worth looking at. As a caveat, Carnicorn is also known for his research into chemtrails, and was mentioned on the forum here. That being said, his Morgellon's research seems straightforward enough, and the discussion of iron (particularly the difference between Fe3+ and Fe2+) and biology is instructive:


Main points (summarized at the bottom of the article) include alkalization, oxidation, iron and iron-consuming lifeforms, detoxification, and enzymes. There's also a video of his here where he and his guest talk about iron and its relation to other things like collagen, cysteine and histadine, and alkalinity (this study discusses a link between iron overload and collagen imbalance in the liver).

It's also mentioned in the Iron Disorders Institute Guide to Hemochromatosis (p. 99-100) that metals such as iron and possibly copper are implicated in diabetes, and the topic of trace minerals and their role in methylization (a key process in epigenetic function) is talked about in Nutrient Power.

Finally, there's a site based on the book How You Rot and Rust here:


It approaches several topics within a pleomorphism framework, and also discusses things like pH level/alkalinity, trace minerals, and how these interact with the "terrain" of the body -- it's broken down into manageable subsections, and may have some leads that could be worth following up on.
A Hieronymous Machine patent is #2482773. Enter this into pat2pdf.org and it will give you a free PDF for it. There are a lot of ridiculous claims about this machine to be found on the net after the fact.

According to the patent, the resonant circuit acts as a filter, like a bandpass filter you would use to pick out a specific radio station and tune out the clutter.

In Laura's example, it seems the indicator plate was stimulated magnetically (flat coil), and in the patent it's stimulated electrically (electrodes). The patent states that the electrical amplifier is helpful, but not necessary. So I wonder if the same coil used to stimulate the indicator plate could be used as the detector coil in a simpler incarnation.

Here are two interesting links. Any such sites should be taken with a chunk of salt. The first link appears to be what Hieronymous himself wrote about the machine and is the most direct source of information I could find on its use. The second link shows a diagram of a different incarnation of the machine, and seems to be the kind Laura describes. This machine uses coil/capacitor resonators seemingly exclusively for tuning, and the prism is simply pointed at the specimen. The explanation given involves quantum physics and while I don't understand quantum physics it makes sense to me that Hieronymous's decision to put the specimen in a coil could have been a result of not really understanding the physics of the device. Maybe someone here can say if the quantum explanation makes sense?



I can immediately think of some really helpful purposes for such a machine. For instance, characterize some omega-3 capsules and then compare the measurements with different meats to see what might be best to eat. Or, do the same with heavy metals or grains to see if your food is contaminated.
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