Hitler & the hyperdimensional perspective


This thread is a follow-up from a discussion started here.

Hitler and various historical events are discussed, and the hyperdimensional aspect of it has been rapidly popping up.

A good sum up for this present thread ("Hitler & the hyperdimensional perspective") may go as follows:

(from another thread - Did Hitler want war)
perhaps we should concentrate on "control mechanism" from 4d more than 3d aspects of the same

It could be that threads would be created, in the "history" section of the forum, and elaborating more about the 3D events.

seek10 has been summing up such perspective as follows:
Irrespective of the "party" line, most significant events are controlled one way or other

Should we gather all the historical events about this period, that we wouldn't, most probably, be able to explain it in its entirety.

This require an additional "lens".

This is due to the fact that there exists hyperdimensional origination and that this has to be factored in in order to get the big picture:

No 3D "party" has full control and reasonable to assume each party is fed to act the way they acted. Clues are quickly attempted to be buried. Psychopaths are not creative in any sense. They are more like interface to 4D STS. C's mentioned 4D STS as "souped up psychopaths". So all the sophisticated maneuvering done to create our opinions originated from different reality.

It appears that it becomes relevant to study "Hitler" from such perspective.

I would propose to include here in this thread various considerations about him, but susceptible to make the boat progress, this being done with the discernement of this 4th density, polarized to S.T.S. and acting behind the curtains.

This may allow a better understanding because we would start with the true origin of the phenomenon - in opposition to a historical perspective which would actually be staring at the end of a long causative process.

Lobaczewski's theory allows a focus on such phenomenons, too, and as this thread is located in the Ponerology" section, it would surely be productive than to benefit from his lens. Psychopathology seems to be a manifestation of the 4th density phenomenon, and such "in-between knowledge" is then precious. Lobaczewski would act as an intellectual bridge between a plain 3D perspective and a purely hyperdimensional intellectual framework.

Note: this thread is created to split this discussion from its initial thread which was a generic thread about the C's cosmology.

Feel free, seek10, jcsmalz, Ricardo & others to follow up here as we had to stop the discussion!

The above introduction may be incomplete; may you fine tune and / or correct my possible mistakes. Thank you! 🤔
Thank you , stil a bit hesitant to write "here" , finding the work of (....) ,was very impact-full , to put it mildly , and "happy go l...." is still somewhat of a redpill a day , but prayer helps so , anyways , as for psychos and sociopaths they perform a somewhat centralized function , and initially for me it helped explain the more explicit horror that surrounds human kind on a daily basis ( a bit over twenty years ago ) over time and incorporating more knowledge , eventually however the " mechanistically randomness" of the op's , made it all more , hm , understandable , even if their lot is a "mostly" passive one. Back then i was spending time reading all the western anthopologists (...), and trying to make sense of it all yet having no luck , came to call Western/modern anthropology as Ant taxonomy ( the only formal anthropologist that i acknowledge as such is Carlos Castañeda fwiiw ), since you're opening a big can 'o worms as per threads title , the books that i still return to on occasion , are all on the recommended reading list, and for being the more "explicit " Gnosis is at the top , since on one hand it details the human machine on an invidual level ( ie the enneagram ) , and also on a more wide approach like the below image ( page. 186 volume 1 , where Ph. refers to Philosophy , R. to religion , S to science , A. to art .) ,on the reverse side it helps to detail why negative emotions are so relevant for the sts , ie hi-jacking of the human machine via/for negative emotions , yet more it (imnsho) also may help the understanding of human language (...) , hope this helps.

@palestine, may I suggest that you use more simple expressions so that it is easier for the readers to understand you?

There is no need to impress anyone with complicated expressions, especially since some of these do not translate well into English and create confusion instead of clarity.

For example here:
I would propose to include here in this thread various considerations about him, but susceptible to make the boat progress, this being done with the discernement of this 4th density, polarized to S.T.S. and acting behind the curtains.
Instead of this confusing and convoluted sentence, why not simply say: "In this thread I would like to discuss Hitler and the influences that 4D STS had on him."

I think the most interesting question you brought up in the other thread is whether 4D STS failed in WW2 or whether everything went according to plan for them.

@Ricardo, please also try to make your posts more clear and easier to understand. It is a part of external consideration to take the time to structure your responses and make shorter sentences, instead of a confusing "train of thought" writing method.

I think this is not really a language barrier problem, as much as trying to see from the perspective of the readers and simply editing what you wrote so that it is clearer and easier to understand.

Sorry for taking this thread somewhat off-topic, but I think this feedback may be helpful for better communication in the future.
The 4D STS down to the 3D which is STS is part of a LARGER system. It’s important to understand each part of a machine to know it…Know thy self and know the systems = greater chance of success however getting “caught” in one part makes one miss the point. Everything on earth is a reflection of what is allowed by the earth “rule set” 4D knows the 3D rule set and the human condition so they hack or manipulate the men/women that are beholden to. However knowing the rules of earth/reality and knowing ourself and the larger system not just 20% of it allows one to choose.

If Hitler was to manifest in my life and control it to where it lead me to extinction by gas/fire/what have you then it is what it is that is the fate.

There are a lot of wrong doings in individuals lives and in the greater world and yes Robert Monroe described the “loosh” for them the above STS however one can make themselves useful to the larger system and will be elevated above
@palestine, may I suggest that you use more simple expressions so that it is easier for the readers to understand you?

There is no need to impress anyone with complicated expressions, especially since some of these do not translate well into English and create confusion instead of clarity.

For example here:

Instead of this confusing and convoluted sentence, why not simply say: "In this thread I would like to discuss Hitler and the influences that 4D STS had on him."

I think the most interesting question you brought up in the other thread is whether 4D STS failed in WW2 or whether everything went according to plan for them.

@Ricardo, please also try to make your posts more clear and easier to understand. It is a part of external consideration to take the time to structure your responses and make shorter sentences, instead of a confusing "train of thought" writing method.

I think this is not really a language barrier problem, as much as trying to see from the perspective of the readers and simply editing what you say so that it is clearer and easier to understand.

Sorry for taking this thread somewhat off-topic, but I think this feedback may be helpful for better communication in the future.
Yes, shorter then.

If I write "4D STS" and short phrases, people not in touch with this will not understand. I wanted to make it a bit "the basics", for people wanting to learn about it.

Really not trying to impress. Could be unconsciously but few. Goal is primarily to convey precise+exhaustive content.
is still somewhat of a redpill a day , but prayer helps so , anyways
Is this due to your day or this thread? I hope not the thread. Last thing I want is "fighting the Matrix". The goal is to do some study - and the topic is specific, but there isn't negativity above the object of study. It remains "inside" and when the study is done we would move to something else.
I guess if you want to focus on the hyper-dimensional perspective, here's what Don Elkins asked Ra about Hitler, and Ra's response :

11.7 Questioner: Can you tell us what happened to Adolf [Hitler]?

Ra: I am Ra. The mind/body/spirit complex known [as] Adolf is at this time in an healing process in the middle astral planes of your spherical force field. This entity was greatly confused and, although aware of the circumstance of change in vibratory level associated with the cessation of the chemical body complex, nevertheless, needed a great deal of care.

35.4 Questioner: I would now like to ask for the same type of information with respect to Adolf Hitler. You have given a little of this already. It is not necessary to re-cover what you have already given, but if you could complete that information it would be helpful.

Ra: I am Ra. In speaking of the one you call Adolf we have some difficulty due to the intense amount of confusion present in this entity’s life patterns as well as the great confusion which greets any discussion of this entity.

Here we see an example of one who, in attempting activation of the highest rays of energy while lacking the green-ray key, canceled itself out as far as polarization either towards positive or negative. This entity was basically negative. However, its confusion was such that the personality disintegrated, thus leaving the mind/body/spirit complex unharvestable and much in need of healing.

This entity followed the pattern of negative polarization which suggests the elite and the enslaved, this being seen by the entity to be of an helpful nature for the societal structure. However, in drifting from the conscious polarization into what you may call a twilight world where dream took the place of events in your space/time continuum, this entity failed in its attempt to serve the Creator in an harvestable degree along the path of service to self. Thus we see the so-called insanity which may often arise when an entity attempts to polarize more quickly than experience may be integrated.

We have advised and suggested caution and patience in previous communications and do so again, using this entity as an example of the over-hasty opening of polarization without due attention to the synthesized and integrated mind/body/spirit complex. To know your self is to have the foundation upon firm ground.

I am not sure whether you read the books 'The Controversy of Zion', ' and ' The Secret Team'. If not, I would suggest you to read them. If i am you, I would read them first. From 'Main stream' to Hyperdimensional version, there are LOT of nuts and bolts, specific patterns primed into control system at the vulnerable stage where Zionists/Israel/Hitler play a crucial role for the current dynamics. Knowing them will make many things easier and clearer than going backwards to debug them. At least that is my understanding.

I am not sure whether you read the books 'The Controversy of Zion', ' and ' The Secret Team'. If not, I would suggest you to read them. If i am you, I would read them first. From 'Main stream' to Hyperdimensional version, there are LOT of nuts and bolts, specific patterns primed into control system at the vulnerable stage where Zionists/Israel/Hitler play a crucial role for the current dynamics. Knowing them will make many things easier and clearer than going backwards to debug them. At least that is my understanding.
Hello seek10 - I have been quickly browsing the Controversy of Zion, in the past. Cannot say that I read the book but I remember it as being one of the most precise analyze of the Zionist topic. I was really impressed. I believe that the book is awaiting, on my reading list. I am not keen to read books online - I cannot help it. But I will order this one one of those days ;) Thanks for the reference.

I don't know about "the Secret Team" - I will have a look.

I understand why you are suggesting those books, it makes sense. You see, I feel a bit in-between, specifically in this regard. I would be eager to ask you about what to do, here it is: I see a propension in the forum's trend to favour a not-to-high scope on basic 3D events (see Juba's post AKA "well, could be best to not overfocus on the 3D aspects"). And so, I wondering how would one best address a study (of the mustache guy, for example). I feel a bit puzzled in the appreciation of any form of focus on 3D "events" and specs. My basic impulse would see it as "useful" (to very useful) but I am not sure.

Overall, I wouldn't want to be "Improductive" on the forum in this regard, and overall, I see how it could be not that relevant. And so, the idea of gathering plain 3D specs and events. Thanks for any takes!

I would like to add something as well: you have been expressing a great perspective, in the other thread. Thank you! I kind of completely forgot to add some STO scope, in the introduction of this present thread. I believe that it matters.

After some thoughts, too, it appears that I could have, as well, included the spec that you hinted at - namely an STO intervention. All together, this would have been producing a [great] thread - well, super specific but great IMO as it would fit best "the reality".

I hope that one day I will be able to edit threads!

Somehow it would be a match with:
  • there was Hitler
  • he was bound to STS
  • there has been an STO intervention
And so, today's reality being a bit in shambles would be best addressed with a study of the above. Well, I like to dissect things and find relevance in the idea of remaining at one of the above specs only. Let me know your thoughts if you would like to!

Thank you for your inputs! 🤔
Would you say that this applies as well to an (hypothetical) study of some STS part?
The reason why "The Work" is so important - is that you can separate what are your own negative lower entropy traits and what you feel/think comes from the outside 4dSTS... For example if your energy your center of gravity is focused in your intellect and you ruminate about perceived stresses or problems is this 4DSTS? or is this something that you need to work on. Balance your intellectual and emotional centers for a more harmonious existence.

I say the above because one might get "caught" up in study for learning about the system we are in for just that learning but that persons intellect may have an issue moving on from the info in that STS part. Thus missing how that part fits in the bigger picture. So yes and no it applies to study of certain things but again it applies to the person themselves and being able to learn information take it in assimilate it attribute it to the whole and move on keep learning don't get caught up in the positive or negative because you have to factor in change. People create the life they want because they recognize the negative and stay away or don't feed that signal/protect from it. So being caught up in a STS part in a way is feeding the negative STS and feeding your lower centers and feeding your lack of improvement as a being...Learning about the STS and moving on with protection from the STS using the knowledge learned while keeping the larger system in mind is a more dare I say productive healthier way to live.

It is more important to focus on the inside than the outside IMO learn about both your inner world and the outer world and live in this reality but dare I say to you.... Is the STS in the room with you right now or are you?
The reason why "The Work" is so important - is that you can separate what are your own negative lower entropy traits
... "so as to not express too much STS, inconveniently and unconsciously".

Pff your post hits home. I am consciously working on this (I managed to find some solutions) but there is surely a share and your message has been showing it to me. There is a straight bidirectional line. I gues sthat I have been adresssing such flow in the last years and that it's under control at least at best. I can let go off "fighting the matrix" in a finger's snap if asked, something that was not conceivable before (just an example). I saw that I would find the solutions to the bi-directional feeding loop, elsewhere. "Knowlegde protects" is a good example so I have been noticing that increasing my knowledge on ponerology helped me to put firm labels on some things (for example). Adressing things for what they are become efficient.

Is the STS in the room with you right now or are you?
Yes definitely - but not "In myself" if that' what you mean. It's around for sure and whatever the things I do, the pressure immediately starts over. I am in Switzerland and the materialism has restricted the way of spirituality more and more, and today it is catastrophic. It happens that I sometimes go to a church, or to mass, for the uplifting mood. If I was to narrate such episode at a family dinner, for example, or with whatever people, i would appear "odd", not normal, etc. The world view here, is "Putin is the devil". You see, when people think of Switzerland it's synonymous of stability, and potential. Actually, it was the same grounds as the rest and since then it has been following the same evolution. No new knowledge about spirituality or psychopaths, and there you are. Today is the strict evolution of a materialistic mindest that could sustain itself in the past, but as psychopathology increased, it has an effect. I will take an example: when you enter a bus, here, 90% of people are nose in the cellphone. 90%, all the time, basic constant.

And so I would say that it's heavy here. It's improving to nothingness and people are still bound to the old schemes (carrier, professional carrier, buying a house). We have, here, the opportuinity of creating ourselves a nice cozy bubble and then "act as we please", becaue of the wealth. Without solid spiritual inputs (ther eis actually strictly NOTHING), go figure out how it is. Eh, not good.

SO I have my own issues, have been badly affected by STS, in a constant way, for a long time. At some point, I had some inputs about ponerology, and knew those were useful. I forced myself to train it more, and I guess that it provided me with good results. The stuff hasn't been stopping but I am shifting and shifting into more positive ways. I believe it's a matter of time that the negativity leaves. At least I am going with a good hearth and looking for positive outcomes. the basic stuff should bear relative outcomes.

And so, as for the critical question you have been raising, it is hard for me to say! I would need a C to crytsall-ball know the answer for the proportion of each culprit, for me focusing on STS. From my perspective "it does not stop". And so, I have been picking up ponerology as a way to get out, among other things. I remain open to complementary approaches.

Let me know, don't hesitate to be sincere etc if you feel hesitating

Is the STS in the room with you right now or are you?
Yeah well, I guess this has to do with the skill of keeping such outbursts at bay, and not providing weights to others. I am used to this. I am not a master but I am headed to something more positive at least 😀 So I could stop cold if required. That's because I have been noticing that the next day always pop up, that it's a long run. I have been learning to be adaptive because it is difficult to build something lasting. I has been a daily routine for me than to completely let go off some things. But there are things I couldn't. Coffee, for example. On the opposite, any form of "domination over others", this is completely out of my basic scope. Profit, easy gain, etc. Such things are ripped off with disdain because it's all there is around and I am saturated of such air. Swiss people believe that their worl dview is perfect and that "There is nothing to change". Cannot talk with people any more. I even stopped wanting, and have been appreciating not to judge the mourning. The next day will raise, so another etc. 5000 years to go and things should be different, for them and me! I wish them good!
To me in my experience it’s not about “fighting” the matrix it’s about learning the matrix which is not only STS and negative when you learn you have the knowledge and through lived experience and knowledge you gain the wisdom to make choices that better yourself and bring you towards light/love/higher order.

If you were to read through 50% of the books here and posts/threads about family life you would read that the general consensus is to learn this information for “Yourself” and you individuals unit of conciousness living in the here now. Remember to advance in a positive direction to move on from this 3D STS realm it’s important to be an STO candidate such a candidate does not impose or give to those who are not asking this with family you should be externally considerate (4th way practice) and engage in the family discussion if you choose to be with them. If they ask about you tell them what you did with your day and just let them talk. It’s not a personal attack on you. You did something to give your soul/conciousness peace inspiration and wisdom you can keep that for yourself without judgement from others and use those moments for strength and the ability to love yourself when the negative thought loops from the 4DSTS enter your personal space let them pass. SELF REMEMBER in that moment let the thoughts enter and pass through you intellect don’t allow them to bother your emotions which then cause a loop of repetitive negative thoughts and emotions and then that moves your human avatar to act out choices driven by 4DSTS thoughts/emotions - this is how the 4DSTS energies influence negative actions here on earth (and in other ways) but in what I just described do you see how you can take control of your human being to act, feel and think how you want? Let your parents, siblings, grandparents go through this physical matter reality HOW THEY CHOOSE to go through it and you do the same for yourself with love and protection for your own space and peace . The 4DSTS is PART of the larger conciousness system that we are in. You are a soul/spirit/conciousness inside a human avatar and within this 3D living here and now you are unique to each moment. STS forces make up parts of the larger system but they are not the system itself.

If you are hesitant to be love be happy achieve goals and explore the unknown because bad things happen then may I ask why you chose to come here as a part of conciousness to experience physical matter reality to help your overall system which is THE overall conciousness system????? You will repeat this type of cycle fear doubt guilt matrix cycle if you don’t take extream ownership of your life learn about the greater system, your human intellect, emotions and physical body so you can positively interact and evolve within the system here in 3D. The 4th way is a sort of “drivers manual” on how to improve your human avatar so it is not controlled by anybody but you so you can make clearer free will choices so you can see yourself and reality at the same time learning from yourself and reality gives you greater insight to the greater consciousness system as it creates this reality and you are part of the createt get to know the greatest creation and yourself and you get to know “God”

Yes there is evil and negative nuances in what I said but there is ALSO positive nuances and we are in a potential system lean into the positive nuances so you realize the and your potential quicker so you can evolve and be recognized by the system as a candidate for the next realm/density/overtone/frequency
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To me in my experience it’s not about “fighting” the matrix it’s about learning the matrix which is not only STS and negative when you learn you have the knowledge and through lived experience and knowledge you gain the wisdom to make choices that better yourself and bring you towards light/love/higher order.

If you were to read through 50% of the books here and posts/threads about family life you would read that the general consensus is to learn this information for “Yourself” and you individuals unit of conciousness living in the here now. Remember to advance in a positive direction to move on from this 3D STS realm it’s important to be an STO candidate such a candidate does not impose or give to those who are not asking this with family you should be externally considerate (4th way practice) and engage in the family discussion if you choose to be with them. If they ask about you tell them what you did with your day and just let them talk. It’s not a personal attack on you. You did something to give your soul/conciousness peace inspiration and wisdom you can keep that for yourself without judgement from others and use those moments for strength and the ability to love yourself when the negative thought loops from the 4DSTS enter your personal space let them pass. SELF REMEMBER in that moment let the thoughts enter and pass through you intellect don’t allow them to bother your emotions which then cause a loop of repetitive negative thoughts and emotions and then that moves your human avatar to act out choices driven by 4DSTS thoughts/emotions - this is how the 4DSTS energies influence negative actions here on earth (and in other ways) but in what I just described do you see how you can take control of your human being to act, feel and think how you want? Let your parents, siblings, grandparents go through this physical matter reality HOW THEY CHOOSE to go through it and you do the same for yourself with love and protection for your own space and peace . The 4DSTS is PART of the larger conciousness system that we are in. You are a soul/spirit/conciousness inside a human avatar and within this 3D living here and now you are unique to each moment. STS forces make up parts of the larger system but they are not the system itself.

If you are hesitant to be love be happy achieve goals and explore the unknown because bad things happen then may I ask why you chose to come here as a part of conciousness to experience physical matter reality to help your overall system which is THE overall conciousness system????? You will repeat this type of cycle fear doubt guilt matrix cycle if you don’t take extream ownership of your life learn about the greater system, your human intellect, emotions and physical body so you can positively interact and evolve within the system here in 3D. The 4th way is a sort of “drivers manual” on how to improve your human avatar so it is not controlled by anybody but you so you can make clearer free will choices so you can see yourself and reality at the same time learning from yourself and reality gives you greater insight to the greater consciousness system as it creates this reality and you are part of the createt get to know the greatest creation and yourself and you get to know “God”

Yes there is evil and negative nuances in what I said but there is ALSO positive nuances and we are in a potential system lean into the positive nuances so you realize the and your potential quicker so you can evolve and be recognized by the system as a candidate for the next realm/density/overtone/frequency
Thanks @Menna four your extensive post (and so the consideration). It would be hard for me to answer yet (or form any answer), because it is so dense and full of concepts that it has an effect, a positive one, that makes it so - well cannot find the words lol! But thank you a lot.

I am working with the family issues - thanks for pointing it out. Still some work to do but I have been going along as you say, for a while now. I still... see my relatvies completely off track. I have been expressing (here or in another thread) how I felt that the very last four years have been exhausting for people and I have been noticing my relatives giving in purely to "Putin is the devil, Ukraine is great" etc etc... "Trump is the devil" etc.

I see the people's world view as harvesting the fruits of four years of lies and it's not pretty. It's depressing and I mourn it a lot. I see "people leaving", people "lost". What can I do? I just move on and yeah the conversations are super shallow. It's bugging. But you know, people need this as well. I see that they enjoy normality, casual chatting. They have been made to express their views about geopolitics, they have been fed strobes of light upon news ads (etc), endlessly... They appreciate reality, the basics. Their souls appreciate this. It provides people with the basic sane milestones. Otherwise, when they get along the masses, most of the concepts are already twisted. So I try to be in touch with the basics.

I need to re-read your post again. But thank you for it! I have been making it towards the concept of Intelligent Design (thanks to other members inputs on the ponerology threads). this is fascinating. I see STS intelligent design and STO intelligent design. And the latter one as having eventually started to manifest. Is it correct, please? Thank you!

Let me know about additional things or ideas, if you feel to. I am grateful for your intervention and teachings.

Good day to you @Menna! ☺️ :-D:-)
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