How are you feeling?

I see more and more "less motivation" and willingness to "do" among the people. I see that at work - people prefer to continuously do useless work over and over instead of fixing the problem. I see that at social life -> people just don't stick together. If I would not motivate my friends or organize moments/events to meet together, they would just start seeing each other less and less.

Personally, I am trying to "watch and enjoy the show" vs what is happening in the global world, with implementing some attempts to improve myself and tiny world around me.

However, there is this constant feeling in "the back", that something is stretching more and more to enormous sizes. Pressure is rising in almost every aspect of life. Wondering when it will blow up ;)
Thanks for starting this thread Joe, I also noticed those posts on social media about waking up at 3am.

Yeah, just getting over a particularly stubborn virus myself and my sister told me she has an annoying heavy cough after getting a virus that has lasted weeks and wouldn't go away. I'm still coughing up stuff even though the virus seems to be taken care of. Also had a week of pretty nasty brain fog along with the chest/head congestion, all that has cleared up thankfully.
We just got over a similar illness that lasted a few weeks. Quite a strange progression, it started out with less than a week of fairly mild cold symptoms and then turned into a cough that lingered for a couple of weeks. Last week I had a sore throat and swollen tonsils for about 3 days.

The sore throat started suddenly in the middle of the night around 3am, lasted a couple of days and then suddenly subsided. My wife and daughter didn't get the sore throat.

I also had "one of those dreams" last week either just before the sore throat started or the night after it started, I can't remember which. In my dream my wife and I were having dinner and Anthony Blinken (!) was sitting across the table from me. He was giving me the unblinking psychopath stare, like in one of the recent videos going around of him staring at Biden. I got the sense he was trying to break my will in some way, trying to intimidate me to get me to stop doing something. In the dream I did my best to maintain eye contact and told him forcefully that he would not win, that I would continue. This struggle went on for a bit and then I woke up having trouble breathing because of the sore throat and swollen tonsils. It felt like someone had their hand around my throat for 2-3 days.

The sore throat symptoms subsided on Saturday morning and I have slept soundly and well the last few nights. Nice try Tony.

FWIW my sense is that in my case this episode is related to my recent efforts on Twitter/X. The throat is energetically related to speaking truth. I also thought about the recent news stories coming out of China about a new pneumonia infecting kids, calls from the UN for climate lockdowns and adoption of CBDC in the EU and the feeling I get is "something wicked this way comes".
Thanks Joe for kicking off this thread 👍and everyone else contributing. 8 days ago I woke up really disturbed ,around 3am there were no visulas in the dream but distinctly rember hearinthe voice of Hitler ranting and screaming . later on that day I got the beginnings of a flu like symptoms -shivers aches deep in the bones -I went to bed and rested the following day I had a really sore throat,larynx was purple red-Could hardly swllow. I kept washing out my nose luckily it didnt spread to lungs or sinuses. I did a covid test it was negative. The throat cleares up after 5 days - acompanying that ive felt absolutely nopleasure/enjoyment from anything ,food exercise qigong -almost like its been sucked out of me.A tiredness about going onto the internet and a dreadful feeling of being overwhelmed and not being able to do anything about it.I ve maintained my routine qigong and sitting meditation practice through all of this and am grateful i have several online group meditations to link in with each week. im trying not to over attatch to these occurrences but I feel pretty despondent that good in the world has been consitently overwhelmed by sto collectives - how come theyve always get the upper hand ?
well wishes to one and all
I wonder what's up with this 3am thing. I got a "dark clouds coming" dream a few weeks ago (low dark clouds that travel very fast, you have to run and take shelter before a scary big storm hits suddenly with destructive force - and that's for someone who loves real-life storms in general) and the mood/concentration haven't been great either.
Also, sore throat this morning with a slight fever.
I’m on the same boat as @Chaze . A lot of my feelings have been of pain regarding those kids in Gaza. I think being a new father of a beautiful little being has had me really have a larger soft spot for children. When I see their corpses I can see my son being in their place. I’ve had days where I’m just crying alone. I will take into consideration what @seek10 said about this and the plandemic, because I’m sure a lot of people lost many loved ones to medical negligence and incompetence. There’s nothing we can or should do to force a stop. If it’s happening it must be happening for a reason. Thanks.

On the dream part, it seems my dreams have gone quiet. My wife however just two days ago had a dream about something happening to reality where everyone just started to freak out and most turned to militarized zombies. I guess everyone put on a uniform and there was martial law in the country. She said she had the ability to look out the window and go wherever she wanted to go like a portal or something, but her body would be in the bedroom. She was apparently able to look out the window and see our families homes and talk to them, forewarning what was to come. Just thought I’d share. Yes I talk to her about the wave, but I find it interesting how she keeps dreaming these things. She had another one where she saw thousands of meteors falling smashing everyone but us, as if they deliberately avoided us while everyone and everything else burned.
I wonder what's up with this 3am thing
Exactly! I had this happen a few times in years past but most noticeably in the last three years or so. I had a dream the other night where I had a pet wolf that suddenly turned on me and attacked. I managed to put him in a headlock and left me alone after that.

Fwiw, When I have a nightmare/bad dream, I've found that when I wake up from it I then close my eyes and envision myself back in the dream. Except now, I am aware that it is a dream. Then I proceed to chase away or beat the crap out of whatever was attacking me. Since then, I don't remember having the same nightmare twice.
Has anyone noticed or heard any similar feelings of unease from others that are not involved in the forum? Given the perspective we have here, it might be a 'confounding' factor in getting a read on how people in general are doing.
Wow, what a series of revelations with the 2- 3 a.m. timeframe, viral resurfacings under discussion here!

I have had bombardment of negativity, feeling physically suffocated and overwhelmed and even shocked between 2 and 3 p.m., recently. Our cat will come in mewing around that time and I wake up to her alarm. She is definitely alarmed as well. I do some meditation and with effort correct the situation. I have started imagining being in a high mountain cave in winter, surrounded by the rocks - this works well. I feel shielded and the kitty calms down, too. .

A close friend actually texted me a few days ago saying he sensed I was in trouble and sent Reiki in that 2 to 3 p.m. timeframe at night.

No threating dreams that I recalll on waking except a few weeks ago I woke my husband up screaming and with a clear memory of a person or some being in the dream that was suddenly pulling me into total darkness, quickly.

I have stepped up on the networking front more recently, too. I like what Natus Videre said on the first page; "Full dedication to the Work. Gave up on all 'money-making' ideas—going for knowledge instead." Gave myself the job of teaching theatre skills and having play readings.

Also, like others have written, every few days I have more cough, congestion, tiredness and need to spray nose and gargle, and maybe take extra C, D, and herbal anti-infection tinctures, etc..
Last night I woke up at 2:45, I don't know what I dreamed, but I had the feeling that I had to check if everything around the house was okay. Then I heard my mom wake up and she went outside to see what was going on. After that, the dog started barking for about half an hour. We thought some animal was around the house, but we could not see anything.

A few weeks ago I had a nightmare where I was being chased by an invisible monster that wanted to enter the house. After that, I tossed and turned on the bed and couldn't fall asleep, so I ended up getting up at 4 in the morning.

Last week I had another nightmare, I dreamed that I was being chased by monsters from the sea or the swamp. Suddenly, Joe and Ana were next to me and they told me I don't have to be afraid, that I know how to defend myself. After that, a monster said that I will definitely suffer. A few days ago I had to go to the doctor because I had a severe sinus infection and pneumonia. I have to take antibiotics for 10 days.

For the most part, I have no problems with sleeping and I regulate the quality of my sleep with melatonin, even if I wake up early - I pray and meditate and fall asleep easily.

In the last few months, I've had a lot of dreams that disturb me, they don't have to be nightmares, but they're not pleasant, for example I get lost, I'm late for school or I dream that I'm on a stormy sea or river rapids that I need to navigate skillfully so that the boat doesn't sink.

In any case, I'm quite tired because I have to work and I don't have enough sleep, I even doubled the amount of melatonin, but mostly I wake up during the night and I don't sleep for several hours.

My brother complained about the same sleepless hours, and the women I work with in a supermarket constantly complain that they have problems with insomnia lately.

I try to rationalize things, I think that there is so much suffering in the world right now that people feel it by not having normal sleep. But on the other hand, I wouldn't be surprised if HAARP or some other thought patterning technology is working at full speed. It is enough to see all those millions of people protesting because of the genocide in Gaza, PTB certainly does not like resistance, especially on such a massive scale.

Who knows what else is in store for us.
Je suis tombée malade le jeudi 16 novembre "bronchite", le dimanche 19 novembre avec 39 de fièvre le matin, je me voyais au dessus de mon corps contemplant les anges de Laura qui procédaient à ma guérison, c'était la première fois que je vivais une décorporation...
Je suis toujours souffrante avec une toux qui ne cesse pas et me fatigue encore aujourd'hui...
Je me suis sentie envahie de tristesse pour ces pauvres âmes lancées sur les routes de GAZA sans plus rien...
Curieusement, je ne ressens pas de colère ni de jugement, juste un lâcher prise puissant qui me déconnecte de toutes ces horreurs et permet à mon esprit d'être embrumé, juste reliée par la prière et le Reiki...
Je me sens sous la protection du Divin Esprit Cosmique, sous sa Divine Guidance et Direction, je suis Sa Servante et l'accepte...
Je me sens davantage connectée avec les membres du forum en général mais moins avec d'autres, là aussi je lâche prise avec certains...

I fell ill on Thursday November 16 with bronchitis, on Sunday November 19 with a fever of 39 in the morning, I saw myself above my body contemplating the angels of Laura who were healing me, it was the first time that I I was experiencing a decorporation...I am still unwell with a cough that does not stop and still tires me today...I felt overcome with sadness for these poor souls thrown onto the roads of GAZA with nothing left...Oddly enough, I don't feel anger or judgment, just a powerful letting go that disconnects me from all these horrors and allows my mind to be foggy, just connected through prayer and Reiki...I feel under the protection of the Divine Cosmic Spirit, under its Divine Guidance and Direction, I am its Servant and accept it...I feel more connected with the members of the forum in general but less with others, here too I let go with some...
Thank you Joe for opening this thread, i must say that it’s very timely. Just a few days ago i was wondering what the hell is going on for the last, at least 3 weeks. Aside for the fact that at work the stress is to the roof for the last 2 months, especially during the entire month of November due to a higher work load and tension.Though, for the last 3 weeks i've felt a strange pressure within and without, it's difficult to describe it, but suffice to say that it felt pretty awful some days.

Along with this pressure I'm experiencing also nagging cervical pain for the last 3 weeks which seriously compromised my sleep and recovery from night shifts. I've changed my pillow with one of those fancy orthopedic ones, I'm taking a ton of supplements everyday but the cervical pain hasn't left altogether yet. I suspect that this is due to an old wound from childhood when I've been thrown into the air by our farm horse while riding on his back and fell on cemented road hurting my neck and back pretty badly. It feels like we're navigating "intensive times" that allows us to deal with and process our own old physical, emotional, spiritual and possibly karmic wounds.

For all these past 3-4 weeks I had the feeling like there was some energy frequency change in the environment, due to 4d sts beaming, approaching of the Wave, grounding of our beloved Sun by the approach of it's twin, who knows? The Sun behaved "weirdly" as well for the last 3-4 weeks.

Anyway I'm glad that i'm not alone in feeling this strange pressure around us because sometimes I was wondering if I'm going nuts or what.
Well there's the well-known 11pm-2am 'window' when you get optimal sleep and restoration, so maybe it's related to that in the sense that it's after that period that we're in a particular sleep cycle/state. Maybe REM sleep happens more often around that time?
Another phisological process involves the liver processing stress hormones like cortisol. My understanding is that if the liver can't keep up for various reasons and levels are higher than they should be in the blood at night we get "stress dreams".

Has anyone noticed or heard any similar feelings of unease from others that are not involved in the forum? Given the perspective we have here, it might be a 'confounding' factor in getting a read on how people in general are doing.
I've seen some chatter on social media. Lots of illnesses making the rounds here in Rhode Island. I have a busy schedule at work tomorrow so I will ask my patients how they've been sleeping and feeling lately. In recent weeks I've heard from many people that they feel unhappy about how things are going but I can't say I've heard much about bad dreams or trouble sleeping.
I was feeling somewhat stressed and tired a few weeks ago, but since about the 19th-20th of November I feel like things have been easing a bit. I'm not sure if this is relevant, but about a week ago I did an I Ching reading for the second half of November and got the following:

Hexagram 11. T’ai / Peace transforming into Hexagram 39. Chien / Obstruction, via Changing Lines 1,2 & 5.

This is a somewhat contradictory reading on the face of it. Firstly, given the current world situation, peace seems to be last word that could be used to describe the current global situation, particularly in the Middle East. The people of Grindavík, Iceland would probably raise an objection to their recent volcano-prompted evacuation being described as peaceful as well.

However, compared to October, when the situation in Palestine threatened to escalate into an all-out regional conflagration, the first half of November could be said to be something of a ‘lull’ compared to the previous month. And considering that “Peace” is changing into “Obstruction”, it’s possible that the latter half of November may see an escalation once again into a more tense, dangerous situation in early December.
Interestingly, we've recently had 'Peace' in the form of a ceasefire in Gaza, so perhaps "Obstruction" is an ominous warning of what will happen when the ceasefire elapses?

[OBSTRUCTION] pictures a dangerous abyss lying before us and a steep, inaccessible mountain rising behind us. We are surrounded by obstacles; at the same time, since the mountain has the attribute of keeping still, there is implicit a hint as to how we can extricate ourselves. The hexagram represents obstructions that appear in the course of time but that can and should be overcome. Therefore, all the instruction given is directed to overcoming them.

The changing lines of T’ai (Peace) place emphasis on networking (line 1), tolerance & impartiality (line 2) and generosity & impartiality (line 5). This suggests that these are the qualities that will be most related to the change into Obstruction, and thus special attention should be paid towards them. Diplomatic efforts in the political realm may acquire special importance at this time. Obstruction also carries the theme of asymmetric responses to problems, and humbling oneself before the immoveable reality of the situation, stoically looking within to find the causes for errors and misjudgements.

Here an individual is confronted by obstacles that cannot be overcome directly. In such a situation, it is wise to pause in view of the danger and to retreat. However, this is merely a preparation for overcoming the obstructions. One must join forces with friends of like mind and put himself under the leadership of a man equal to the situation: then one will succeed in removing the obstacles. This requires the will to persevere just when one apparently must do something that leads away from his goal. This unswerving inner purpose brings good fortune in the end. An obstruction that lasts only for a time is useful for self-development. This is the value of adversity.

So, it appears that we should “make hay while sun shines” for the last two weeks of November, acting as generously, tolerant, cooperatively and fairly as possible, in order to prepare for the arrival of Obstruction which may require some out-of-the-box thinking!
No particularly nightmarish dreams to speak of, although I've had some vivid ones that were mostly themed neutrally or positive.

Has anyone noticed or heard any similar feelings of unease from others that are not involved in the forum?
Not really. People local to me seem to be in fairly good spirits.
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Спасибо, Альтаир! Подписалась в ВК.

Along with this pressure I'm experiencing also nagging cervical pain for the last 3 weeks which seriously compromised my sleep and recovery from night shifts. I've changed my pillow with one of those fancy orthopedic ones, I'm taking a ton of supplements everyday but the cervical pain hasn't left altogether yet
Try to sleep on your stomach or on your back (not on your side) without any pillow. It has worked wonders for me.

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