How are you feeling?

Another phisological process involves the liver processing stress hormones like cortisol. My understanding is that if the liver can't keep up for various reasons and levels are higher than they should be in the blood at night we get "stress dreams".
I was thinking the same thing. I think that's partly why traditional Chinese medicine refers to 1-3am as "liver o'clock" and that people who regularly wake up between 1-3am should buttress their liver's responsibilities at that time by supplementing before bed.
I have a theory about these sinus problems and infections people are getting. I think our jammed up cranial systems from various deterimental changes over generations has caused various pathologies to get stuck in the fascial connections in the head. Fungus, bacteria, viruses etc. Then the opening up that’s occurring in the planet is also affecting our craniums and they are opening up. The result is that these chronic low grade infections are now being exposed to the immune system and it’s getting in there to clean it up. That’s another candidate for “surprising solution to long standing problems” referred to in the last session.

Symptoms like inflammation and mucus is the product of a healthy immune system being activated. In my clinical experience I have seen this type of thing a lot when working with freeing Fascial restrictions. Get things moving and things start clearing and healing.

In regards to
I feel pretty despondent that good in the world has been consitently overwhelmed by sto collectives - how come theyve always get the upper hand ?
I see it differently, the crazy shit that is happening is the STS/PTB tossing their toys. They are frantic and desperate because they are racing against time and not getting the upper hand. They will continue to terrorise those not awake but for everyone paying attention it appears to be a bunch of psychos just frothing in panic. I’m just looking at it all thinking “WOW” you’re really losing your minds.
I'm a little defensive, observing as if being ready to ward off a blow, I've had a few dreams in recent weeks, but very blurry, nothing remarkable, waking up during the night, but I haven't looked at the 'hour, just a sensation one morning when I felt like someone was touching the tip of my toe, I let out a "vade retro" lol, and I was able to finish my last 30 minutes in my bed in peace! Concerning the people around me, no return of embarrassing sensations yet, they are too busy at the moment preparing like robots for Christmas...
Only a few days before that, I woke up in the middle of the night (also around 2-3 a.m.?) screaming/yelling so loud that I woke up my kid who came to me and held me and we fell asleep together. I don´t remember what the dream was about, I only remember that there was some "dark" presence that made me uncomfortable, and I kind of programmed my subconsciousness to start to yell whenever I felt like that and to basically wake myself up.

I had "one of those" dreams last night too, not the first, I've had several over the years.

2/3 weeks ago my wife and I were sleeping. I had a vivid dream in which I was in my bathroom looking at the mirror or finishing brushing my teeth (I don't remember well) and after touching my mobile phone which was on a shelf while at the same time saw my wife passing along the corridor next to the bathroom door which was opened, when she just disappeared from my view an unknown and invisible force made me fly between a wall and a cupboard on the WC, which is impossible because there is no enough space. It seems this situation/dream scare the hell out of me and I started to shout in the dream my wife's name: my own voice/yell woke me up... and my wife too :-D She did not understand her name but just me yelling.

Besides that, during the last week, since Monday to Sunday I have felt quite miserable with suicidal thoughts. Fortunately I am taking it easy and feel better since yesterday. This is not the first time and I had already thought that some evil force could be interested in my early 3D STS checking out. Who knows, maybe I am an STO candidate after all. :cool2:
Has anyone noticed or heard any similar feelings of unease from others that are not involved in the forum? Given the perspective we have here, it might be a 'confounding' factor in getting a read on how people in general are doing.
Yes I have. Yesterday I brought up to my therapist how I have been struggling more than usual with what feels like my usual Season Affective Disorder (SAD) since the first week of this month despite adhering to my routine of using the UV light box in the morning, vitamin D3, exercise, meditation, EE, etc.

She said most of her other clients are also struggling more with the same general malise, depression, and interrupted sleep patterns in the last 3 weeks. She has heard of the same symptoms from people in other parts of the U.S. (NYC and Seattle). We both agree it is best described as an existential unease or anxiety.

Her suspicions are something in the environment, air, water, even possibly 5G or other EM waves. So I don't think it is just affecting Forum members, especially in the U.S.

My guess is something being picked up in the collective consciousness from living in the last days of a dying empire?
Besides that, during the last week, since Monday to Sunday I have felt quite miserable with suicidal thoughts.
Gosh I'm sorry to hear that. I suffered from similar thoughts in the past but not for many years. IMO its not something you should take lightly. Do you have someone to talk to about it, like a counselor? Apologies if you've posted about it in another thread and I missed it.
I have been talking to my coworkers about this “feeling off”. Basically since the October full moon, it’s been full moon energy. The children in our classrooms have had more frequent behavior issues. Also, several women I know, including myself have experienced late cycles and increased PMS symptoms. Strange dreams, nightmares and a few dreams that have actually came true.
I have read all the posts and I feel a little strange to see myself optimistic. This has been a month for me with a lot to do and little energy to do it, a pretty heavy month especially because in the beginning of the war in Palestine and... well there are images and situations that I can't post because of the magnitude of the drama, it's hard and ugly. This somehow is compensated in the fact of doing the work and sharing with you.
Also like loreta I dislocated my hip, depressing thing, only that my dear chiropractor fixed it the next day, he told me many patients had gone for that problem.
Yes, I too can confirm that sometimes I feel and sense "bugs" to combat. Waking up at 3 AM, is very common and I keep working or reading or like yesterday in dreams I make up some meditation with a prayer-poem to the divinity.
I feel that the energies are changing and although more confusing times are coming, we have to use tools, increase awareness, share and be true to " your own nature,"
I don't know if it's relevant, but for a few weeks it's been harder not to have negative thoughts loops. It takes more effort to get out of those. Also, I feel a lot of pressure, EE and meditation helps, but a few times recently this hasn't been enough.

I felt powerless during the COVID lockdowns, but this time, it's worse. We have children dying for no reason and the world is mostly silent. Looking at the videos of bereaved parents is hard too, as many must be around my age. I'm thinking "this could have been me". I've been crying a few times. As for people around me, I see people having less and less motivation to do things, they're a bit apathic. They have less patience too. Maybe it's because of the change of season, I have a lot of sick people around too.

I sleep well, I work a lot of extra hours at the moment so I don't have trouble falling asleep😅.
As a health care provider, I noticed there is something extra to the usual strain at incremental levels. Just the other day, I was thinking that work load in primary health care went up to at least 400% since the COVID era. But the something extra has to do with a feeling that there are more truthful interactions and a genuineness to people that was not there before because "there is nothing to lose" kind of thing. It's all bad at all levels and there's no hiding it or pretending anymore, and it's just going to get much worse anyway, so people just go on in their daily interactions in a more genuine way. No lies needed, no pretensions needed, if that makes any sense.

I noticed people are going through more intense feelings than usual. For instance, some people are going through more intense interactions with people who turned out down right psychopathic or who later died in a tragic accident. A child worried about death and wanting to talk to a psychologist about it. Every single family is dealing with death or a terminal illness in their loved ones, no exceptions. People taking the news that they have cancer and going through the motions and therapies stoically. Human resilience for tragedy is beyond anyone's expectations.

Weird dreams on and off for a few weeks or months now. Last night that I was taking a remedy to detox worms and I saw them as they were coming out. A few days earlier that I was caught doing something, and I was going to be hanged. I had the noose around my neck and as they pull the chair, someone in the public takes pity on me and shoots me. A few days before that, a dream where I see some sort of spacecraft and some members floating away with a bluish light in front of them. I realize there's an abduction taking place. There's no terror factor to the dreams, it's more like, taking notice of them and making sure to make some time to meditate and pray. There's been positive dreams where I saw Pierre along with everyone else, we were all happy, and that I was seeing the solar system from several light years away. You can only see the sun and the Oort cloud with that perspective. It was vivid and peaceful.

For what is worth!
We both agree it is best described as an existential unease or anxiety.
Since Joe started this thread I have been looking for the words to express it and it is exactly that.

Every day when I get up in the morning, I have that feeling.

It takes me about ten minutes to balance it and start the day being myself, more focused.

And yes, several co-workers for several months have had difficulty sleeping and strange nightmares.
Having been diagnosed with cancer and having surgery its been like a waking nightmare. But going to the cancer center for rehab and getting on the elevator or sitting in the waiting room with people if you smile and say something pleasant you get a smile back.

I sense more resilience in most people once the facade of delusion is ripped away.
A few days ago I had a day where I felt noticeably stupid and clumsy for no apparent reason, then since then I've been having some gut issues for the first time in ages.. I think the clumsiness was a sign of the onset of the gut stuff. So I'm fasting for a few days now to try to help it.. In general, rather low on energy at the moment..

Haven't had any particularly bad dreams lately.. The darker ones involve lots of wandering about in apocalyptic / collapsed civilisation type cities, where everyone is living out on the streets...which is fairly usual for me.. But one feature has cropped up in these dreams a few times in the last couple weeks - travel between alternate realities.. e.g. meeting someone who was from a different reality, or being able to go into different realities on some mission or just for fun... There was also a parasite theme in a couple of these dreams, "threads" (plant-like worm things) which were infesting and growing out of anything, like food, tobacco, furniture, trees... which I was pulling out and destroying...

And I had several nicer dreams recently where we moved to a new house and were very happy.. We kept finding more and more rooms, like go through a door and there's a whole new wing we hadn't noticed was there, somehow contained within the more obvious rooms... and we were changing the layout, planning what we'd do with the different rooms, etc..
Has anyone noticed or heard any similar feelings of unease from others that are not involved in the forum? Given the perspective we have here, it might be a 'confounding' factor in getting a read on how people in general are doing.
At dinner tonight, my 17-year-old daughter was just saying that she wakes up at 3 a.m. every night and has trouble getting back to sleep.

My partner is the same.

Here in the Haute Loire, a lot of people cough a lot, with more or less fever depending on the person.

Personally, I'm feeling more stressed than usual, and more tired too; for the last ten days or so, my meditations haven't been very deep, and it's been difficult to relax or "connect" with energy and invigorating thought.

But my family and I are keeping up the goodwill between us in a way that's just a little more attentive than usual, like sensing that something's up and sticking together.

Otherwise, my girlfriend and I run a circus school with 50 children of all ages, so we're used to seeing the changes, and I'd say right now the kids are really into it, even more than usual.
Full positiv. No behavioral problems, just overflowing vitality, apart from one little boy with"problem" who went berserk a couple of weeks ago. He's a kid I feel is a psychopath in training, and he's changed his tune, like it's becoming official, placement in sight.

Otherwise, the people I come into contact with are hopelessly normal for the most part and remain as they are.

Translated with (free version)
Pendant le repas de ce soir ma fille de 17 ans disait justement qu'elle se réveille à 3 heures toutes les nuits avec du mal à se rendormir.

Ma compagne pareille.

Ici en haute Loire beaucoup beaucoup de monde tousse à fond, avec plus ou moins de fièvres selon les personnes.

Personnellement je me sens plutôt plus stressé qu'ordinairement, plus fatigué aussi; depuis une dizaine de jours les méditations sont peu profondes, difficile de me relaxer ou de "connecter "une énergie et une pensée vivifiante.

Mais ma famille et moi on garde la bienveillance entre nous d'une façon justement plus attentive que d'habitude, genre on sent que y'à un truc et on serre les coudes.

Autrement, avec ma copine on a une école de cirque avec 50 enfants de tous âges et du coup on a l'habitude de voir les changements et je dirais qu'en ce moment les enfants sont vraiment à fond, encore plus que d'habitude.
A fond positifs. pas de problèmes de comportements, juste une vitalité débordante, à part un petit "à problèmes" qui a pété les plombs il y a deux semaines. C'est un gamin que je ressens psychopathe en formation et il a changé de gâme du genre ça devient officiel, placement en vue.

Sinon les gens que je côtoie sont désespérément normies pour la plupart et demeurent tel quel.
When the clocks changed, it was like someone flicked a switch in me. I’ve had to increase my amount of sleep significantly and I find it hard to get out of bed when my alarm goes off.

Regarding what’s happening to the Palestinians, I’ve had to spend a lot of time thinking about all the different aspects of it, to try to understand it all and come to terms with it, because if I don’t, then the anger just triggers self-destructive and bitter thought patterns in me. I ask what the point of this all is - this human existence/story, here on Earth. It’s not just Gaza, it’s the terror of history; it’s the countless and constant human suffering since the beginning of time.

The doom and gloom of the long, dark autumn nights, the cold weather, coupled with what’s going on in the world, as well as things going on in my own personal life to do with my job, is all just grinding me down, really. Sunday was particularly bad from late-afternoon onwards. I had an episode of anhedonia the likes of which I hadn’t experienced for years. I went to bed to try and sleep, but I wasn’t ‘tired’ tired, just more like I felt as though I’d been hit by a bus - stuck between knowing there were things I could try and do that might make me feel better, but having neither the energy nor the motivation to do them.

I think in these situations, the main thing one can fall back on is routine. If you have built a healthy, day to day routine, and you can stick to it, knowing that it’s productive and worthwhile, and you can maintain enough self-awareness to try and nip negative thoughts and emotions in the bud, then that’s the key. As the saying goes: “If you’re going through Hell, just keep going.”

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