How are you feeling?

For the past two months, I have felt very unstable, with a lot of ups and downs from depression to euphoria. Normally, I'm stable, with only mild depression throughout my entire life, without any issues. The downs that I've had recently are pretty severe, like depression mixed with anxiety and terror. Ups are very weird, with sudden joy and happiness that I'm alive and that the whole world is changing and I'd be a part of it... I'm also waking up in the night, but don't have any problems with going to sleep afterwards. Usually, I don't remember dreams, but if I do, those are often just surreal ones.

As for the rest of my life, I got laid off from my job the same day Pierre was buried. I must say that I hated it, but being the only breadwinner for the family was just fueling my anxiety. I try to limit my attention regarding the events that are currently happening because it's just too much to handle. Whenever I go to my hometown, I learn that somebody I know has died, often from a heart attack, suicide, or turbo-cancer. But when I look up excess mortality charts, all is good! It's like my "gut feeling" is in constant dissonance with my analytical mind, I can now understand what old Uncle Clif High was saying about "hyper novelty".
I was feeling somewhat stressed and tired a few weeks ago, but since about the 19th-20th of November I feel like things have been easing a bit.

Same here … had a few weeks of extreme lethargy and apathy (September and October), not feeling ill as such, just worn out, weary and exhausted - physically and emotionally. But then things cleared up a bit, maybe associated with a change in diet - I added about a third of my caloric intake in the form of carbs (mainly honey) and my energy levels increased by a mile. Currently I feel optimistic, somewhat detached from the horrendous things happening in the world, but at the same time a bit … don’t know how to put it … like in the calm before the storm. It’s a weird feeling.

Sleep is normal, I always sleep deeply and mostly uninterrupted, even if it rains heavily. I have lost the ability to remember most of my dreams for the last maybe three years. I know that I dream, but the only thing that remains from my dreams is a certain overall feeling, but they seem mostly to be neutral or positive.

But then I am on annual leave as well, and I have been doing a lot of physical work around the farm, which certainly relieves the daily pressures from work and is good for the body and the mind.

My immediate surrounding hasn’t changed much, as far as I can say, apart from some medical problems in friends that have cropped up, but nothing drastic.

So to sum it up - calm and content, but knowing that things will change.
I have a theory about these sinus problems and infections people are getting. I think our jammed up cranial systems from various deterimental changes over generations has caused various pathologies to get stuck in the fascial connections in the head. Fungus, bacteria, viruses etc. Then the opening up that’s occurring in the planet is also affecting our craniums and they are opening up. The result is that these chronic low grade infections are now being exposed to the immune system and it’s getting in there to clean it up. That’s another candidate for “surprising solution to long standing problems” referred to in the last session.
Interesting, I have had a few facial fascia massages and it seems to have cleared up any adhesions in my face. The first time I felt really toxic afterwards, I detox fairly quickly, and the last time the adhesions had come back, but after the massage I felt really good. The lady in question told me that just a facial fascia massage also helps the rest of the body.
My guess is something being picked up in the collective consciousness from living in the last days of a dying empire?
I see it as a humongous cloud of culpability hanging over the planet and I have to be careful in order to separate it from my own feelings of guilt.
I don't know if it's relevant, but for a few weeks it's been harder not to have negative thoughts loops. It takes more effort to get out of those. Also, I feel a lot of pressure, EE and meditation helps, but a few times recently this hasn't been enough.
I agree. These last few weeks my negative thoughts have been stronger and it takes more effort to dispel them.
I don't sleep well either, I can fall asleep between 10 and 11 without much trouble, but will wake anytime between 1.30 and 4, and then am awake for hours.
The same here. I took NAC and other (liver) supplements for a while and now after doing meditation before I go to sleep I can sleep through the night.
The point is, it's hard to see how much of what I've been experiencing is being caused by macrosocial psychic effects or earth changes versus private emotional releases or other biproducts of other self-work.
Perhaps these macrosocial effects give us the opportunity to clear up what's going on in our mind and bodies. It's not pleasant, but it's necessary.
I like what Loreta said, finding the goodness and light in this world, in people and nature, being thankful for so much in my life. Continuing to learn, and have faith in the larger plan. This darkness necessitates these things to come forth it seems to keep the balance. No light without the dark as the C's say. Much to learn in these times.
Absolutely. I wouldn't miss this for the world, even if these times make me feel miserable.

I can now see what one of the mods meant when he said that my having negative thoughts was a blessing in disguise. Because it is. I have really been working hard on myself these past six months and can see the benefits of all my efforts. I feel more grounded and aware of the role I wish to fulfill in this world and I am not afraid of feeling miserable or suffering when it is justified.

I have been learning about all kinds of tools which could be helpful against stress, not just for myself, but for others and I continue doing that and it gives me a clear purpose.

A short timeline: I burnt my arm last August, because I felt so stressed, which I took as a sign to be aware. At the end of September I started feeling deadly tired, even to the point that I was asking myself what was going on. A few days after Pierre's passing I came down with something and it lasted longer than usual, I was coughing up a lot of stuff. Also, these past few months I have been sensing some dark energy in my garden and home. Once I felt it in the middle of the night lurking just behind me after I had gone downstairs and a few minutes later a police car drove very fast past my house. No dark dreams, though.
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The sore throat symptoms subsided on Saturday morning and I have slept soundly and well the last few nights. Nice try Tony.

FWIW my sense is that in my case this episode is related to my recent efforts on Twitter/X. The throat is energetically related to speaking truth. I also thought about the recent news stories coming out of China about a new pneumonia infecting kids, calls from the UN for climate lockdowns and adoption of CBDC in the EU and the feeling I get is "something wicked this way comes".
That's an interesting connection. Similarly to what others have reported, I also caught a virus last week and have been having cold-like symptoms along with irritation in a specific point in my throat and clogged ears; the ears could be energetically related to listening to the truth.

At the same time, it's the season for these viruses, likely accentuated by the weather, so I'm not too surprised people are catching the flu left and right. I suppose that the virus can also impact a person's mood and thoughts which could explain part of the feelings some are experiencing? Just a thought though.

I have also been waking up around 3am more regularly these last couple of months but this hasn't been associated with nightmares or premonitions, the dreams seem more of a personal nature.

In my network, no one seems to be talking about the situation in the Middle East other than making vague allusions to it. They probably don't want to create situations of conflict knowing how sensitive people can be to this topic.
Thank you Joe for opening this thread, i must say that it’s very timely. Just a few days ago i was wondering what the hell is going on for the last, at least 3 weeks. Aside for the fact that at work the stress is to the roof for the last 2 months, especially during the entire month of November due to a higher work load and tension.Though, for the last 3 weeks i've felt a strange pressure within and without, it's difficult to describe it, but suffice to say that it felt pretty awful some days.

Along with this pressure I'm experiencing also nagging cervical pain for the last 3 weeks which seriously compromised my sleep and recovery from night shifts. I've changed my pillow with one of those fancy orthopedic ones, I'm taking a ton of supplements everyday but the cervical pain hasn't left altogether yet. I suspect that this is due to an old wound from childhood when I've been thrown into the air by our farm horse while riding on his back and fell on cemented road hurting my neck and back pretty badly. It feels like we're navigating "intensive times" that allows us to deal with and process our own old physical, emotional, spiritual and possibly karmic wounds.

For all these past 3-4 weeks I had the feeling like there was some energy frequency change in the environment, due to 4d sts beaming, approaching of the Wave, grounding of our beloved Sun by the approach of it's twin, who knows? The Sun behaved "weirdly" as well for the last 3-4 weeks.

Anyway I'm glad that i'm not alone in feeling this strange pressure around us because sometimes I was wondering if I'm going nuts or what.

Glad to hear from you, Andrian. It has been noticed that you have been quite on the Forum for a while.

Sorry to hear about the stress that you have been experiencing at work, and the nagging cervical pain. Hang in there. :-)
I had "one of those" dreams last night too, not the first, I've had several over the years.
After a longer time without any terror, or nightmare dreams last few weeks I had a few
Yeah, just getting over a particularly stubborn virus myself and my sister told me she has an annoying heavy cough after getting a virus that has lasted weeks and wouldn't go away. I'm still coughing up stuff even though the virus seems to be taken care of. Also had a week of pretty nasty brain fog along with the chest/head congestion, all that has cleared up thankfully.
Same story here. The whole family went through this virus. Annoying coughing was biggest problem
Thanks for starting this thread Joe, I also noticed those posts on social media about waking up at 3am.
Yes, This is happening to me for the last 2 weeks. I just wake up in 3 or 4 am, perfectly rested and then I just have to try to sleep again, but my mind works 100%. I tried GABA to calm the mind but not working.
A month before this period I was so sleepy that I could sleep 10 or more hours. It never happened to me.
Collingwood on the subject of the medieval concept of historiography:

“History, as the will of God, orders itself, and does not depend for its orderliness on the human agent’s will to order it. Plans emerge, and get themselves carried into effect, which no human being had planned; and even men who think they are working against the emergence of these plans are in fact contributing to them. They may assassinate Caesar but they cannot arrest the downfall of the Republic; the very assassination adds a new feature to that downfall. Hence the total course of historical events is a criterion which serves to judge the individuals taking part in it. The duty of the individual is to become a willing instrument for furthering its objective purposes. If he sets himself against it, he cannot arrest or alter it, all he can do is to secure his own condemnation by it, frustrating himself and reducing his own life to futility.”

We just have to accept that there’s a plan, a reason to the madness. And rather than set ourselves against it in a way that rejects or judges unworthy or denies the face of God that these events represent, we must instead become “willing instruments which further its objective purposes,” which in the case of the Palestinian plight, means continuing to bring attention to their sacrifice in order to raise awareness of the reality of pathocracy.
Collingwood on the subject of the medieval concept of historiography:

“History, as the will of God, orders itself, and does not depend for its orderliness on the human agent’s will to order it. Plans emerge, and get themselves carried into effect, which no human being had planned; and even men who think they are working against the emergence of these plans are in fact contributing to them. They may assassinate Caesar but they cannot arrest the downfall of the Republic; the very assassination adds a new feature to that downfall. Hence the total course of historical events is a criterion which serves to judge the individuals taking part in it. The duty of the individual is to become a willing instrument for furthering its objective purposes. If he sets himself against it, he cannot arrest or alter it, all he can do is to secure his own condemnation by it, frustrating himself and reducing his own life to futility.”

We just have to accept that there’s a plan, a reason to the madness. And rather than set ourselves against it in a way that rejects or judges unworthy or denies the face of God that these events represent, we must instead become “willing instruments which further its objective purposes,” which in the case of the Palestinian plight, means continuing to bring attention to their sacrifice in order to raise awareness of the reality of pathocracy.
Very well said!
For a number of months, and especially since the start of things with Palestine and the daylights savings time adjustment at the beginning of Nov, I’ve been needing extra sleep or it just might be that I’ve been down about reality overall and have been wanting to go to bed when the sun goes down. The busy season at work has now ended and I attribute some of my tiredness and lack of get up and go and vitality to my job. I have been sleeping about 11 to 12 hours a night, but have been waking up about 3-5 times a night. I have a number of distinct dreams each night, but in general they haven’t been too bad or unsettling, except for a few dreams here and there. Last night though I had a dream where something I took as evil flipped me over in a strange way in my dream and in my dream I screamed out for help. I didn’t wake up with that and the dream continued.

The genocide of the Palestinians and overall, the state of things has me down. I’ve tried to stay detached from reacting and try to see the larger picture and also how blessed and fortunate I am, but haven’t been that successful. I have also found that I’m very impatient when it comes to life in general and the general chaos that is building. I just want things to come to a head in some way and then we can move forward. It just seems to build and build though. And it seems to have been building for years and years.

I’ve thought a number of times since Oct 7th that they have Haarp turned up to full blast on the folks in the US, where I am. I even noted that they admitted doing some experiments at the beginning of Nov

HAARP artificial airglow may be widely visible in Alaska

and we got what seemed like strange red auroras and such things, if I remember right, around that time.

We also have some very high energy cosmic rays hitting earth:

Thanks for opening this thread!
I never had a problem falling asleep, but this has changed completely since the beginning of November, followed by a viral infection with a nasty cough.
It would take me a long time to fall asleep, I would have all sorts of weird dreams, vialent ones, ex-partners, aliens, monsters, etc... after a few hours of sleep I would wake up and this would repeat until I got up. My wife complained to me as well about nightmares.
I've already noticed patterns where I feel pressure physically (not feeling well, no energy, seeing everything in a negative way, virus infection, etc.), psychologically (nightmares, aggressive thoughts, situations where people are aggressive or just evil to me or someone around me for no reason, problems at work).
I've learned to stay calm, not to freak out, not to jump to conclusions, just to keep a distance, not to get attached, to do EE, meditate, pray every day and try to solve problems one by one. Most of the time it would all change at once, usually starting with a dream "where water washes everything away" or I'd beat all the "intruders" up in the dream, followed by feeling strong energy again and suddenly all the problems were gone (solved by themselves).
This is the first time the negative period has lasted so long, I feel better but still can't sleep so well..
I have a theory about these sinus problems and infections people are getting. I think our jammed up cranial systems from various deterimental changes over generations has caused various pathologies to get stuck in the fascial connections in the head. Fungus, bacteria, viruses etc. Then the opening up that’s occurring in the planet is also affecting our craniums and they are opening up. The result is that these chronic low grade infections are now being exposed to the immune system and it’s getting in there to clean it up. That’s another candidate for “surprising solution to long standing problems” referred to in the last session.

Symptoms like inflammation and mucus is the product of a healthy immune system being activated. In my clinical experience I have seen this type of thing a lot when working with freeing Fascial restrictions. Get things moving and things start clearing and healing.
With the constant coughing over the past 3 weeks, my back has been hurting and extremely tight. So, yesterday I went to the place where I usually do HBOT. They work with a lot of athletes to treat various injuries, so I asked about getting spot cryo on my back. They use very cold air - not as cold as the full body but cold enough. The therapist went over my entire back and upper cervical area for 20 minutes, then did my face, focusing on the jaws (I have been clenching at night), and sinuses, blowing cold air in my nasal passages. All the pain in my back was gone along with the inflammation. Also, late last night and this morning I have been clearing a lot of deep congestion, so hopefully this might help turn things around. Wanted to mention this in case anyone has access to cryotherapy - these cryo spas are fairly common now, at least in the larger cities.

Amid all the feelings we have had, or are having, the one thing that stays strong in my mind is that we are here, we have each other. We hold on together and stand tall, knowing that each one of us cares deeply about each one of you. If nothing else, we can hold onto that one fact through anything that is ahead. We have each other.
So glad you mentioned this - every day I feel more grateful for this network! I mentioned in an earlier post that i am feeling less patient with certain friends and family members. So many things that Gurdjieff said have come to mind lately, such as how most people are asleep, how no one wants to know or see truth, and the story of the wicked magician. One of my family members who is more aware has also noticed that people who were less grounded before are becoming even worse - to the point that in order to retain some civility in friend / family relationships we have both decided to take a step back and limit exposure to certain people. So, being able to discuss these things with others who see what is happening and are working very hard to remain stable and to learn from these experiences - is a blessing from DCM!
The doom and gloom of the long, dark autumn nights, the cold weather, coupled with what’s going on in the world, as well as things going on in my own personal life to do with my job, is all just grinding me down, really.
I've heard from a number of people that they are experiencing seasonal affective disorder already, only a few weeks after the Fall Behind time change. Maybe start taking vitamin D, exercise, meditate, ground yourself first thing in the morning. If you are feeling like the sun going down is "gloom and doom", try doing some things that will up your mood.
I'm so sorry you guys have various difficulties.
It's not so bright here either, but I'm trying to remember that no matter what happens - there is a reason and
I have faith the universe knows what is doing even when I don't understand it fully.

Actually I'm feeling little bit lost and overwhelemed last 3 years because not only of global situation but cause I got
comepletely new perspective on my marriage, people at work, my boss, some old friends,...etc

Too many things all at once. But realisations are huge and great and definitly were much needed.
Sometimes I have a feeling that I lived under the rock and then suddenly someone turned the light on.
And gave me big slap in the face.

So now I have teenage doughter who is depressed cause 'world is falling apart', a husband I want to divorce,
job I really love but I'm probably about to be fired with in a month and no place to go...

It is a lonely road but I have - me. First time in my life.
With no lies and no fillters. With knowing who am I and what do I have to give.
And the most important how much still I have to learn.
And you know, although I have almost no support of any kind around me.
You guys are here and I'm so thankfull. That's only thing real and important what is left for me.

And my kid, but she will turn 18 in 2 years. She is even now so smart, independant and down to earth.
So much wisdom she has. It is like all the blessings from our female ancestors downpoured on her.
God knows how long she will stay around until she went to colladge or work etc.
I'm really enjoying her company right now thankfull for such a soul picked me to be her mom in this lifetime.

How the world is changing is disturbing so I'm happy day by day with food on the table, payed bills,
good health, my garden, chickens and books.

I don't know what else to tell you. I'm deeply struck by all the suffering around us and there are days
when I would rather sit and cry about my life or not even get up in the morning.
But then I remind myself that is only soul that is important and it's all good.
One day it will all make sense.
Hugs to you all and take care ❤️
I've heard from a number of people that they are experiencing seasonal affective disorder already, only a few weeks after the Fall Behind time change. Maybe start taking vitamin D, exercise, meditate, ground yourself first thing in the morning. If you are feeling like the sun going down is "gloom and doom", try doing some things that will up your mood.
For me, the biggest different was doing light therapy during the Winter. My mood plummeted during the darkest months until I started doing both red light and white light. There's no comparison, I don't have those severe moods anymore.

A panel of white light would cost like 30 euros. I use one at 10000 lux at 10 - 15 cm distance from my eyes for 10 minutes between 6 am and 8:00 a.m in the morning. This is my second year doing that. In prior years, just a red light bulb would do the trick for me, as long as it was done first thing in the morning for like 10 minutes.

I also have a blue light mini panel to put in the car near your visual field, in case I didn't have time to do it at home.

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