How are you feeling?

My house has experienced that coughing virus as well. I ran a high fever on day one, same as the others in my home, bad chills, awful body pains, etc. However, the next morning, for me, all of it was gone as if it never happened. My husband and adult daughter were ill for over a week with a lingering cough for an additional week. I’m usually the one who’s completely down for the count, so I braced myself. Not sure what happened there, but I’m grateful to whomever or whatever pardoned me this time around. The weird part is that for my family and for a couple of friends who also had that virus at the same time, they mentioned the worst part being the emotional distress and depression that came with it. More precisely, they said the emotional distress and depression became more intense after the worst symptoms had abated. My daughter said she was despondent and couldn’t think straight. My husband was unbearable and angry. A couple of my friends were just acting bizarre and depressed, all after that virus. Strange.

As for surfing the apocalypse, I’ve had many of the same feelings of sadness, hopelessness and depression that have been mentioned here. It was becoming pretty bad, so I sought out hypnotherapy sessions to help cope with the anxiety attacks and intensifying agoraphobia. That seemed to help immensely, even in additional ways I didn’t expect. I still become sad at the horror, but I’m not looking to jump off the train anymore. Some friends I know are only reacting moderately to certain things happening in the world, but other than that, it’s still life as usual to them and they are planning vacations. Other friends who normally wouldn’t say such things are telling me they feel like the world they knew went away and they aren’t sure “where they belong anymore”. I’ve been much more aware of my thoughts and read things or do things to keep them light as well as listen to uplifting or healing music, especially the Gregorian chants. (thank you to those who have provided links to some great chants, they help!)

I’m (thankfully) no longer having the bad dreams. Maybe it’s from the hypnosis sessions but the dreams now are nostalgic, introspective, bittersweet and sometimes even comforting. I was having those hypnagogic paralysis, fighting with G knows what experiences for a while. However, I dare say I haven’t had one since we moved last May, so perhaps that had more to do with my house than these current times. The 3am thing is interesting. No matter how I try to stay asleep, I’m either up until 3am (or after), or I sleep early and then wake between 2am/3am until around 5am. The thing is, I never feel bad when this happens. In fact, it’s during those hours that I feel the best, I have no pains in my body, and my mind feels clear and alert. I want to do a thousand things then, but know I should be sleeping. Anyway, I’ve always been a night owl, but this is different. It feels like I need to be and want to be awake at that time.

This thread has been helpful. I don’t know what I would do without the few people in my life who understand, and of course, this lifesaving forum. Like Andy Dufresne says to Red, “Remember, hope is a good thing, maybe the best of things, and no good thing ever dies”. I still have hope, whether I physically survive to see the great shift or watch it from a front row seat in 5D. (And now I send off this post at nearly 3am)

Quelque chose de fondamental a lieu à 3 :40 du matin | Sadhguru​

Something fundamental happens at 3:40 a.m. | Sadhguru

Se RÉVEILLER entre 3H et 5H du MATIN : Qu’est-ce que ça veut dire ?​

WAKE UP between 3AM and 5AM: What does that mean?
2 weeks ago I reported: I've been feeling a strange negative atmosphere or mood for a few weeks. Makes me think of the futility of 3D existence.

At my job, I've been working hard recently, meeting deadlines that keep coming like Lucy packing chocolates off the conveyor belt, as well as taking losses both outside the department and inside the department. But thanks to the covid nonsense we've been through, I've already gained experience going through a full cycle so I'll just go full cycle again to counter what came at me. I've also ramped up a side hustle, so there's more money in circulation going out and coming in. So there's an intensity in progress, and an exertion of energy to meet the increased activity.

4 days ago I was unclogging the bathtub by snaking it, and that was an awkward position that hurt my back. I could barely stand the next day and was uncomfortable lying in bed, though I'm much better now and have resumed lifting the large cast iron pan and walking around at regular speed.
I had the best night’s sleep last night for ages. I actually felt restored when I woke up, which is the feeling I’ve been missing over the last couple of months. I thought it was interesting in light of this thread. The thread came to mind within a minute or so of getting out of bed.
I had the best night’s sleep last night for ages. I actually felt restored when I woke up, which is the feeling I’ve been missing over the last couple of months. I thought it was interesting in light of this thread. The thread came to mind within a minute or so of getting out of bed.
What came to mind reading your post is that people lock themselves in their worries and problems and think that they are doing something wrong or are not good enough or or or....

The value of this thread is also to remind us that we are not alone and that we are part of a bigger picture and that there are many influences that we should be aware of but in the whirlwind of life - we forget.

This opening up of so many members and speaking up and sharing reminds me of the Christian way of dealing with problems that are out of our reach - one simply states problems and worries and puts them in God´s hands to sort them out.

Many times I felt unease or I would overthink about something or I had thought loops running amok. By speaking about those thoughts, I could many times feel the burden lift off.

I wouldn´t be surprised to see many more people either sleeping better or feeling better now that they see that they are not to blame and they are not alone.

When knowing that we do our best to keep ourselves healthy on all levels and yet feeling bad or down, by sharing our feelings we lift that extra burden from our hearts and give it to the DCM, have faith in it, and let it do its work.
I mentioned in the Israel thread about a 'dark, heavy feeling' that I had which was basically a sense of foreboding before the airstrikes really ramped up. I was also sick with lingering viral aftereffects for some time but it seems to have passed. Now the horror is in full swing (albeit paused for the moment) I mostly feel highly motivated to share information, boost content on X and take heart from the huge number of people who seem to have a good deal of awareness. Those who are asleep I mostly leave them to it. I really think we need to use the opportunity while we have it, I don't feel like doing much else a lot of the time. A lot of life seems more trivial than ever, a waste of time.

In short, I don't feel very happy but I do feel hopeful, motivated, etc.
I've had the feeling of impending doom now for quite some time...when the events in Palestine ramped up, I thought, well, this was why I was feeling like that, but the doom has been replaced with the sense of real evil now. A few times last week, when just dropping off to sleep, images of what I can only describe as malevolent faces kept coming out if the darkness and into my (closed eyes) vision...many different faces, but I knew they were evil. They would appear slowly out of the darkness, come up close then fade away, only for another to do the same. I know these are attacks, so I say in my mind, get lost, you're not welcome...eventually it stops and I fall asleep...but my dreams are frantic and I awake not feeling rested at all.

Thank you for this thread Joe, I won't say it's nice to read the posts, but it's a comfort to know and read of the experiences of others.
I had a very vivid dream last night. I was at a sunny beach in Gaza with lots of people chilling around. Suddenly from the opposite sides of the beach some huge (like several hundred meters long) alien machines started to roll in and people started panicking and chaos broke out. It literally felt like an alien invasion.
I had the best night’s sleep last night for ages. I actually felt restored when I woke up, which is the feeling I’ve been missing over the last couple of months. I thought it was interesting in light of this thread. The thread came to mind within a minute or so of getting out of bed.
Interesting, same here, a peaceful night's sleep for the first time in a long time. It hasn't just been the last few weeks that 2 to 3 a.m. has been an uncomfortably awake time, though in the last few weeks the bad energy is more intense. I did wake up around 3 a.m. but was in no discomfort, (ditto for our kitty who senses the energy like a geiger counter) and I just ruminated in total peace and comfort. I had done an EE session earlier in the evening than usual and didn't pass out at any point in the tape. That session is still 'holding' as is improved breathing.

I usually do EE every fifth day starting earlier this fall, just before going to sleep. The crystal program mentions 8 p.m. as a good time to do the prayers and sing to the crystals. I wonder if that is the significant point, it was around 8 p.m. or if it is that I had the energy to stay focussed throughout listening to the program. Or something else? I suspect it was having enough energy to pay attention consciously all the way through. Anyway, whatever the reason, it was such a blessing!
Cough, nausea, virus, in the last two years since I had Covid. Also sense of doom, panic attacks, heart ache, problems with breathing for no reason, feeling of imminent death (mine) very soon, unease, dark thoughts, desperation.

All that till the 20th november. I was at the dentist, had to fix one and to remove one tooth. I was so in panic that I almost ran away from the ordination. Doctor noticed that and get me in earlier. It went so easy and painlessly that I was in wonder. After that my fears, dark thoughts and panic attacks go away, my heart and breathing are ok, I feel great physically and mentally. I can only guess that I had some attachment that I get rid off when I was brave enough to go to the dentist. Who knows . . .
I had a sore throat for a few weeks in early November and now I have some congestion and headaches. My stress level is high because I need to have heart valve replacement surgery soon. I wish there was another way to deal with this problem but I believe surgery is the only option. I also have a slightly pinched nerve in my neck which causes pain in my neck and shoulders. Not fun.
I have been waking up around 3 am for years although since I have been grounding regularly my sleep is far more restful and my dreams more vivid. Last night I woke up after dreaming that downtown was flooded even though the weather was fair and no flooding was reported. Last week I dreamt that my friend was replacing windows in my bedroom. I thought the new windows were unusual and when I asked him about it he said that the new windows would prevent the blind from seeing the portal that was developing there. I said you are either teasing me or you are serious, either way I need to go sit on the steps and have a cigarette.
I alternate between depression and peaceful acceptance about world events. The Ukraine conflict and Israel/Hamas conflict are so disturbing. Unfortunately our world has been at war throughout our history. I focus on EE, healthy eating, exercise and constant knowledge input to help me find peace.
I have been feeling the stress coming for some time, and I have reviewed the basics. For food, it's quite easy for me to stay focused. I take my supplements well, with magnesium in the evening which helped me well to fall asleep.
A few months ago, I adopted ivermectin once a month as a prevention. I was taking iodine once a week and I switched to every other day: after a week it started with a blocked nostril day and night, which was quite painful. Now my nose keeps running. Very sore throat too and facial bones.
Especially I feel immense fatigue. I slowed down my pace a lot. I am thinking of taking iodine again every day because it has helped me a lot in the past to regain my anchorage.

I've had a lot of nightmares throughout the past few years; in fact, since my husband passed away, I've felt more vulnerable. It had become much calmer and my sleep had finally improved. I now only sleep intermittently and stay awake into the night.

Yet I still feel a palpable external anxiety that is growing. And also a suffering of the world that is getting heavier and seems to "hypnotize" us. And I wonder about 5G and EM radiation that can provoke and destabilize us.
In short I am trying to cope, in my experience it is the only thing to do.

I feel connected with all of you the team. I want to see the news, like the need to face reality.
Prayer is a great help.

Outside, it's just weird and I lack confidence, so many strange behaviors and also aggression. When necessary, I try to show my disagreement clearly but without insisting (we can see things differently). I'm going out less.

There have been some obstructions to connect to the SRT lately, namely the lack of sound!, or the session that stops abruptly! I don't take it too lightly, since these moments are active.

It is a question of accepting in general to be part of this world in a phase of violent disintegration, and a new phase of loneliness due to this extreme situation.
And a great confrontation with oneself that is reminiscent of our own confrontation with death...
Here I will follow Loreta who said: "These dark times make me appreciate the light".

Thanks to Joe for asking, and to Ryan for his draw :
"This unshakable inner purpose brings good fortune in the end. An obstruction that only lasts for a certain period of time is useful for personal development. This is the value of adversity. " And thank you all for being here. :hug2:

Je sentais venir le stress depuis quelques temps, et j'ai revu les bases. Pour la nourriture c'est assez facile de rester concentrée pour moi. Je prends bien mes compléments, avec du magnésium le soir qui m'aidait bien pour m'endormir.
J'ai adopté il y a quelques mois l'ivermectine une fois par mois en prévention. Je prenais l'iode une fois par semaine et je suis passée à un jour sur deux : après une semaine cela a commencé avec une narine bouchée jour et nuit, ce qui était assez pénible. Maintenant mon nez coule sans arrêt. Très mal à la gorge aussi et aux os du visage.
Surtout je ressens une immense fatigue. J'ai ralenti mon rythme beaucoup. Je songe à reprendre l'iode tous les jours car cela m'a beaucoup aidé dans le passé à retrouver mon ancrage.

J'ai fait beaucoup de cauchemars tout au long des années passées ; en fait depuis le décès de mon mari, je me suis sentie plus vulnérable. C'était devenu beaucoup plus calme et mon sommeil s'était finalement amélioré. Je ne dors maintenant que par intermittence et reste éveillée dans la nuit.

Pourtant je ressens encore une angoisse extérieure palpable qui s'agrandit. Et une souffrance aussi du monde qui s'alourdit et semble nous "hypnotiser". Et je me pose des questions sur les rayonnements 5G et EM susceptibles de nous provoquer et de nous déstabiliser.
En bref j'essaie de faire face, dans mon expérience c'est la seule chose à faire.

Je me sens en connexion avec vous tous l'équipe. Je tiens à voir les infos, comme le besoin de faire face à la réalité.
La prière est d'un grand secours.

A l'extérieur, c'est juste bizarre et je manque de confiance, tant il y a de comportements étranges et aussi d'agressivité. Quand il le faut, j'essaie de montrer mon désaccord nettement mais sans insister (on peut voir les choses différemment). Je sors moins.

Il y a eu quelques obstructions pour me connecter aux SRT ces derniers temps, soit le manque de son !, soit la séance qui s'arrête brusquement ! Je ne le prends pas trop à la légère, vu que ces moments sont actifs.

Il est question d'accepter en général d'être partie de ce monde en phase de désintégration violente, et une nouvelle phase de solitude due à cette situation extrême.
Et une grande confrontation à soi-même qui n'est pas sans rappeler notre propre confrontation à la mort...
Ici, je suivrai Loreta qui a dit : " Ces temps sombres me font apprécier la lumière".

Merci à Joe d'avoir demandé, et à Ryan pour son tirage :
" Ce but intérieur inébranlable apporte de la bonne fortune à la fin. Une obstruction qui ne dure que pendant un certain temps est utile pour le développement personnel. C'est la valeur de l'adversité. " Merci à tous pour être là. :hug2:
I've been observing the weight of energy for a long time. I've been doing regular card/energy readings and for the last year it's been picking up in intensity, each month it gets heavier, tighter, everything is faster.

People feel something but don't know what. The energy is rough and heavy also because old and unresolved things are coming back. Little wounds get bigger if they are not treated, so to speak.
On the other hand, we seem to be helped (a lot) when we choose to make a change, and I speak from personal experience as well.

This year I had two of my long-held dreams of an alien invasion, but I stopped running and hiding and instead started defending and fighting back. I even found myself a weapon - water :-). Which I dreamt right after C's summer revealing session. I've been saying "it's happening" ever since.

Last week I experienced a kind of strange energy attack, that was a reaction to my actions though, and I literally felt like the incoming wave was going to split me into atoms. A very real feeling. The good thing is that the energetic pressure and moods that have been happening lately can't compare :-).

The last few weeks I've been studying even more, searching, re-reading the sessions - that's my pill.

Hang on, it'll pass... :-)
I've not been waking up in the night recently, but I read this thread yesterday and last night woke up around 2.30am with sinus issues. I kept getting a visualisation of some virus blocking my nose. It kept me up for a few hours then eventually I went back to sleep. Today my sinuses have been clearer, but I have the feeling that I have a virus/flu hanging around waiting for the holidays when I can properly relax, since there's too much going on with my job and renovations at the moment.

As for what's happening in Palestine, I am finding it better to limit the amount of media I am consuming, especially on Twitter. I've never seen so many graphic and disturbing images and videos before. I try to find out the main events from the day, but attempt to not spend too long sadistically looking at the scenes.

Getting sunlight in my eyes during these short days also really helps my mood and sleep, and I would recommend it to anyone who spends a lot of time indoors.

Edit: Adding a link to Huberman's page who is a big proponent of sunlight in your eyes, and it lists the benefits and methods.

I had the best night’s sleep last night for ages. I actually felt restored when I woke up, which is the feeling I’ve been missing over the last couple of months. I thought it was interesting in light of this thread. The thread came to mind within a minute or so of getting out of bed.
Woke up at 3:20 am after intense dreams. When I woke up had a quick thought about the thread, toilet stop and back to bed straight back to sleep and slept well the rest of the night.
The value of this thread is also to remind us that we are not alone and that we are part of a bigger picture and that there are many influences that we should be aware of but in the whirlwind of life - we forget.
I felt this as soon as I started reading the thread. Hopefully we hit peak, with the moon now waning, the energy will calm down a bit. Though once they start to massacre Palestinians again en masse we'll see what happens. Though the Israelis never really stop committing heinous crimes on a daily basis.
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