How are you feeling?

Quand cela m'arrive de me réveiller vers 3h du matin et cela m'arrive souvent, je prie et le sommeil revient facilement me prendre dans ses bras... J'apprécie tellement ma connexion avec le Divin Esprit Cosmique, Il est ma Force, mon Espoir, ma Consolation, ma Résilience, ma Volonté... Je ne me tourne que vers Lui quoi qu'il arrive... Tu es mon Berger, Oh Seigneur et là où tu me conduis je n'ai pas peur car Tu es toujours avec moi, main dans la main...

When I wake up around 3 a.m. and this happens often, I pray and sleep easily comes back to take me in its arms... I so appreciate my connection with the Divine Cosmic Spirit, He is my Strength , my Hope, my Consolation, my Resilience, my Will... I only turn to Him whatever happens... You are my Shepherd, Oh Lord and where you lead me I am not afraid because You are always with me, hand in hand...
Thank you Joe as always for lighting the fire and thank you everyone for sharing your experiences.

i had a bad viral infection about 2 or 3 months ago, and while the flu symptoms are gone I am still suffering from post viral fatigue … having said that I have been actively trying all sorts of things to help, even bought a ir sauna blanket which seems to have helped, that, along with remedial massage (I’m covered in cupping bruises atm) adding a few more carbs to my diet seems to have helped a bit and I hope that eventually it will go away.

i started looking into nitric oxide as I have lost some of my breathing vigor (I’m a singer) and got some recommendations from my naturapath and massage therapist…last night along with trying some new breathing techniques for the book the breathing cure by Patrick McKeown I took some nitric factor powder … on the container it says take twice daily so I figured it was fine to take at night…. BIG mistake I had a sleepless night of panic and racing thoughts … it turns out after talking with my ,massage therapist that it’s supposed to be a pre work out thing (although it’s all natural and doesn’t have any nasties in it) and that I am sensitive to it so should only take half dose and only before mid day … that along with the breathing exercises certainly pushed me over the edge … and I have spent the whole day recovering. I’m still a bit jittery but starting to feel a bit more “normal”
i can recommend the physiological sigh ( huberman talks about it in one of his videos) to help to calm down. If you are feeling stressed and or panic

I think along with my very deep kinesiology sessions over the last 6 months or so have definitely had a major impact on me and I am learning to integrate long subdued parts of myself. All this while looking at this crazy clown world has made it more difficult than usual to be positive, but, like many have said it can be, we are seeing the new world come into being, we have each other, and I am optimistic and for the most part doing ok all things considered …

the 3 am thing is also very interesting as I have been suffering from that too for the last few months, so much so that I decided to get back on the melatonin.

it certainly is heart warming to have this amazing Forum, I hate to think where I’d be without it, your experiences and support are truly inspiring, thank you brothers and sisters, keep the lighthouse shining bright .. :hug2::cool2:

The science behind the physiological sigh gives an explanation, I think, for why singing is so beneficial.

When you sing, you are doing long exhalations for the phrases of the song, punctuated by short intakes of breath in between.
The science behind the physiological sigh gives an explanation, I think, for why singing is so beneficial.

When you sing, you are doing long exhalations for the phrases of the song, punctuated by short intakes of breath in between.

Absolutely spot on T.C. ... since getting the virus I haven't been able to sing as much as I normally would so that has probably not helped my situation.. think I will try to get back to it as much as possible :)
Anybody feeling very aroused when waking up at 3 AM?

Almost every morning, I feel a strong creative/sexual energy lasting from 15 to 40 minutes. It took me a lot of time to learn to not get carried away by the signal (which, if followed, usually leads to a massive energy discharge requiring 5 days to recover!).
Q: (L) The reason I ask is because a man named Wayne Cook did some work with dowsing and he found out that the human body, after sexual climax, dowses the same pattern as a dead body. Why is this? (T) Draining of energy.
A: Yes.

Q: (L) Okay, where does the energy drain to?
A: To the ether.

Q: (L) Does the energy go to one or the other partner?
A: Maybe.

Q: (L) Is it possible, during this activity, for Lizzies or other beings to be hanging around and be drawing this energy?
A: Yes.

Q: (L) Is that, in a general sense, what often happens?
A: Yes.

Q: (L) Is this one of the reasons that sex has been promoted and promulgated in our society to such an extent...
A: Yes, yes, yes.
Q: (L) Well, sexual energy "redirected"; does this mean women will stop having sex with men?
A: Not exactly.

Q: (L) Am I close?
A: Yes. Men will lose most of their drive in favor of more spiritual pursuits. It is the sex drive that is at the root of most of the historical aggression and lack of feeling on the part of the male.

Q: (L) Can we tell others?
A: Might cause turmoil but up to you.

Q: (L) I noticed that at about the same time I began meditating heavily that my drive plummeted. Is this because of the meditation?
A: Yes. Females will lose some drive too. But how will humans react to this, that is the question. Will they be prepared?

Q: (L) Does this mean that everybody is going to lose interest in sex?
A: Will have much less and must learn to relate to each other more spiritually.
Maybe a 3D lesson is to learn to transmute sexual energy into creative/spiritual energy. And when the lesson is learned, the awareness is such that sexual activities become rather 'dissonant' especially with the STO orientation.
Well it's 1am here, not quite 3am, and I just woke up to some being standing over me. It was so close to my face that I couldn't really see what it was but it was saying something that I couldn't understand. Not being able to move or wake up completely I just said the prayer of the soul in my mind. The thing faded away after a few seconds and I could move again.

I went to sleep earlier thinking about how we are manipulated by highly intelligent beings and how difficult and unfair it is. The last thing I remember thinking is Elon Musk saying "Go f.. yourself". Then I had a dream about investigating some alien interference on the planet many years ago and how the aliens had killed or injured many people. Then I woke up with that thing standing over me.

I must say I felt more annoyed than scared. Maybe Elon's words were still in my mind haha.
Thank you for opening this thread, Joe and for sharing, everyone. It feels like all of us are coming together, sitting around a table and talking about our respective situations, feelings and perspectives. Everyone can open up and find that we all are affected by the present state of the world, our more immediate environment and in our lives each in our own way. It conveys a sense of togetherness that very much lightens the weight. In a way I feel reminded of the times when many members have been very active on the Corona thread, for example, where shared how the Covid madness affected them, their lives and the lives of their families and friends.

I too have been experiencing different infections, starting by the end of September and with the worst of it until mid-October. Things improved significantly around mid-November, but cold symptoms have returned recently with the weather turning colder, snowing and almost no sunshine. I'm taking supplements, homeopathic remedies, drink lots of tea and make broth from bones if the organic store has them, as well as trying to get decent sleep.

It seems to me like my body is detoxing a lot of stuff with those infections; and with that also old memories have come up (and still do) that have been buried or were more in the back of my mind, partially making me re-living situations that are long bygone. In a way it reminds me of the life-recapitulation that people have experienced during NDEs, or which has been reported about in the afterlife literature. With a connection to lessons that need to be dealt with, or that are currently being dealt with, only different parts of me catching up differently.

Besides that there have been mainly two different states: Sometimes a bogging down by feelings of overwhelm and tiredness. At other times, and this has become the more dominant state over the last few weeks, I am feeling more content and calm. That is helped by holding a space via EE, meditating, praying, getting fresh air, practicing gratitude and thus being able to perceive and appreciate things that are normally taken for granted. An awareness about that helps to see ever more things one can be grateful for. Next to writing into the gratitude journal I also started with a self-love journal, as well as with decluttering in my apartment and taking other steps. It all has a liberating effect.

As for Gaza, that has been quite in the background for me due to having to deal with lessons of my own and focusing on self-care. But the plight of the people there deeply saddens me too, and the stance of our government and many people in my country angers me. However, not so much as it used to. It's not something that can be directly changed by us individually, but at least indirectly influenced by making efforts to grow towards the best version of ourselves, by sharing information as we can or taking whatever little steps in our Work that are possible for us. Which all is a signal to the Universe for choosing a better world too. And the Cosmos may eventually answer, if the majority of people don't come to their senses - and that massacre in Gaza may be one of the last calls trying to achieve that.

But there is always light in the darkness (as loreta and others have pointed out so well), including hope. And didn't the C's say that things will get worse before they get better? Like, it's always darkest before dawn. We don't know when the dawn comes, but maybe that's a test of Faith in the Universe and also of Love for it as it is. But as we are facing those tests together, it is easier. My heart goes out to you all wherever you are and with whatever you are currently struggling. :hug2:
Like most of those who have posted in this thread, it's been a pretty rough couple of months.

Some health inconveniences like a tooth root canal, a couple of throat and ear infections. In my family my son and my mom have had different health problems.

The energy has definitely been especially dense and somewhat dark, I commented with my partner that this Halloween I really felt the thinning of the veil, with bizarre situations and dreams like one in which I dreamed that my deceased father called me on the phone but I did not want to answer and reacted with much discomfort.

Considering all that, and the horrible state of the world I still think I find myself optimistic and eager to keep going as far as possible.
On the other hand, I've been feeling particularly inspired and creative this couple of months.
And the fact that I have been meditating with crystals for a little over two years now gives me purpose and a special satisfaction. Sometimes I think I should feel quite a bit worse given how irreversible the end of civilization seems , but staying aligned with what is being taught and shared on this forum inspires me and gives me a lot of faith.
I haven't had any dark thought, mostly frustration as I'm trying to change my diet but can't seem to nail down the timing (I never cared for food so I had no real food schedule/habit). For me, it definitely feels like time is speeding up and I feel I'm lagging behind. However, I have been having sleepless nights. My old leg injury leaves me rolling around at night, and I accidently flared up the injury over the Thanksgiving holidays. I've had this injury for quite some time and this is time around is the worst its been all year.

I've been intentionally keeping news watching to a minimum. I found myself getting much too angry about mid summer of this year to where it was actually affecting my work ethics.
I have found sleeping on my stomach with one leg bent, like in the picture below, to be quite comfortable. It could put strain on your neck, but if the pillow is removed as Altair wrote, the position is more neck friendly. As a bonus, snoring and sleep apnea is reduced when sleeping in this position.


That's my favourite sleep position. I find that it helps to stretch out tension in shoulders, particularly the shoulder on the opposite side to the face. It also seems to help with stretching out the hips. I scoot down the bed so that the foot on the extended leg hangs over the bottom so that ankle can either stay in a neutral position or flexed against the bottom of the mattress occasionally to put some gentle traction or stretch on the leg, hip and buttocks. I wonder if it creates calming effects from the pressure of the weight of the body on the ventral surface. Unfortunately, it's not as easy for women to do it without a pillow because breasts can get uncomfortably squashed!

Thank you Joe as always for lighting the fire and thank you everyone for sharing your experiences.

i had a bad viral infection about 2 or 3 months ago, and while the flu symptoms are gone I am still suffering from post viral fatigue … having said that I have been actively trying all sorts of things to help, even bought a ir sauna blanket which seems to have helped, that, along with remedial massage (I’m covered in cupping bruises atm) adding a few more carbs to my diet seems to have helped a bit and I hope that eventually it will go away.

i started looking into nitric oxide as I have lost some of my breathing vigor (I’m a singer) and got some recommendations from my naturapath and massage therapist…last night along with trying some new breathing techniques for the book the breathing cure by Patrick McKeown I took some nitric factor powder … on the container it says take twice daily so I figured it was fine to take at night…. BIG mistake I had a sleepless night of panic and racing thoughts … it turns out after talking with my ,massage therapist that it’s supposed to be a pre work out thing (although it’s all natural and doesn’t have any nasties in it) and that I am sensitive to it so should only take half dose and only before mid day … that along with the breathing exercises certainly pushed me over the edge … and I have spent the whole day recovering. I’m still a bit jittery but starting to feel a bit more “normal”
i can recommend the physiological sigh ( huberman talks about it in one of his videos) to help to calm down. If you are feeling stressed and or panic

I think along with my very deep kinesiology sessions over the last 6 months or so have definitely had a major impact on me and I am learning to integrate long subdued parts of myself. All this while looking at this crazy clown world has made it more difficult than usual to be positive, but, like many have said it can be, we are seeing the new world come into being, we have each other, and I am optimistic and for the most part doing ok all things considered …

the 3 am thing is also very interesting as I have been suffering from that too for the last few months, so much so that I decided to get back on the melatonin.

it certainly is heart warming to have this amazing Forum, I hate to think where I’d be without it, your experiences and support are truly inspiring, thank you brothers and sisters, keep the lighthouse shining bright .. :hug2::cool2:

Have added the physiological sigh to my tool box :-)

Curious co-incidence, I think it was the same night that I was having a bit of a release of sorts, didn't sleep all night - even with 3mg of melatonin on board which is unusual, and was having bouts of the shakes - I put it down to neurogenic trembling. One of the things that I think was very different this time from when I've tried the trauma release exercises is that with some assistance, I was able to take some ventral vagal energy into it and the tremoring arose spontaneously. Stephen Porges says that vagal toning exercises help and have their place, but the biological imperative is to get cues of safety, of being warmly and compassionately held, from others. It seems to work even if they're not physically present!
Anybody feeling very aroused when waking up at 3 AM?

Almost every morning, I feel a strong creative/sexual energy lasting from 15 to 40 minutes. It took me a lot of time to learn to not get carried away by the signal (which, if followed, usually leads to a massive energy discharge requiring 5 days to recover!).

Maybe a 3D lesson is to learn to transmute sexual energy into creative/spiritual energy. And when the lesson is learned, the awareness is such that sexual activities become rather 'dissonant' especially with the STO orientation.
What you describe is essentially the (lower) motor center draining energy from the sexual center (Mouravieff I believe) - this being an automatic function of the human body to keep the species going. The same energy can be utilised to develop the higher centers by engaging in creative pursuits, which is one of the lessons as you mention. The after-effect of such endeavours is that there is less want/need to express that energy in performing actual sex which is a lower center motor function.
I’m hardly sleeping at all this past month or so. I have always struggled with sleep quality and quantity but this is a lot worse. Haven’t had any weird energies or entities showing up in my dreams for a while now and haven’t been dreaming for past few weeks as I’m not asleep. Insomnia is not because of bad habits either. I do as best I can to maintain good sleep hygiene as well I take melatonin but doesn’t seem to do anything as no different if I forget one night.
But I’ve been okay. I just tell myself “I’m okay”. This has been new for me this year, to just be okay and carry on. Even with lack of sleep my health is really good anyway, surprisingly. But I do practice relaxation and visualise fluid flushing through my brain when I’m not sleeping, so that helps.
My year has been pretty intense with lots of having to help other people. I count it as a blessing to have meaningful purpose to all my days, so feel very very grateful for this. Probably what keeps me going.
I keep learning as much as I can and that has helped me with my anger about everything going on.
I also have been studying algebra distance uni courses last couple of years. I have this sense that my brain has learned how to conceive of higher densities/dimensions. My intuition and insights in my clinical practice (rehabilitation body therapy) seem to have deepened.
As for the world, I’m kind of just munching the popcorn, and the PTB well—“For ’tis the sport to have the enginer
Hoist with his own petard …”
Some addition about sleep: My sleep isn't that well too and I tend to wake up in between as well, but mostly between around 4 and 6 AM. That might be due to my evening job which sets a later rhythm - coming home around 11 PM ususally and winding down usually until 1 AM or past. Besides of always having been on the side of night owl in general. However, during that waking time I either just rest or pray / meditate, or I read before getting tired enough for more sleep. So it's still a time well used, and also offers extra time which the day sometimes may not for such endeavors. That's one positive in this, at least.

As for dreams, currently there haven't been dreams I can remember, aside from the overall flavor. Last night I had a dream which involved at least one forum member, maybe other members, and it was the first remembered one since weeks. Maybe that has been an effect from sharing here yesterday. The dream had a general encouraging effect, that I am doing well thus far.
It took me a lot of time to learn to not get carried away by the signal…
Just remember that the sex topic is not all doom and gloom as depicted in earlier sessions you quoted when Laura was working with Frank.
It was discussed in the forum and this post knd of summaries it.

I can imagine how difficult it is to contol it when a person is single but just keep doing The Work an be aware of the drive and maybe that drive to find the right person (that is in us all) can make you become/transform into a best possible version of yourself so you could be a better partner and a better fellow human being.
Thank you all for sharing, in these last few months it has been an intense internal struggle for me, and the feeling of death due to a family member has also been very present. That has made me neglect some what is happening externally of my family circle, although that has made me immerse on what is happening with myself internally, meditating on my mistakes, life experiences and my present.
I have found that I feel very upset by the people I meet throughout my life, and in general with all those who reject the truth and deliberately tell lies and seek their benefit mainly, and the painful thing is that they can be members of your own family. Shortly after the Covid vaccination began, I told my family about the health risk of getting the Covid vaccine, and I think it bothered them and my relationship with my mother and sisters began to deteriorate along with other things.
And my feeling of struggle and it is because it seems that being on the side of the truth puts you on the opposite side that some people are on and then in my opinion you have to defend yourself, that is, simply stick to what you believe can sometimes be a constant fight, because you have a lot of other people attacking you simply because you are on the other side.
Sometimes I think that this crap of global government and corrupt institutions and all the people pushing to force you to be on the side of lies has to end, that is, if a radical change comes, and many people have to suffer in different ways, it is what it is, surely we all have the opportunity to choose which side want to be on, whether to learn from the lessons or deliberately continue in the black hole. So an event of great magnitude that brings order seems most reasonable, whatever has to happen seems most reasonable.
Although it is surely not that simple, I have the impression that in one way or another we will invariably all feel or "suffer" from the detachment from this reality, death, and the shift to another reality whichever one we are individually destined to learn.
Something that has helped me lately when I have been feeling a nervous or insecure is to sing the song "In The Garden" which is in the crystal kit, I feel it blocks unproductive or fearful thoughts.
Several months ago, I had a dream, in which a kind of human, which was rather deformed, it looked like a kind of human "monster", followed me, I had the impression that he wanted to attack me, then in this dream I began to sing something very sharp, similar to Opera songs, it was like a kind of protection or shield that came out of the chest, and formed a shield around me.
Thank you Joe for starting this thread and to everyone else for bravely sharing their very personal experiences. I’ve had that weird virus myself 3 weeks ago and am still struggling with wet cough. Work has been hectic and stressful this past year and unfortunately self care was put on the back burner and despite my efforts to get back on track I found it impossible. Then comes the virus and I’m forced to finally make my health a priority. Actually while lying in bed with high fever and body aches for a week, I remembered the last session and C’s prediction of surprising solutions to longstanding problems. Didn’t like the process, but sure appreciate the result as the virus facilitated detox made me feel better than I did in years!
As far as waking up between 3-4am that so many described here, I’ve been experiencing the same thing since Wednesday but attributed it to the full moon as I often find it hard to sleep through the night during those 2-3 days every month. And of course, like all of you here, watching the atrocities committed around the world without any way to stop it, has been very emotionally taxing. Part of me wants to employ the ostrich approach and disconnect from the news, while care for my fellow humans and the suffering they’re going through doesn’t allow me to do that. All I can do is to bear witness and pray for a better future for all of us.

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