The Living Force
Quand cela m'arrive de me réveiller vers 3h du matin et cela m'arrive souvent, je prie et le sommeil revient facilement me prendre dans ses bras... J'apprécie tellement ma connexion avec le Divin Esprit Cosmique, Il est ma Force, mon Espoir, ma Consolation, ma Résilience, ma Volonté... Je ne me tourne que vers Lui quoi qu'il arrive... Tu es mon Berger, Oh Seigneur et là où tu me conduis je n'ai pas peur car Tu es toujours avec moi, main dans la main...
When I wake up around 3 a.m. and this happens often, I pray and sleep easily comes back to take me in its arms... I so appreciate my connection with the Divine Cosmic Spirit, He is my Strength , my Hope, my Consolation, my Resilience, my Will... I only turn to Him whatever happens... You are my Shepherd, Oh Lord and where you lead me I am not afraid because You are always with me, hand in hand...
When I wake up around 3 a.m. and this happens often, I pray and sleep easily comes back to take me in its arms... I so appreciate my connection with the Divine Cosmic Spirit, He is my Strength , my Hope, my Consolation, my Resilience, my Will... I only turn to Him whatever happens... You are my Shepherd, Oh Lord and where you lead me I am not afraid because You are always with me, hand in hand...