How are you feeling?

He approached me to sell them, but I told him I didn't need any that day. When I looked at him, his eyes reflected such sadness that I couldn't bear to stare. I immediately turned my head and told him, 'No, dude, I don't need any bags today. Thank you.' Then, I felt a sharp pain in my chest, and as I walked away, I started crying. It came out of nowhere!!! I felt incredibly sad, like I wanted to throw myself to the ground and cry. I didn't, but when I got home, I cried.
Sometimes, when I'm in crowded supermarkets, I get the same feeling. It's not pleasant, and I try to avoid crowded places.

Funny, the main time I get this feeling is also in supermarkets, but then, I guess that’s mainly the only other place I go apart from my job.

I’ve never put it down to being energetically drained though. I’ve always thought of it as me just being sensitive to the reality of everyone around me being plugged into the matrix and they don’t even know. And it’s just sad.

But I guess if we were to dwell on it and allow the sadness to run constantly in us then that would probably either create or be a sign of a feeding tendril draining off to 4D STS. I think those kinds of feelings, when they’re taken too far, are rooted in our own selfishness. By that, I mean our attachment to our earthly and fleshly nature instead of our spiritual one. The flesh, the self, selfishness, they go hand in hand, and that focus on self being a reflection of alignment with 4D STS is what facilitates the creation of a feeding tube.

So awareness of these concepts combined with self-awareness and self-observation are probably the best remedies for stopping this kind of drain.
Or maybe just buy some bags off the poor lad. In public I interact with as many as possible, with love, and try to share joy, people return this it's uplifting and energising. People give the same back most of the time. Not always, but mostly. You get what you give. Very simple.
Funny, the main time I get this feeling is also in supermarkets, but then, I guess that’s mainly the only other place I go apart from my job.

I’ve never put it down to being energetically drained though. I’ve always thought of it as me just being sensitive to the reality of everyone around me being plugged into the matrix and they don’t even know. And it’s just sad.

But I guess if we were to dwell on it and allow the sadness to run constantly in us then that would probably either create or be a sign of a feeding tendril draining off to 4D STS. I think those kinds of feelings, when they’re taken too far, are rooted in our own selfishness. By that, I mean our attachment to our earthly and fleshly nature instead of our spiritual one. The flesh, the self, selfishness, they go hand in hand, and that focus on self being a reflection of alignment with 4D STS is what facilitates the creation of a feeding tube.

So awareness of these concepts combined with self-awareness and self-observation are probably the best remedies for stopping this kind of drain.
That makes sense. Being aware of these situations can help when the 4D STS is attempting to drain energy. It's difficult for me, though. Often, I'm preoccupied with my job or other mundane matters, and I'm not fully aware of what's happening. Therefore, I need to pay more attention and be present.

Thanks for the feedback, I really appreciate it!
Or maybe just buy some bags off the poor lad. In public I interact with as many as possible, with love, and try to share joy, people return this it's uplifting and energising. People give the same back most of the time. Not always, but mostly. You get what you give. Very simple.
I was distracted, and when I looked into his eyes, the impact was overwhelming, it hit me so hard. I couldn't think clearly; I just wanted to leave. I felt an intense pain in my chest. I realize now that I should have calmed myself and proceeded with the transaction, get some bags to help this dude. It was a valuable lesson, though I was caught off guard by the 4D STS while I was distracted.

Have you always been like this? I have and I think that it’s important to know a lot about the situation we are in, how we got in it, and what to do personally and individually about it, something like ‘staying frosty’ as one astrologer I listened to the other day said about Capricorns, hilarious, no one ever suggested to me to stay frosty before and I can be so freaking frosty I could freeze over hell, but at the same time hugely compassionate- what a dichotomy, bit it’s kinda perfect because it gives a nice balance between observing, keeping my emotions in check and also feeling for the plight of the world and its inhabitants.

But then sometimes I need that release, so I allow myself to cry, or sometimes even more rare, I cry at the strangest things, like hearing the firemen coming in their trucks dressed up in tinsel to hand out lollies for the kids at Christmas, I wanted to throw myself in the ground and howl like a wounded animal, I felt like such a silly sausage about it….

So my advice is to stay frosty, especially in public, don’t let anyone steal away your energy. C’s say we are in the times of hyperkinetic sensate, so anything we feel, any mental programs, unresolved traumas, wounds, and weak spots are going to be sensationally amplified like they have their own body and this will get more intense the wave increases.
Well kind of, to some extent, yes. In the past, I didn't pay much attention to my feelings. However, I can tell you that I've never felt like I fit in. I've always felt a strange connection with people, yet simultaneously felt like an outsider, often sensing their emotions. I'm not a people person; I don't enjoy social interaction I guess because what I feel, not sure. Since I began studying Reiki, this emotional intuition has amplified significantly. One day, while sitting in the garden, I suddenly felt as if I were experiencing the collective distress of countless souls, have you ever feel that way? I struggle to articulate the intensity of that moment, but it was incredibly overwhelming, and I cried. I spoke to my Reiki teacher about it, and she advised me that I needed to learn to manage it. She provided me with breathing techniques and guidance on grounding myself. It has been challenging, but I'm taking gradual steps to regulate this "ability"or whatever this is.

I was distracted, and when I looked into his eyes, the impact was overwhelming, it hit me so hard. I couldn't think clearly; I just wanted to leave. I felt an intense pain in my chest. I realize now that I should have calmed myself and proceeded with the transaction, get some bags to help this dude. It was a valuable lesson, though I was caught off guard by the 4D STS while I was distracted.


Just to be a bit more cynical, he may not be a 'poor lad'. Cleckley wrote that some psychopaths tends towards homelessness and substance addiction. They have an uncanny ability to mimic real human emotions, and often use victimhood as an emotional hook. Psychopaths are also capable of using their eyes to target prey, known as 'gazing'. Just something that we should all be aware of - most of the time, we don't know who or what we are looking at when we meet a strangers eyes. Best to keep the shields up and not make assumptions.
I am feeling quite strange for some time now. first I had the feeling of sensing a strangely low sonar of some kind, well, that stopped two days ago, but now I am having the feeling of "breathing heavily" (I myself am perfectly healthy, no breathing issues) and expanding and reducing, at a rate quite slow and deep. Does anybody here share this feeling?

It is like feeling expanding and reducing at a certain slowly pace ....
One day, while sitting in the garden, I suddenly felt as if I were experiencing the collective distress of countless souls, have you ever feel that way? I struggle to articulate the intensity of that moment, but it was incredibly overwhelming, and I cried. I spoke to my Reiki teacher about it, and she advised me that I needed to learn to manage it.
It sounds like you have an empathic ability to feel what others are feeling, one of the subtypes of clairvoyance maybe.

Some spiritual traditions claim that we often feel feelings that are not our own and that it is good to "send those back to sender". My own experience does not really support this idea, though I may be wrong.

I felt an intense pain in my chest.
Another possibility is that one of your emotional wounds was triggered by the interaction, in which case it needs to be healed by finding feelings of self-love, self-acceptance or self-approval and bringing those to the hurting place over a period of time.
Well kind of, to some extent, yes. In the past, I didn't pay much attention to my feelings. However, I can tell you that I've never felt like I fit in. I've always felt a strange connection with people, yet simultaneously felt like an outsider, often sensing their emotions. I'm not a people person; I don't enjoy social interaction I guess because what I feel, not sure. Since I began studying Reiki, this emotional intuition has amplified significantly. One day, while sitting in the garden, I suddenly felt as if I were experiencing the collective distress of countless souls, have you ever feel that way? I struggle to articulate the intensity of that moment, but it was incredibly overwhelming, and I cried. I spoke to my Reiki teacher about it, and she advised me that I needed to learn to manage it. She provided me with breathing techniques and guidance on grounding myself. It has been challenging, but I'm taking gradual steps to regulate this "ability"or whatever this is.

I can ascribe very similar experience to yours when it comes to liking people, wanting to be part of whatever they’re doing, trying out many groups, situations, experiences to always find that I didn’t fit in, they knew and I knew, even in a crowd it was as if everyone knew I shouldn’t be there, get some kind of strange rejection from everyone. I do much better in one on one situations, or a smaller group, and quite frankly, the behaviour of most people just turns me off and for a long while there I just wanted to be alone so I don’t have to be around them and the shonky energies they give off. Yet I do feel deeply for everyone, it has made me cry in despair that I can’t do anything to help them, so would only extend myself to those who allowed or called for my help or company, and this bit is the strangest for me, my presence would burn them out eventually, I’ve had only a few people who can really handle me in their life, one of them is my mum, we have a very similar vibration and have an intrinsic, unspeakable connection, there have been a few others that didn’t disintegrate into their worst self around me. I figured I was sucking the life out of people or burning them up, so now I am careful around others, making sure to not abridge their freewill in anyway. I only ever do what is asked if me and nothing more, I might offer sometimes but am usually rejected. Even when I pray I make sure the intentions are ‘the highest good for each individual according to their soul mission’ . I have found that this also stops me from being drained as well, freewill seems to me the most important thing to adhere to, and also one of the hardest. Feeling sorry for people or sad for the plight of humanity is only adding to the burden that already exists.

Stay frosty ;-D
I was distracted, and when I looked into his eyes, the impact was overwhelming, it hit me so hard. I couldn't think clearly; I just wanted to leave. I felt an intense pain in my chest. I realize now that I should have calmed myself and proceeded with the transaction, get some bags to help this dude. It was a valuable lesson, though I was caught off guard by the 4D STS while I was distracted.

Hi c0rvn3n thanks for your reply, I totally get it. Sorry if I was insensitive to your pain.
Just to be a bit more cynical, he may not be a 'poor lad'. Cleckley wrote that some psychopaths tends towards homelessness and substance addiction. They have an uncanny ability to mimic real human emotions, and often use victimhood as an emotional hook. Psychopaths are also capable of using their eyes to target prey, known as 'gazing'. Just something that we should all be aware of - most of the time, we don't know who or what we are looking at when we meet a strangers eyes. Best to keep the shields up and not make assumptions.

This does sound a bit cynical to me tbh mate, I've met lots of homeless folks over the years, just through chatting to them mainly. I've also had the most unexpected random acts of kindness from a couple of them when I was feeling rubbish myself. I think too many people make negative assumptions about homeless people. Most come from a background of being in foster care from my experience.
I've not had any issues like gazing from them or anything even close. I do get what your saying though, and probably some of them do use emotional hooks in some cases, and I've probably fallen for it.

I've had to deal with homeless people sometimes as a security guard too, but not one of them caused any major problems really, mostly they're having serious mental health problems and medical emergencies with smoking spice etc.

I've had way more issues with rude entitled members of the public who are "upstanding citizens". And I mean WAY more.

This after living in London for ten years, and Bristol for ten years, have worked with members of the public on the street's as a guard, charity fundraising, handing out flyers for night clubs all hours of the night in central London and worked in shops of various settings for around 30 years so I've met loads of people.
You could be more objective and I could be wrong of course, it doesn't really matter too much, they are just different opinions I suppose. It's good to share differences of opinion in my mind. And I don't know about your life experiences which may be a lot broader than mine!

But sometimes things are not that bad and I try to see the best in a person, If I'm wrong and they disrespect me or whatever, i just stop interacting, move on and just get on with it after being a bit grumpy for a while, then put it down to experience. (Nowadays anyway).

When I was younger it was a different story.. Had a really bad defensive attitude. But that was a very long time ago and I've changed a lot.

I think there are far greater risks than stuff like this. It's good to be vigilant but it can get stiffing and stop people from just the simplicity of giving, like it's the small acts of kindness from everyday folk who keep evil at bay.. As in Gandalf's quote in LOTR. These little things kinda pull me though the day sometimes.

On a different note I've also met people who I thought to be asleep in the matrix only to be proven totally wrong and vice versa.
We can agree on one thing though and that's not to make assumptions about anyone, one way or another. It's not easy though.
first I had the feeling of sensing a strangely low sonar of some kind, well, that stopped two days ago, but now I am having the feeling of "breathing heavily"
A low frequency like the strange humming sound? I heard it briefly this week, but I'm always unsure if it's just a low frequency tinnitus or something external. It was more pronounced where it seemed like a vibration as well. I also had some brief breathlessness in the evening. But sometimes I get that and I think it's just inflammation due to something I ate or drank. FWIW.
A low frequency like the strange humming sound? I heard it briefly this week, but I'm always unsure if it's just a low frequency tinnitus or something external. It was more pronounced where it seemed like a vibration as well. I also had some brief breathlessness in the evening. But sometimes I get that and I think it's just inflammation due to something I ate or drank. FWIW.
yes, very very low, like a sonar but low, no constant humming, not comparable to tinnitus. I had that for 8-9 days until on tuesday it stopped. 2 days later this feeling of expanding and shrinking came. today I didn't feel it up to now.
I can ascribe very similar experience to yours when it comes to liking people, wanting to be part of whatever they’re doing, trying out many groups, situations, experiences to always find that I didn’t fit in, they knew and I knew, even in a crowd it was as if everyone knew I shouldn’t be there, get some kind of strange rejection from everyone. I do much better in one on one situations, or a smaller group, and quite frankly, the behaviour of most people just turns me off and for a long while there I just wanted to be alone so I don’t have to be around them and the shonky energies they give off. Yet I do feel deeply for everyone, it has made me cry in despair that I can’t do anything to help them, so would only extend myself to those who allowed or called for my help or company, and this bit is the strangest for me, my presence would burn them out eventually, I’ve had only a few people who can really handle me in their life, one of them is my mum, we have a very similar vibration and have an intrinsic, unspeakable connection, there have been a few others that didn’t disintegrate into their worst self around me. I figured I was sucking the life out of people or burning them up, so now I am careful around others, making sure to not abridge their freewill in anyway. I only ever do what is asked if me and nothing more, I might offer sometimes but am usually rejected. Even when I pray I make sure the intentions are ‘the highest good for each individual according to their soul mission’ . I have found that this also stops me from being drained as well, freewill seems to me the most important thing to adhere to, and also one of the hardest. Feeling sorry for people or sad for the plight of humanity is only adding to the burden that already exists.

Stay frosty ;-D
Oh wow, I thought I was the only one feeling like what you described :shock: That's why I decided to study Reiki and biomagnetism because I like to help people, and I know they need help. It is kind of contradictory, I know because I'm not a people person but if I can help, I'll help, and like you I try to not abridged free will, if someone asks for help I'll help them. Also you mentioned that feeling sorry for people or sad is only adding to the burden that already exists, I could not agree more, also the C's have said: "pity those who pity" and now that totally makes sense to me, I'm a little slow so it took me a while to figure that one out LOL ;-D

Thanks for sharing and you too, stay frosty!!!! :cool:
Hi c0rvn3n thanks for your reply, I totally get it. Sorry if I was insensitive to your pain.

This does sound a bit cynical to me tbh mate, I've met lots of homeless folks over the years, just through chatting to them mainly. I've also had the most unexpected random acts of kindness from a couple of them when I was feeling rubbish myself. I think too many people make negative assumptions about homeless people. Most come from a background of being in foster care from my experience.
I've not had any issues like gazing from them or anything even close. I do get what your saying though, and probably some of them do use emotional hooks in some cases, and I've probably fallen for it.

I've had to deal with homeless people sometimes as a security guard too, but not one of them caused any major problems really, mostly they're having serious mental health problems and medical emergencies with smoking spice etc.

I've had way more issues with rude entitled members of the public who are "upstanding citizens". And I mean WAY more.

This after living in London for ten years, and Bristol for ten years, have worked with members of the public on the street's as a guard, charity fundraising, handing out flyers for night clubs all hours of the night in central London and worked in shops of various settings for around 30 years so I've met loads of people.
You could be more objective and I could be wrong of course, it doesn't really matter too much, they are just different opinions I suppose. It's good to share differences of opinion in my mind. And I don't know about your life experiences which may be a lot broader than mine!

But sometimes things are not that bad and I try to see the best in a person, If I'm wrong and they disrespect me or whatever, i just stop interacting, move on and just get on with it after being a bit grumpy for a while, then put it down to experience. (Nowadays anyway).

When I was younger it was a different story.. Had a really bad defensive attitude. But that was a very long time ago and I've changed a lot.

I think there are far greater risks than stuff like this. It's good to be vigilant but it can get stiffing and stop people from just the simplicity of giving, like it's the small acts of kindness from everyday folk who keep evil at bay.. As in Gandalf's quote in LOTR. These little things kinda pull me though the day sometimes.

On a different note I've also met people who I thought to be asleep in the matrix only to be proven totally wrong and vice versa.
We can agree on one thing though and that's not to make assumptions about anyone, one way or another. It's not easy though.
No worries, I did not think what you said was cynical or insensitive. I did not take it personally, you were just providing your opinion and I appreciate that. I'm here to learn not to judge and you're right there are a lot of psychopaths out there and I need to be really careful, also, I did not know that 'gazing' thingy so thanks for the info. Adding to that, you're right, need to stop making assumptions about anyone.

Thanks for sharing, cheers mate!!!
It sounds like you have an empathic ability to feel what others are feeling, one of the subtypes of clairvoyance maybe.

Some spiritual traditions claim that we often feel feelings that are not our own and that it is good to "send those back to sender". My own experience does not really support this idea, though I may be wrong.

Another possibility is that one of your emotional wounds was triggered by the interaction, in which case it needs to be healed by finding feelings of self-love, self-acceptance or self-approval and bringing those to the hurting place over a period of time.
I think it is more on the empathic side, I don't see myself as the clairvoyance type and I know I need some healing, I have some emotional issues and I'm trying to work on it but it is difficult to face my own demons tbh.


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