How are you feeling?

Same here, yesterday I felt really exhausted. And since some weeks I noticed a pull towards declining discipline and a background feeling of dispair. I considered its personal stuff and possible external influences.

As I am moving house and since 6 weeks deal with strong physical work, much more than usual, I noticed the demanding physical work helped a lot to gain discipline again and raise spirit.

It now also helps to understand, that there might be not only personal but other influences too.

And then there is Renaissance´s beautiful positive selftalk video "Life is Religion" that most often shifts my state to positive, even when exhausted.
I was very low yesterday and very sensitive to descending into depressive thoughts. I recognised it as a feeling that I needed to let pass as I couldn't suppress it. My sleep has been poor recently and my HRV has also been below average so my body currently is imbalanced. 🙏

HRV may offer a noninvasive way to signal imbalances in the autonomic nervous system. Based on data gathered from many people, if the system is in more of a fight-or-flight mode, the variation between subsequent heartbeats tends to be lower. If the system is in more relaxed state, the variation between beats may be higher.
I was very low yesterday and very sensitive to descending into depressive thoughts. I recognised it as a feeling that I needed to let pass as I couldn't suppress it. My sleep has been poor recently and my HRV has also been below average so my body currently is imbalanced. 🙏

I'm assuming you already know about and practice pipe breathing/EE. In case not I thought I'd mention it because it's the first thing that comes to mind. The vagus nerve has an important role in heart rate regulation, you should feel your heart rate slow if you exhale slowly. Higher vagal tone equals higher HRV, in a nutshell.
Yesterday was an intense day with old negative memories and negative self talk coming up, as well as anxiety, but especially feelings of pointlessness, hopelessness, loneliness, and thoughts along the line of, 'Why am I even doing all of this [pursuing my aims], it's not leading anywhere anyway". This is out of character for me, it felt eerily dark and alien, and while I was aware that it could be beaming or that it could be related to some astrologial constellation, I couldn't shake it off. Just kept at my tasks and only today I'm feeling normal again.

Same here, yesterday I felt really exhausted. And since some weeks I noticed a pull towards declining discipline and a background feeling of dispair. I considered its personal stuff and possible external influences.

Yesterday was a bit rough here too. I couldn't sleep at night (which is very rare for me) and was exhausted throughout the whole day with some negative thoughts. I managed to block some of the negative thinking but the overall exhaustion only got better until I finally went to sleep at night. Granted, I ate some things that aren't usual for me the day before and that's a contributing factor and that made me think that perhaps that's part of what we can do to navigate these "waves" of beaming/astrological transits/chaos/whatever it may be, that is, we just need to keep our shields up and functioning in the best condition by doing a lot of what some have mentioned here already, such as meditation, positive self-talk, perhaps journaling, exercise, you know, all the things that help clear the mind and stay grounded, but also, by taking care of our diet as much as possible, especially those who are a bit more sensitive. Something like mental and physical hygiene in order to mitigate the external influences.

Regarding what some people mentioned about personal stuff going on too. I just thought that it isn't always separate from external influences. I think of it as if the external (or internal, such as brain chemistry, hormones, etc) influences exacerbate whatever the personal issues may be. So, if we mitigate those influences, it doesn't mean that the personal issues will go away magically, but we might be in a better state to deal with them because we have a clearer mind, more energy and feel less reactive, perhaps.
I'm assuming you already know about and practice pipe breathing/EE. In case not I thought I'd mention it because it's the first thing that comes to mind. The vagus nerve has an important role in heart rate regulation, you should feel your heart rate slow if you exhale slowly. Higher vagal tone equals higher HRV, in a nutshell.
Thanks @Ben. I need to rewatch the video on EE.

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