How Darwin, Huxley, and Esalen launched the 2012 and psychedelic revolution

Here's a recent status update from Jan Irvin's facebook page, connecting the dots in his research. He also goes into veganism/vegetarianism in relation to mind control:

Following my work on the trivium and Gordon Wasson and Terence McKenna, et al, as well as Dave McGowan's work on Laurel Canyon; Joe Atwill, author of Caesar's Messiah, made the astute observation with the psychedelic movement:

The push for an "archaic revival" - or basically a return of the dark ages, is that the "Dead Head" - a fallacy of equivocation for a "vacuous mind" or "dead mind" or "a drugged, thoughtless person" - is in fact their ultimate goal, their end product of the corruption of us as individuals and the society as a whole.

The "DEAD HEAD" who follows Jerry and Mountain Girl around in their tribal, drug trading scene, promoting the CIAs ideas and drugs across the country from one town to the next, creating new "dead heads" - promoting the return of the dark age where ever they went - with a clever marketing ploy created by Marshal McCluhan and finished off by Alan Watts, Alan Ginsberg, Tim Leary and Gary Schneider - the youth of society were to "tune in, turn on, drop out" - to ignore society, Vietnam, and everything else and turn their backs on it all.

The "dead head", and I thought I was one for a while, was their PRODUCT - THEIR ULTIMATE GOAL, their CONTROLLED OPPOSITION. It was not, as we thought, free individuals, but a manufactured state of being - the "living dead" - a manufactured zombie (Wade Davis) - a drugged, positive thinking "dead head", and then they would market this as a positive spiritual movement and awakening.

The DEAD HEAD look and dance was a CIA operation that Vito and the Freaks, who followed CIA assets like Crosby Stills and Nash around (amount others), intentionally promoted. This idea of degenerate dancing was an idea created by Gordon Wasson's good buddy- Edward Bernays, the father of propaganda, who in the opening paragraph of his book titled "Propaganda" reads:

"The conscious and intelligent manipulation of the organized habits and opinions of the masses is an important element in democratic society. Those who manipulate this unseen mechanism of society constitute an invisible government which is the true ruling power of our country. ...We are governed, our minds are molded, our tastes formed, our ideas suggested, largely by men we have never heard of. This is a logical result of the way in which our democratic society is organized. Vast numbers of human beings must cooperate in this manner if they are to live together as a smoothly functioning society. ...In almost every act of our daily lives, whether in the sphere of politics or business, in our social conduct or our ethical thinking, we are dominated by the relatively small number of persons...who understand the mental processes and social patterns of the masses. It is they who pull the wires which control the public mind. "
~ Edward Bernays

It was Bernays who started this very promotion of sex and wild dances in the media - a ploy to bring about this very dark age. (we'll go into more history on this later).

The ultimate goal is the debasement of human society in general using a multi-angled attack:

Destroy the family unit, promote wild sex and drugs and feminism. (Margarete Mead, Wilhelm Reich, Kinsey pedophilia)

Promote the idea that we should leave modern culture and return to the Teepee. (see Psychedelic Salon episode 193).

Promote all forms of social degeneracy, such as pornography.

Destroy the food supply. Put fluoride in the water and other poisons. Tell people to eat low fat and high carbo. Tell them to "eat their Wheaties" and whole grain bread - pure poison. Promote the vegetarian/vegan diet as the brain is 77% cholesterol and burns saturated fats - the victims will be less able to think. (see Plato, Sally Fallon) As the reproductive system is also based on cholesterol and saturated fats, they'll be less able to reproduce. Tell them that their health problems are related to animal fats and proteins - and not their grain/carbohydrate diet, which fits with the rest of the New Age spirituality you've sold them.

Destroy other "lesser" races. This was done by Margaret Sanger and Planned Parenthood, with the help of George Bernard Shaw and others. See last post on my wall.

Promote New Age spirituality and the return of "old forms" of religion, such as the neo-shamanism now being promoted. Tell them its more spiritual than the other forms of mind control religions.

Get people to "think positive" when ever information that might expose what's going on comes around.

Dumb down the education system. Remove logic and fallacies from study so that people can't think to see what's going on. Tell them that all forms of Western thought are bad, or wrong. Get them not to trust their own 5 senses and tell them that truth is arbitrary and everything is based on "quantum physics" - nothing but a rehash of Kabbalah trickery.

Get people not to face their issues, give them psych meds instead.

Promote psychiatry and psychology to find anyone who's waking up and then drug them or tell them they're crazy.

Get the people to accept the blame for the pollution and damage that the elites and oligarchs themselves have caused and promoted. Lie and tell the people that carbon, the basis of all life, is bad.

Chemtrails, etc.

Use guilt and fear to keep people from seeing who the real perpetrators are - Zionists and other elite / racist / religious mind control groups.

Promote New age religions that work toward this ultimate goal, including vegetarianism / veganism, the 2012 meme, Bahia faith, Gaia Hypothesis, Neo-Shamanism, Positive thinking, the Sexual revolution, etc, and tell them that all the bad is being done by aliens, UFOs, Lizards and the Vatican.
Spiral Out said:
... Promote New age religions that work toward this ultimate goal, including vegetarianism / veganism, the 2012 meme, Bahia faith, Gaia Hypothesis, Neo-Shamanism, Positive thinking, the Sexual revolution, etc, and tell them that all the bad is being done by aliens, UFOs, Lizards and the Vatican.

This contribution from Jan Irvin in Spiral Out's thread (thanks for it), about connecting the dots in relation to mind control, is very interesting. And raising questions into my thought process...

The conscious and intelligent manipulation of the organized habits and opinions of the masses to control the public mind, with the debasement of human society in general being the ultimate goal of Zionists and other elite groups, through perverted promotions, spotted destructions and wicked propaganda : This is huge ! But it's mostly and "only" manipulation, promotion... I mean, if people are not willing, it won't work.

Thus, part of the manipulation must use conversive thinking (as in Political Ponerology's book), twisting the meanings then twisting the aspirations etc. Egotism allow for people being really serious about their shared convictions and you've got it : a flock where each one believes to be this or that important and meaningful, not seeing the hand of the shepherd behind the scene (analogy from Gurdjieff's Magician tale).

AFAIK, it doesn't mean that everything has to be erased. For instance, Alan Watts committed very good books (like "Tao The Watercourse Way"); very heartful music with Crosby Stills and Nash; feminism and environmental concerns went with a rise in consciousness for many folks; and, as Laura wrote in this thread concerning Castaneda's supposed connection to Wason's network :
Laura said:
... We don't want to throw the baby out with the bathwater, but we also don't want to swallow lies sugar coated with truth.

I know you know : it is not black or white.

So it seems that nobody can have a true vision of the whole picture. What's left is to learn, immersed in our prison's conditioned walls, getting here and there a few glimpses of freedom, through suffering and hard work (which is kind of this forum's purpose)...

Now, depending on our egos, we'll reach various "points de vue" or panoramas, from where to proceed toward one way or another. Who's to say this or that is the right path or not ? Common sense is not enough, by far. A network like this one is better.

I guess there are many different ways leading to the same direction. It's also easy to get lost, and appear as being lost for others who are themselves misleaded.
I know people into permaculture on raw foods, vegans and sun-gazers even, who do have a very similar approach to Cassiopaea and SOTT about what's going on in this world, except for the paleo-diet and the cassiopaeans channeling of course.
They think we are wrong, we think they are. Both are emphasizing on the detoxification process while eating the right food... I just don't know !

So much to learn and discern !

Let's appreciate being alive today, anyways
Spiral Out said:
Here's a recent status update from Jan Irvin's facebook page, connecting the dots in his research. He also goes into veganism/vegetarianism in relation to mind control:

Following my work on the trivium and Gordon Wasson and Terence McKenna, et al, as well as Dave McGowan's work on Laurel Canyon; Joe Atwill, author of Caesar's Messiah, made the astute observation with the psychedelic movement:

The push for an "archaic revival" - or basically a return of the dark ages, is that the "Dead Head" - a fallacy of equivocation for a "vacuous mind" or "dead mind" or "a drugged, thoughtless person" - is in fact their ultimate goal, their end product of the corruption of us as individuals and the society as a whole.

The "DEAD HEAD" who follows Jerry and Mountain Girl around in their tribal, drug trading scene, promoting the CIAs ideas and drugs across the country from one town to the next, creating new "dead heads" - promoting the return of the dark age where ever they went - with a clever marketing ploy created by Marshal McCluhan and finished off by Alan Watts, Alan Ginsberg, Tim Leary and Gary Schneider - the youth of society were to "tune in, turn on, drop out" - to ignore society, Vietnam, and everything else and turn their backs on it all.

The "dead head", and I thought I was one for a while, was their PRODUCT - THEIR ULTIMATE GOAL, their CONTROLLED OPPOSITION. It was not, as we thought, free individuals, but a manufactured state of being - the "living dead" - a manufactured zombie (Wade Davis) - a drugged, positive thinking "dead head", and then they would market this as a positive spiritual movement and awakening.


Interesting and strange, this mention of Wade Davis, as i just attended his speaking engagement on his book the 'Wayfarers'. He spoke for an hour and a half without pause - the crowd seemed very enamored. In his talk, generally on anthropology, language and global tribal living communities (some very interesting things), he mentions his schooling at Harvard (70's), and than hooking up with the ethno-botanist professor, Richard Schultes, who recruited him for his first trips of many down into the Amazon jungles, along with his work with plant drugs, particularly, Ayahuasca (mushrooms and coca were others). It was at this point in his talk that a little red flag went up, whereby i recalled the many discussions concerning these drugs and the Cointelpro topic, along with this professors name, which had rung a bell - Esalen, too. Ill have to research a little more to try and see and understand all these weird connections.

Note: just caught this thread by E (Graham Hancock thread) with mention of Schultes.
Re: Esalen documentary

Here is a documentary :

Authors of the Impossible : _


via Jacque Vallée's latest interview (in french) : _

NK : Could you tell the principal authors and researchers that are currently in the same line of thought as yours ?

JV : First, Jeff Kripal and his students , and participants in his symposia on the subject at Esalen in recent years ( see his book " Authors of the Impossible ," University of Chicago Press, where he analyzes my work and that of Bertrand Méheust ) . These ideas converge with those of Jean Sider in France and several physicists in the United States as well as researchers like Philip Guillemant (CNRS). There are also several groups in Silicon Valley working on reverse causality, and challenge conventional wisdom. I believe that this work must be done before we can question UFOs on a truly scientific basis.
In fact, I would summarize the problem as follows : " (1) The UFO phenomenon is real . (2 ) On this basis , it remains for us to re- negotiate what we mean by reality "
Hi jsf
Don't really understand what's your purpose in this thread.
Would you mean that Jacques Vallée's comments are sort of under the influence of Essalen ?
Or may be that despite the link to Essalen, it still is pretty interesting ?..
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