How to prepare for the coming Ice Age?

I have reading this topic and took a lot of attention, what to do in the moment of a great catastrophe and a coming Ice Age???, well I have to say that I'm living in the little part of ALL America ( Costa Rica Central America) and think that we have less possibilities to survive because we have minimun land but in one reply on this same forum Laura said about what C´s said about it and if we are thinking to save our bodies and running everywhere so we are going to death but if we increase our FVR and think how we can help others ,well its gonna be different . The important thing is who you are and not where you are they said.....

Too much people talk about France others Asia but what is the point about the place, if I live after the catastrophe but I don't know in what world I was or I still am, I don't know what my programs are, or what I'm capable to do without food ? :huh: :scared:

I have thinking in all this and what come to my mind is how can I help before died to other people growth in knowledge?, although it is very difficult with the people when they are blind to the signs and still believed they've never live any catastrophes "everything is under control" :zzz: :zzz: :zzz:
Laura said:
The article posted above says:

An international consortium of scientists from 11 countries has produced the maps, which appear in Nature Geoscience.

Can anyone get a copy of this, scan the maps, and post them?

Added: date of article: Tuesday, 20 January 2009

I tried digging through the net for a PDF of it and I found one article from the Jan 2009 publication of Nature Geoscience with the scientist's name "Barrows" (Timothy Barrows) in the references.
If the link dies, I saved a local copy which I can email/upload.

On page 3, figure 2. The maps are small though and don't look like the map in the web article from _
I'll try to find another PDF from that particular publication (Jan 2009).
Stevie Argyll said:
Wooly socks 5 pairs - Check !
warm gloves - Check !
pair of warm trousers + spare pair in case one pair gets wet/frozen - Check !
One of those jackets, snorkels jackets, with furry hood , very popular in the 70s - Check !
Swiss army boots (UG boots, snowshoes, ice skates all in one) - Check !
Battery powered dvd player - CHeck !
DVD, The Ice Age is Coming What Now - Check !
DVD . DIY Igloos - CHeck !
CD, Songs for Swinging Hunter Gatherers - Check !
DVD. Scary Police Camera Action Ice Age Snow Sledge Chases - Check!
DVD, The Ice is thawing what now? + bonus DVD How to prepare For Coming Heatwave.
I think that just about covers it, pleasant dreams !

Great list, may I suggest adding a few more items though. :)

1 Ouija Board
1 High-Hoe
3 Large Metal Cargo Containers
3 Out Houses
1 Galvanized Sewer Pipe 6'x12'
1 Galvanized Sewer Pipe 2'x 24'
1 Diesel Generator
1 Gas Generator
1 Air Tight Stove
Ski Doo's
Snow Shoes
Nordic Ski's
1 Axe
1 Machete
Spade Shovels
23 Bush Cords of Firewood
Oil Lamps
Lamp Oil
1 MIG Welder

Dig 3 holes, 45' x 8', 11 feet deep(at least)
Put a container in each hole.
Cut 6' sewer pipe into 4' lengths
Cut 2' sewer pipe into 8' lengths
Cut door openings in one end of 2' sewer pipe
Cut door openings in each container
Put firewood in one container
Put supplies in one container
Build Bunk beds, in one container :zzz:
Weld 6' sewer pipe to front of container door
Weld 2' sewer pipe vertically to 6' sewer pipe(openings adjacent to each other)
Place Out House over 2' opening

Cause it's gonna be cold everywhere.
And you need a place to hide, while the you-know-what is hittin the fan.

Hopefully this will assist in preserving you long enough till the 'Wave' arrives.

Harold :cool2:
How a person can carry all this articles in "those" moments ???? :umm: :huh:
It happens that i have acces to Nature GeoScience and the January 2009 issue is this :
Any indications on the article/authors reference?

Edit :
I found this reference:
Constraints on the magnitude and patterns of ocean cooling at the Last Glacial Maximum
MARGO Project Members
Nature Geoscience 2, 127 - 132 (2009)

Observation-based reconstructions of sea surface temperature from relatively stable periods in the past, such as the Last Glacial Maximum, represent an important means of constraining climate sensitivity and evaluating model simulations1. The first quantitative global reconstruction of sea surface temperatures during the Last Glacial Maximum was developed by the Climate Long-Range Investigation, Mapping and Prediction (CLIMAP) project in the 1970s and 1980s (refs 2, 3). Since that time, several shortcomings of that earlier effort have become apparent4. Here we present an updated synthesis of sea surface temperatures during the Last Glacial Maximum, rigorously defined as the period between 23 and 19 thousand years before present, from the Multiproxy Approach for the Reconstruction of the Glacial Ocean Surface (MARGO) project5. We integrate microfossil and geochemical reconstructions of surface temperatures and include assessments of the reliability of individual records. Our reconstruction reveals the presence of large longitudinal gradients in sea surface temperature in all of the ocean basins, in contrast to the simulations of the Last Glacial Maximum climate available at present6, 7.

There is a map : (see the atached figure)

the legend reads :
Anomalies are computed as LGM–WOA98 (ref. 12) values. a, Northern Hemisphere summer (July–August–September). b, Northern Hemisphere winter (January–February–March). c, Annual mean. The symbols show the location and proxy type of the original available data (see Fig. 1). Note the uneven spacing of the diverging colour scheme and isotherms.

If it is the right paper i'll send it in pdf


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Thanks, mkrnhr. Looks like the right one to me. Can you send it to my private email? (You have it, don't you?)
zim said:
harold said:
6' sewer pipe into 4' lengths
Cut 2' sewer pipe into 8' lengths
Cut door openings in one end of 2' sewer pipe
Cut door openings in each container
Put firewood in one container
Put supplies in one container
Build Bunk beds, in one container :zzz:
Weld 6' sewer pipe to front of container door
Weld 2' sewer pipe vertically to 6' sewer pipe(openings adjacent to each other)
Place Out House over 2' opening

Cause it's gonna be cold everywhere.
And you need a place to hide, while the you-know-what is hittin the fan.

Hopefully this will assist in preserving you long enough till the 'Wave' arrives.

Harold :cool2:
How a person can carry all this articles in "those" moments ???? :umm: :huh:

If you re-read my post, you will see that the point I was making is.... there isn't gonna be any of 'those' moments. ;D

I wonder how much cold weather experience you have? :huh:

I'll reapeat it differently for your benefit, . :)

It dosnt take more than a little snow to shut everything down. :scared:

It dosnt take much of a drop in the temperature to shut down everything also. :scared:

The only way to survive a catastrophy like this, is to NOT be where the Ice Age is. But the whole world should be pretty messed up with snow and so fourth. So my suggestion regarding the containers and so forth, is to be somewhere other than where the Ice Age, and glacier stuff is. This is impossible to know beforhand. It will be the luck of the draw.

Most importantly ... it is WHO you are , not where(or what for that matter) you are.

For me that means, what is your FRV, your polarity, your prepardness, are you ready and so fourth, So I made that post to give a creative example of the readyness one could think about.

I notice on this thread, no one seems to imagine the reality of the situation. Which is, that allot more is going to be happening, if something like this happens, and that the PTB/STS, are waaaay more prepared than we are. Remember the PTB/STS :evil: are waiting for the opportunity to enslave us, once and for all time. Thats why they are creating all this confusion. So we dont read, gain knowledge and figure out that cosmic changes are coming naturally. They want us to believe that god is punishing us cause we are 'bad' sinners, they want us to think it is our human nature to be bad, not that this is just the cycle coming to its finish and starting all over again..... remember...the STS :evil: already have the bodies ready on that other planet, we will be gone they will bring in thes new bodies, and we wont notice the difference, cause we will all be dead. :scared: Reincarnating into these new bodies, with amnesia of our history etc. and accepting everything, just as we have been showing the PTB/STS :evil: that we already accept this current situation. Good luck everyone :boat:

I hope we can get it together, gather, as in a group and 'make' the best of it, cause were all gonna die. I dont buy the , my finger nails and teeth are gonna drop out and I'm gonna become 4d magically. As the C's have said, look at a birth of a child, apply that to the birth of 4d here on earth.... that is a little more realistic. Lots of blood and screaming. The C's are trying to help us, by saying these things...right? :)

I'm not going to wishfully think otherwise. What I do buy is we came here at this moment for a reason. :headbanger:
If you re-read my post, you will see that the point I was making is.... there isn't gonna be any of 'those' moments. ;D

I wonder how much cold weather experience you have? :huh:

I'll reapeat it differently for your benefit, . :)

It dosnt take more than a little snow to shut everything down. :scared:

It dosnt take much of a drop in the temperature to shut down everything also. :scared:

Jajajaj I understand now, In reffer to the snow I've never never have been in a place that snow, so my experience with cold wheather is until 13° C and I was frozen at that time.... :scared:

The only way to survive a catastrophe like this, is to NOT be where the Ice Age is. But the whole world should be pretty messed up with snow and so fourth. So my suggestion regarding the containers and so forth, is to be somewhere other than where the Ice Age, and glacier stuff is. This is impossible to know beforhand. It will be the luck of the draw.

Most importantly ... it is WHO you are , not where(or what for that matter) you are.

For me that means, what is your FRV, your polarity, your prepardness, are you ready and so fourth, So I made that post to give a creative example of the readyness one could think about.

I notice on this thread, no one seems to imagine the reality of the situation. Which is, that allot more is going to be happening, if something like this happens, and that the PTB/STS, are waaaay more prepared than we are. Remember the PTB/STS :evil: are waiting for the opportunity to enslave us, once and for all time. Thats why they are creating all this confusion. So we dont read, gain knowledge and figure out that cosmic changes are coming naturally. They want us to believe that god is punishing us cause we are 'bad' sinners, they want us to think it is our human nature to be bad, not that this is just the cycle coming to its finish and starting all over again..... remember...the STS :evil: already have the bodies ready on that other planet, we will be gone they will bring in thes new bodies, and we wont notice the difference, cause we will all be dead. :scared: Reincarnating into these new bodies, with amnesia of our history etc. and accepting everything, just as we have been showing the PTB/STS :evil: that we already accept this current situation. Good luck everyone :boat:

I hope we can get it together, gather, as in a group and 'make' the best of it, cause were all gonna die. I dont buy the , my finger nails and teeth are gonna drop out and I'm gonna become 4d magically. As the C's have said, look at a birth of a child, apply that to the birth of 4d here on earth.... that is a little more realistic. Lots of blood and screaming. The C's are trying to help us, by saying these things...right? :)

I'm not going to wishfully think otherwise. What I do buy is we came here at this moment for a reason. :headbanger:

Well this is a big picture of what could happen in those moments of chaos, I share your thoughts the people are waiting for the final judgment when the savior comes and save all those who believe in him !!!!! So imagine in that moment of chaos the people with this kind of believe how interpret that moment ???? :huh: They will wait for someone and then STS appears as the saviors !!! :( :( :(..... it is so sad to know that we are living in this world like that but this is our reality and this is what we have to face now work hard to gain knowledge because as you've said it is not that we will wake up one day and become a 4d been..... :zzz:

zim said:
Jajajaj I understand now, In reffer to the snow I've never never have been in a place that snow, so my experience with cold wheather is until 13° C and I was frozen at that time.... :scared:

Well this is a big picture of what could happen in those moments of chaos, I share your thoughts the people are waiting for the final judgment when the savior comes and save all those who believe in him !!!!! So imagine in that moment of chaos the people with this kind of believe how interpret that moment ???? :huh: They will wait for someone and then STS appears as the saviors !!! :( :( :(..... it is so sad to know that we are living in this world like that but this is our reality and this is what we have to face now work hard to gain knowledge because as you've said it is not that we will wake up one day and become a 4d been..... :zzz:

I have not been to the artic, but where I have lived here in the great white north(canada) I've seen -40c. We are by law allowed to go home from work when it reaches -20c out side, I've been snowed in for days, one time in the city, It took 3 weeks to get my car onto my street, another 2 weeks to get it up the drive, and that was with the army helping the city, every dump truck from 100's of km around helping etc.

yup this is our reality.

I often imagine how this savior thing will play out, any ideas? share please. I find Revelations in the bible, gives some clues. They seem to be describing the queen of england in revelations, with purple sash and pearls around her neck and so fourth.
I really like Laura's research on the Merovingy royal blood line stuff. Its a set up. And in the matrix movie, Neo(Jesus), fights the Merovingy program... very interesting.
I just watched the Matrix the other day again. Jesus is said '3' times, and each time it is said to Neo. Me I hope our fingernails and teeth fall out as we magically become 4d, but a back up plan is good to have.
My whole life has been about surviving, and not much more, which is ok, I often wonder about that.
I get the idea that being alive during the 'Wave' collapse is important.
What I want to figure out is, can we trust anyone or anything? it appears we can only trust ourselves, Laura has shown that our future selves are apart of this.
All I can say is I do not plan to hop on alien ships here to rescue us, or to go underground with government troops and the PTB.
It appears, that the new savior will be the anti-christ, and that the Anti-christ might be our friends... I'm still trying to figure that one out.

Harold :boat:
Laura said:
Actually, ya'll might want to watch "Fast Runner."

It's a great movie about life in the arctic AND how a society can be ponerized by just a few pathological individuals and what to do about them.
I saw it yesterday and was really impressed, Apart from stunning insight into the life of Inuit people and one of the harshest environments humans can live in, it provided excelent display of ponerology in real life.
I'd give it maximum number of stars.
Corto said:
Laura said:
Actually, ya'll might want to watch "Fast Runner."

It's a great movie about life in the arctic AND how a society can be ponerized by just a few pathological individuals and what to do about them.
I saw it yesterday and was really impressed, Apart from stunning insight into the life of Inuit people and one of the harshest environments humans can live in, it provided excelent display of ponerology in real life.
I'd give it maximum number of stars.

I agree. I never thought I could sit so long and watch so much ice and snow. But it is utterly fascinating.
Corto said:
Laura said:
Actually, ya'll might want to watch "Fast Runner."

It's a great movie about life in the arctic AND how a society can be ponerized by just a few pathological individuals and what to do about them.
I saw it yesterday and was really impressed, Apart from stunning insight into the life of Inuit people and one of the harshest environments humans can live in, it provided excelent display of ponerology in real life.
I'd give it maximum number of stars.

Hi Corto link

May I ask how you download the movie I got in to the page but I could not download ? :huh:
zim said:
May I ask how you download the movie I got in to the page but I could not download ? :huh:


The link provided is to Wiki and not a resource for downloading movies. You'll have to purchase or rent a copy.
ScottD said:
zim said:
May I ask how you download the movie I got in to the page but I could not download ? :huh:


The link provided is to Wiki and not a resource for downloading movies. You'll have to purchase or rent a copy.

Hi ScottD

Thanks for your info I got into the Atanarjuat page directly not Wiki, unfortunately in my place doesnt have this movie, so I though I could download by its page :/ :( paying a fee but I didnt see the option there! :/
Hi zim,
Is there a chance you are in an area near a major library? I don't know about where you are, but our libraries stock many movies, lend movies between libraries and will even order new movies upon request (within "reason", which can be arbitrary, depending on location).

As well, I've heard there are some companies out there that act like video rental companies, but stream the rented movie online, as opposed to a physical store. I've never looked into it, so I could have misunderstood, but perhaps if someone else is aware of such a thing, they could suggest a few companies.

If I am wrong and such a business does not exist, what a great business idea for an entrepreneur.
Gonzo said:
Hi zim,
Is there a chance you are in an area near a major library? I don't know about where you are, but our libraries stock many movies, lend movies between libraries and will even order new movies upon request (within "reason", which can be arbitrary, depending on location).

Hi Gonzo

I´ll look around one of our Libraries maybe they have this option Thanks

As well, I've heard there are some companies out there that act like video rental companies, but stream the rented movie online, as opposed to a physical store. I've never looked into it, so I could have misunderstood, but perhaps if someone else is aware of such a thing, they could suggest a few companies.

If I am wrong and such a business does not exist, what a great business idea for an entrepreneur.

jajajajaj yes It could be....
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