I don't get it.... why not destroy evil?

well , no , learn , false dichotomy , and good/evil is subjective, morality isn't about being good , sts trap

Okay, this is making more sense now. I'm sorry to hear about all that. I can see how anything remotely resembling passivity would be a major red flag in that context. I'm glad you shared, and also glad you made it out on the other side. And also glad that you made it here to the forum! Apologies if my other replies were on the gruff side.

It may be a challenge, but it would be important to consider that while you may have cured your CFS/ME, you have not cured yourself of your childhood experience and its effects on your perception. That's my read of the energy with which you are speaking.

For me, trauma was hard-wired into my neural circuits. This formed a distorted 'lens' through which I saw the world. People who have undergone significant trauma often have a really hard time Seeing past this 'lens' of trauma, which shows a world that is only danger, violence, fear, violation, and nothing more. It IS possible to See beyond it and experience life differently, but it requires a ton of self-work to undo that programming and find the way forwards. It also requires that we let go of our suffering eventually, which as Gurdjieff said, is one of the hardest things for a person to do, mainly because it is quite literally lodged in the body. I know I'm still a work in progress on that one.

Then there's another level of difficulty - when someone who has been traumatized comes across the information of the C's, they seem to confirm that yes, it IS a jungle out there, you DO need to always expect attack, you can't trust your own mind, as you can be easily manipulated and attacked even in that realm that seems most intimate - the one between our ears! So that's a recipe for constant nervous system overload.

So what do we do?

If we can't trust our own minds, it is imperative to network, as you are doing. It's the best kind of activity there is, as it helps us See beyond that lens of trauma. There is also active psycho-education AKA reading books about healing trauma and letting go of negative emotions and changing our core beliefs. Knowledge Protects, as the saying goes. Have you looked into the psychology books like Pete Walker's Complex PTSD, or Healing Developmental Trauma?

Then there are more somatic exercises like EE, and somatic exercises in Rosenberg's Accessing the Healing Power of the Vagus Nerve, as well as somatic exercises in Peter Levine's In An Unspoken Voice. All of these can help release negative emotions from the body and bring about a ventral vagal state. This brings your nervous system out of its frozen trauma mode and into a healthier and more relaxed state, allowing you to experience life differently.

This relaxed state doesn't mean passivity, either. A friend of mine was saying the other day he was worried about relaxing, because he felt like if he let his guard down for one second, everything would go kaflooey. Hyper-vigilance is a tough habit to break. I know from first hand experience. It can be very hard to develop Faith, and Trust the Universe, and hold that FRV in a world gone mad. It is possible, tho, to find a balance between that trust and a protective sort of vigilance.

I've seen that when I'm relaxed and my nervous system is in good shape I feel more capable of making good decisions, can See more clearly, and am thus better able to fend off attacks. And each time we return to ventral vagal state, our nervous system becomes more resilient and able to withstand shocks. Because yes, there is still evil everywhere. But that's not ALL there is. The experience is sort of like the volume knob gets turned down on it all. And the volume knob gets turned up on the possibilities for learning, for exploration, enjoyment of beauty, and even love. I don't think we should ever give up on love. So a certain amount of passivity can be very healing. I think this is what the C's said when they meant that sometimes 'Being needs to catch up with Doing.'

So all that to say, perhaps your conceptions of active and passive should just be thrown out the window for a little while. Because these conceptions are also likely a form of attack, based on the lens through which you're currently looking. 'Activity' does not need to be reduced to 'destroying evil'. Activity can also be wonderfully Creative, in the sense of acting on behalf of your own destiny. I think that's one of the best defences against attack, as well - asking yourself what your deepest dreams are, and then taking step by step towards them, evil and interference be damned.
Thank you for taking the time to write this.
What i`m experiencing is more related to survivors guilt. I`ve had contact with the ones you guys call the Cassiopeians. If I could I would share with the whole world that experience. The endless love, the beauty is was incredible. I also dreamt that I was in an academy and my score was 9 out of 10. Ohers had 9.50 or 10. I joked that I used to feel like a big fish in a small pond but seeing others score higher humbled me.
The only thing that is keeping me here is thinking about those who suffer.
I`m working on a program for people to heal all diseases. I know it sounds pompous but I'm nearly there. It won`t be perfect but by the end of next year I'll be ready to release it.
I don`t like the idea of suffering and those who make others suffer. I know God loves all but I'll be honest I have a bone to pick with that and I`m determined to find a different system of soul progression that doesn`t involve suffering.
When I tell our "big brothers and sisters" they laugh and say that I will get it when I`ll see the big picture. lol
Nice thought! But when you consider that you're up against Lizzie's, greys, psychopaths, OP's, and a structure of evil that has been around thousands of years, toxic food, air, medicines, and let's not forget electronic harassment (to name a few)...where would you even begin?
They are not as strong as you think. They have lots of internal fighting and personal ambitions.
It`s more about making yourself strong and able to defend yourself and your group in order to outlast them.
You start with good diet, training(physical and mental), hemispheric synchronization(to tap into the wave energies pouring in), supplements to improve detox finding other determined people that are on the same path etc
For me the question is more about what do you do about the ones that are not able to make themselves strong.
well , no , learn , false dichotomy , and good/evil is subjective, morality isn't about being good , sts trap .
Good/evil isn`t that subjective. Wanting to dominate others is evil. Rape is evil. Killing a person who seeks to enslave you and others is good.
Good point !

I would like to highlight that this formula we are fed in many of the "Good versus Evil" movies is another form of conditioning and programming.

That being, in order to defeat "Evil" you should do more Evil
In the LOTR universe Eru Ilúvatar (the universe) let Melkor(the greatest of his sons/creations) become STS knowing that he will seek to subsume all creation and when asked by his other son and daughters why did he let that happen he said that the conflict between them will bring forth greater/more beautiful creations that he could ever imagine.
Tolkien was talking about evolution.
Thank you for taking the time to write this.
What i`m experiencing is more related to survivors guilt. I`ve had contact with the ones you guys call the Cassiopeians. If I could I would share with the whole world that experience. The endless love, the beauty is was incredible. I also dreamt that I was in an academy and my score was 9 out of 10. Ohers had 9.50 or 10. I joked that I used to feel like a big fish in a small pond but seeing others score higher humbled me.
The only thing that is keeping me here is thinking about those who suffer.
I`m working on a program for people to heal all diseases. I know it sounds pompous but I'm nearly there. It won`t be perfect but by the end of next year I'll be ready to release it.
I don`t like the idea of suffering and those who make others suffer. I know God loves all but I'll be honest I have a bone to pick with that and I`m determined to find a different system of soul progression that doesn`t involve suffering.
When I tell our "big brothers and sisters" they laugh and say that I will get it when I`ll see the big picture. lol

Okay, so I think it's time for a cautionary tale.

A friend of mine attended a Vipassana meditation retreat. While engaged in the scanning technique, he came into contact with a spirit. This spirit showed him all 7 densities. Now, this is his term, but he was totally convinced that he had perceived all of totality. It left him severely altered for the rest of his life. He became convinced that this was a holy spirit, or one of the good guys. He stopped paying attention to his daily life, family, friends and relationships, work, and spent more and more time in meditation, contemplating, or speaking with God.

Then one day, the spirit told him to place his forehead on the extremely hot wood stove. He did so - he couldn't resist. Later, he crashed his car and nearly died. Not long after that, he cut off one of his fingers with a kitchen knife, convinced he'd been bitten by a poisonous spider, and wanting to prevent the toxin from spreading. He was in a psychosis, but convinced he was not. He was checked in to the hospital, put on anti-psychotic meds, and moved back in with his family for monitoring.

Then the spirit up and left him. He couldn't hear that special voice anymore, didn't receive any more visions. When it did this, he was utterly broken, like a junkie in withdrawal. He felt as though he had lived with God as his best friend for years, but then God himself had abandoned him, leaving only total blackness, total bleakness, weakness and lifelessness. Finally, one night he jumped naked off the bridge in the middle of town and took his own life.

Now, this spirit of his was giving him some excellent information about the nature of reality - information that is very, very similar to what the C's provide to us. That was how my friend was hooked by this demon - with the TRUTH! In another case, a case of near-possession, the hook was this: 'You can HEAL everyone!'

Sounds similar to what you're trying to create, no? Your program to 'heal everyone'? So if I were you, I'd stop your whole 'I can heal all diseases!' business. It's a grandiose delusion. To my eye, it's based on your inability to cope with the suffering of reality. Your desire to destroy evil is also a result of this inability to face the reality of suffering. They're two sides of the same coin. It'll be a major lesson for you to confront this in yourself I think. We're here to help if you choose to do so.

Consider also that you most likely did not contact the C's, and that it was actually 4D STS masquerading as the C's. They can also produce incredible feelings of cosmic love - particularly when they're feeding on someone. If you need some research material on that possibility, go read Masquerade of Angels by Karla Turner. As Apostle Paul has written, '...for Satan himself masquerades as an angel of light.'

Okay, so I think it's time for a cautionary tale.

A friend of mine attended a Vipassana meditation retreat. While engaged in the scanning technique, he came into contact with a spirit. This spirit showed him all 7 densities. Now, this is his term, but he was totally convinced that he had perceived all of totality. It left him severely altered for the rest of his life. He became convinced that this was a holy spirit, or one of the good guys. He stopped paying attention to his daily life, family, friends and relationships, work, and spent more and more time in meditation, contemplating, or speaking with God.

Then one day, the spirit told him to place his forehead on the extremely hot wood stove. He did so - he couldn't resist. Later, he crashed his car and nearly died. Not long after that, he cut off one of his fingers with a kitchen knife, convinced he'd been bitten by a poisonous spider, and wanting to prevent the toxin from spreading. He was in a psychosis, but convinced he was not. He was checked in to the hospital, put on anti-psychotic meds, and moved back in with his family for monitoring.

Then the spirit up and left him. He couldn't hear that special voice anymore, didn't receive any more visions. When it did this, he was utterly broken, like a junkie in withdrawal. He felt as though he had lived with God as his best friend for years, but then God himself had abandoned him, leaving only total blackness, total bleakness, weakness and lifelessness. Finally, one night he jumped naked off the bridge in the middle of town and took his own life.

Now, this spirit of his was giving him some excellent information about the nature of reality - information that is very, very similar to what the C's provide to us. That was how my friend was hooked by this demon - with the TRUTH! In another case, a case of near-possession, the hook was this: 'You can HEAL everyone!'

Sounds similar to what you're trying to create, no? Your program to 'heal everyone'? So if I were you, I'd stop your whole 'I can heal all diseases!' business. It's a grandiose delusion. To my eye, it's based on your inability to cope with the suffering of reality. Your desire to destroy evil is also a result of this inability to face the reality of suffering. They're two sides of the same coin. It'll be a major lesson for you to confront this in yourself I think. We're here to help if you choose to do so.

Consider also that you most likely did not contact the C's, and that it was actually 4D STS masquerading as the C's. They can also produce incredible feelings of cosmic love - particularly when they're feeding on someone. If you need some research material on that possibility, go read Masquerade of Angels by Karla Turner. As Apostle Paul has written, '...for Satan himself masquerades as an angel of light.'

Yeah, ok. I`ll give it a read.
About the program: the gist of is about boosting metabolism by cutting out polyunsaturated fatty acids and supporting your body with the proper ratios of micronutrients. It`s not about spirituality.
So many good points were made.

I want to remind that a lof, if not all, of the "Work" is about "work on self". The first thing to do against "evil" STS activity is to try specializing on our own STS programs to overcome them. The STS-imposed lies in our mind and heart overshadow our higher-center connections. "The truth" is supposed to set us free. So, if we are imprisoned, which is the case to this or that extent, it's mainly (not entirely, though) because we don't perceive and/or believe in the truth (the biggest picture) sufficiently. To the extent we're aware of higher/highest existential truths, we gradually get free of the mental chains of lies. But that's just a start, of course, which then needs to be translated into actions or counteractions in the lower-center realities of our daily life.
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If being STO is about supporting the free will of others why not destroy those entities who would subsume the free will of others for their own gain?
Because that would subsume THEIR free will. Evil can't be destroyed it can only be negated, maybe even cancelled out or balanced out. I think STO is about balance and STS is about imbalance. Think of yin and yang. You can't have one without the other.
Sounds similar to what you're trying to create, no? Your program to 'heal everyone'? So if I were you, I'd stop your whole 'I can heal all diseases!' business. It's a grandiose delusion. To my eye, it's based on your inability to cope with the suffering of reality. Your desire to destroy evil is also a result of this inability to face the reality of suffering. They're two sides of the same coin. It'll be a major lesson for you to confront this in yourself I think. We're here to help if you choose to do so.
Yeah, I just finished reading the book. My experience was totally different. And the "program" is called compassion. It`s born out of the love that I have for those suffering.
@Darius1234 I'm not sure if this will help as you seem to be determined to end all suffering, but in doing so you are going against the Universe. In fact, you would be trying to put yourself in the place of God. The Universe is exactly how it is supposed to be. We are not here to change anything. Nor are we here to make others see things as we do. We are here to learn. Ending suffering would be making it impossible to learn the lessons.

We are here, on this Earth, in 3D because we chose the short wave cycle of experience in order to advance more quickly. You can't do that without positive and negative energies. Yes, people suffer, that's the way of the short wave cycle. It encourages us to make the decision of which we want to be (STO or STS) more quickly than a long wave cycle would. And while ending suffering sounds noble it would be canceling the lessons we are here to learn.
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