I don't get it.... why not destroy evil?

Can you argue this point further. I`m asking cause if there is something all psychologists agree about is that suffering/trauma limits one growth
We are born into trauma. The birth process itself is traumatic, both physically and psychically if you subscribe to the 5D recycle then return for another lifetime dragging past traumas in with us. Trauma is baked into the cake of this existence. So would killing the “bad guys” fix any of that? And how is it decided who is a bad guy? Is there a valid test? What if it is determined you are a bad guy? If you kill the bad guys, have you killed them all? Might not some clever ones be missed and then they would feel threatened and emboldened enough to arrange your own death? (Caesar). Who would be left after this purge? Where do you draw the line?

Ethics and morality aside, it’s an impractical idea to execute. (Pun intended)

and in contrast a supportive, peaceful, loving environment facilitates psychological development.
Ever have a teenager? (Or been one?) Even peaceful loving environments can piss off a teen.

Like in Return of the Jedi. The emperor wants Luke to kill him, because if he does, Luke’s path towards the dark side will be complete.
LOL, when all else fails, go Starwars!

To the other point, I don’t think our purpose is to suffer, but suffering just happens to exist in this realm we currently occupy. I don’t think it’s our job to fix the car by removing the engine or the wheels. It’s not going to go anywhere.
(not to derail the convo. , but "modern psychology "doesn't happen in a vacuum , the list of censured , and at times killed , people that could have expanded greatly on human self-knowledge /awareness , is indeed long , as for a positive development , it must include much of what has been , moved aside in the doing of so, as per Mrs. LKJ's work and to name only 1 such example Wilhelm Reich )
Evil is cosmological, it is the result of our 3-density space-time limitation called duality, which is an erroneous and illusory understanding of true nature.
Evil arises when fragments of the universe mistakenly believe they are disconnected from infinite consciousness. Thus, for many people the sense of loneliness (fear) they feel is the imprint that we are united to the divine consciousness and feel its disconnection. The soul feels lonely because of the distortion of the consciousness ...and we must remember that many of us are here by our own will and have spent many lives being good and bad ...all to learn lessons that allow us knowledge to understand unity; this has been said and repeated constantly in the Cassiopaean channelings and in the books written by Laura, those recommended for the work and in all the documents of the forum.
Destroying evil is meaningless, it is only a thought of negative, defensive, reactive, entropic subjectivity that rejects the nature of all that is.
Nothing and no one can feel alone in the universe if they are aware of the divine unity, but look out your window and don't let tears prevent you from seeing the stars.
If being STO is about supporting the free will of others why not destroy those entities who would subsume the free will of others for their own gain?

Supporting the free will of others doesn't involve doing the free will thing for them. That's the thing about free will, everyone has it, including those who use their free will to try to subvert the free will of others. More than anything else, free will is the freedom to choose. If you don't have a choice, there's nothing to choose, and therefore no free will. So by "destroying those entities who would subsume the free will of others for their own gain", you'd be destroying the free will of those you were misguidedly trying to help.

Probably in the long run he will suffer less

Can you argue this point further. I`m asking cause if there is something all psychologists agree about is that suffering/trauma limits one growth and in contrast a supportive, peaceful, loving environment facilitates psychological development.
Kazimierz Dąbrowski goes so far as to say that in a good, supportive environment even those who don`t posses "developmental potential" achieve the highest level of personality development.

All psychologists do not agree that suffering/trauma limits growth. Many understand that this is actually the stimulus for growth. It requires balance, tho.

Here's good old Jordan Peterson in his pre-Zionist glory days on the matter of the necessity of suffering for growth:
There’s this old idea that you have to rescue your father from the belly of the whale, right? From some monster that’s deep in the abyss. You see that in Pinocchio, for example, but it’s a very common idea. And I figured out why that is, I think.

Imagine that we already know from a clinical perspective that if you set out a path towards a goal - which you want to do because you need a goal and you need a path because that provides you with positive emotion, right? So you set up something as valuable, so that implies a hierarchy.

You set up something as valuable. You decide that you’re going to do that instead of other things. So that’s kind of a sacrifice, because you’re sacrificing everything else to pursue that. And then you experience a fair bit of positive emotion and meaning as you watch yourself move towards the goal.

And so the implication of that is that the better the goal, the more full and rich your experience is going to be when you pursue it, so that’s one of the reasons for developing a vision and for fleshing yourself out philosophically, because you want to aim at the highest goal that you can manage. Okay, so you do that.

Then what you’ll find is that as you move towards the goal, there are certain things that you have to accomplish that frighten you. Maybe you have to learn to be a better speaker, a better writer, a better thinker. You have to better to people around you, you have to learn some new skills and you’re afraid of that, whatever. Because it’s going to stretch you if you pursue a goal. And so that’ll put you up against challenges.

Okay, so all the clinical data indicates the opposite of safe spaces as Jonathan Haidt has been pointing out. What you want to do when you identify something that someone needs to do but is avoiding because they’re afraid - you have them voluntarily confront it, and so you break it down. What you try to do, if you’re a behaviour therapist, is you break down the thing they’re avoiding into smaller and smaller pieces until you find a piece that’s small enough so they’ll do it. And it doesn’t really matter, so long as they start it, and they can put the next piece on, and the next piece.

What happens is that they don’t get less afraid exactly, they get braver. It’s like there’s more of them. And then here’s why. So imagine you do something new, and that’s informative, right? There’s information in the action. And then you can incorporate that information and turn it into a skill and turn it into a transformation of your perceptions. So there’s more to you because you’ve tried something new. So that’s one thing.

But the second thing is, and there’s good biological evidence for this now, if you put yourself in a new situation, then new genes code for new proteins and build new neural structures and new nervous system structures. Same thing happens to some degree when you work out, right? Because your muscles are responding to the load, but your nervous system does that, too. So you imagine that there’s a lot of potential YOU locked in your genetic code. And then if you put yourself in a new situation, then the stress, that’s the situational stress that’s produced by that particular situation unlocks those genes and then builds new parts of you.

And so that’s very cool because who knows how much there is locked inside of you. Okay, so now here’s the idea. So let’s assume that that scales as you take on heavier and heavier loads, that more and more of you – you get more and more informed because you’re doing more and more difficult things, but more and more of you gets unlocked. And so then, what would imply is that if you got to the point where you could look at the darkest thing, so that would be the abyss, right? That would be the deepest abyss. If you could look at the harshest things like the like the most brutal parts of the suffering of the world and the malevolence of people in society, if you could look at that straight and directly and that would turn you on maximally.

And so that’s the idea of rescuing your father, because imagine that you’re the potential composite of all the ancestral wisdom that’s locked inside of you biologically, but that’s not going to come out at all unless you stress yourself, unless you challenge yourself. And the bigger the challenge you take on, the more that’s going to turn on. And so that as you take on a broader and broader range of challenges, and you push yourself harder, then more and more of what you could BE turns on. And that’s equivalent to transforming yourself into the ancestral father, because you’re like the consequence of all these living beings that have come before you, and that’s all part of your biological potentiality.

And then if you can push yourself, then all of that clicks on and that turns you into who you could BE.

Focusing only on safe spaces can turn you into a soft and pathetic creature similar to the wailing Leftist Karens, whose feelings are more important than the facts. If we indulge in safety-only fantasies, then there is no growth, and we can atrophy and Will power flies right out the window.

Focusing only on suffering for growth at all times can turn you into a self-flagellating monk who seeks to purify the Spirit by abusing the flesh. If we are always looking for the next adventure in suffering, there's no time for the nervous system to rest, which it actually really needs, leading to burnout.

So as usual, there is a middle path between two extremes. Look at the chapter in the Tao I quoted before - there is a time for being safe, and a time for being in danger. It is part of the game here to walk that tightrope.
I`m determined to find a different system of soul progression that doesn`t involve suffering.

Imagine for a moment that the source of suffering is ignorance and illusions, and the solution is knowledge and letting go of illusions.

And now consider your plan in that context. Basically, you're determined to find a different system of soul progression that doesn't involve learning. It's an oxymoron, no?
They are not as strong as you think. They have lots of internal fighting and personal ambitions.
It`s more about making yourself strong and able to defend yourself and your group in order to outlast them.
You start with good diet, training(physical and mental), hemispheric synchronization(to tap into the wave energies pouring in), supplements to improve detox finding other determined people that are on the same path etc
For me the question is more about what do you do about the ones that are not able to make themselves strong.

Are they unable to make themselves strong or is it a choice they make/made at some level? What makes you think everyone is supposed to become this "strong" version of yours? Just like we have different level of intelligence/height/everything, we also have different levels of lessons/soul progression(because it's all about the soul) and we cannot force them to operate at a level they are not ready for. It's like taking a kindergartener and assuming they should be able to operate at a 5th grade level. And I'm not sure what you even mean by being "strong", but if you're referring to having willpower/knowledge/etc. and living accordingly then why would you want to take away the source of your strength. BTW the source of your "strength" is probably your suffering, you've had to actively gathering knowledge to lessening the pain and free yourself from trauma to whatever degree you have. Why would you want to take that away from someone else? how are they expected to become strong if they don't have access to choice and the call to better themselves.

It seems to me like you're caught up in black and white thinking with some of your ideas. Take this notion of developing a cure for all diseases. In theory it sounds nice but what makes you think everyone is going to want this cure or is ready for it? Have you ever considered that some people get sick to feed themselves off of the pity that is given to them? And they will keep the disease because it's a source of nutrients for them. How are we to force them to change their lifestyle? Would you like someone to force you to change your lifestyle because someone decrees your lifestyle as unhealthy? Others get sick because their soul is done with the work in 3D and are ready to go home, not sure if it's possible to cure something like this. Other's get sick to pay off energetic karmic dept when someone else has to care for them... I'm not saying you shouldn't learn and share with those who are ready but I doubt there can be any such thing as a cure for all.

Also this idea that destroying evil is a desirable thing is a dangerous idea, since you are also STS... Even if you go to extremes like rape, what makes you think that the person being raped wasn't a rapist in their past lives and needs to balance out their karmic load? We don't know the machinations of what occurs at a higher level, and until we do we cannot decide what the school should or should not be(and if we did know I'm fairly certain we would not change anything). A large part of the work is to simply accept things the way they are and have faith that they are exactly as they need to be.

In short... It's complicated, and by no means do I have any of it figure out but it's generally a good idea to not think in absolutes.
Imagine for a moment that the source of suffering is ignorance and illusions, and the solution is knowledge and letting go of illusions.

And now consider your plan in that context. Basically, you're determined to find a different system of soul progression that doesn't involve learning. It's an oxymoron, no?
the Buddah taught along much the same lines

the four noble truths

The desire to kill those you consider as evil is a selfish desire. You are doing it because YOU WANT them to be dead. By acting on that, you are just strengthening and perpetuating STS in our reality.

Like in Return of the Jedi. The emperor wants Luke to kill him, because if he does, Luke’s path towards the dark side will be complete.
Hey T.C., really great to see you back! You look as good as ever and I hopeyou feel as good as ever!
@Darius1234, the type of existence you are thinking has likely occurred before, leading to slowest learning possible; effectively a society of dumb people with very little feelings or love for each other. See below excerpts from a RA's session - The Law of One Session 82. I am posting the relevant bits for you.

82.15 Questioner: Specifically, I am trying to grasp an understanding first of the process of experience in third density before the veil so that I can [have a] better understanding of the present process. Now, as I understand it, the mind/body/spirit complexes went through the process of what we call physical incarnation in this density but there was no forgetting. What was the benefit or purpose of the physical incarnation when there was no forgetting?

Ra: I am Ra. The purpose of incarnation in third density is to learn the ways of love.

82.18 Questioner: Then prior to the forgetting process, there was no concept of anything but service-to-others polarization. What sort of societies and experiences in third density were created and evolved in this condition?

Ra: I am Ra. It is our perception that such conditions created the situation of a most pallid experiential nexus in which lessons were garnered with the relative speed of the turtle to the cheetah.

82.19 Questioner: Did such societies evolve with technologies of a complex nature, or were they quite simple? Can you give me a general idea of the evolvement that would be a function of what we would call intellectual activity?

Ra: I am Ra. There is infinite diversity in societies under any circumstances. There were many highly technologically advanced societies which grew due to the ease of producing any desired result when one dwells within what might be seen to be a state of constant potential inspiration. That which even the most highly sophisticated, in your terms, societal structure lacked, given the non-complex nature of its entities, was what you might call will or, to use a more plebeian term, gusto, or élan vital.
82.22 Questioner: Then since the only possibility at this particular time, as I see it, was a polarization for service to others, I must assume from what you said that even though all were aware of this service-to-others necessity they were unable to achieve it. What was the configuration of mind of the mind/body/spirit complexes at that time? Were they aware of the necessity for the polarization or unaware of it? And if so, why did they have such a difficult time serving others to the extent necessary for graduation since this was the only polarity possible?

Ra: I am Ra. Consider, if you will, the tendency of those who are divinely happy, as you call this distortion, to have little urge to alter or better their condition. Such is the result of the mind/body/spirit which is not complex. There is the possibility of love of other-selves and service to other-selves, but there is the overwhelming awareness of the Creator in the self. The connection with the Creator is that of the umbilical cord. The security is total. Therefore, no love is terribly important; no pain terribly frightening; no effort, therefore, is made to serve for love or to benefit from fear.

82.23 Questioner: It seems that you might make an analogy in our present illusion of those who are born into extreme wealth and security. Is this correct?

Ra: I am Ra. Within the strict bounds of the simile, you are perceptive.

You see that when life becomes too comfortable and we have access to everything and knowledge of all past, present and future becomes accessible with relative ease, there is then very little motive to do "anything".
All psychologists do not agree that suffering/trauma limits growth. Many understand that this is actually the stimulus for growth. It requires balance, tho.

Here's good old Jordan Peterson in his pre-Zionist glory days on the matter of the necessity of suffering for growth:

Focusing only on safe spaces can turn you into a soft and pathetic creature similar to the wailing Leftist Karens, whose feelings are more important than the facts. If we indulge in safety-only fantasies, then there is no growth, and we can atrophy and Will power flies right out the window.

Focusing only on suffering for growth at all times can turn you into a self-flagellating monk who seeks to purify the Spirit by abusing the flesh. If we are always looking for the next adventure in suffering, there's no time for the nervous system to rest, which it actually really needs, leading to burnout.

So as usual, there is a middle path between two extremes. Look at the chapter in the Tao I quoted before - there is a time for being safe, and a time for being in danger. It is part of the game here to walk that tightrope.

Q: (L) Is it also correct that emotion can be used to mislead, that is emotions that are twisted and generated strictly from the flesh or false programming?

A: Emotion that limits is an impediment to progress. Emotion is also necessary to make progress in 3rd density. It is natural. When you begin to separate limiting emotions based on assumptions from emotions that open one to unlimited possibilities, that means you are preparing for the next density.

So according to what is written here emotions that are born out of trauma (fear, doubt, pain, suffering) are limiting emotions and that this kind of emotions lead to growth is an assumption.
Trauma and suffering don`t make you stronger they cripple you. Processing those emotions in a safe enough space opens you up to the possibility that you may recover that you were intended to be.
I admire Jordan Peterson for his courage and it hurts me to write this but he is a very traumatized man who needs to take pharmaceuticals in order to cope with reality.

I look at children and I see how happy, smart and intuitive they are. Their minds are full of unlimited possibilities. I life of suffering almost took that away from me but all throughout this harrowing process I was determined to cure myself.
That determination came from the hope that I will share the knowledge for people to heal themselves and thus helping them with their suffering. And this came out of compassion.
With vitality came healthy righteous anger and more determination.

Hope, compassion, love, determination, righteous anger these are some of the emotions that open one to unlimited possibilities.
Creating an environment that fosters these emotions for you and others is the way forward.
Imagine for a moment that the source of suffering is ignorance and illusions, and the solution is knowledge and letting go of illusions.

And now consider your plan in that context. Basically, you're determined to find a different system of soul progression that doesn't involve learning. It's an oxymoron, no?
We fall into ignorance and illusions because the current system is designed this way.

Q: (L) Is it also correct that emotion can be used to mislead, that is emotions that are twisted and generated strictly from the flesh or false programming?

A: Emotion that limits is an impediment to progress. Emotion is also necessary to make progress in 3rd density. It is natural. When you begin to separate limiting emotions based on assumptions from emotions that open one to unlimited possibilities, that means you are preparing for the next density.
Isn`t the propose of the grand cycle basically the evolution of God of which we are part of. With each cycle more diverse forms and ideas are being explored.
What is wrong with the fact that we will have the opportunity to explore a system of progression what doesn`t involve suffering.
Not to impose it but to offer an alternative for those who do not what to fall and suffer.
So the only thing you can do in order to be STO is be passive and accept evil to let people who would use and abuse have their lessons? Wait to be raped/enslaved/slaughtered by those that made themselves strong. Don`t get me wrong is good to be moral but isn`t it immoral to be passive and weak?

No. It's about not being a predator but also not becoming prey. In between is knowledge.
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