I don't get it.... why not destroy evil?

@Darius1234, the type of existence you are thinking has likely occurred before, leading to slowest learning possible; effectively a society of dumb people with very little feelings or love for each other. See below excerpts from a RA's session - The Law of One Session 82. I am posting the relevant bits for you.

You see that when life becomes too comfortable and we have access to everything and knowledge of all past, present and future becomes accessible with relative ease, there is then very little motive to do "anything".
Yeah, sounds awful. :))))
Nice find! :)
I'm not saying you shouldn't learn and share with those who are ready
Yeah, I agree
Also this idea that destroying evil is a desirable thing is a dangerous idea
Well at least defend my community from it.
Even if you go to extremes like rape, what makes you think that the person being raped wasn't a rapist in their past lives and needs to balance out their karmic load? We don't know the machinations of what occurs at a higher level, and until we do we cannot decide what the school should or should not be(and if we did know I'm fairly certain we would not change anything)
This is spiritual nihilism.
what you even mean by being "strong", but if you're referring to having willpower/knowledge/etc
Also having moral fiber, determination, love, compassion, righteous anger, wisdom but also willingness to debate what is good/what is evil, when is a perceived evil act actually a good one and vice versa.
Evil arises when fragments of the universe mistakenly believe they are disconnected from infinite consciousness.
It`s also a choice cause you can perceive yourself to be disconnected and still choose to not be a piece of shit. Also the opposite is true to gain this understanding and not give a shit.
Q: (L) Is it also correct that emotion can be used to mislead, that is emotions that are twisted and generated strictly from the flesh or false programming?

A: Emotion that limits is an impediment to progress. Emotion is also necessary to make progress in 3rd density. It is natural. When you begin to separate limiting emotions based on assumptions from emotions that open one to unlimited possibilities, that means you are preparing for the next density.

So according to what is written here emotions that are born out of trauma (fear, doubt, pain, suffering) are limiting emotions and that this kind of emotions lead to growth is an assumption.

The sessions indicate pretty clearly that suffering is crucial for growth. So does most esoteric literature, as well as a good deal of various kinds of scientific literature. The sessions:

Session 22 September 2018:​

(Chu) In the book Evolution 2.0, it talks about how the restructuring of DNA and recoding in order to rearrange the code and create something new happens mainly in response to heat shock, pollution, hazardous chemicals, absence of food, or presence of food that's harmful – that is, under hardship conditions and extreme conditions - and it happens all in a few hours. I was wondering if this is an explanation for why suffering is conducive to learning?

A: Yes

Session 9 June 2018:​

Q: (Pierre) Nothing is free.

No free lunch!

Q: (L) Well, thanks for that. Is there going to be some way we're gonna find through research to help ameliorate this thing?

A: Probably to some extent. But remember all the advantages brought to you by suffering.

(L) Could you name just two? [laughter]

A: Compassion and patience. Two most important qualities.

Session 25 March 2017:​

(L) Okay, I'll add it. I will include the information in the transcript so that people will know what is being talked about. Okay, I guess we can just move right along then to the next question! [laughter] Why have I been suffering so much? Have we asked this question before?

(Galatea) Probably. In many ways.

(L) Because it's like we pointed out talking about it yesterday or today or whenever it was... It's like since we started this crystal project, that's when I started going really, really downhill. I mean, I have suffered pain and miseries and infections and all kinds of dreadful things. It has basically just taken the stuffing out of me. So, I would like to know why?

A: We have mentioned often enough the last option you discussed: attack. But also there is the element of balance: In order to bring in great positive energies there must be corresponding suffering to act as inductor.

(Pierre) That's what you said during the discussion, that maybe that's the price to pay.

(Joe) Why does suffering act as an inductor?

(Galatea) Well, for the balance because it needs the suffering to create the balance.

(Pierre) Laura was saying that you have a lot of people who talk about the benefits of the crystals, so they have less suffering. Seemingly, for balance to be restored, one is suffering (in this case Laura) in order for members to suffer less through the crystal network.

(L) Well, there's also another thing I remember. There's something from Mouravieff about negative emotions. If you can master negative emotions, then it inducts - he used the word "inducts" - it inducts positive energy from the higher centers. I'm not sure if I'm really correct on that. Pull up your copy at some point and find the quote. It would be interesting to see what he said. The word "inductor" is what catches my ear. Anyway... Well, they once said, "From the fire comes light", right? {Also, there is the element of “contact potential difference”}

Session 18 July 2015:​

(L) There's another problem. There are two things I've noticed from various people on the forum. There are the ones that are so horrified by the terror of the situation, like, "I don't belong to this world! I'm not part of this! I can't eat meat! I can't eat vegetables. I have to live on air and sunshine because it's so awful and horrible that I just can't stand it!" So, there's that reaction. And then there's the other one where when we have a session, ideas are promoted, people start to do things or try things before they themselves have done a little of the research, ya know? I think there are the people who don't want to learn anything, and then there are people who want to do and achieve, but they want an easy way.

(Pierre) For proper acquisition of knowledge, you need a sufficient amount of time and effort and... suffering, basically.

There is no free lunch except maybe for parasites!

Q: (L) And we're their lunch as long as we think there's a free lunch!

A: Yes!

Session 26 April 2014:​

Q: (Approaching Infinity) Are there any more specific practical exercises we can do to connect chakras?

A: [letters come very rapidly] Talking and working out issues is the way to train the machine. But more than that, it is necessary to master the self and that requires suffering which turns on DNA.

Q: (L) In short, the Work is work.

A: You got it!!!

Session 28 March 2010

Q: (L) Well, I think we want to raise children that are capable of soul development. I guess that's what we want to do.

A: Yes? Then you must lay down the foundation and pattern. Let us ask you a question: If you had not had certain traumas, would you have felt so determined to find answers to the suffering of humanity???

(L) No, I guess if I'd had a perfect childhood and if everything had been perfect and nice, I guess I would have been a potato. [laughter] I guess I would have been a monkey!

A: Yes.

Session 13 September 2009:​

(L) What is the nature of some of these really upsetting dreams and experiences that people here and people in the forum are having?

Memories of lives of pain and suffering that remained unresolved at the end of those lives. We are sorry that some of this is painful, but this method is actually the least traumatic method of any for this purpose. Once the dark dreams are processed out of the system, all will be better. Then there are no more hooks for illusion to attach to.

Session 19 November 1994:​

Q: (V) Have you been doing a lot of soul searching? (T) I've been saying that I have been at 100% depression for six or seven weeks now. (L) What is causing Terry's depression?

A: Change of DNA.

(T) What brought about the change in DNA?

A: Moving toward 4th level of density reality.

Q: (L) Why does this always seem to cause pain, suffering or depression?

A: All level 1 changes do.

Q: (L) What are level 1 changes?

A: We use "level" designation to denote significance.

Q: (L) Is level 1 most significant?

A: Yes.

Q: (L) As the numbers go higher does the significance get lessened?

A: Close.

Q: (L) What is causing the pain in Jan's right shoulder since several of us have been having this exact same symptom?

A: DNA changes.

(L) Can Reiki be used to help alleviate the discomfort?

A: Not necessary or recommended.

(L) Do we just have to suffer through this one?

A: Each "suffering" will be closely followed by dramatic life changes.

Trauma and suffering don`t make you stronger they cripple you. Processing those emotions in a safe enough space opens you up to the possibility that you may recover that you were intended to be.
I admire Jordan Peterson for his courage and it hurts me to write this but he is a very traumatized man who needs to take pharmaceuticals in order to cope with reality.

I look at children and I see how happy, smart and intuitive they are. Their minds are full of unlimited possibilities. I life of suffering almost took that away from me but all throughout this harrowing process I was determined to cure myself.
That determination came from the hope that I will share the knowledge for people to heal themselves and thus helping them with their suffering. And this came out of compassion.
With vitality came healthy righteous anger and more determination.

Hope, compassion, love, determination, righteous anger these are some of the emotions that open one to unlimited possibilities.
Creating an environment that fosters these emotions for you and others is the way forward.

In light of all the above sessions, it really sounds to me like you're basically just looking for a free lunch and in a state of avoidance. But no matter how much you try to justify it, avoiding suffering simply will not have the intended consequences that you're looking for.
Destroying evil is meaningless, it is only a thought of negative, defensive, reactive, entropic subjectivity that rejects the nature of all that is.
Is it? Or a sane conclusion after living in a world full of suffering and predation.
In light of all the above sessions, it really sounds to me like you're basically just looking for a free lunch and in a state of avoidance. But no matter how much you try to justify it, avoiding suffering simply will not have the intended consequences that you're looking for.
No dude I`m looking for answers. It`s the third time that you`ve been attacking my character while I`ve only asked polite questions. If you were so enlightened you wouldn't feel this need to put others down for having a philosophical debate with you. What do you expect me to take your word for gospel. Grow up.

Also the C`s said we should do this and not take their word for granted.
Very interesting thread to reflect on.
As a child I didn't understand that you can't turn personal suffering and pain into love and empathy by lecturing or removing the perpetrators or perpetrators. There is only black or white due to lack of experience. During my childhood, I took refuge in a bubble of wishful thinking, created my beautiful reality and waited for fulfillment. The real world caused permanent sadness, anger and helplessness. Battles raged within me that led to a war against myself. I didn't get to know basic human needs such as security and attachment. Today I am aware that there were seeds of strong virtues and dispositions in my core or soul that could have enabled me to grow. Courage, resilience, ambition. Like many here, I experienced my childhood in a state of mortal danger, my father was unpredictable. As a child, I had a simple solution - if he had disappeared from the scene, I would no longer be afraid - but he stayed and I was forced to find a solution. Today I know that I needed him so that I could develop. I sharpened my senses and became an Indian, a scout. I trained my eyes so that I could see the danger in his facial expressions. I trained my ears so that I could recognize voice pitch, volume, pauses in speech, words, steps..... The first carnival costume I wished for was an Indian costume. Today I know the deep meaning of this costume.
Honesty was met with blows from him, so I had to lie. Here, too, a battle raged inside me - why was I being forced to lie when I saw no reason to? The lie protected my life, but it didn't feel right. Then I realized that lying also has the unhealthy benefit of gaining empathy and compassion, which I was denied in my family. Now the victim game began - I bandaged my hands and arms, deliberately hurting myself so that my basic need for compassion was met. There were only brief moments of satisfaction, then I was struck down by my guilty conscience because I had told the untruth. At some point, I was careless and my lie was exposed to my friends. My shame was boundless and I swore I would never tell the untruth again - no matter what happened to me. That was part of my transformation. Without my father, who represented absolute evil to me as a child, I would not have recognized myself. Without the person who exposed my lie, I might not have learned about my conscience and the importance of truth for me.
We need the other side so that we can recognize ourselves. There are certain virtues that need to be strengthened in order to advance our own development. Simply removing what disturbs our well-being will keep us stuck in the bubble of illusion.
Very interesting thread to reflect on.
As a child I didn't understand that you can't turn personal suffering and pain into love and empathy by lecturing or removing the perpetrators or perpetrators. There is only black or white due to lack of experience. During my childhood, I took refuge in a bubble of wishful thinking, created my beautiful reality and waited for fulfillment. The real world caused permanent sadness, anger and helplessness. Battles raged within me that led to a war against myself. I didn't get to know basic human needs such as security and attachment. Today I am aware that there were seeds of strong virtues and dispositions in my core or soul that could have enabled me to grow. Courage, resilience, ambition. Like many here, I experienced my childhood in a state of mortal danger, my father was unpredictable. As a child, I had a simple solution - if he had disappeared from the scene, I would no longer be afraid - but he stayed and I was forced to find a solution. Today I know that I needed him so that I could develop. I sharpened my senses and became an Indian, a scout. I trained my eyes so that I could see the danger in his facial expressions. I trained my ears so that I could recognize voice pitch, volume, pauses in speech, words, steps..... The first carnival costume I wished for was an Indian costume. Today I know the deep meaning of this costume.
Honesty was met with blows from him, so I had to lie. Here, too, a battle raged inside me - why was I being forced to lie when I saw no reason to? The lie protected my life, but it didn't feel right. Then I realized that lying also has the unhealthy benefit of gaining empathy and compassion, which I was denied in my family. Now the victim game began - I bandaged my hands and arms, deliberately hurting myself so that my basic need for compassion was met. There were only brief moments of satisfaction, then I was struck down by my guilty conscience because I had told the untruth. At some point, I was careless and my lie was exposed to my friends. My shame was boundless and I swore I would never tell the untruth again - no matter what happened to me. That was part of my transformation. Without my father, who represented absolute evil to me as a child, I would not have recognized myself. Without the person who exposed my lie, I might not have learned about my conscience and the importance of truth for me.
We need the other side so that we can recognize ourselves. There are certain virtues that need to be strengthened in order to advance our own development. Simply removing what disturbs our well-being will keep us stuck in the bubble of illusion.
Jesus dude. I`m so sorry. How old are you? Are you safe now?
Accepting that some pain and suffering are a part of life (at least in the realm where we are) was also very difficult for me. In fact, avoidance of all pain and suffering got me almost stuck at one point in terms of the Work. And paradoxically, the avoidance or blocking of emotional pain/suffering causes even more pain/suffering.

There is definitely nothing wrong with avoiding needless suffering, but there is also useful and necessary suffering as part of the healing and growth process. Needless suffering does not help you in any way, while the necessary type of suffering propels you on your Path.

When dealing with difficult emotions, suffering or pain, it helps a lot to be able to stay on center or connected to your depth at least to some degree. This bringing together of "positive" and "negative" inside is what processes through and dissolves the negative much faster, while avoiding unnecessary suffering. It is also plain easier to deal with pain and suffering while also staying connected to the love, peace and authenticity inside at our core being.
Jesus dude. I`m so sorry. How old are you? Are you safe now?
I am very old 😅- 61 years.
Today I am safe because my experience and my vigilance guarantee my survival. Looking back, I realize that the dangers that people pose to me as a person are related to insufficient knowledge, reduced vigilance, my own wishful thinking in the sense of satisfying current needs and misguided helper syndrome.
My transformation to what I am today was a very hard school. The proof that I am most likely on the right path is the feedback from those around me. Narcissists avoid me like the devil avoids holy water because I can speak their language and recognize their thoughts - I'm no longer a free lunch. Empathetic people recognize who or what I am.
This year, due to various incidents, I experienced a weakness that is now known as burnout. Having spent 4 years in the depths of burnout during my destructive marriage, I now recognize the signs. Strangely enough, all of the weaknesses that I could otherwise relatively control came to the fore again. World pain, pathological helper syndrome, depression. And it was precisely in this state of weakness that well-known narcissists with a high STS content reappeared in my life. My energetic protection had holes and they occupied my body, draining my energy, my thoughts were of a fearful nature. For me this means a battle for myself every day. The attacks sometimes only last for minutes, sometimes a day and if you are not vigilant and aware, even weeks.
At the moment I feel like I'm on a good path, but I feel enormously the negative dark energies that are weighing on us overall at the moment.
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