I don't get it.... why not destroy evil?

After reading a few posts in this thread, I realized that the question this Darius guy is asking is nothing new under the sun. It has already been seen many times, be it reality or fiction, to hear the question: If God is light and love, why does he allow evil?

Here in the group we already know the answer and it was given to him.

But his insistence on his point of view only denotes what has happened to many when, for example, they have a great loss or their life is miserable to unbearable heights... they blame creation for all their ills.

And as far as I know, as the C's have said: Life experiences reflect how one interacts with God. Those who are asleep are those of little faith in terms of their interaction with the creation.
Personally, I had a hard time understanding it. Until one day you realize that only you and no one else is responsible not only for yourself, but for the reading you make of reality. Because all the suffering that you can go through is designed so that you can increase the scope of vision, both of what happens in the outside world and inside, by this same quality of the interaction between the creator and the created. By increasing the scope of your vision you simply increase the scope of your free will, you have better information to make choices and can therefore see with some anticipation what the results of a series of choices will be.

As such, you navigate reality and can avoid evil. Destroying it is impossible but you can dodge the bullet.

Ok, this is not new what I am saying for the forum. But maybe it is for Darius1234.
I think it is possible to be motivated by authentic love too, especially after addressing and releasing more and more the causes of suffering through doing the Work. It even seems that there may be a point when motivation through love becomes greater than the motivation through suffering or discomfort.
Another driver of change Is the hunger for knowledge - I think the C’s said that drive was divine or holy. Just seeking pleasure/comfort and avoiding pain is like what drives a worm - a slow way to learn. A nation is like an individual full of ‘little I’s. It can be polarized toward STO or STS. The people don’t want war but they can be polarized for it every time it seems. The US was more positively polarized in the days of JFK - perhaps a majority of people had Camelot dreams. I was very young when Kennedy was shot, and have been witnessing the downward trajectory ever since. We were more innocent then.

Innocent of our own offenses and what drove them also. The Indian wars, the smallpox blankets, the pillaging of smaller, weaker nations for resources, I could go on and on.

I wonder what Julius Ceasar was thinking as he conquered other nations for Rome. Was he a ‘tool of the government’ that had a big revelation - like Paul on the road to Damascus? Of course the latter may be just a myth. He actually spoke to us through the Cassiopean Experiment. He said we must be true to ourselves. He also said something about the need for a person to start early in life on the right path. What chance do young people have in the West today? Probably about the same chance the Indians had back then.

Sorry for the rambling post, just some thoughts.
So you're assigning fault and blame to something else because YOU are ignorant. But in fact, it no one else's "fault" but yours.

Seems to me that behind your whole "philosophy" is victimhood.
Wanting to explore the possibility of a better/alternative system is victimhood? By your logic we would still be living in caves and accepted what is cause this is what the universe wanted and we already know "the truth".

Be a good lad and delete my account. Have a nice life.
Be a good lad and delete my account. Have a nice life.
Still playing with matches I see. “Be a good lad” Such condescension. And a cheap way of making you feel small for tossing him out, which is clearly what he’s gunning for. Give the guy what he wants. He’s had more than his 15 minutes of disruption. It seems plain to me that he’s only here to be (not play) Devil’s Advocate. And when faced with a solid point, has a tantrum and blames it on his betters. No humility. Just false innocence. And frankly if he came here to give us dietary instructions, he’s clearly in the wrong cafe. This is only my second post in this thread, but I’ve been reading all of it. I’ve only spoken up on these two occasions because when he starts getting snotty, he’s exposed himself as a shit stirrer who doesn’t take in any advice no matter how sound that doesn’t agree with him. Either come here to learn or shut the hell up. Trying to outshine the forum is a waste of our time and kindness.
Still playing with matches I see. “Be a good lad” Such condescension. And a cheap way of making you feel small for tossing him out, which is clearly what he’s gunning for. Give the guy what he wants. He’s had more than his 15 minutes of disruption. It seems plain to me that he’s only here to be (not play) Devil’s Advocate. And when faced with a solid point, has a tantrum and blames it on his betters. No humility. Just false innocence. And frankly if he came here to give us dietary instructions, he’s clearly in the wrong cafe. This is only my second post in this thread, but I’ve been reading all of it. I’ve only spoken up on these two occasions because when he starts getting snotty, he’s exposed himself as a shit stirrer who doesn’t take in any advice no matter how sound that doesn’t agree with him. Either come here to learn or shut the hell up. Trying to outshine the forum is a waste of our time and kindness.
I have viewed the entire conversation from said member, but held no emotion whatsoever.
To me, there are challenges and challenging people everywhere. Instead of looking at them as either 'this' or 'that', I accept them as they are. Challenges can be turned into a catalyst for change.
At least for me now, challenges just remind me of who I am and who I choose to be...and I'm gonna just keep being me. (You do you and I'll do me is my motto.)
I have viewed the entire conversation from said member, but held no emotion whatsoever.
To me, there are challenges and challenging people everywhere. Instead of looking at them as either 'this' or 'that', I accept them as they are. Challenges can be turned into a catalyst for change.
At least for me now, challenges just remind me of who I am and who I choose to be...and I'm gonna just keep being me. (You do you and I'll do me is my motto.)
I agree. I’ve not really reacted with emotion myself. I may sound hysterical, but I’m honestly laughing while typing this stuff. But when someone gets nasty and rude towards forum members, they’re violating forum guidelines. Granted I’m not a moderator, so it’s not up to me “. But this reads less like a discussion or a debate, and more like mockery. I’ve watched this guy insist that he comes in peace with innocent questions, only to turn around and mock people I have developed great respect for over years of interaction. You’re welcome to join the party, but don’t be that guy.
his betters
Sorry enlightened one
faced with a solid point
accepting blindly "what is" without exploring alternatives is stagnation
Either come here to learn or shut the hell up. Trying to outshine the forum is a waste of our time and kindness.
Accepting dogma witout questioning and pointing logical fallacies is an offence?
Give the guy what he wants.
Would have deleted it myself but there is no unsubscribe button.
I agree. I’ve not really reacted with emotion myself. I may sound hysterical, but I’m honestly laughing while typing this stuff. But when someone gets nasty and rude towards forum members, they’re violating forum guidelines. Granted I’m not a moderator, so it’s not up to me “. But this reads less like a discussion or a debate, and more like mockery. I’ve watched this guy insist that he comes in peace with innocent questions, only to turn around and mock people I have developed great respect for over years of interaction. You’re welcome to join the party, but don’t be that guy.
Oh I absolutely agree with you. I've thought it was inappropriate to enter an established group without (obviously) having studied any/much of the material here. (At least he didn't have a savior complex and claim to be the next messiah, lol)
Sorry enlightened one

accepting blindly "what is" without exploring alternatives is stagnation

Accepting dogma witout questioning and pointing logical fallacies is an offence?

Would have deleted it myself but there is no unsubscribe button.
So you’re saying you’re trapped here? I can enlighten you as to where the Log Out button is. If you don’t know how to turn off notifications (or ignore them) your problems run far deeper. And lastly, there’s nothing wrong with pointing out logical fallacies. You just don’t need to be rude and condescending to other members in the process.

That’s my third (and final) post in this thread. Unlike you, I can walk away, and I don’t need my account deleted to achieve that. Goodbye and good luck.
I’ve watched this guy insist that he comes in peace with innocent questions, only to turn around and mock people I have developed great respect for over years of interaction. You’re welcome to join the party, but don’t be that guy.
There you have it ...

As far as I'm concerned this is just training, I mean, you know you're NOT responding to a troll (mocker?), but to people who are coming
approach with real interest, in learning and sharing, so sometimes evil works for the general good.
So you’re saying you’re trapped here? I can enlighten you as to where the Log Out button is. If you don’t know how to turn off notifications (or ignore them) your problems run far deeper. And lastly, there’s nothing wrong with pointing out logical fallacies. You just don’t need to be rude and condescending to other members in the process.

That’s my third (and final) post in this thread. Unlike you, I can walk away, and I don’t need my account deleted to achieve that. Goodbye and good luck.
Good luck to you too
It seems to me that a rather superficial and not thorough understanding of the following two concepts are the primary reasons you have so many “questions“ that could be easily answered if you understood the concepts better (in the way the C‘s presented them):

- Free Will
- Service To Others

Further, it seems to me that you somehow came up with the rather grandiose idea that you can change the way the universe works. That in itself is quite something and astounding.
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