I don't get it.... why not destroy evil?

it seems to me that you somehow came up with the rather grandiose idea that you can change the way the universe works. That in itself is quite something and astounding.
This is also where my question is coming from:

The other day I had this bizarre thought about the purpose of life. I thought that the only purpose is to progress onto higher levels of consciousness and eventually give life to other forms in the universe (not just life but also stars and so on). And this would take place since as we progress in the levels, we eventually become one – sort of unified energy and the process starts from the beginning – that unified energy gives life to the stars (being the beginning of life). I also thought that you cannot go backwards in this process, at worst you will halt.

What would be your or C’s response to that? Is the purpose of life to give or continue life (existence) (I do not mean the Christian procreation but the universal, long-term meaning of the process)? Is this the Great Cycle mentioned so often in your transcripts?

You got it!

A: Here comes a shocker for you… one day, in 4th density, it will be your descendants mission to carry on the tradition and assignment of seeding the 3rd density universe, once you have the adequate knowledge!!! I would like to conclude by making a request and a critical observation.

I feel this is true and if we follow the logical conclusion of this course of action wouldn`t us/the whole universe be able to evolve and change ourselves?
Is it not this the purpose of learning so that ultimately with the lessons learned god/the universe becomes more complex, more beautiful.
It was been pointed out in the tread that a previous iteration of the universe contained only STO. This current iteration also contains STS.
Yes personally I want to learn all that is and be part of the evolutionary force that improves the system.
Hello, reading darius1234, extending the perspective of the question a little, what I wonder is how to help the weakest?

If I imagine a 3D STS societal group that would decide to exterminate its murderers, rapists and psychopaths in order to protect its members and evolve its society, I want to say that it would be a good evolution. And maybe they could evolve towards other solutions like simply excluding them from their group, many other questions could arise.

What I tell myself is that we are in 3D STS and that it is quite normal to want to avoid suffering and want to protect our loved ones from predators, it is part of our physiological system of motivation, which probably pushes us to want to learn quickly.

By dint of trying to understand, I see that the solution lies in "no longer being edible" but there is a long way to go, and the desire to support our weaker loved ones, our animals, the 2D, and even the OP, this desire how to ignore it? I tell myself that in the end it is the soul that counts, ok but in the meantime seeing loved ones suffer still affects me.

On the one hand, going towards the STO, for me, is essentially how I will appreciate my choices, my decisions.

If I take my example of a society that eliminates its murderers, rapists, psychopaths, which is an STS system, I think of the executioner who will have to carry out the executions if he experiences this as a pleasure to exercise power with complete impunity this will reinforce the STS atmosphere he will appreciate his choice as an advancement in pleasure and power, but if he considers his task with the sole aim of protecting the weakest he could appreciate his choice as being painful, horrible although believing it to be inevitable, would this awareness not diminish the STS atmosphere and could push to the search for other solutions?

If I think on a more individual level, during an assault, it is a physical violation of my free will, in such a case defending myself by all possible means is legitimate even if I have to kill my attacker, not doing so would be accepting the negation of my free will (to continue to live), no morality telling me not to kill seems relevant to me in such a case. Then would come how I will appreciate my choice, if having killed the aggressor is considered as an experience of jubilant power I could willingly start again and become an avenger of the weakest, solitary vigilante and excellent STS agent.
If I consider my choice to defend myself by giving death as a horrible, traumatic but necessary experience, without feeling guilty about this act, I could then ask myself what previous choices did I misjudge to find myself in such a situation?

The act itself does not seem to me to be the only determining factor, the resulting awareness will make a difference.
This is also where my question is coming from:

The other day I had this bizarre thought about the purpose of life. I thought that the only purpose is to progress onto higher levels of consciousness and eventually give life to other forms in the universe (not just life but also stars and so on). And this would take place since as we progress in the levels, we eventually become one – sort of unified energy and the process starts from the beginning – that unified energy gives life to the stars (being the beginning of life). I also thought that you cannot go backwards in this process, at worst you will halt.

What would be your or C’s response to that? Is the purpose of life to give or continue life (existence) (I do not mean the Christian procreation but the universal, long-term meaning of the process)? Is this the Great Cycle mentioned so often in your transcripts?

You got it!

I feel this is true and if we follow the logical conclusion of this course of action wouldn`t us/the whole universe be able to evolve and change ourselves?
Is it not this the purpose of learning so that ultimately with the lessons learned god/the universe becomes more complex, more beautiful.
It was been pointed out in the tread that a previous iteration of the universe contained only STO. This current iteration also contains STS.
Yes personally I want to learn all that is and be part of the evolutionary force that improves the system.
May I take a stab at this?
Perhaps you are correct but it is not our purpose. We can hopefully keep rising until we get there, but up to a certain point we can also end up back here. Life is a cycle...nature cycles...this is also a cycle. We don't get there until we get there, and there is no guarantee that you/I/us will get there.
We're here to learn and to experience, and to learn from our experiences. But you don't have to. You can lollygag and be a hedonistic narcissist and not care about anyone but yourself. You get to make choices. Later, if you rise a little or swing to the STO side, you make more conscious choices.
Maybe we do get to reach the ultimate goal and then big bang ourselves into creation and make our own worlds. I'm already tired now so that sounds like a huge undertaking, lol.
Putting all this information (here) into perspective is long hard work. And your perspective may still be wrong.
I just read something in another thread that gave me an idea. It was regarding the C's saying that "help is on the way" and someone wrote that perhaps some of that help is joining the forum.
To change the perspective on Darius123 what if he is part of the help?

Maybe he is here to challenge us, to see what beliefs we are still clinging to, and to stir things up to help with change...? If someone ruffles your feathers, you need to ask yourself "why?". Are they 'hitting a nerve', or 'pushing your buttons'? Are they forcing you to face something that you think you already have figured out and you're good with it?

Just trying to see different possibilities because nothing can be proven, lol.
This is also where my question is coming from:

The other day I had this bizarre thought about the purpose of life. I thought that the only purpose is to progress onto higher levels of consciousness and eventually give life to other forms in the universe (not just life but also stars and so on). And this would take place since as we progress in the levels, we eventually become one – sort of unified energy and the process starts from the beginning – that unified energy gives life to the stars (being the beginning of life). I also thought that you cannot go backwards in this process, at worst you will halt.

What would be your or C’s response to that? Is the purpose of life to give or continue life (existence) (I do not mean the Christian procreation but the universal, long-term meaning of the process)? Is this the Great Cycle mentioned so often in your transcripts?

You got it!

I feel this is true and if we follow the logical conclusion of this course of action wouldn`t us/the whole universe be able to evolve and change ourselves?
Is it not this the purpose of learning so that ultimately with the lessons learned god/the universe becomes more complex, more beautiful.
It was been pointed out in the tread that a previous iteration of the universe contained only STO. This current iteration also contains STS.
Yes personally I want to learn all that is and be part of the evolutionary force that improves the system.

Wow, you changed your tune pretty quickly. What you wrote above sounds almost verbatim what was said in a session, yet you're claiming it came to you as a "bizarre thought". Are you sure that "bizarre thought" didn't come to you after reading a recent session?
but if he considers his task with the sole aim of protecting the weakest he could appreciate his choice as being painful, horrible although believing it to be inevitable, would this awareness not diminish the STS atmosphere and could push to the search for other solutions?
This is exactly the question that I`m wrestling with. Thank you for putting it into words!
I want to say that it would be a good evolution. And maybe they could evolve towards other solutions like simply excluding them from their group, many other questions could arise.
I tend to believe so also. And regarding other solutions there is a guy called Sam Vaknin who is working on a way to reverse psychopathy and/or narcissism. He was suffering from NPD himself and managed to reverse it.
If I think on a more individual level, during an assault, it is a physical violation of my free will, in such a case defending myself by all possible means is legitimate even if I have to kill my attacker, not doing so would be accepting the negation of my free will (to continue to live), no morality telling me not to kill seems relevant to me in such a case
I agree
Then would come how I will appreciate my choice, if having killed the aggressor is considered as an experience of jubilant power I could willingly start again and become an avenger of the weakest, solitary vigilante and excellent STS agent.
I don`t think someone who will experience a feeling exaltation from killing/ruining another person would ever consider this question, wonder how the other person felt or think about whether the choice is moral or immoral. He will simply do as he pleases.
If I consider my choice to defend myself by giving death as a horrible, traumatic but necessary experience, without feeling guilty about this act, I could then ask myself what previous choices did I misjudge to find myself in such a situation?
It`s not all on you. Others make their choices as well and the way things are going there is a strong possibility that you will be forced to defend yourself. Guild, regret, confusion and questioning yourself will be an inevitable consequence, you are fundamentally human and good person.
The act itself does not seem to me to be the only determining factor, the resulting awareness will make a difference.
Right. It seems so
Wow, you changed your tune pretty quickly. What you wrote above sounds almost verbatim what was said in a session, yet you're claiming it came to you as a "bizarre thought". Are you sure that "bizarre thought" didn't come to you after reading a recent session?
This is from this page The Great Cycle of Life
A reader asked Laura that question.
Wow, you changed your tune pretty quickly. What you wrote above sounds almost verbatim what was said in a session, yet you're claiming it came to you as a "bizarre thought". Are you sure that "bizarre thought" didn't come to you after reading a recent session?
I wrote this before and you choose not to engage with it and said:

"You haven't made any points that cannot easily be exposed as faulty thinking. The reason this thread goes on is due to YOUR faulty logic, not that of others."

We fall into ignorance and illusions because the current system is designed this way.

Isn`t the propose of the grand cycle basically the evolution of God of which we are part of. With each cycle more diverse forms and ideas are being explored.
What is wrong with the fact that we will have the opportunity to explore a system of progression what doesn`t involve suffering.
Not to impose it but to offer an alternative for those who do not what to fall and suffer.
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If I consider my choice to defend myself by giving death as a horrible, traumatic but necessary experience, without feeling guilty about this act, I could then ask myself what previous choices did I misjudge to find myself in such a situation?
It`s not all on you. Others make their choices as well and the way things are going there is a strong possibility that you will be forced to defend yourself. Guild, regret, confusion and questioning yourself will be an inevitable consequence, you are fundamentally human and good person.
For me, the obligation to defend oneself is fundamentally linked to previous choices, the choices that brought me to this situation. Not feeling concerned by this is part of free will.
And questioning oneself is just the consequence of having run into a wall too often and not wanting to be hurt anymore.
For me, the obligation to defend oneself is fundamentally linked to previous choices, the choices that brought me to this situation. Not feeling concerned by this is part of free will.
And questioning oneself is just the consequence of having run into a wall too often and not wanting to be hurt anymore.
Interesting, the way you put it is the same as a navy seal called Jocko Willink. He wrote a book developing this idea called "Extreme Ownership".
When you say "not feeling concerned by this is part of free will" what do you mean? Can you elaborate a little?
When you say "not feeling concerned by this is part of free will" what do you mean? Can you elaborate a little?

I think that our choices have power and consequences and that this is valid for everyone, free will allows us to believe what we want,
for example "he attacked me so too bad for him, I am not responsible for what happened next, I have the right to defend myself he should not have attacked me" this kind of belief places the entire responsibility for the situation on the other, free will allows us to believe this.
No dude I`m looking for answers. It`s the third time that you`ve been attacking my character while I`ve only asked polite questions. If you were so enlightened you wouldn't feel this need to put others down for having a philosophical debate with you. What do you expect me to take your word for gospel. Grow up.

Also the C`s said we should do this and not take their word for granted.

I don't expect anything, really. About this attack of character allegation, maybe it's time to read Castaneda, and to take Don Juan's words as personally as you can.

Half-complaining, I told him that he had made me feel very uncomfortable by refusing to talk to me for the past two days. He looked at me and arched his brows. A smile played on his lips and vanished. I realized that he was letting me know I was no better than la Gorda.

"I was provoking your self-importance," he said with a frown. "Self-importance is our greatest enemy. Think about it - what weakens us is feeling offended by the deeds and misdeeds of our fellow men. Our self-importance requires that we spend most of our lives offended by someone.

"The new seers recommended that every effort should be made to eradicate self-importance from the lives of warriors. I have followed that recommendation, and much of my endeavors with you has been geared to show you that without self-importance we are invulnerable."

"One needs the mood of a warrior for every single act," he said. "Otherwise one becomes distorted and ugly. There is no power in a life that lacks this mood. Look at yourself. Everything offends and upsets you. You whine and complain and feel that everyone is making you dance to their tune. You are a leaf at the mercy of the wind. There is no power in your fife. What an ugly feeling that must be!

"A warrior, on the other hand, is a hunter. He calculates everything. That's control. But once his calculations are over, he acts. He lets go. That's abandon. A warrior is not a leaf at the mercy of the wind. No one can push him; no one can make him do things against himself or against his better judgment. A warrior is tuned to survive, and he survives in the best of all possible fashions."

I liked his stance although I thought it was unrealistic. It seemed too simplistic for the complex world in which I lived.

He laughed at my arguments and I insisted that the mood of a warrior could not possibly help me overcome the feeling of being offended or actually being injured by the actions of my fellow men, as in the hypothetical case of being physically harassed by a cruel and malicious person placed in a position of authority.

He roared with laughter and admitted the example was apropos.

"A warrior could be injured but not offended," he said. "For a warrior there is nothing offensive about the acts of his fellow men as long as he himself is acting within the proper mood.

"The other night you were not offended by the lion. The fact that it chased us did not anger you. I did not hear you cursing it, nor did I hear you say that he had no right to follow us. It could have been a cruel and malicious lion for all you know. But that was not a consideration while you struggled to avoid it. The only thing that was pertinent was to survive. And that you did very well.

"If you would have been alone and the lion had caught up with you and mauled you to death, you would have never even considered complaining or feeling offended by its acts.

"The mood of a warrior is not so far-fetched for yours or anybody's world. You need it in order to cut through all the guff."

I explained my way of reasoning. The lion and my fellow men were not on a par, because I knew the intimate quirks of men while I knew nothing about the lion. What offended me about my fellow men was that they acted maliciously and knowingly.

"I know, I know," don Juan said patiently. "To achieve the mood of a warrior is not a simple matter. It is a revolution. To regard the lion and the water rats and our fellow men as equals is a magnificent act of the warrior's spirit. It takes power to do that."
I don't expect anything, really. About this attack of character allegation
"Your program to 'heal everyone'? So if I were you, I'd stop your whole 'I can heal all diseases!' business. It's a grandiose delusion."

Claiming that I`m delusional without engaging into a discussion to clarity the point.
It can be done the science is coming out read the work of Ray Peat. It just needs to be compiled. Of course I`m not talking about spiritual diseases or forcing treatment.

"If we indulge in safety-only fantasies"
I don`t you`re misconstruing my arguments and misrepresenting my stance which by the way isn`t fixed that is why I`m debating.

"In light of all the above sessions, it really sounds to me like you're basically just looking for a free lunch and in a state of avoidance. But no matter how much you try to justify it, avoiding suffering simply will not have the intended consequences that you're looking for."
Really? I`m a spiritual free loader cause I don`t have the same opinion as you regarding suffering?

Ufff, dude....
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