I don't get it.... why not destroy evil?

So why pray for forgiveness in advance so that you can sin again? (kidding, almost)
Wolves, teeth, fights - what's up with your mirror? )))


To continue in a constructive way, I would also make this thought.
In cases of heightened emotionality, exaltation, anxiety - one can recommend a person (politely!) to study more materials of sessions, where he can find more Knowledge about life and death.
And it also helps to become more balanced and calm to work on oneself, self-knowledge.
Now, flipping through the sessions, I found a recommendation that I apply in my psychotherapeutic work. I could not refer here to the quote from the session, as this practice is a working tool of the psychotherapist, but to enhance the effect, if you want, there will be a quote ))

I work with post-tramatic syndrome, anxiety and various other disorders. Well, yes, with narcissists too, that's top notch. ))
We recommend keeping a diary, a description of your life. In this way the brain is integrated. And I insist that the diary be written by hand, not on a keyboard. I was pleased to find the same recommendation from Cass - session June 7, 2014

A: Violence can contribute to dissociation. Writing can help.
Q: (Breton) I think we are familiar with writing exercises.
(Seppo Ilmarinen) Yes, I've been doing that.
A: Not just “writing exercises!” We mean writing down your life, and doing it by hand, not on a keyboard. You'll be surprised how much will come back to memory, especially if you allow for a bit of automaticity. SRT is also recommended.

(Double translation, watch the session for yourself.)
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As for some unknown to me “people who have been here” who I have nothing to do with, and mentioning them in connection with me - those are the projections, your projections.
And an attempt to publicly discredit you.
As well as labeling.

You should apologize.
Are you addressing this to me? Because if you are, I have no idea what you are referring to. I did none of those things so i see no need to apologize.

I do want to thank you for your clarification. I do see now what you were getting at. I could not see it with your original post.
It matters not , when , the archons, feed , mercy , always overcomes hunger ,
Ricardo, maybe you write very important and beneficial things, but I often fail to comprehend them. If you write your explanations longer and more comprehendible for the sake of objectivity, so that your messages can be analyzed more easily and effectively, are you afraid that then people can find objectionable points in your messages? Maybe you believe that short cryptic statements help you become objection-proof?
OK , no , somewhat of a proponent, of, less is more , no crypctic #$ , as far as i'm concerned , growing up as an agnostic, i have been , somewhat impressed as , to how words , are usually used,, that are read as , far , awway from truth , as they can be , read ,( in example took me 7 to 8 years to , eh , understand , to whatever capacity i'm able , of , Laura 's work ) no passive aggressiveness , AFAIK , the tradition (gnosis) writes that human beings are 3 centered, and those , are , always moving , why i wrote in my, immediate , previous post , about wolves fighting , ( oblique D. carlos Castañeda "quote" ) , as per context , sto is about truth , regardless of what language it is written on , and gnosis , eh , writes , that emotion/ truth is always , prime.
Are you addressing this to me? Because if you are, I have no idea what you are referring to. I did none of those things so i see no need to apologize.

I do want to thank you for your clarification. I do see now what you were getting at. I could not see it with your original post.


"If this is what 'Cruiseraurora' is referring to then it is a good example of projecting to the forum members 'The C's said' - where that is not really what was said and it is how so many newbie's get misled what the C's sessions actually conveyed."
So why pray for forgiveness in advance so that you can sin again? (kidding, almost)
Wolves, teeth, fights - what's up with your mirror? )))
Striving to meet mercy , only as much , it is always meeting us , sometimes i meet it , thus , i always ask . Divinity be praised. :P
Edit : personal experience /path, before as, an agnostic , i was living in , outer darkness , as per scripture , now i can ask for forgivness so i ask .
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The Earth seems to be negative. That is due to the quiet, shall we say, horror which is the common distortion which those good or positively oriented entities have towards the occurrences which are of your space/time present. However, those oriented and harvestable in the ways of service to others greatly outnumber those whose orientation towards service to self has become that of harvestable quality.
My brother pointed out that this first sentence from Ra seems to indicate that the Earth is not truly negative/STS, but only seems to be so. I don't know why else Ra would use the word "seems" instead of saying that the Earth is majority negative/STS.
It matters not , when , the archons, feed , mercy , always overcomes hunger ,

OK , no , somewhat of a proponent, of, less is more , no crypctic #$ , as far as i'm concerned , growing up as an agnostic, i have been , somewhat impressed as , to how words , are usually used,, that are read as , far , awway from truth , as they can be , read ,( in example took me 7 to 8 years to , eh , understand , to whatever capacity i'm able , of , Laura 's work ) no passive aggressiveness , AFAIK , the tradition (gnosis) writes that human beings are 3 centered, and those , are , always moving , why i wrote in my, immediate , previous post , about wolves fighting , ( oblique D. carlos Castañeda "quote" ) , as per context , sto is about truth , regardless of what language it is written on , and gnosis , eh , writes , that emotion/ truth is always , prime.
Sorry Ricardo, but I agree that your messages often come across as cryptic and difficult to understand. Why do you use excessive commas while making your sentences very long, for example?

Making sure that people can understand your points or insights easily is a form of external consideration, which is encouraged on this forum.
Sorry Ricardo, but I agree that your messages often come across as cryptic and difficult to understand. Why do you use excessive commas while making your sentences very long, for example?

Making sure that people can understand your points or insights easily is a form of external consideration, which is encouraged on this forum.

Agreed. There are plenty of free courses available for proper grammar and sentence structure. How we write is often how we think and vice versa, so a course or two like that would probably be beneficial in a number of ways.
My brother pointed out that this first sentence from Ra seems to indicate that the Earth is not truly negative/STS, but only seems to be so. I don't know why else Ra would use the word "seems" instead of saying that the Earth is majority negative/STS.
Thousands of years of social programming and power directed by a few.

The scales are not balanced, so the earth appears to be negative, but it is only because people are born in the middle of this directed tide and do what they can, but swimming against the tide makes it seem like one is not moving.

So what appears because of publicity and diffusion is different from the final result, which is related to the central task of third density, which is choice.

Hence the STS powers remain convinced that people will follow them.

Many sources have said otherwise.

Time (I laughed as I wrote this word) will tell.
Sorry to drop into this thread like a hair in the soup, or rather like leaves twirling in the autumn sky.
There was a passage that caught my attention:
I tend to believe so also. And regarding other solutions there is a guy called Sam Vaknin who is working on a way to reverse psychopathy and/or narcissism. He was suffering from NPD himself and managed to reverse it.
Interestingly, there's a whole thread about S.Vaknin:
Sam Vaknin - Narcissist or "I, Psychopath"?

For those who want to make the most of the Indian summer, here are a few extracts:
Sam Vaknin - Narcissist or Psychopath?

Continuing to read that thread... gads, what a lot of pathology going on there! Here's a classic:

That is basically the "psychopaths are made by bad treatment" argument. And this person claims that some of his/her closest friends are psychopaths???!!!

Re: Sam Vaknin - Narcissist or Psychopath?

The Diagnostic Controversy IS a real problem, and I think that the problem stems from the fact that academia has been infiltrated by pathological types who deliberately confuse and obfuscate the issues. There's a difference, IMO, between an individual who is psychopathic in traits and behaviors and another who is a psychopath. Same with narcissism - there's a difference, IMO, between a person who has narcissistic traits and one who has NPD. Actually, I think that NPD is just part of the spectrum of psychopathy - sort of a "variation" within the taxon.

Harrison Koehli's article on the topic of the cut between the continuous and categorical models is interesting in this respect:

This is, of course, another reason why Sam Vaknin is dangerous and gives us insight into why he is allowed to get away with what he does. Vaknin is, IMO, a psychopath who is trying to convince a lot of people that non-criminal psychopaths are just suffering from NPD.

Is there a kind of narcissism that is not psychopathic? I think so, but right now the waters are so muddy because of the failure to think about this problem in categorical terms that we cannot figure out which is which.

Re: Sam Vaknin - Narcissist or Psychopath?

It may appear peripheral, but it isn't. One of the points of my article is that psychopaths have a vested interest in blurring the boundaries between disorders. Reread the last paragraphs where I quote what Lobaczewski says on the subject. From the analysis of Vaknin and his writings a few things seem clear. For one, he seems to be a psychopath and uses his own pathology to gather a cult following, portraying himself as an expert. By doing so he gratifies his own ego, harms the lives and minds of those who fall for his spellbinding, and blocks people from having a good understanding of psychopathy.

You're reading more into my article than is actually written. I do NOT think narcissism and psychopathy are "categorically" different, at least not Vaknin's narcissism. So-called "malignant narcissism" is a disguise for psychopathy, as I see it. They are the same thing. Simple narcissism is simply a trait shared by many psychopaths and non-psychopaths. This is why Vaknin is dangerous. Just like antisocial personality disorder conflates criminality with psychopathy (when only a minority of criminals are psychopaths, and only a portion of psychopaths are arrested as criminals), narcissism takes a trait shared by many people and calls it a personality disorder. It is a catchment term which applies to many DIFFERENT disorders and personalities. By using it and not psychopathy, Vaknin muddies the waters and blocks an understanding of psychopathy.

I'd partially agree. Yes, there are pathological individuals who are not psychopaths. Yes, they're narcissistic. But Narcissism as a taxon doesn't exist. It applies to disorders of various etiologies.

This is interesting. Can you give some links to where he says these things? I haven't read a lot of his stuff. So is he here basically saying he is a psychopath?

Then I'd suggest you get a copy of Political Ponerology. You couldn't be further from the truth on this one. Of course, some psychopaths aren't aware and don't deliberately obscure the issue. Vaknin may be one of these. But there ARE psychopaths who are VERY aware and take steps to deliberately muddy the waters.

Re: Sam Vaknin - Narcissist or Psychopath?

Actually, we take a different approach here: we think that Vaknin is quite accurate about many things because he is describing the world as he sees it. Based on our other research, however, we think that it is not just narcissism he is talking about, but rather psychopathy. Our beef is that he confuses the two, perhaps deliberately. We also consider that NPD may very well be just a segment of the spectrum of psychopathy.

I gather that you haven't really read this thread carefully?

No reason to admire someone who has no real human emotions, no conscience and no ability to feel the pain that you might feel in a similar situation. He doesn't keep on keeping on in spite of all the negativity that is thrown at him, but BECAUSE of it. It is what he wants, it is his food, so to say.

See above, we think that a lot he says is correct - after all, who should know better than a predator what it feels like to be a predator and what the world looks like through a predator's eyes? We just want people to be aware of what he is and to be aware of the fact that he will, most certainly, insert "twists" into his work when and where he likes, and use his predator's brain to argue for the predatory point of view.

Like I said, I don't think you read this thread or, if you did, you weren't grokking stuff!

You don't need to defend him here. We all agree that ole Sam is great at what he does: prey on others.

True. But what we notice is a particular energy that is put into his promotional efforts that is, shall we say, pathological? But then, he admits to being pathological, right? He just slightly fudges things and claims that he's a malignant narcissist when we think he's a psychopath.

Hmmmm... reminds me of an old Twilight Zone episode where aliens come to earth and declare that they are here to "serve mankind." At the end, you discover that they actually have a cookbook that gives recipes for "serving mankind" in various ways, including with gravy.

Ah, a clue! "Percify"! Let me think what that reminds me of... oh, yes, Robert Hare made a number of interesting remarks about how people who are pathologized mis-use words. Here is a passage from one or our articles about psychopathy that might interest you:

Here are some examples:

From an interview with serial killer Elmer Wayne Henley:

Here's a bit more about the language of the psychopath and related issues that might interest you (or maybe not, but it may certainly interest other readers):

Those who can see will see, those who can hear will hear...

Now, perhaps you would like to read a bit more about psychopathy? You can start here: THE PSYCHOPATH - The Mask of Sanity

Re: Sam Vaknin - Narcissist or Psychopath?

Invicta has watched the documentary, "I, Psychopath", and gives a good account of it.

Well, ummm.... yeah, that's about the size of it! If you don't have a conscience, you don't have a soul. But until you witness someone like Vaknin or Vinnie Bridges and gang, you really can't grok it. I think it is harder to see this when you are dealing with someone in a personal relationship because your projection of emotion is blinding you.

Re: Sam Vaknin - Narcissist or Psychopath?

Filachi and Clotho, I would highly recommend that ya'll read "Political Ponerology". There are a lot of excerpts here on this forum, used most often when we encounter the very behavior you are describing. Yes, "poltics" is in the title, but if you think about it, about any "power system", even a discussion board, can be "political." So the comparisons are useful.

A forum member sent me a copy of the documentary about Sam, "I, Psychopath," and despite the fact that the film was done in a very annoying style, it was VERY revealing. I've been saying for years that Sam Vaknin is NOT a narcissist in the sense that the therapeutic community thinks of it, but that he is a "successful" or "ambulatory" psychopath. Seems that the experts agree with me.

Apparently, from info I've received from other "insiders", was that Sam had the idea that the film was going to "glorify his work on narcissism." He had the idea that he was going to be tested, of course, and that it would validate his self-diagnosis of NPD. The film maker may have had that idea at the beginning, of course, but it sure morphed.

Anyway, at one point during the testing process, the shrink in charge of that segment makes a comment about Sam's credentials and he got very hostile. I think at that point, he realized that things really weren't going the way he wanted them to go in the filming process. He went on about his thesis, the thing about the library of congress (or whatever), the "realness" of the uni where he got his Ph.D. and so on. All this was on film.

The filmmaker, however, was a bit nonplussed by this demonstration of rage and was sure he remembered Sam saying something else about his credentials on camera. So, he went back through all the footage and, sure enough, there was Sam saying right out that he got his "Ph.D." from a diploma mill, that it was basically fake. So, that clip is included.

I think that Sam was genuinely shocked when the diagnosis came in that he was a real, walking, talking, psychopath and had, in fact, scored higher than a lot of psychopaths in prisons!

In the end, his dream of being lionized as a real narcissist who had the REAL Scoop on narcissism, thus validating all his ranting and writing and whatnot, was crushed with the real diagnosis.

The thing is, Sam Vaknin and his operation is a classic example of "Political Ponerology" though on a much smaller scale. Another thing that is true, I think, is that many so-called Narcissists receiving the "diagnosis" are really just a class of psychopaths.

Sure, narcissism - narcissistic behavior - can be typical of anybody, and not a permanent or pervasive feature of their personality, so care needs to be taken to distinguish between behavior that is not rooted in personality, and a pervasive, unchanging, way of seeing and interacting with the world that is narcissistic.

Well, I went on longer than I planned. Just wanted to suggest reading some of the stuff here on the forum about psychopathy/narcissism, Ponerology, etc. There is a spectrum of psychopathy, I think, and narcissism is on that spectrum.

Re: Sam Vaknin - Narcissist or Psychopath?


Everyday, I pick up a book and just open it up and read a few pages, I believe in signs, so whatever page I happen to open it up too, for me I believe that is what I am meant to hear for that day. My favorite is Joseph Campbell's work but today for some reason, I open M. Scott Peck's "The People of the Lie" I read a passage he had quoted from Dr. Erich Fromm:

Ahh, this is actually on the lines of what Joseph Campbell writes about, Campbell speaks about "The Hero's call to adventure" and if the hero ignores the call i.e. what the hero's soul is meant to do, than everything seems to dry up, everything seems to go wrong, the hero feels defeated per say in life.

I was curious about Dr. Erich Fromm so I looked him up and found this story I wanted to share with you, I too come from an abusive family, I have N/P parents, I have stepped away from my family, I choose like you have to end the cycle of abuse for a generation, I empathize about working out everything inside you, it is tough, but I am finding so worth it :)


Well, to be precise, Vaknin claims to be a narcissist but the tests showed him to be a psychopath. As Sparkster points out, a REAL narcissist would never, EVER, in a million years, see themselves as flawed. They can't. They suffer from an extreme form of the Dunning-Kruger effect!

And again:
I tend to believe so also. And regarding other solutions there is a guy called Sam Vaknin who is working on a way to reverse psychopathy and/or narcissism. He was suffering from NPD himself and managed to reverse it.
A point to remember:
One of the tactics of STS is to find a means of subtly allying their message with that of the truly Positive so as to slip by those who are really seeking truth but who have not been "inoculated" against the dark side. This is done in such a way that the seeker tends, on surface evidence, to accept these messages as equivalent.

It is for this reason that an education in the existence of real negativity, to the ways of such negativity, even to the characterization of its existence as far as the degree of true spiritual (because conscious) evil, is considered appropriate and even necessary.

People think that the dark side can be easily detected. Not so. And because I was aware of that in a way that most people are not, and never can be, due to my work, I came to realize that the STS realm is an INVERSE - not REVERSE - reflection of the STO realm; sort of a parallel configuration borrowing all the components of STO. It proceeds by the method of imitation. It APES the expression of the positive, and it does this very carefully so that it will be taken as the STO stance.

The usual strategy is to begin by adhering so closely to the letter of the positive as to be virtually indistinguishable. It installs itself, comforts, speaks truths and even makes lofty declarations. In doing all of this, it is easy to diverge ever so slightly from the path and to pull followers with it. When a person is crossing the ocean, a compass variation of only a fraction of a degree will make the difference between arriving in New York or Miami.

The STS being can produce very fine work - they've been doing it for ages. And I have noticed that, as more people become more aware, it becomes even more subtle.
Sorcha Faal/David Booth: COINTELPRO

For those who would like to connect a few dots:
What follows is not directly related to the subject, but far from unrelated.
I recently discovered Monsignor Gaume and his Treatise on the Holy Spirit.
And in his different chapters, he treats a certain parallel between what happens in heaven and what happens on earth, and more precisely because things happened in heaven, that happens on earth, but also another parallel between the organisation of evil versus good.
For example in chapter XV:

And a little more:


Years ago, around her kitchen table, Laura had questioned about human sacrifices, looking for answers in the still warm entrails of the victims.
From the same author in French a new edition:


My point, to avoid any misunderstanding, is not to point the finger at Darius1234, but at the difficulty of putting evil in a horseshoe so that it cannot go round it, and the importance of knowing exactly what psychopathy and its branches are, and also the formidable tool that Lobaczewski has left us through his Political Ponerology.


"If this is what 'Cruiseraurora' is referring to then it is a good example of projecting to the forum members 'The C's said' - where that is not really what was said and it is how so many newbie's get misled what the C's sessions actually conveyed."
Wow! I am sorry if you were not able to understand what I was saying.
I think everyone involved was confused by your statements.

I will try to clarify that.

You said in response to bozadi:

I don't get it.... why not destroy evil?

bozadi said:
This doesn't mean graduation is the easiest thing but, please, it's up to the soul.

Why do you think Cass once said of a man who died of cancer, “a beautiful death”?
A man who died of cancer "a beautiful death"
Then bozadi asked:
I don't get it.... why not destroy evil?
Can you quote the related session part, please? I don't currently remember it. Let's then try to understand the context and ramifications.

And you provided some clarification:
I don't get it.... why not destroy evil?
I can't immediately point out the session. Someone's loved one died of cancer. The session asked about the appropriateness of painkillers. And Cass said this - “a beautiful death”. That's the whole context. So, I think it's perfectly natural to feel excitement before the last exam here.
Someone's loved one died of cancer. The session asked about the appropriateness of painkillers. And Cass said this - “a beautiful death”.

You then provided more clarification:
I don't get it.... why not destroy evil?
Oh, I'll have to watch a lot of sessions. Then a relative of someone in the group died (Laura's relative?), a male. It's in the old sessions. I'll do a search. It wasn't about the causes of cancer. It was just asking how he was after the transition. Before he died he was getting painkillers, Laura asked about that, if it was good. Cass replied that it was OK. And added about a “good death”. I paid attention to that comment. Is there a problem with it? Perhaps there are translation difficulties here. What I meant was that even though transition is ecstatic for the soul, but while I'm in the physical body the realization of death can worry me. Also, it might worry me if I'm doing well in my life. It's normal for any living person.

So reader's are trying to find a session containing someone's loved one dying of cancer, possibly a male relative of Laura, they died getting painkillers and Laura asked if it was good and the reply was it was OK and added about a "good" death.

I think naturally forum members would try looking for some excerpt in the sessions about a man who died of cancer and was using pain medication to assist with pain in the death process. Possibly someone in the group, maybe a male relative of Larua's. Both Nienna and I did just that and the closest thing we came up with was 'brother jar's' passing while using pain med's in the process.

Why do you think my post was an accusation towards you?

My statement:

I don't get it.... why not destroy evil?
If this is what 'Cruiseraurora' is referring to then it is a good example of projecting to the forum members 'The C's said' - where that is not really what was said and it is how so many newbie's get misled what the C's sessions actually conveyed.

I tried to be considerate. I did not say 'Cruiseraurora' is doing this. I did not say 'Cruiseraurora' is guilty of this. I said, If this is what 'Cruiseraurora' is referring to, then (and only then) is the second statement true.

It is a standard inference, and it is still entirely valid.

Modus Ponens
"P implies Q. P is true. Therefore, Q must also be true."

Modus Tollens
"If P, then Q. Not Q. Therefore, not P."

In this case Modus Tollens holds. You found your reference and it did not have to do with 'brother jar'. It was a different C's session excerpt and you clarified that here I don't get it.... why not destroy evil? in the session from Session 25 July 1998.

Can you see how confusing that was for bozadi, Nienna and myself?
In fact it is still really confusing because your clarifications on what you were looking for "a session containing someone's loved one dying of cancer, possibly a male relative of Laura, they died getting painkillers and Laura asked if it was good and the reply was it was OK and added about a "good" death", none of those things exist in the final excerpt you came up with.
It matters not , when , the archons, feed , mercy , always overcomes hunger ,

OK , no , somewhat of a proponent, of, less is more , no crypctic #$ , as far as i'm concerned , growing up as an agnostic, i have been , somewhat impressed as , to how words , are usually used,, that are read as , far , awway from truth , as they can be , read ,( in example took me 7 to 8 years to , eh , understand , to whatever capacity i'm able , of , Laura 's work ) no passive aggressiveness , AFAIK , the tradition (gnosis) writes that human beings are 3 centered, and those , are , always moving , why i wrote in my, immediate , previous post , about wolves fighting , ( oblique D. carlos Castañeda "quote" ) , as per context , sto is about truth , regardless of what language it is written on , and gnosis , eh , writes , that emotion/ truth is always , prime.

This is a perfect example of what Bozadi is taking about when referring to your cryptic way of writing. To me, that above which you wrote, doesn’t flow, it’s difficult to make sense of what you mean.

Could you spend time adding more detail or learning to write like the rest of us do, I think you have many ideas that are beneficial to us but they’re getting lost in transmission.
I have mostly stopped trying to understand you, because it’s already been asked that you try to write more comprehensively and you didn’t do anything about it.
May be Jacygirl can translate for you if she has time, she has magic skills that understand you it seems ;)
This is a perfect example of what Bozadi is taking about when referring to your cryptic way of writing. To me, that above which you wrote, doesn’t flow, it’s difficult to make sense of what you mean.

Could you spend time adding more detail or learning to write like the rest of us do, I think you have many ideas that are beneficial to us but they’re getting lost in transmission.
I have mostly stopped trying to understand you, because it’s already been asked that you try to write more comprehensively and you didn’t do anything about it.
May be Jacygirl can translate for you if she has time, she has magic skills that understand you it seems ;)
"May be Jacygirl can translate for you if she has time, she has magic skills that understand you it seems ;)"

Lol. My ex husband was Portuguese (born Azores). He spoke English fluently but he wrote in what I called 'short form'. I find Ricardo's comma's somewhat like pauses, like I tend to use the ellipsis...to pause but continue.
Or I am completely misunderstanding his point but agreeing anyways, haha.
As I understand it, Ricardo claims that the first reaction is true (About his reactions to other people's statements - “stupidity”, “fool”). And justifies himself by referring to some other person's paradigm.

The first reaction is a reaction of the limbic system, the ancient reptilian brain, it is a reflex. “Fast system” reacts to danger, to social situations, to simple communicative signals and works automatically. Behind this reflex reaction lies a destructive program, a generic, scripted program. The reflex is aimed at survival, it is an exclusively animal reaction, it is not intelligence. A human being reacts to a certain trigger. Observation of oneself, of one's quick reactions, can help to reveal those negative programs that control a person, about which Gurdjieff spoke.
Man decodes the world around him through the prism of his programs.
“An alcoholic will accuse you of drinking, a kleptomaniac - of stealing, a cheater - of infidelity”. - Alexey Naumenko, SOTT article on Gaslighting.

Reactivity is treated with therapeutic practices. Sometimes hypnosis. It is a useful skill - not to be in a hurry to respond quickly, to react quickly, to jump to conclusions.

Patricia Churchland writes that “a child's brain is set up from the earliest days to form emotional connections, cooperate, and care.”
(We are talking about normotypical people, without organic damage). Thus, “quick thinking” is an acquired pattern as a result of improper upbringing and trauma.
SOTT article by Patricia Churchland, article “The concept of "conscience"...

“It's common for people to assume that anyone behaves the same way they do.”
In fact, a person broadcasts himself.
Article on SOTT 10 mistakes of cognitive thinking, Grigory Tarasevich.

Slow thinking is carefully reasoned and deliberate thinking. It requires significant cognitive resources and is used for complex tasks.
By Toutatis, the sky is falling ( it's better in french: "Par Toutatis le ciel va nous tomber sur la tête!")
Here the relevant passage, so everyone can see for themselves what is and what isn't.
And act accordingly in this thread about the Work.
Thank you in advance.
A: Pierre loves all of you.

Q: (L) And who are we communicating with?

A: Korriea of Cassiopaea.

Q: (L) We had in mind to try to communicate with Pierre. Is that possible or advisable?

A: Let him rest a bit.

Q: (L) Was he as shocked by the rapidity of his passing as we were?

A: Yes

Q: (L) Did he suffer more than we were aware of - as in physically? I mean, did he suffer mentally and emotionally?

A: Less

Q: (L) So he suffered less mentally and emotionally than physically?

A: Yes

Q: (L) Is he feeling all right in general?

A: Yes

Q: (L) Was he present in the room after he passed for a period?

A: Yes

Q: (L) Did he hear the things I said to him the night before when he was apparently unconscious?

A: Yes. He was already separating from his body.

Q: (L) Is he near us now?

A: Resting at 5D.

Q: (Andromeda) Was he around for a couple of days after he passed?

A: Yes

Q: (Joe) Was he confused in any way after he passed or was it a smooth transition?

A: Not confused.

Q: (Joe) He just hung around a bit because he was attached to us?

A: Yes

Q: (L) Well we're sorry that he's not with us, but we are certainly not sorry that he's no longer suffering because it just was too much for him.

A: Yes

Q: (L) So anybody have other questions?

(Chu) Had he fulfilled his life plan?

A: Mostly, yes.

Q: (L) Did he have any attachments or anything that were harming him in any way prior to passing?

A: No

Q: (L) Other questions? Is he going to be like our representative in 5D?

A: When he is ready. He needs to review and assess.

Q: (L) Is there anything that we can do to help him?

A: Prayers and loving thoughts.

Q: (Andromeda) Did he understand how much we all loved him before he passed?

A: Yes and even more afterward.

Q: (L) Well, anything else?

(Joe) Are we going to see him again?

A: Of course!

Q: (L) Well, we feel a little bit eviscerated by it, which is probably the best way to put it.

(Andromeda) Did he on some level choose the timing such as he did, even if he was shocked at how quick it came?

A: Yes. His 5D self called him home.

Q: (Joe) Does everybody have a 5D self?

A: Yes. Those with souls.

Q: (Joe) Do people with souls have 2D selves?

A: Yes

Q: (Joe) And 1D selves?

A: Yes

Q: (Joe) So is it kind of like fractal consciousness?

A: Yes

Q: (Niall) You sound like Pierre now, Joe.

(L) Well, could you convey to Pierre that we are all devastated at his loss, but we were also equally devastated by his suffering. And we wished and we hoped...

A: He knows.

Q: (L) Is there anything further you can tell us about Pierre? Since we all seem to be kind of stymied for questions...

(Joe) His need to rest, is that normal for most people or is it particular in this case?

A: Yes. After prolonged suffering and before-death drugs.

Q: (L) So when a person is kind of put into the state of being high from morphine or whatever, that in a sense loosens something or causes them to be a little dopey as they die?

A: Yes

Q: (Joe) So it's kind of like their discombobulated state before they die, carries over for a little while afterwards?

A: Yes

Q: (L) How long does something like that last?

A: Not long.

Q: (L) So ideally a person would die without drugs?

A: It depends. Sometimes lack of drugs only prolongs the struggle and that creates its own problems.

Q: (L) So is it in general better to drug the body and allow the soul to exit more or less peacefully?

A: Yes

Q: (L) Because I would imagine that if somebody is in a terrible state, they could die with a lot of really unpleasant emotions.

A: Yes

Q: (L) So, all right. Anything else?

A: Loving thoughts help the most. Pierre is resting and feeling loved without restriction.

Q: (L) So is that something that is kind of like a natural response to when somebody passes over and then the people who were close to them have these emotions and sadness and regret and missing the person and that lasts for a certain period of time? Can you gauge how long that person needs to feel that by how long it lasts in the people left behind? Is there some kind of a relationship?

A: Yes

Q: (L) So when we begin to feel better, we'll know that Pierre is better?

A: Yes

Q: (PoB) Does it work both ways?

A: Yes

Q: (L) So when he starts to feel better, then we will be aware of it?

A: Yes

Q: (L) So as long as he's feeling discombobulated or whatever, we'll be aware of it?

A: Yes

Q: (L) Okay. Anything else about Pierre?

(Andromeda) Is it more likely that we'll see him in 5D or will he be born again?

(Scottie) That's cheating! [laughter]

A: Latter. In 4D!

Q: (Andromeda) Born again in 4D.

(Gaby) So he left because he had a higher frequency as we were suspecting? That's why he had to leave this reality because his disease was so advanced. He was incompatible with his body.

A: Yes

Q: (Andromeda) He needed a new body.

(L) He was trying to run a 110 body with a 220 current.

A: Yes

Q: (L) Well, anything else?

A: He sends his thanks.

Q: (L) Well, he doesn't have to thank us. Any other topics you would like to cover tonight on this short session?

(Joe) Armageddon!

(Andromeda) He and JR could be getting together.

(L) Yeah, that's an idea. Tell Pierre to visit with JR!

(Andromeda) Get that pool ready for us in 4D.

(L) Yeah, an architect and an engineer: Unbeatable combination!

A: They will!

Q: (L) Okay. Well, I will comment here that when you told us at the end of last year, on the last session of last year, that it was going to be a rocky year, it has been very rocky and most of that rockiness for us personally has been due to Pierre's health deterioration. And of course it was noted that the name 'Pierre' means rock. So, it's both apropos in the sense of the really rough time that we've had because of Pierre's declining health and also in a sense kind of like that movie because Pierre triumphed in the end...

(Andromeda) Rocky!

(L) He did more in his 14 years battling cancer than most people do in their entire lives. So, we were certainly thankful that he was with us for that time. And also I hope that we have experienced the most interesting things that October can possibly offer us already. [laughter] And that there will be no more for the last couple of days...
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