I got so excited I forgot to mention that he gave me all her tack too, and it's RED ....my color. :D
What's interesting is that it's the same type of gear I always used. I HATE a saddle....always used an exercise pad, just enough to keep from wearing the hair off Luc's back. He gave me a bright red exercise pad made from fake "sheepskin" that can go in the big washing machine.
Her bridle is red too...and NO bit on it. Luc never had a bit in his mouth, and I'm betting Agaliha hasn't either. I haven't been on her back yet (mainly due to my back :() but I strongly suspect she is either neck or knee reigned. Why else have a top of the line bridle (woven) with no bit?
I think bits are HORRIBLE, so I'd teach her to ride without it if necessary...but I don't think I'm going to need to. Apparently the young woman who raised her felt the same way about torturing a horse's mouth to make her "obey" as I do.