I was just gifted a beautiful horse :)

FireShadow said:
It seems a match made in heaven.

Dern close :D
We truly need each other. I'd forgotten how calming and wonderful grooming a horse is. I had Luc (also a Paint) for 28 years, and when he died.... I just kinda put it out of my head. "Wait awhile before I get another horse" turned into 10 years before I knew it.
Galaxia said:
Show us pictures of your new horsie! C'mon :D

Pictures this evening when I go visit...IF it's not still raining. Both I and Agaliha enjoy a nice summer rain...but the Nikon doesn't :lol:
I got so excited I forgot to mention that he gave me all her tack too, and it's RED ....my color. :D

What's interesting is that it's the same type of gear I always used. I HATE a saddle....always used an exercise pad, just enough to keep from wearing the hair off Luc's back. He gave me a bright red exercise pad made from fake "sheepskin" that can go in the big washing machine.

Her bridle is red too...and NO bit on it. Luc never had a bit in his mouth, and I'm betting Agaliha hasn't either. I haven't been on her back yet (mainly due to my back :() but I strongly suspect she is either neck or knee reigned. Why else have a top of the line bridle (woven) with no bit?

I think bits are HORRIBLE, so I'd teach her to ride without it if necessary...but I don't think I'm going to need to. Apparently the young woman who raised her felt the same way about torturing a horse's mouth to make her "obey" as I do.
Guardian said:
I got so excited I forgot to mention that he gave me all her tack too, and it's RED ....my color. :D

What's interesting is that it's the same type of gear I always used. I HATE a saddle....always used an exercise pad, just enough to keep from wearing the hair off Luc's back. He gave me a bright red exercise pad made from fake "sheepskin" that can go in the big washing machine.

Her bridle is red too...and NO bit on it. Luc never had a bit in his mouth, and I'm betting Agaliha hasn't either. I haven't been on her back yet (mainly due to my back :() but I strongly suspect she is either neck or knee reigned. Why else have a top of the line bridle (woven) with no bit?

I think bits are HORRIBLE, so I'd teach her to ride without it if necessary...but I don't think I'm going to need to. Apparently the young woman who raised her felt the same way about torturing a horse's mouth to make her "obey" as I do.

I totally agree that bits are horrible. Although I never had my own horse, I got to ride other people's horses all through my childhood (age 4 to 17). I rode bareback as often as I was allowed and without bits when possible. I always liked the least restrictive method attainable.

Wonderful to hear you are not only getting the tack to go with her, but it is the preferred type of tack - and in your color!

That sounds like a wonderful horse! I'm sure Agaliha is glad to have such an enthusiastic and loving owner too.

And like the others have requested... pics!? :)
First baby pictures...which were not exactly easy to get. My friend wasn't home when I visited and Agaliha wanted snuggles, so I had to play hide and seek around the building to get enough distance to get her whole body in the picture. :lol:
Those of you with horses know what I was trying not to slip and fall into while playing horsey tag after a hard rain :P





She's really beautiful, Guardian -- thanks for posting the pics, and I'm excited for you about your new relationship with Agaliha :)
Shijing said:
She's really beautiful, Guardian -- thanks for posting the pics, and I'm excited for you about your new relationship with Agaliha :)

Indeed, what a beauty.

Thanks for the pics Guardian.
Thank you...I think she's beautiful too :D

Her mane is white but her tail and bangs are red... i think that's sooooo cute.
She is lovely Guardian. Knowing how happy you two are to have found each other, looking at the pics made my eyes water up! Congratulations and hope the "barn raising" goes as planned for you.
Thanks for the pictures Guardian. I am glad that Agaliha has you as the owner. :clap: Let us know how she takes to Hagar and Hildagard. :)

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