Maybe i´m going to make some insulative floating floor under my tent, in case the water comes.
Gross exaggeration - in a reverse sense - to my concept there... Bit naughty.
Try to look beyond the floating pyramid images depicted and look to its scope of potential. Its not about Lazzarinis floating playboy penthouse jacuzzies per se. No, its about the overarching basis of its general design principle using the pyramidal shape concept. Because of its shape when adaptable to become properly insulated, it can get tossed about violently in turbulent seas, bobbing about like a rig.
If a coastal-lyte is caught out due to an extreme catastrophic 'sea-centric' event, he is not hopelessly dependant needing sufficient maritime experience as that a dogged seafarer like yourself, knowing how to correctly navigate a ship into the oncoming surges of a super tidal-wave. The floating pyramid is for the every-man.
Granted though, you know much more about sea conditions because I'm a naïve land-lubber (living
60 miles inland
Those "wise guys" are purchasin' estates on very Rims of The Ring of Fire
Timely mentioned. I was leading onto the Japanese Shimizu Mega-City Pyramid:
Shimizu Mega-City Pyramid - Wikipedia
"Because the
seismically active Pacific Ring of Fire cuts right through
Japan, the external structure of the pyramid would be an open network of megatrusses, supporting struts made from
carbon nanotubes to allow the pyramid to stand against and let through high winds, and survive earthquakes and tsunamis.
The trusses would be coated with
photovoltaic film to convert sunlight into electricity and help power the city. The city will also be powered by
pond scum or algae.
Robotic systems are planned to play a major part in both construction and
building maintenance." [AI plug there. Who needs servants to bring food? Robots maintain robots]
I notice, about pyramids, theyre always pretty cool, but always of self-contained self-serving artificialized environments highly dependent on technology. These 'pyramid schemes' could be done if there was more time, but we probably don't have it even if the human will and organisation suddenly kicked in high gear. Buts that's cool, because, to ride out this coming mother-of-multi-cataclysms, it seems we as a human race in nearing times of cosmic upheaval, 'split' to make a choice: either to lean toward that of the post-Atlantis 'Circle' people of a more harmonious relationship with nature and spirituality, or to commit fully to becoming the materialist post-Atlantis 'Pyramid' people so technologically obsessed.
Dunno about anyone else... But when it comes down to it, Im gonna roll with it no matter my point in spiritual progression and no matter where on this Earth I find myself when it strikes - coz I'm with lilies on this one.
But on the coast? I see big problems!
Big problems everywhere, PT!...
Its the end of the world, baby!!