I would rather die than have to get to the point of shooting competition in order that my family and I survive.
Glad you brought that up DBZ, because it is a VERY SERIOUS point! When the sh!t hits the fan, then the matter of killing is going to very quickly become a top moral quandary for all - and I get the impression most here like to think they would rather be killed, than
to kill?... Maybe to think it admirable to never under any circumstance to bloody our hands and taint our soul??
Personally, I think this attitude is irresponsible to any those most vulnerable that may come to be in our care, not least because those of us here that survive possessing advanced knowledge and understanding - especially learned foresight of C's wisdom applied in real terms - will become "beacons of light".
The sick and vulnerable, waives and strays, little children, orphans - ALL the most dispossessed - will gravitate to the light-beacons.
But the aftermath does not discriminate... There too, will be roving gangs composed of the worst kind of predator roaming the lands; rape-gangs, pedo-gangs, and every-other-unimaginable-kind-of-sicko gang seeking to have fill their wicked ways. They will take advantage of lawlessness for all its worth - and they will be terrible and unrelenting and strong with it -
and wholly beyond reason!
No higher authority will intervene because there is none.
We must assume the worst depths of human depravity will visit our doorsteps in all witness. We may be
all that stands between a PSYCHOPATH and
a little girl getting brutally raped!!! He will NOT compromise his evils, it will be an all or nothing situation. Therefor, we must be unwavering in strength of resolve - and absolute in our conviction, in action. Or, so be it on our heads to leave at the mercy wailing babes to ravenous wolves...
Moral conundrums be damned!
I think, we all need to remind ourselves our greatest inspiration Julius Caesar who also lived in very chaotic lawless times much like that which may soon come to bear:
Session 12 July 2014
"...there IS a historical figure who is actually more commanding and praiseworthy than the pale, insipid Gallilean failure long held up to us as a role model that anyone in their right mind would NEVER follow.
Now we can distance ourselves from the schismatic disputes that have poisoned our civilization and history, that continue to poison our societies and divide people against each other; now we can KNOW the founder, who he was, what he taught, what he actually did, and even read his own words.
Not only is it liberating to be free of the lies that have been used to terrify humanity for almost two thousand years, it is liberating to know that such a man as Julius Caesar existed: a man who can stand today as a role model for the people, the poor, the downtrodden, and that despite the hatred of the wealthy elite such as Cicero and Cato, his acts were so magnificent and well-known that even they could not cover them up"
.... And, in light of JC taking life, this session is important to sink in:
Session 12 July 2014
(Perceval) Did Caesar himself ever kill anyone?
A: Many, certainly.
Q: (Perceval) So, given the times around then being very war-like, with a lot of fighting and death going on in general... and with some kind of a Great Soul at the time coming down and... it doesn't necessarily have to be a peacemaker kissing people's feet like Jesus... But is there some thing like what we would understand as a prohibition against killing other people as a requirement for being "spiritually evolved"
A: That idea is for the most part an exaggerated human philosophical construct.
Q: (L) So the idea that...
(Perceval) That to be good, thou shalt not kill...
(Atriedes) But which religion does that come from? The most killingest religion on the planet!
(Perceval) It does seem to... Killing another human being for a normal human being does seem to be quite a traumatic thing.
(Atriedes) It's socially inculcated.
(Perceval) I doubt it. I mean, for soldiers, they come back with Post Traumatic Stress Disorder, they're trained to kill, and they want to kill themselves afterwards, ya know? They can't handle the fact that they...
(Pierre) Maybe the difference is that Caesar was aware of the very fundamental reason why he was killing...
A: Caesar intended to eliminate or vastly reduce killing. He knew what he was up against.
To know to commit and when to kill as a probable necessity may be our greatest 3D lesson and test yet to come - and to each become mini-Caesars to help recover the Earth those staying behind.