I'm on the Medical Merry-Go-Round

My first attempt was a disaster, apparently. Fatty lamb bones and beef bones plus, i added some bacon grease to that. It was very oily and made me a little sick after a couple of teaspoons. I got heartburn. Skimmed off the fat and it was still too oily after adding water to it.
So I am going to make another one using pork bones and not add any extra grease/fat. My co-worker is taking me to the store tonight after she gets off from work and I can get some pork bones then.

So, no, I'm not eating bone broth every day yet.
This really is a nightmare Lisa and as has been suggested, the present system will guarantee a revolving door and as Psyche said, for instance, just the interpretation alone on the blood cell count gives you an idea.

Not sure if this came up exactly in previous posts:


A recent study indicates that acupuncture surpasses drug treatment for Raynaud's disease, a vascular disorder that causes the small arteries of the hands and, less commonly, the feet to spasm during exposure to cold or stress. The appendages go white and sometimes hurt due to insufficient blood flow.

Raynaud's affects twice as many women as men, and its cause is unknown. Conventional treatment is limited to avoiding the cold and taking nifedipine, a drug that dilates small arteries and is more commonly used to treat angina. Although nifedipine reduces the severity of attacks by up to 90 percent, many patients discontinue therapy because of undesirable side effects.

The study, conducted by R. Appiah and colleagues at the Medizinische Hochschule Hannover department of angiology in Hannover, Germany, randomized 33 people with Raynaud's disease into treatment and control groups. During the course of 23 winter weeks, the treatment subjects received seven acupuncture sessions. Control subjects received no sessions. All patients kept a diary chronicling the daily frequency, duration and severity of attacks. At weeks one, 12 and 23, subjects underwent a "cooling test" that exposed their appendages to cold.

Eleven of the 17 treated patients reported a subjective improvement in symptoms. After acupuncture, the frequency of Raynaud's attacks fell significantly from 1.4 per day to 0.6 per day. When attacks did occur, however, duration and severity did not change significantly. Changes among control subjects were not significant.

Overall, acupuncture reduced attacks by 63 percent. When patients' hands were exposed to cold, the mean time of no blood flow through the nail-bed capillaries decreased from 71 to 24 seconds. Follow-up questionnaires showed that the benefits lasted beyond 10 months, and there were no adverse effects.

These results suggest that traditional Chinese acupuncture can induce long-lasting reduction of Raynaud's attacks.

Although it is for attack abatement and not the source.

Also, and i'm not sure of this and am looking, Tibetan medicine, which can be very successful, may point to this disease with something.

Hang in there. :hug2:
Lisa Guliani said:
I have to stay within my healthcare network.

I understand insurance restrictions, but after reading your story, if I were a professional diagnostician I'd see you for free if necessary just to get you off that merry-go-round. At least leave the possibility open that others might think that way and if they do you'll find pointers to where to go if you're looking.
Awww, thank you. That's very kind. I am leaving all possibilities open. If I don't take the Synthroid, then what? Will I end up in untreated hypothyroid caused coma?
I had to call *Mother* to find out more of the history of thyroid illness in my family.
My father was hypothyroid and on Synthroid. He's deceased now, so I can't ask him anything.
My mother is hyperthyroid and on Synthroid since the 70s. She doesn't have any problem with being on this drug and tells me I shouldn't have any problem being on it too. Which I take with a grain of salt, since she also thinks she just found Jesus, so whatever.

My sister is also on Synthroid and ended up having her whole thyroid removed. she was diagnosed hypothyroid like my father. She couldn't synthesize the pills they were giving her, and she had to self-inject with the medicine. The shots cost $1700. each round. Really expensive, as she generic form of the medicine wouldn't work on her.

She was in what is called a 'thyroid storm' for a long time and very ill. since removing her thyroid, she can now somehow tolerate the pills and they work on her, but she gained a ton of weight and went on Weight Watchers. She says Synthroid is 'no big deal'.

Yeah. If you're a dummy, it's no big deal.

Myxedema Coma or Crisis

"The condition occurs in patients with long-standing, untreated hypothyroidism and is usually precipitated by a secondary insult, such as climate-induced hypothermia, infection, or another systemic condition, or drug therapy. Patients with myxedema coma have changes in their mental status, including lethargy, stupor, delirium, or coma. A more appropriate term for myxedema coma is myxedema crisis;"
Sounds like you have enough material for an article. The exposure might attract people in similar situations and lead to useful advice or knowledge that could be beneficial for all.
So, if I don't take their Synthroid for the rest of my life, what alternative treatment exists? I went from being on ZERO drugs to allegedly needing 4 - all in the space of a few weeks.
Mind-boggling. That doesn't include all the supplements I've been taking, but at least I know they're not going to do further harm.

Here's some more on untreated, longstanding hypothyroidism:


Myxedema coma, the most severe form of hypothyroidism, is rare. It may be caused by an infection, illness, exposure to cold, or certain medications in people with untreated hypothyroidism.

Symptoms and signs of myxedema coma include:

Below normal temperature

Decreased breathing

Low blood pressure

Low blood sugar


Other complications are:

Heart disease

Increased risk of infection



People with untreated hypothyroidism are at increased risk for:

Giving birth to a baby with birth defects

Heart disease because of higher levels of LDL ("bad") cholesterol

Heart failure
[quote author=Lisa Guliani]
So, if I don't take their Synthroid for the rest of my life, what alternative treatment exists?[/quote]

NATURETHROID, ERFA aka “Thyroid”, ARMOUR, ACELLA’S N.P. THYROID, NUTRI-MEDS and THYROGOLD, THYROID-S or “THIROYD”, ”THYREOGLAND” from Munich, SYNTHETIC T4 and SYNTHETIC T3, COMPOUNDED DESICCATED THYROID, natural food store supplements in combination with adrenal and iron increases? I don't know, but think in terms of infinite possibilities and then research. This site seems interesting:

Buddy said:
[quote author=Lisa Guliani]
So, if I don't take their Synthroid for the rest of my life, what alternative treatment exists?

NATURETHROID, ERFA aka “Thyroid”, ARMOUR, ACELLA’S N.P. THYROID, NUTRI-MEDS and THYROGOLD, THYROID-S or “THIROYD”, ”THYREOGLAND” from Munich, SYNTHETIC T4 and SYNTHETIC T3, COMPOUNDED DESICCATED THYROID, natural food store supplements in combination with adrenal and iron increases? I don't know, but think in terms of infinite possibilities and then research. This site seems interesting:

I take Armour Thyroid to treat hypothyroidism. For some reason Synthroid didn't work for me. My mom takes thyroid and her mom did too. My mom recommends this website, and I figured I'd post it, FWIW: _http://thyroid.about.com/?nl=1

Hope you are feeling better soon, Lisa. :flowers:
Thank you, Buddy and Scarlet! I'm looking at this website right now. There's a list of pharmacies on that site as well. I really appreciate this so much.
Lisa Guliani said:
Thank you, Buddy and Scarlet! I'm looking at this website right now. There's a list of pharmacies on that site as well. I really appreciate this so much.

An uncompromising spirit should be preserved, I reckon. :)
Lisa, you certainly have a lot on your mind and much to digest, yet came across this story (building on what Gertrudes earlier said in this post from a lady who suffered, and it got much worse, until her chiropractor discussed with her the following:


Tom advised that I take the amino acid L-Arginine. L-Arginine is not a drug, just an essential amino acid. As he explained in lay terms, L-Arginine is the amino acid in your body that contributes to making nitric oxide. Nitric oxide, in turn, is your body's most powerful vaso-dilater. Dilate your blood vessels, get better circulation. So this is the "fix," the "miracle," the "magic" that has made all the difference:

Take one 500mg capsule of L-Arginine morning, noon and night.

That's it. That's all you do.

The full effect took about two weeks. I take it year round.

Also, had looked around at Occupational disease information here:


And remembered, if correctly, you either do or did work in the medical field, and there was discussion about auto immune implications, which made me think of chemical exposures. The above link says this:

In early years, before the cancer-causing effects of vinyl chloride were known, workers exposed to high levels of this chemical experienced Raynaud's phenomenon. It also caused breakdown of the bones of the fingertips, and other health problems. Raynaud's phenomenon from vinyl chloride is now an unlikely occurrence in Canada since exposure to this chemical is controlled much better than in the past.[/quote[

So it is saying that it use to be problematical (in Canada, perhaps even in the EU, but in the US?) and so had a look at current exposures in the medical field, even in IV bags.

Do you think you have lived near, or been exposed to Vinyl Chloride? This chemical is not mentioned in this thread and it seems to be implicated as a causative factor in Raynaud's disease and can come from a host of different polyvinylchloride products, even hair spray et al.

Here is a link from a LA lawyer:
Lisa Guliani said:
My thyroid level is also elevated. Normal = 2.7 - 4. Mine is 7.13.

What test are these results for? TSH? What are all the tests they ran on your thyroid and what are the results?
Hope you find some relief soon, Lisa. What a nightmare, this merry-go-round!!

And what a nightmare you shared, angelburst29. My heart goes out to you both.

By the way, Lisa, are you trying niacin and other natural circulation enhancers? Another one is cayenne capsules, but they are from the night shade family and may cause more problems with overall inflammation, so FWIW.

Edit: Added: Just saw voyageur's post and Arginine (through Nitric Oxide production) would probably be much better than cayenne. But niacin and other vaso-dilaters could also help. FWIW.
Foxx said: What test are these results for? TSH? What are all the tests they ran on your thyroid and what are the results?

Foxx, the nurse just read the number off to me. I suspect that it's TSH level. I don't know the other values ( T3, T4) yet. I will get a copy when i go to the doctor.

Voyageur, I don't know if I've been exposed to that chemical or not. Have you ever seen my hair? I am not much of a hairspray kinda gal....:-)))

I am taking Niacin and Vitamin E and a bunch of other supplements right now, plus eating baby aspirin for vaso-dilation. Will check out L-Arginine.

Thank you!!
[quote author=Lisa Guliani ]

Voyageur, I don't know if I've been exposed to that chemical or not. Have you ever seen my hair? I am not much of a hairspray kinda gal....:-)))


hairspray, :lol: - no doubt - do people do that still; yet seriously, things like bed mattresses, and so much else leak VC. Also, water, depending on where you lived, there have been a number of VC chemical spills (resulting in acute poisoning) into water courses etcetera, etcetera. You may have a high susceptibility or you may not. Just thinking on ruling these things out as possible causation factors.
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