Imminent Alien Disclosure?

Napoleon Bonaparte was a Freemason and I believe he lay in the so called sarcophagus in the King's Chamber in the Great Pyramid at Giza overnight, an experience which he claimed changed him.
Joe may be referring to some variation of that.

A Spanish writer who deals with such subjects said that during an investigation he was allowed to spend a night in the sarcophagus of the Great Pyramid, just as Napoleon did.

Dying to be reborn or something like that, to experience the separation from the physical body.

The adept in his progression may perhaps experience that at some point in a so-called natural way and some of these organizations may provoke or force him with some ritual to speed things up.

I'm just speculating about this really.
Ra, Law of One about the topic:

Session 56 June 8, 1981June 8, 1981

QUESTIONER: In that case, I am going to ask what effect the pyramidal form has.
RA: I am Ra. We assume that you wish to know the principle behind the shapes, angles, and intersections of the pyramid found at what you call Giza.
Actually, the pyramidal form serves no function; it has no effect. It is an arrangement for concentration as well as diffraction of upward spiraling light energy, as used by the mind/body/spirit complex.
The spiraling nature of light is such that the magnetic fields of the individual are affected by the spiral of energy. Certain forms provide an echo chamber, so to speak, or an intensifier for the spiral of prana, as some have called this all-pervasive and fundamental distortion of the infinite Creator.
If the need for the entity's own will to call upon the inner light to match the intensity of the spiral of luminous energy is to be increased, the entity will be placed in what you know as the Queen's Chamber of this particular object. This is the place of initiation and resurrection.
This place of compensation, which represents the spiral in motion, is the proper place for the one to be healed, for in this position the normal flow of the entity's vibratory magnetic links is interrupted. Thus a vortex of possibility/probability is produced and a new beginning is offered to the entity, in which it can choose an energetic configuration that is less distorted, less weak, or less blocked from the magnetic distortions of the energy centers.
The important role of the healer and the crystal cannot be overemphasized, for this power of interruption must be controlled with embodied intelligence; This intelliggence is that of one who recognizes energy patterns and, without judging, recognizes blockages, weaknesses and other distortions and is able to visualize, thanks to the regularity of the self and the crystal, the less distorted neighbor who must be healed.
Other forms such as the arch, the ridge, the vault, the cone, or your tipis present this type of intensification of the spiral light.
Your rounded caverns are places of power due to their shape.
It should be noted that these forms are dangerous. We are pleased to have the opportunity to expand on the concept of structures such as the pyramid, because we wish, as part of our honor/duty, to say that there are many misuses of these curved forms; in fact, with improper placement, improper intentions, or absence of the crystallized being that operates as a channel for healing, the sensitive entity will become even more distorted in some cases.
It should be noted that most of your people have built rooms with corners, or squares, for they do not concentrate power. Furthermore, it should also be noted that the spiritual seeker has tried for many of your years to reproduce rounded, arched and pointed forms as an expression of the power of the Creator.
Doesn't seem that Napoleon's experience did him much good considering the big mistakes he went on to make.
It is possible that you was experience this initiation but in a natural way, since in a session you ask the C's what that experience was in which you left and entered your body.

The C's answered something like "people usually call it death" (I am paraphrasing from memory).

In any case, Napoleon's objectives seem to be in line with what was dictated by 4D STS, so like any instrument when it was no longer needed it was discarded.
Actually, the pyramidal form serves no function; it has no effect. It is an arrangement for concentration as well as diffraction of upward spiraling light energy, as used by the mind/body/spirit complex.
For the first time reading this entire exchange from RA it strikes me as New Age BS - the Cs are not so wordy and they have given a different purpose for the pyramids.
Doesn't seem that Napoleon's experience did him much good considering the big mistakes he went on to make.
It also seems likely that the Great Pyramid does not "work" anymore as far as providing initiation experiences, or maybe only to a much lesser degree. Plus, there was probably more to be done than just laying in the sarcophagus for some time.
It also seems likely that the Great Pyramid does not "work" anymore as far as providing initiation experiences, or maybe only to a much lesser degree. Plus, there was probably more to be done than just laying in the sarcophagus for some time.
Much like Stone Henge and many other constructs from ancient times, they have ceased to function as originally intended- and also were dependent on the ability of the people who built them to make them work. According to the Cs the people sang to the stones of the henge, causing them to resonate in such a way a bridge between realities was created, bringing them all that they needed for their existence. Monks in Tibet are said to be able to levitate large stones by singing in certain tones- and so on. These structures needed active participation to function otherwise they were to the unknowing mere inert heaps of stone or whatever.
Doesn't seem that Napoleon's experience did him much good considering the big mistakes he went on to make.
One must wonder whether he was a psychopath. There is a story that when he was in Egypt surveying the battlefield after one of his victories, an officer commented on the number of French dead. He is alleged to have replied "That is nothing. One night's whoring in Montmartre will replace all of these" (or words to that effect). Pretty callous you would think given those men died for him.​
Much like Stone Henge and many other constructs from ancient times, they have ceased to function as originally intended- and also were dependent on the ability of the people who built them to make them work. According to the Cs the people sang to the stones of the henge, causing them to resonate in such a way a bridge between realities was created, bringing them all that they needed for their existence. Monks in Tibet are said to be able to levitate large stones by singing in certain tones- and so on. These structures needed active participation to function otherwise they were to the unknowing mere inert heaps of stone or whatever.
Maybe scientist and researcher Travis Taylor has part of the answer in the phonon-photon interaction:

Forget the nonsense about Merlin though.
For the first time reading this entire exchange from RA it strikes me as New Age BS - the Cs are not so wordy and they have given a different purpose for the pyramids.
A pyramid is a tetrahedral shape and can be viewed as a prism or half of a diamond. Hence, although I take your point about the wordiness of the Ra explanation the C's did once say this:​

Q: (L) What is the "philosophers stone?"

A: Idea center.

Q: (L) How can this idea center be accessed?

A: Many ways: meditation is the best.

Q: (L) Is there any visual image of the philosopher's stone that one could use to access it in meditation?

A: Yes. Diamond or prism.

As you can see from the above, the C's are much more succinct in their explanations.
Lizzies ingeniously inserted a critical backdoor exploit into the Christian Defense Software with making people worship and hold dear the Orion STS Crucifix / Cross symbol, close to their hearts.

Logically therefore - via 'Christian Cosmic Symbolism' - cross-spitting freemasons declared themselves enemies of Lizard. And devout god-fearing Catholics kissing their crosses declared themselves friends-servants of the Lizard. With the Bible containing a mere 20% truth, then exorcists loudly shouting incantations with holding their crosses toward the possessed - at least in the movies - to drive out the demon must have looked not only ineffective, but like trying to drive away a hungry goat with holding out a large tasty cabbage. Probably lower rank demons [less aware / less knowledgeable] were confused and the higher rank demons [more aware / more knowledgeable probably] may have been simply amused at the dichotomy. In reality however, successful exorcists probably used other symbols and words - as a conductive medium - to project forward their spiritual force and drive out the demon.

The Key 20% truth content of the Bible however is what interests me greatly. For example the entire core structure of The Holy Mary account and her life and her selfless sacrifices - how she did NOT ask for anything in return - , demons admitted THAT was, what drove them crazy! Exorcists had special secret rites / passages, unpublished: obviously because these were effective, but probably controversial to public Catholic doctrine. That is the most powerful exorcist incantations may have been apocryphal:

Father Malachi Martin - during his many radio show appearances - gave away a couple of these super effective exorcism-methods that must have been well tested, because he swore these worked best!
Similar to how guarding mechanisms, protective practices work during true channelings, real seances, I think.

Logically-exclusive thus protective declarations, same as logical set management in mathematics. Same as the logically excluding LawSpeak in corporate contracts and software use agreements, why we must answer by clicking YES, when they offer us: - Do you want to use this software?

Decades ago - probably for this occasion - I specially saved one potent Malachi-recommendation (recited on a C2C radio show 30 years ago for a caller). Its a highly effective short exorcism declaration, which hits home - strikes the intended target - right to the core of the demons heart / existence. Here it goes:

Shall be assertively declared towards the demon.

- O, Creature of God! In the Name of God, who created You [!] and in the Name of Jesus, who saved Me [!], I exorcise You!!!

- "Spit that into their eye. They hate it!" - said Malachi with elation. He must have tried this out with great success during his many exorcisms.

One devout Christian man is mentioned being chased down by Bigfoot almost catching him and as soon as he desperately started his emergency prayer to Jesus from the bottom of his heart, as Bigfoot was reaching for him and crashing the bushes right behind him, it, the monster suddenly disappeared!

So I think showing a demon-repellent spiritually assertive stance - radiating devout power toward the Shady Invaders - can not only drive out monsters, but effectively may chase away aliens and Lizzies as well. Probably depends on the spiritual force of the defender, how deeply she / he is connected to - The Holy Spirit of The Christ as an ubiquitous Cosmic Entity. How well this deepest spiritual connection the attacked is able to summon forth in an emergency.
If you check it out, there is somewhere in the transcripts an exchange with the C's where they tell Laura about the mechanics of exorcism. From memory, the bottom line is that the faith of the priest in his power to cast out the demon is paramount.​
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