Imminent Alien Disclosure?

Part III is said to strip down and expose Tesla (Nikola), at least Ehret mentioned it in the interview above.

Another installment was posted October 8th, which seems to pick up on the H.G. Wells theme and brings in a cast of characters that many here are familiar with in other contexts, with some mentioned in this thread:

The Hidden Hand Behind UFOs Ep. 3: The New Age of the Sorcerers: UFOs, MK Ultra and the Cold War​

Oct 8, 2024
In this third episode of 'The Hidden Hand Behind UFOs' we reveal the architects behind a new world religion premised around alien deities, psychoactive drugs and psychological warfare. The human-made origins of UFOs are examined with a look towards German and Italian flying saucer programs absorbed into the Anglo-American 'secret science' program after WW2, and also the work of Allan Dulles, Carl Jung, Laurence Rockefeller and other leading CIA/MI6 controllers will be exposed as new sorcerers shaping the UFO disclosure initiatives from 1947 to the present day.

Individual mentions of methods, such as psychoactive drugs and psychological warfare, all have some merit and again, many know about these matters. They know of the British, Dulles, Jung, Huxley, et cetera and furthermore. The Rockefellers and Rothschilds factor, and Tizard and the military men, with quotes like this:


However, the premise seems to be multiple, to compel one to believe that the whole thing is phycological and propaganda, a 3d illusion for the mind of an alternate reality that offers up alien's as an invention and not a reality. 4d hyperdimensional considering is never discussed, and that seems to makes it easier to tell the tale in the way that it is being told - it is all just a grand manipulation by the usual suspects with nothing more to see.

In a way, it is in keeping with the original manipulation of attributing the unknown to swamp gas and what have you, so it is doing that while revealing the hidden hand, which equates to the same thing. The Mithraic mystery cult factors, as does Isis.

Of note, for me anyway, was a little section near the beginning related to Nazi saucers (30's) and later to the US attempts to replicate (50's), were used to deceive and add weight. I don't buy that, yet the interest was in one man. A little sketch is made of Victor Schaulberger (mentioned on the forum), wherein he came into the American post war scientific program, yet then (and had not known this) Schaulberger was brought into Canada's Avro airplane program (some will know of it), and then found out it was to be used as an offence military deliver system and he got out. It sounded like he wanted to go back to Austria, and to do so it suggests his patents were stolen by assigning all rights to an American consortium, or so says his grandson. Victor died 5 days after returning home to Austria, penniless.

The film jumps all over the place, to Gadhafi's Libya and Iran, and American intentions (80's), then back to project project blue book, Area 51 with a whole network of military sites developing narrative, and suggesting their own crafts where being used (nothing concrete is offered).

JFK factors in removing Dulles, Cabell and Bissel (the splintering into a thousand pieces fallout), and then goes on to point out the October 63 NSA Memorandum 263 withdrawal from Vietnam (3-weeks before JFK was taken out), and just prior, on September 20, 1963 at the General Assembly (4-weeks before JFK was taken out), Kennedy makes overtures to Russia for new cooperation in space (he said, in regulation and exploration in space).

It then goes back to Vietnam and the overhaul of the military using Satanists doctrine and mind warfare or "MindWar":


Star Gate programs et al. (Rockefeller funded). Then it is about group formations of Puthoff, Swann, Vallee (Anton LaVey fits in there somewhere) and Hynek (sound familiar), where Hynek looks to advancing the UN to lead in full disclosure (Rosicrucian's are mentioned in the background):


This film part then gets into the National Institute for Discovery Science - funded by Robert Bigelow of the Bigelow carpet fame, and then Skinwalker Ranch.

To end, there is scant reference to the AATIP program of 2007, which begets Tom DeLonge (Blink 182), congressional member Luna, Grusch, and all the key advisors.

So, in the producers mind, it seems not to be about real UFO's at all - or they are just a means to and end, and the end goal is about a new world religion.

Might have missed some things, yet that seemed to be how Part 3 has played out.

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