Imminent Alien Disclosure?

Part III is said to strip down and expose Tesla (Nikola), at least Ehret mentioned it in the interview above.

Another installment was posted October 8th, which seems to pick up on the H.G. Wells theme and brings in a cast of characters that many here are familiar with in other contexts, with some mentioned in this thread:

The Hidden Hand Behind UFOs Ep. 3: The New Age of the Sorcerers: UFOs, MK Ultra and the Cold War​

Oct 8, 2024
In this third episode of 'The Hidden Hand Behind UFOs' we reveal the architects behind a new world religion premised around alien deities, psychoactive drugs and psychological warfare. The human-made origins of UFOs are examined with a look towards German and Italian flying saucer programs absorbed into the Anglo-American 'secret science' program after WW2, and also the work of Allan Dulles, Carl Jung, Laurence Rockefeller and other leading CIA/MI6 controllers will be exposed as new sorcerers shaping the UFO disclosure initiatives from 1947 to the present day.

Individual mentions of methods, such as psychoactive drugs and psychological warfare, all have some merit and again, many know about these matters. They know of the British, Dulles, Jung, Huxley, et cetera and furthermore. The Rockefellers and Rothschilds factor, and Tizard and the military men, with quotes like this:


However, the premise seems to be multiple, to compel one to believe that the whole thing is phycological and propaganda, a 3d illusion for the mind of an alternate reality that offers up alien's as an invention and not a reality. 4d hyperdimensional considering is never discussed, and that seems to makes it easier to tell the tale in the way that it is being told - it is all just a grand manipulation by the usual suspects with nothing more to see.

In a way, it is in keeping with the original manipulation of attributing the unknown to swamp gas and what have you, so it is doing that while revealing the hidden hand, which equates to the same thing. The Mithraic mystery cult factors, as does Isis.

Of note, for me anyway, was a little section near the beginning related to Nazi saucers (30's) and later to the US attempts to replicate (50's), were used to deceive and add weight. I don't buy that, yet the interest was in one man. A little sketch is made of Victor Schaulberger (mentioned on the forum), wherein he came into the American post war scientific program, yet then (and had not known this) Schaulberger was brought into Canada's Avro airplane program (some will know of it), and then found out it was to be used as an offence military deliver system and he got out. It sounded like he wanted to go back to Austria, and to do so it suggests his patents were stolen by assigning all rights to an American consortium, or so says his grandson. Victor died 5 days after returning home to Austria, penniless.

The film jumps all over the place, to Gadhafi's Libya and Iran, and American intentions (80's), then back to project project blue book, Area 51 with a whole network of military sites developing narrative, and suggesting their own crafts where being used (nothing concrete is offered).

JFK factors in removing Dulles, Cabell and Bissel (the splintering into a thousand pieces fallout), and then goes on to point out the October 63 NSA Memorandum 263 withdrawal from Vietnam (3-weeks before JFK was taken out), and just prior, on September 20, 1963 at the General Assembly (4-weeks before JFK was taken out), Kennedy makes overtures to Russia for new cooperation in space (he said, in regulation and exploration in space).

It then goes back to Vietnam and the overhaul of the military using Satanists doctrine and mind warfare or "MindWar":


Star Gate programs et al. (Rockefeller funded). Then it is about group formations of Puthoff, Swann, Vallee (Anton LaVey fits in there somewhere) and Hynek (sound familiar), where Hynek looks to advancing the UN to lead in full disclosure (Rosicrucian's are mentioned in the background):


This film part then gets into the National Institute for Discovery Science - funded by Robert Bigelow of the Bigelow carpet fame, and then Skinwalker Ranch.

To end, there is scant reference to the AATIP program of 2007, which begets Tom DeLonge (Blink 182), congressional member Luna, Grusch, and all the key advisors.

So, in the producers mind, it seems not to be about real UFO's at all - or they are just a means to and end, and the end goal is about a new world religion.

Might have missed some things, yet that seemed to be how Part 3 has played out.

Another installment was posted October 8th, which seems to pick up on the H.G. Wells theme and brings in a cast of characters that many here are familiar with in other contexts, with some mentioned in this thread:

The Hidden Hand Behind UFOs Ep. 3: The New Age of the Sorcerers: UFOs, MK Ultra and the Cold War​

Individual mentions of methods, such as psychoactive drugs and psychological warfare, all have some merit and again, many know about these matters. They know of the British, Dulles, Jung, Huxley, et cetera and furthermore. The Rockefellers and Rothschilds factor, and Tizard and the military men, with quotes like this:

View attachment 102656

However, the premise seems to be multiple, to compel one to believe that the whole thing is phycological and propaganda, a 3d illusion for the mind of an alternate reality that offers up alien's as an invention and not a reality. 4d hyperdimensional considering is never discussed, and that seems to makes it easier to tell the tale in the way that it is being told - it is all just a grand manipulation by the usual suspects with nothing more to see.

In a way, it is in keeping with the original manipulation of attributing the unknown to swamp gas and what have you, so it is doing that while revealing the hidden hand, which equates to the same thing. The Mithraic mystery cult factors, as does Isis.

Of note, for me anyway, was a little section near the beginning related to Nazi saucers (30's) and later to the US attempts to replicate (50's), were used to deceive and add weight. I don't buy that, yet the interest was in one man. A little sketch is made of Victor Schaulberger (mentioned on the forum), wherein he came into the American post war scientific program, yet then (and had not known this) Schaulberger was brought into Canada's Avro airplane program (some will know of it), and then found out it was to be used as an offence military deliver system and he got out. It sounded like he wanted to go back to Austria, and to do so it suggests his patents were stolen by assigning all rights to an American consortium, or so says his grandson. Victor died 5 days after returning home to Austria, penniless.

The film jumps all over the place, to Gadhafi's Libya and Iran, and American intentions (80's), then back to project project blue book, Area 51 with a whole network of military sites developing narrative, and suggesting their own crafts where being used (nothing concrete is offered).

JFK factors in removing Dulles, Cabell and Bissel (the splintering into a thousand pieces fallout), and then goes on to point out the October 63 NSA Memorandum 263 withdrawal from Vietnam (3-weeks before JFK was taken out), and just prior, on September 20, 1963 at the General Assembly (4-weeks before JFK was taken out), Kennedy makes overtures to Russia for new cooperation in space (he said, in regulation and exploration in space).

It then goes back to Vietnam and the overhaul of the military using Satanists doctrine and mind warfare or "MindWar":

View attachment 102658

Star Gate programs et al. (Rockefeller funded). Then it is about group formations of Puthoff, Swann, Vallee (Anton LaVey fits in there somewhere) and Hynek (sound familiar), where Hynek looks to advancing the UN to lead in full disclosure (Rosicrucian's are mentioned in the background):

View attachment 102659
View attachment 102661

This film part then gets into the National Institute for Discovery Science - funded by Robert Bigelow of the Bigelow carpet fame, and then Skinwalker Ranch.

To end, there is scant reference to the AATIP program of 2007, which begets Tom DeLonge (Blink 182), congressional member Luna, Grusch, and all the key advisors.

So, in the producers mind, it seems not to be about real UFO's at all - or they are just a means to and end, and the end goal is about a new world religion.

Might have missed some things, yet that seemed to be how Part 3 has played out.

Although I haven't watched this interesting documentary yet, I thought I would bring to people's attention an interesting link between Robert Bigelow, Hal Puthoff and Jacques Vallee in case it is not covered in the video.

I am a big fan of the ongoing TV investigative show The Curse of Skinwalker Ranch. Although it is well known that Bigelow bought Skinwalker Ranch (which the C's have confirmed is the location of an underground alien base) and conducted a scientific study of the site on behalf of the US Government (the results of which have never ben publicly released), it is not well known that he also bought another Utah based ranch called the Wilson Ranch at which he carried out scientific studies as well. However, Bigelow was scared to death one night when staying in a local motel by the appearance of a sinister dark figure that loomed over his bed and telepathically told him to stop investigating the area and leave immediately. By all accounts he was so freaked by this episode, he pulled out the next day never to return, subsequently selling the ranch to its current owner. See the attached video link for the background detail and a possible real time sighting or capture of what may have scared Bigelow:

Remember the C's have confirmed that there is an underground 4D STS alien base at Skinwalker Ranch, which has been linked to paranormal phenomena for many years including ghost sightings and what may be window fallers in the form of a large and extinct species of wolves:
Q: (Approaching Infinity) What is the source of the 1.6 gigahertz signal that shows up on Skin Walker Ranch whenever strange phenomena occur?

A: Breaking of dimensional curtain and leaking of energy.

Q: (L) Okay, now we're on page three...

(Approaching Infinity) On the ranch, the team have reportedly detected caves underground near the mesa and a vertical structure within the mesa, which they cannot drill through. The drill bits come out undamaged, suggesting that the material they are striking is frictionless. They suspect it is metallic. Also, the direction of the drilling attempts suggests the structure is convex on the bottom and top with a tower of some sort extending almost to the top of the mesa. During one drilling attempt, they detected radio transmissions when the drill bit was in contact with the structure. What is the structure?

A: Part of underground 4D STS base.

Could the Wilson Ranch and its environs be linked to similar phenomena too?

The Curse of Skinwalker Ranch has now spawned a spin-off show called Beyond Skinwalker Ranch and one of the target sites they have investigated is the Wilson Ranch where some think Bigelow was searching for a crashed alien craft. Although a LIDAR drone spectacularly malfunctioned when they tried to take underground readings of the test site, the investigators then resorted to more old fashioned technology by using a long conductive wire linked to a voltmeter to detect any electrical readings coming from underground in the target site known as the Lower Meadow. This test produced astounding results since the readings indicated that there was a large metallic object buried underneath the meadow which gave readings between 100 ft and 200 ft below. Subsequently, they followed this up by using an old school video projector left behind by the Bigelow team to shine light patterns at the ground in the meadow to see if it might induce any anomalous readings on their sensor equipment. As you can see from the attached video it did in the ultra lower frequency range:

The electrical readings the investigators had obtained suggested that if there was a buried space craft down their it might be winged shaped like a manta ray, which strangely coincided with what the ranch owner understood was down their. This intrigues me since the Native Americans used to refer to the UAP's as Thunderbirds:
Q: (L) {Reading} The Gottschalk Rock Shelter shows the story of Red Horn Giants and the Thunderbird. What is this story depicting? What does the Thunderbird depict?
Q: (TB) If we were to identify the Unidentified Flying Object, what would it be?
A: STS craft.

Now bearing in mind that the Wilson Ranch is not far way from Skinwalker Ranch where the C's say an underground 4D STS base is located into which the Skinwalker Ranch investigators have seen UAPs descending, it is not that great a stretch to think that one of these manta ray shaped craft (a Thunderbird) from that base could have crashed at, and been buried in, Lower Meadow on the Wilson Ranch.

However, what really surprised me was an old photograph of Robert Bigelow standing outside the Wilson Ranch House in the company of Hal Puthoff and Jacques Vallee.

Puthoff was an accredited engineer. In 1960, he was commissioned as an officer in the US Navy, where, assigned to NSA, he worked on improving computer speed using optical technology. In 1963 Puthoff joined Stanford University working on lasers and non-linear optics, gaining a PhD in electrical engineering in 1967. He then worked with, and invented, tuneable lasers and electron beam devices, for which he held patents. He was co-author of Fundamentals of Quantum Electronics. Hence, it is easy to see why Bigelow may have brought him onboard with the Wilson Ranch investigation. His links with the US Navy intrigue me though since this may have allowed him to become aware of the Philadelphia Experiment (see more below).

Puthoff took an interest in the Church of Scientology in the late 1960s and reached what was then the top OT VII level by 1971. However, Puthoff would eventually severe all connections with Scientology in the late 1970s. This involvement in Scientology also intrigues me though since the founder of Scientology, L. Ron Hubbard, like Puthoff, served in the US Navy and supposedly had been involved with US Naval Intelligence for a while during WW2. Hubbard was a close friend of Jack Parsons, a leading American rocket fuel engineer, who founded the Jet Propulsion Laboratory (JPL) that works closely with NASA and is heavily involved with the optical devices on the various NASA Mars orbiter missions, where it frequently covers up unwelcome revelations of what is really on Mars. Both Parsons and Hubbard were also involved with the self declared magus (who revelled in the title of the most evil man in the world) Aleister Crowley when they joined his Ordo Templi Orientis. Crowley himself was alleged to have been a British spy working on an off for British Military Intelligence (MI6) and when residing in America during WWI, he was observed by US Military Intelligence to have been scouting around Montauk, then a US Army base, which would later be linked to covet research work arising out of discoveries made from the US Navy's Philadelphia Experiment. This leads me to wonder just how far back in time the underground base at Montauk may have been involved in secret research.

Jack Parsons actually gets a mention in the transcripts along with L. Ron Hubbard, which curiously links them both with Carl Jung, the long time friend of CIA chief Allan Dulles:
Session Dated 9 June 2018:

Q: (L) Was Carl Jung possessed after his extensive therapeutic encounter with Otto Gross?

A: Not at that point, but later, yes.

Q: (L) Possessed by what?

A: 4D STS.

Q: (Pierre) How did he get possessed?

A: Asked for it.

Q: (Joe) Was he into some kind of mysticism or black magic or cultism as it was called?

A: Yes, though it was not called such.

Q: (L) Who was that guy that was hooked up with L. Ron Hubbard? He was kinda similar. He was involved in space projects. Does anybody remember his name?

Jack] Parsons.

(L) Yeah, Parsons. So, was it similar to what Parsons and his bunch was doing? Sex magic and all that?

A: Yes, and there was Jungian influence there too.

Q: (L) Well, is it accurate or correct to derive from this Jungian business some of the philosophical or psychological foundations of the current American liberal postmodern movement?

A: Indeed!

Q: (L) So some of Jung's ideas of the anima and animus and the hermaphroditic nature of the soul and so forth were foundational to the current liberal paradigm of sexual fluidity?

A: Yes. And notice well that this conflicts directly with objective reality.

Q: (L) Well, according to the postmodernists, there is no objective reality. They say that everything people think is completely culturally conditioned, and one truth is no more true than another truth or whatever.

A: That will backfire tragically. Think "Tower of Babel."

Q: (L) So, in other words, this whole postmodernist conception of there being no objective truth is similar to the attempt to build a Tower of Babel?

A: Yes.

And as the C's have told us elsewhere, the CIA have been busily promoting the new sexual order:

A: The gay "movement" is a CIA program incepted by 4D STS designed to set up antipathy, differences, and to identify individuals for purposes of inflicting further suffering.

In 1972, Puthoff joined Stanford Research Institute (SRI) in Menlo, California, in the electronics and bioengineering laboratory. There he worked on quantum physics and parapsychological phenomena, notably the government-funded remote viewing program known as Star Gate, which he co-founded and co-directed, investigating the purported ability to retrieve visual information from distantly located sites by ESP. Puthoff collaborated with Russell Targ extensively throughout the program, carrying out tests with psychic viewers such as Pat Price (who discovered the underground alien base in Alaska) , Ingo Swann and Joe McMoneagle.

Many today think the Stanford Research Institute is in fact a CIA front. I don't know if Puthoff had any involvement with the channelling sessions of 'The Nine' or 'Council of Nine' but supposedly SRI scientists participated in them These channellings were originally run by a medical doctor named Andrija Puharich who turned out to be a chemist who worked for the CIA and was also involved in the infamous MK Ultra project. Together with the infamous Dr Sidney Gottlieb, Puharich experimented with a variety of techniques to change or induce actual thought processes… even to creating the impression of voices in the head. These techniques included the use of drugs, hypnosis and beaming radio signals directly into the subject’s brain. And, significantly, he was engaged in this work at exactly the same time that The Nine made their first appearance at the Round Table Foundation. The Foundation itself is now known to have been largely funded by the Pentagon as a front for its medical and parapsychological research.

Puharich would also achieve international recognition as a parapsychologist who in 1971 discovered Uri Geller in Israel. Puharich was still working for the CIA in the early 1970s, when he brought Uri Geller out of Israel to America. He would subsequently collaborate with Russell Targ in a study of Geller's purported psychic abilities. Geller incidentally had his own links with Israeli military intelligence.
According to Terence Hines:

Geller turned out to be nothing more than a magician using sleight of hand and considerable personal charm to fool his admirers. The tests at SRI turned out to have been run under conditions that can best be described as chaotic. Few limits were placed on Geller's behavior, and he was more or less in control of the procedures used to test him. Further, the results of the tests were incorrectly reported in Targ and Puthoff's Nature paper.

For more see: Plan Nine From Outer Space - Uri Geller

Intriguingly, the Council of Nine did become something of a New Age cult and therefore could be viewed as an attempt to institute a New World Religion based around the Ennead or the Nine Ancient Gods of Egypt centred on Heliopolis and the Temple of Ra, the Egyptian sun god, which reminds me of something the C's once said - Q: Well why did it turn into Sun worship instead of Moon worship? A: Future honour of Ra. Go 353535. Deity.

Indeed, one individual who became deeply involved in the Nine Channellings was TV producer and Rosicrucian Gene Roddenberry. Roddenberry was part of the Nine circle in 1974 and 1975, and even produced the screenplay for a movie about The Nine. How much he was influenced by them is unknown, although it is said that some of their concepts found their way into the early Star Trek movies and Star Trek The Next Generation and Star Trek Deep Space Nine TV series, the latter especially being full of references to the Nine material.

It is also interesting that Uri Geller should become indirectly involved with the early Cassiopaean Forum, as mentioned in the session dated 11 July 1998, which also referred to scientist and renowned UFO researcher Jacques Vallee and coincidentally to the Philadelphia Experiment:
Q: (L) Uri Geller sent an e-mail to the mail list recommending that people visit Brother Blue's web site for info on the Aviary. Then he says that he has personally known and been involved with these 'birds.' Anyway, there is this whole deal going on with Vallee being caught in a lie on the mail list. Are they trying to assassinate him or is he really a bad guy?

A: Vallee is not sticking to the "program."

Q: (L) What is the program that Vallee should be sticking to?

A: You do not get it, apparently.

Q: (L) Well, he produced this witness who supposedly debunked the Philadelphia Experiment, and Vallee put his reputation behind this. Then, another guy came along and ripped Vallee up and it made him look bad.

A: The bottom line: The Philadelphia Experiment did happen.

Q: (L) Then what program is Vallee not sticking to? Why did he produce this witness? Why is he doing this?

A: Bad influences.

Q: (L) What kind of bad influences?

A: 33.

Q: (Jan) 33rd degree?

*Session 16 October 1994:

Q: (L) I would like to know what is the origin of the Freemasons?

A: Osirians.

Q: (L) Can you tell us when the original Freemasons formed as a society?

A: 5633 B.C.

Q: (L) Is Freemasonry as it is practiced today the same?

A: 33rd degree, yes.

Q: (L) So, there is a continuing tradition for over 7 thousand years?

A: Yes.

A: That is close enough.

[MJF: N.B. The Illuminati, who are linked with the mysterious Quorum, operate at the 33rd degree and above, and are the upper echelons of Freemasonry according to the C's:

Q: (L) How do the Masons relate to the Illuminati?
A: Masons are low level branch

Q: (L) So, maybe the Consortium got next to him, read him the riot act, and wanted to use his reputation to plant their disinformation, and he responded by doing it in such a way that his reputation is now in tatters and CAN'T be used by them? (T) So, they tried to compromise him and he did something so that it would be obvious that he was being compromised?

A: More complex.

Q: (A) I want to know about this Uri Geller. Why is he now writing this stuff about this Consortium?

A: The term "Consortium," in this case, originated with us.

Q: (L) Okay, he is talking about this Aviary. Has, or is, Geller associated with this Aviary?

A: No.

Q: (L) Is he trying to get publicity?

A: Close.

So, the fact that Hal Puthoff and Jacques Vallee were involved with Robert Bigelow's investigations at the Wilson Ranch looking for a crashed spaceship, and presumably were also involved in Bigelow's investigations at Skinwalker Ranch on behalf of the US Government, may just show how complex Vallee's relations with the Consortium and the US Military/Industrial Complex may have been. If the UFO issue is not real, then why would accredited scientists like Hal Puthoff and Jacques Vallee have been wasting their time with Robert Bigelow on searching for a crashed UFO at the Wilson Ranch?
If the UFO issue is not real, then why would accredited scientists like Hal Puthoff and Jacques Vallee have been wasting their time with Robert Bigelow on searching for a crashed UFO at the Wilson Ranch?
Vallee has written several books about UFOs and is probably one if the most respected UFO researchers. So his interest in a potential crashed UFO is kind of obvious.

Hal Puthoff has been involved in "fringe research" like remote viewing for a long time too. Despite having security clearances and such, he has been relatively open on topics like crashed UFOs and reproducing alien technology. Lately he has been privately examining fragments of materials that are supposedly of extraterrestrial origin. So he is a UFO researcher (with government connections) as well.

On a different topic, I also like the TV show documenting the current research into the Skinwalker Ranch - it's called "The Secret of Skinwalker Ranch", not "The Curse of". Some truly fascinating research results there, which we talked about in this thread.
Vallee has written several books about UFOs and is probably one if the most respected UFO researchers. So his interest in a potential crashed UFO is kind of obvious.

Hal Puthoff has been involved in "fringe research" like remote viewing for a long time too. Despite having security clearances and such, he has been relatively open on topics like crashed UFOs and reproducing alien technology. Lately he has been privately examining fragments of materials that are supposedly of extraterrestrial origin. So he is a UFO researcher (with government connections) as well.

On a different topic, I also like the TV show documenting the current research into the Skinwalker Ranch - it's called "The Secret of Skinwalker Ranch", not "The Curse of". Some truly fascinating research results there, which we talked about in this thread.

I note what you say. At the time of writing my post I had not yet viewed the video The Hidden Hand Behind UFOs Ep. 3: The New Age of the Sorcerers: UFOs, MK Ultra and the Cold War

Oct 8, 2024
In this third episode of 'The Hidden Hand Behind UFOs' we reveal the architects behind a new world religion premised around alien deities, psychoactive drugs and psychological warfare. The human-made origins of UFOs are examined with a look towards German and Italian flying saucer programs absorbed into the Anglo-American 'secret science' program after WW2, and also the work of Allan Dulles, Carl Jung, Laurence Rockefeller and other leading CIA/MI6 controllers will be exposed as new sorcerers shaping the UFO disclosure initiatives from 1947 to the present day.

My comments were mainly aimed at the conclusion Forum member Voyageur had reached as regards the video and the intentions of its producers:​

"So, in the producers mind, it seems not to be about real UFO's at all - or they are just a means to and end, and the end goal is about a new world religion."

There is no question that the US Military/Industrial/Intelligence community have used the UFO phenomenon as a cover for their own black project activities. There is no question either that the CIA in particular has been involved in social engineering. We should also remember that the C's have said that the PTB may use the aliens as our saviours strategy at some stage in the near future (even if they are not really aliens but underworlder humanoids who look a bit like us). I can just see the pitch now - "our ancient alien creator gods have come to rescue us just in the nick of time, let's bow down and worship them as our ancestors once did".

Quoting Laura & co. on this point:
Q: (L) Well, yeah. We were talking about the Nephalim and their stun guns and that sort of thing. But it looks like psychopaths are the new Nephalim, and they're already using stun guns - tasers. And then we asked if they were going to try to stage a fake alien invasion. All of this disclosure business is trying to point people in the direction of alien invasions, trying to get them prepared for some kind of fake alien invasion. Then you said yes, but a real invasion might take place first or earth changes would happen. Now, it's just been pressing on my mind, becoming more and more clear, that we don't NEED an alien invasion with psychopaths ruling this world as their transdimensional agents. And it has occurred to me that when you said that way back when, that basically the invasion has already occurred! It's here, now. It's psychopaths in power!

Everybody is looking and waiting for some kind of aliens; well, aliens are a supernatural phenomenon. Yeah, there is a certain physicality to it, but it strikes me that that physicality doesn't have... what do I want to say? Endurance? It doesn't "vibrate" right in our reality. It can come and go, but it doesn't stay here. So they need agents. They've always needed agents. They've always needed human-looking beings to control, to manipulate, or to even "download into" in a funny sort of way, like a possession or an activation. It's like they're sitting at some control console in some hyperdimensional place controlling their agents the way we control remote control toys.

So anyhow, this is what I've been thinking. Everybody's waiting for something to happen, like disclosure, or after disclosure. But it's already happened. It's here NOW! Any so-called “disclosure” will be a fraud unless they come out and say that it is a supernatural or hyper-dimensional phenomenon, which they are NOT going to say because that completely counters their entire world view that worships the physical universe. That’s where the whole Darwinism, material science, exclusion of scientific study of the paranormal, and so forth, comes from. That sort of thing can NEVER be studied honestly because it would destroy their reality construct.

(Perceval) That's a great screen.

(L) Yeah, they're trying to prepare people for physical, material aliens – “Disclosure” - because they're going to TRY to pull the alien invasion trick or the "alien god" trick and they'll say, "Worship the alien god! Join behind us! We're his high priests!" But it's not going to work.

(Perceval) It's almost like that's been held in reserve if it's necessary. They've prepped people with the idea of aliens.

(L) It's like this gigantic counterintelligence program. And the main thing that I've seen them working to counter is the idea, the concept, the understanding that this phenomenon is a supernatural one. To make that clear, what we have always called supernatural, which is not necessarily "supernatural", is really just hyperdimensional. We've been aware of these things – this other reality – for millennia. They come and go. It's like the finger in Flatland. We're Flatland! Am I on to something with this?

A: About as accurate as you can get without making direct predictions.

Q: (L) Who was it, this scientist guy... Was it Werner von Braun who said they were going to create this illusion about an alien invasion, and that it was all a big lie and a big fraud? And the real reason he said it was that he knew that it was a paranormal or a hyperdimensional phenomenon. Is that what he meant?

A: Yes.

And the C's once gave us a warning that this ancient worship of aliens may recur again in the near future:

Session 10-22-94:

Q: (L) Did any aliens at all, and specifically the Lizzies, ever live among mankind and receive worship?

A: They did not live among mankind, but they did interact directly with human beings, at various points in the past. It was at those points when human beings were ready, willing and able to accept deities appearing directly from outside sources and then worship them. Such things would not have occurred in the recent past. But, beware, it may very well occur very soon. [...]

My statement that if the UFO issue is not real, then why would Hal Puthoff and Jacques Vallee have been wasting their time with Robert Bigelow on searching for a crashed UFO was meant as a riposte to the producers of the video. Like you, I appreciate that Vallee is a serious UFO researcher who the PTB have seemingly tried to compromise according to the C's - "Vallee is not sticking to the "program.".

However, in case the video did not touch on the Stanford Research Institute's interest in the Nine Channellings and the role of CIA/MK Ultra chemist Andrija Puharich in that affair as well as psychic showman Uri Geller's involvement, I thought I would add that to the mix since it is all interconnected, particularly as Geller seems to have taken an interest in the Cassiopaean Experiment in its early days.

I appreciate that TV show documenting the current research into the Skinwalker Ranch is called "The Secret of Skinwalker Ranch" but in the UK where I live the title is "The Curse of Skinwalker Ranch" perhaps to tie it in with a History Channel sister show "The Curse of Oak Island", which has quite a following here. Sorry if I may have caused any confusion in this matter.

I have in fact seen The Secret of Skinwalker Ranch thread but it is good thing to draw it to people's attention. It is well worth a look :-D . I hope it is updated soon, since the investigators have produced an absolutely gob smacking picture of the portal over the Triangle, which clearly shows a huge cylinder shape. This makes me think of something the C's once said about the Nazi Bell time machine:
Q: (L) These individuals who have this time machine in Antarctica, what are they doing with it or what do they plan to do with it?

A: Exploring time sectors through loop of cylinder.

Q: (L) What is a loop of cylinder?

A: Complex, but is profile in 4th through 6th density.

Is there a connection?
Vallee has written several books about UFOs and is probably one if the most respected UFO researchers. So his interest in a potential crashed UFO is kind of obvious.

Hal Puthoff has been involved in "fringe research" like remote viewing for a long time too. Despite having security clearances and such, he has been relatively open on topics like crashed UFOs and reproducing alien technology. Lately he has been privately examining fragments of materials that are supposedly of extraterrestrial origin. So he is a UFO researcher (with government connections) as well.
There have been several hints over the last couple years that Puthoff has been directly involved in the "The Program", i.e. UFO reverse engineering. Elizondo, for example, emphasizes that Puthoff has been read into the "highest" secret programs over the decades, and Puthoff himself has hinted that there's a lot more he could say, but he has a security clearance.
Sounds like a scene from Men in Black 😂

Q: (L) Is Freemasonry as it is practiced today the same?

A: 33rd degree, yes.
I found out before my dad passed away last year he was a 32nd degree Mason. I mean, I knew he was a Mason and all but never knew he was that high up in the organization. Was he privy to all this stuff?! He never spoke about it, of course, because they are sworn to secrecy about their rites and stuff. But I was blown away when I found out he was that deep into it.
I found out before my dad passed away last year he was a 32nd degree Mason. I mean, I knew he was a Mason and all but never knew he was that high up in the organization. Was he privy to all this stuff?! He never spoke about it, of course, because they are sworn to secrecy about their rites and stuff. But I was blown away when I found out he was that deep into it.

No disrespect to your father, but that probably means he got to lie in a coffin for a while and also maybe got to paddle the behinds of other men as they walked down a line. Those masons are pretty silly.
No disrespect to your father, but that probably means he got to lie in a coffin for a while and also maybe got to paddle the behinds of other men as they walked down a line. Those masons are pretty silly.
The coffin part- not sure you are referring to a Mason ritual or his send off. He didn’t want a fancy ceremony, except the VFW doing a veterans memorial, it was a closed casket and church congregation at the grave site.
Don’t know about the paddling thing either- he never spoke about the Masons at all, so what went on at their meetings I have no clue. I did ask him at the same time I found out he was Level 32 if the Masons were associated with the Knights Templar and he said yes. One word answer.
I will tell you this- I have the deepest respect for my father- he was a WWII vet, and an absolute genius who could build virtually anything from scratch. Every one who knew him loved him and respected him deeply. So Masons aside, I don’t hold that against him at all.
It’s just really weird that I was so close to that kind of occult stuff and it never showed at all in Dad’s personality. Maybe that’s where I got it from? Who knows?
The coffin part- not sure you are referring to a Mason ritual or his send off.

Yeah, I meant the mason ritual, it's pretty well known, at least to those who have looked into it.

Don’t know about the paddling thing either- he never spoke about the Masons at all, so what went on at their meetings I have no clue. I did ask him at the same time I found out he was Level 32 if the Masons were associated with the Knights Templar and he said yes. One word answer.
I will tell you this- I have the deepest respect for my father- he was a WWII vet, and an absolute genius who could build virtually anything from scratch. Every one who knew him loved him and respected him deeply. So Masons aside, I don’t hold that against him at all.
It’s just really weird that I was so close to that kind of occult stuff and it never showed at all in Dad’s personality. Maybe that’s where I got it from? Who knows?

Yeah, I'm not sure about the paddling, although it does allegedly feature. I'd say there are a lot of decent and knowledgeable people in the Masons. I definitely didn't mean any disrespect to your father.

For the most part it's more or less a social club for men. I think the parts that get lampooned are the darker ritual type aspects and I think those are only for a select few who show themselves inclined in that direction. So I think the whole "33rd degree" part is just a continuation of the other levels, which like I said, is just a social/networking club for men with common or garden level 'esoterica' to keep it interesting.
will be featured in James Fox's next documentary (coming out sometime this year).
1. Recent James Fox interview, 3 hours, really good:
Watching this new interview with James Fox
Jesse has some other intriguing stuff as well like:
UFO Material is Locked Away at Stanford University featuring Garry Nolan
You can look at the pieces of the exploded alien probe under the magnifier, close up, you see a metallic ore shown on camera. Visible signs of metal distress. Under the microscope they show: it has several manufactured layers - forcefully compressed on top of each other - and all of it was curved via machining.
They analyze it and determine its a high-concentration magnesium alloy very difficult to manufacture on Earth, but possible. Bigger pieces of this exact material also shown in other videos on YT ==> Jesse's videos have several links of books and documentaries - displayed during the show - that I checked out, downloaded and watched. So the bigger ore pieces - brought out of the secret lab are there AGAIN.. But Garry Nolan has even more eyecandy alien craft pieces under NDA locked away in storage..

2. Joe Rogan with James Fox: this is the one that makes the deepest emotional impression so far, not including the top notch Rogan - Bob Lazar show. But the Lazar re-creation documentary is coming out soon, so that will be the Godzilla show to watch! Created by Project Gravitaur.

UFO revelations are speeding up this autumn probably on purpose, as was mentioned on this forum. Here is James Fox stating same (exact video times below):
people are
01:17:38,400 --> 01:17:42,679
coming forward in droves right now we
01:17:40,400 --> 01:17:44,920
just got two forensic Pathologists for, the first time ever working together to come forward to make statements.
And then providing documentation of the autopsy reports done on the deceased military officer. That's the first time ever these guys are coming forward. It's happening right now. Let's explain what happened to people haven't watched the documentary on the deceased military officer:
- Yeah so right after the three girls came in came within 8 to 10 feet of this creature or being or entity..
Continued in the video.
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Yeah, I meant the mason ritual, it's pretty well known, at least to those who have looked into it.

Yeah, I'm not sure about the paddling, although it does allegedly feature. I'd say there are a lot of decent and knowledgeable people in the Masons. I definitely didn't mean any disrespect to your father.

For the most part it's more or less a social club for men. I think the parts that get lampooned are the darker ritual type aspects and I think those are only for a select few who show themselves inclined in that direction. So I think the whole "33rd degree" part is just a continuation of the other levels, which like I said, is just a social/networking club for men with common or garden level 'esoterica' to keep it interesting.
Insofar as I am aware, lying in a coffin does not feature in the initiation rituals of the three masonic degrees in English Freemasonry (York Rite) but it may apply to some of the degrees in Scottish Rite Freemasonry, which prevails in the United States. Certainly it is a feature of the initiation rite for Yale University's Skull and Bones Society, an organisation which has Masonic overtones. It may also have been a feature of Knight Templar initiations since they generally took place underground, as did those of the old mystery schools in the ancient world such as the Dionysian Mysteries of ancient Greece.

I would agree with your assessment that Freemasonry in Britain, the Commonwealth and the USA is primarily a social/networking club for men - even the Boy Scouts is loosely based on Masonry since the movement's founder, Lord Baden Powell, was an ardent Freemason.

However, I would not say this is true of Continental Freemasonry where European Freemasons have actively pursued political ends and objectives over the centuries. You only have to consider the role French Freemasons, particularly those from illuminated Parisian or Jacobin lodges, played in the bloody French revolution. Napoleon Bonaparte was a Freemason and I believe he lay in the so called sarcophagus in the King's Chamber in the Great Pyramid at Giza overnight, an experience which he claimed changed him. Giuseppe Garibaldi, the Italian general, revolutionary and republican who helped to facilitate Italian unification was an active Freemason too. Czar Nicholas II of Russia lived to regret reopening the Masonic lodges in Russia just a few years before the Russian Revolution in 1917. As it turns out both Lenin and Stalin were Freemasons as was the father of communism Karl Marx, who was initiated in a Parisian lodge with his friend and colleague Friedrich Engels, who jointly authored with Marx the Communist Manifesto of 1848. Marx and Engels were introduced to Freemasonry by the German-Jewish philosopher Moses Hess, who was an early communist and Zionist. None of these men joined Freemasonry simply to belong to an old boys social network.

The late Stephen Knight wrote an expose of Freemasonry in 1984 called The Brotherhood in which he took a deep dive into English Freemasonry. One thing he claimed was that most English Freemasons were not aware that there was a super lodge in Duke Street that was only for select Master Masons (equivalent to the 33rd degree). Many English Freemasons are active Anglican churchgoers. Indeed, the ranks of Freemasonry include many Anglican clergymen right up to Archbishops of Canterbury. Knight alleged that initiation into this super lodge often required the aspirant Master Mason to spit on a cross or crucifix. A devout Christian Mason would naturally decline and by doing so he would fail to gain entry into the super lodge. It is curious that this act of spitting on a crucifix was an accusation that was levelled at the Knights Templar, who many researchers believe are the antecedents of Freemasonry. There is no question that the Knights Templar had an inner circle that was unknown to most rank and file Knights Templars. Perhaps the same is true of modern Freemasonry. Afterall, the C's have spoken of circles within circles:

A: Remember, all is structured in cycles and circles.

Q: (L) In other words, these tunnels were built by and belong to the Consortium, is that correct?

A: Circles within circles.

Q: (L) Masons?

A: One example of concept.

To finish on an amusing note, an Australian university mate of my brother (sadly no longer with us) had a father who was a Freemason. This man was a pillar of his local community being the local Magistrate in a small township in South Australia. He had also come to Britain to fly as a fighter pilot for the RAF in WW2, narrowly missing out on the Battle of Britain. Anyway, his son would often come home of an evening and find his father not at home. When he asked his mother where his father was, she would say "oh he's at the lodge meeting riding the billy goat backwards". :-D
When he asked his mother where his father was, she would say "oh he's at the lodge meeting riding the billy goat backwards
My dad was an avid participant in the church, but was not outwardly religious, although his mother, my grandmother- was deeply religious. He did not smoke, drink or swear- but my grandfather smoked like a chimney and swore a blue streak. Point is if my dad participated in any sort of weird rituals he certainly wouldn’t have openly talked about it. I have his Masonic rings which I found in his belongings after he passed, but I don’t recall ever seeing him wearing them. I also found awards he was presented by the Lodge for being a member in good standing and dedication to the brotherhood.
Strange that after a lifetime our lives are reduced to a few scraps of paper, photos and crap we have collected. My dad was a master at collecting crap- grew up during the depression, so learned to never throw anything away because it might be useful down the road. And damn if he couldn’t take that crap and build amazing stuff with it. Miss him terribly.
My dad was an avid participant in the church, but was not outwardly religious, although his mother, my grandmother- was deeply religious. He did not smoke, drink or swear- but my grandfather smoked like a chimney and swore a blue streak. Point is if my dad participated in any sort of weird rituals he certainly wouldn’t have openly talked about it. I have his Masonic rings which I found in his belongings after he passed, but I don’t recall ever seeing him wearing them. I also found awards he was presented by the Lodge for being a member in good standing and dedication to the brotherhood.
Strange that after a lifetime our lives are reduced to a few scraps of paper, photos and crap we have collected. My dad was a master at collecting crap- grew up during the depression, so learned to never throw anything away because it might be useful down the road. And damn if he couldn’t take that crap and build amazing stuff with it. Miss him terribly.
Anyway we seem to have wandered off topic- although I swear my dad might have been an alien 👽 at times…
the aspirant Master Mason to spit on a cross or crucifix. A devout Christian Mason would naturally decline and by doing so he would fail to gain entry into the super lodge.
Lizzies ingeniously inserted a critical backdoor exploit into the Christian Defense Software with making people worship and hold dear the Orion STS Crucifix / Cross symbol, close to their hearts.
Q: (L) We would like to know what the Christian Cross represents at a deeper level?
A: Part of the Lizzie disinformation campaign, sorry!
Logically therefore - via 'Christian Cosmic Symbolism' - cross-spitting freemasons declared themselves enemies of Lizard. And devout god-fearing Catholics kissing their crosses declared themselves friends-servants of the Lizard. With the Bible containing a mere 20% truth, then exorcists loudly shouting incantations with holding their crosses toward the possessed - at least in the movies - to drive out the demon must have looked not only ineffective, but like trying to drive away a hungry goat with holding out a large tasty cabbage. Probably lower rank demons [less aware / less knowledgeable] were confused and the higher rank demons [more aware / more knowledgeable probably] may have been simply amused at the dichotomy. In reality however, successful exorcists probably used other symbols and words - as a conductive medium - to project forward their spiritual force and drive out the demon.

The Key 20% truth content of the Bible however is what interests me greatly. For example the entire core structure of The Holy Mary account and her life and her selfless sacrifices - how she did NOT ask for anything in return - , demons admitted THAT was, what drove them crazy! Exorcists had special secret rites / passages, unpublished: obviously because these were effective, but probably controversial to public Catholic doctrine. That is the most powerful exorcist incantations may have been apocryphal:

Father Malachi Martin - during his many radio show appearances - gave away a couple of these super effective exorcism-methods that must have been well tested, because he swore these worked best!
Similar to how guarding mechanisms, protective practices work during true channelings, real seances, I think.

Logically-exclusive thus protective declarations, same as logical set management in mathematics. Same as the logically excluding LawSpeak in corporate contracts and software use agreements, why we must answer by clicking YES, when they offer us: - Do you want to use this software?

Decades ago - probably for this occasion - I specially saved one potent Malachi-recommendation (recited on a C2C radio show 30 years ago for a caller). Its a highly effective short exorcism declaration, which hits home - strikes the intended target - right to the core of the demons heart / existence. Here it goes:

Shall be assertively declared towards the demon.

- O, Creature of God! In the Name of God, who created You [!] and in the Name of Jesus, who saved Me [!], I exorcise You!!!

- "Spit that into their eye. They hate it!" - said Malachi with elation. He must have tried this out with great success during his many exorcisms.

One devout Christian man is mentioned being chased down by Bigfoot almost catching him and as soon as he desperately started his emergency prayer to Jesus from the bottom of his heart, as Bigfoot was reaching for him and crashing the bushes right behind him, it, the monster suddenly disappeared!

So I think showing a demon-repellent spiritually assertive stance - radiating devout power toward the Shady Invaders - can not only drive out monsters, but effectively may chase away aliens and Lizzies as well. Probably depends on the spiritual force of the defender, how deeply she / he is connected to - The Holy Spirit of The Christ as an ubiquitous Cosmic Entity. How well this deepest spiritual connection the attacked is able to summon forth in an emergency.
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