Imminent Alien Disclosure?

Weren't they already debunked? There was this video, where you could see that they are cobbled together. Wasen't that already posted in this threat?
Maybe you mean the video that was referenced by Gary Nolan that was posted here:
Imminent Alien Disclosure?

That video was a more general look on how these things could be faked. Still, I have to say that I don’t find those Mexican specimens to be overwhelmingly convincing, something feels off about their appearance.
Maybe you mean the video that was referenced by Gary Nolan that was posted here:
Imminent Alien Disclosure?

That video was a more general look on how these things could be faked. Still, I have to say that I don’t find those Mexican specimens to be overwhelmingly convincing, something feels off about their appearance.
To me they seem fake as they look like they've been made of paper mache.
A 3 density being is supposed to think according to the law of three: there is good, bad and circumstance/context. Maybe a 4 density being thinks in terms of 4: good, bad, context, and something else. Just speculating here.

Been thinking about good the bad and the context and wonder if that isn't a multi dimension thing. It can be 2 dimensional. Eg:

pac man.PNG

Here's a 2D game where even though movement is limited to left/right and up/down there is still the possibility for good, the bad and the context, however the number of options of how context can be determined or taken into account is limited. If pac man moves down and to the left, he mightn't eat any dots (bad), but he might avoid the ghosts (good). So in this instance or context, not eating dots is good.

So maybe in 4D there is an expansion of information that forms context or circumstance or something like that.
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The US Department of Defense officially confirmed to the Liberation Times that the US Air Force submitted a report on an incident involving an unknown object that occurred earlier this year to the Office for Unidentified Anomalous Phenomena (UAP), known as the All-Domain Anomaly Resolution Office (AARO).

The incident occurred with a US Air Force aircraft stationed at Eglin Air Force Base in Florida, whose sensors suddenly failed when his plane was approaching the UAP over the Gulf of Mexico, which caused concern.

Florida Congressman Matt Gaetz, who was alerted and informed about the incident, addressed him during a UAP congressional hearing in July 2023:

"One of the pilots flew to check this diamond-shaped formation [visible on radar] and sees a large hovering object that I can only describe as a ball, again, as I said, does not possess any human characteristics that I know about."

Gaetz added:

"And when he approached, he reported that his radar had failed. He said that his FLIR (infrared camera) system had failed and that he had to manually take this image from one of the lenses."

In a comment to the Liberation Times, Pentagon spokeswoman Susan Gough confirmed that Gaetz had been informed and that AARO had received the report from Eglin Air Force Base.

In addition, AARO will try to publish a public report on the incident after it is clarified.

In November 2022, the Department of Defense confirmed to the Liberation Times that the US Air Force had not extended the pilot program in order to streamline the prospective collection, reporting and analysis of UAP.

Liberation Times also previously reported on the US Air Force's attempts to crack down on officers trying to cooperate with the former UAP group, and that the Air Force was indeed ready to take part in the UAP topic before making a "180-degree U-turn."

The admission that Eglin Air Force Base apparently reported the incident to AARO may indicate that the US Air Force is ready for closer cooperation on the topic of UAP.

However, it would also be correct to assume that the US Air Force would have faced serious attention from both congressmen and Deputy Secretary of Defense Kathleen Hicks (who now oversees AARO) if they had decided not to report the incident.
Same here. But another piece to add to the mix:

One possibility is that these "bodies" are an attempt at ridiculing the movement to try and open up about hyperdimensionals (albeit slowy)

Another possibility is that there-are / these-are dried up fossils of actual biologicals or cyborgs

A third possibility is that this can be either (depending on reaction) or both options simultaneously (for different types of thinkers)

It would behoove us to begin exercises in thinking in unlimited terms
Since others are already there

Mr. Spielberg is putting out a new shiny documentary on Netflix.
I just watched two episodes and its pretty good in presenting the evidence.
Especially the second episode that details Zimbabwe 🇿🇼 school children incident plus the story of eminent Harvard psychiatrist who dealt with hundreds of abductees and decided to jeopardise his career by publicly saying they are not mentally ill and there is a real phenomenon out there.
So far thumbs up.
I just watched two episodes and its pretty good in presenting the evidence.
Especially the second episode that details Zimbabwe 🇿🇼 school children incident plus the story of eminent Harvard psychiatrist who dealt with hundreds of abductees and decided to jeopardise his career by publicly saying they are not mentally ill and there is a real phenomenon out there.
So far thumbs up.
The third episode about Wales encounters is very creepy, especially the Black Men incidents. It is nice that they haven't overlooked Valle's angle and they talked about sinister aspect of fairy phenomena.
This series definitely may serve the current disclosure agenda, the common thread is "normalizing" the phenomena and examining why most normal people have knee jerk reaction to dismiss it and ridicule it, however they did the very nice job in documenting the phenomenon, interviewing the witnesses etc. The Zimbabwe school head mistress stands out, her story was a bit sad. Also John Meck and his tragic demise.
I still stand by my thumbs up recommendation.
The third episode about Wales encounters is very creepy, especially the Black Men incidents. It is nice that they haven't overlooked Valle's angle and they talked about sinister aspect of fairy phenomena.
This series definitely may serve the current disclosure agenda, the common thread is "normalizing" the phenomena and examining why most normal people have knee jerk reaction to dismiss it and ridicule it, however they did the very nice job in documenting the phenomenon, interviewing the witnesses etc. The Zimbabwe school head mistress stands out, her story was a bit sad. Also John Meck and his tragic demise.
I still stand by my thumbs up recommendation.
It will have to be thumbs down for the 4th and last episode. And since this is supposed to be the conclusion of the whole presentation it kind of spoils everything of merit delivered in previous episodes.
The general message is in a nutshell: aliens are our cosmic brethren, benevolent and kind guardians of humans and usual New Age BS.
Surprisingly (or not) the human abductions and cattle mutilations aspect was only slightly touched on in the 3rd episode and that was it.
Although it was informative and delivered in engaging way it has to be thumbs down for the whole series.
Q: (JEEP) The Travel Channel recently featured multiple episodes relating the many bizarre and otherworldly happenings in national parks, including what we know as the Missing 411 disappearances, the existence of portals, other realms/dimensions, space/time tears, strange creatures/grays/reptilians, UFOs, underground bases and below surface human hybrids, and that fear and suffering is inflicted upon humans for food. IOW, pretty much spilled the beans. Was this intended to be a soft disclosure of sorts?

A: Not so soft from our perspective.

Q: (L) But they are getting people used to some of this weird stuff.

So, the Cs confirmed it is a definite disclosure. Funny that it was by pure chance that I tuned in and it was the first time I watched Mysteries of the Outdoors - have viewed Mysteries of the Museum on the History channel several times; it can be entertaining if not always really accurate. Stopped watching Ancient Aliens eons ago - just can't take the BS - and have skipped the UFO offerings along with looking for Bigfoot. I was really taken by surprise, though, by the supernatural/alien revelations of the Mysteries of the Outdoors. Here's the website link that has the episodes listed and options for viewing:

I stumbled upon an interesting discussion on Reddit about the 4th dimension.
User "Michael_Armbrust" writes:

Quite close to what the C's suggested:
Laura said:

Q: (L) I guess they will. (T) Well, I don't know, that's why I'm asking. (J) Their perception is going to change! (T) But, how can their perception change if they're not going into fourth density? (L) No, they said they are going in to fourth density! But they're not "going" anywhere (J) There will be no traveling involved. (T) We're not "going" anywhere, we're shifting our frequencies up to the next density, not moving from where we are.

A: Picture driving down a highway, suddenly you notice auras surrounding everything.... Being able to see around corners, going inside little cottages which become mansions, when viewed from inside... Going inside a building in Albuquerque and going out the back door into Las Vegas, going to sleep as a female, and waking up male... Flying in a plane for half an hour and landing at the same place 5 weeks later...

A good 2011 sci-fi movie which gave some notion of the surrealistic world of 4D is The Adjustment Bureau based on the 1954 Philip K. Dick short story "Adjustment Team. It makes for a great love story too - see: The Adjustment Bureau - Wikipedia

The "Adjustment Bureau" is a celestial organisation that ensures people's lives proceed according to "the Plan" created for them by "the Chairman" (who presumably is meant to be God or Prime Creator). In the movie, members of the Bureau (angels or 4th Density beings?) have a way to teleport using ordinary doorways. However, when seen in the movie, this very much mirrors what the C's said about going inside a building in Albuquerque and going out the back door into Las Vegas, as that is pretty much how it is depicted in the movie.​

Like many other great sci-fi writers of the 20th century, I have often wondered if Philip K Dick was inspired by Thor's Pantheum.

I attach a link to the trailer for the movie: the adjustment bureau film - Bing video

I would point out that the C's have also mentioned that going from 3D to 4D can be likened to the experiences of Alice when she went through the looking glass in Lewis Carroll's famous book Through the Looking Glass:

Session 25 July 1998:

Q: Well if a person transitions directly from 3rd to 5th density via dying, that implies that persons can transition directly from 3rd to 4th density without dying. Is that correct?

A: Yes.

Q: How does that feel? How is that experience …

Alice through the looking glass
The "Adjustment Bureau" is a celestial organisation that ensures people's lives proceed according to "the Plan" created for them by "the Chairman" (who presumably is meant to be God or Prime Creator). In the movie, members of the Bureau (angels or 4th Density beings?) have a way to teleport using ordinary doorways. However, when seen in the movie, this very much mirrors what the C's said about going inside a building in Albuquerque and going out the back door into Las Vegas, as that is pretty much how it is depicted in the movie.
I have seen that movie several times and I have always thought that there was something there.

A hat from the timeline "controllers" was needed to be able to travel through the doors.

I think the hat is symbolic of having higher abilities activated.

And in line with what the C's said (or so I think), the controllers could not see well with a lot of rain and large bodies of water around the target person.

I like that movie a lot.
I have not contributed much to this thread mainly because of constraints on time due to research and writing posts for the Alton Towers thread. However, in my younger days, I did look closely into the UFO phenomenon. For example, I used to read a very good UK magazine dedicated to the subject that folded many years ago due to the editors death from brain cancer (which some readers viewed as suspicious). I still have the magazines.

Have I seen a UFO? Well maybe. I remember standing outside the house with my late father observing a very large and silent V-shaped object moving across the sky. It astounded myself and my father, who was a top notch government engineer who had worked on jet engines and missile warheads, as this object made no sound at all. My father used to sneer a bit about my interest in aliens calling them "little green men". However, I often wondered whether he may have been involved in examining crashed UFO's since he worked at one of Britain's most secret nuclear research bases at AWRE Aldermaston on hush hush projects (see: Atomic Weapons Establishment - Wikipedia). Although he never spoke about his work, he once told me that he had to conduct a review of the whole base before he moved to another job. Much of it is is underground like Area 51. All he would say about it was that there were areas of the base he never knew existed until he did the review and some parts of it were like massive James Bond film sets.

Aldermaston is in the western part of the county of Berkshire, which is next door to the county of Wiltshire where Stonehenge is located. But Wiltshire is also the location of another top secret establishment called Rudloe Manor (see: RAF Rudloe Manor - Wikipedia). RAF Rudloe Manor is known as "Britain's Area 51" since declassified secret files released at the National Archives indicated the site was the centre for UFO investigations in the 1950's. The manor house sits on top of a vast natural cave system where it would be easy to hide crashed flying saucers. My father worked at Aldermaston on and off in the 1950's until he made a permanent move there in the mid-1960's. Hence, if scientists and engineers were brought in to examine crashed UFO's, then it makes sense to me they would have brought in experts from the relatively nearby facility at Aldermaston. If my late father did assist in any way with the examination of crashed UFO's, he would never have admitted to it but it is curious that he had quite a thing for science fiction novels back in the day, although in later life he preferred crime novels and (Laura would be pleased) Georgette Heyer books. If I ever raised the subject with him, he would dismiss it or ridicule the idea, although I still sensed deep down that he may have known something but would not let on.

As to imminent alien disclosure, from a UK perspective, I have noted a clear up tick recently in stories in newspapers and social media about UFO's and aliens. Where once the subject was taboo or ridiculed, more and more articles and reports of UFO's are starting to appear. Only last week a correspondent writing to the Daily Mail newspaper (a large circulation national tabloid) mentioned his own UFO experience in response to an article that had appeared in the newspaper the week before. He now felt he could divulge it since the subject was no longer off limits and he would not be exposed to mockery by doing so. Hence, it is almost as if a silent order has been given to the media to start treating these reports seriously and no longer to ridicule them. This makes perfect sense to me if the PTB are getting ready to sanction the disclosure of an alien presence on our world.​
Not sure if this is the right thread for it but bumped into the below video which was uploaded on 23rd Sep 2023. The guy is talking about aliens, moon bases, hyperdimensional nature of reality and Jupiter being a livable planet in another dimension. Part of a disclosure? Maybe or maybe not but a good watch nonetheless.
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