Do we consider the essence of the creatures and plants we consume for food, the pain they endure? Even though we know it is necessary for our survival, we often do not. But recently it is becoming increasingly apparent, from this thread and others and articles I read. So, a lesson for us? Yes, I think so. The Mantis was merely pointing out, if the story is true- we and they are not so different after all.
And this raises some philosophical questions such as Laura deals with in the Wave. Because, yes, they have a point, which many on this forum and the Cs have made repeatedly. From a certain perspective, aliens and psychos aren't "evil", they are STS. And humans in general are STS. In that sense, "aliens" aren't so different. We eat animals. They eat us. But that is a nuanced position when presented in full, and without that full context, the idea that "they're like us" transforms into projecting our perceived good qualities onto them, which amounts to making excuses for them.
Should have added to the original, because as Approaching Infinity said, and Laura had, through the C's, made simple and implicit,
Q: (L) Does it hurt a plant when we eat it?
A: Does it hurt you when a "Lizzie" eats you?
Q: (T) Yes, you see, on 4th density... we are on 3rd density and we eat 1st and 2nd density, the 4th density eats us. (D) If we hurt plants by eating them like the Lizzies hurt us when they eat us, how are we to survive without eating?
A: When you no longer crave physicality, you no longer need to "eat."
And the way of STS, in this respect it may seem, is to eat, because we 'crave' physicality. However:
Q: (L) Okay, let me try to ask it this way: Is the fact that we eat meat detrimental to us spiritually?
A: Absolutely not.
Q: (L) But I would say that just the eating of meat is not a spiritual issue at all. (Perceval) Eating food is a thing of the body. (L) Yeah, I mean we just try to eat in an optimal way to give our bodies the right fuel so that we can do our other work. That's our whole thing is to give the body optimal fuel.
A: There is the difference, see? You eat for optimal fuel, they eat to support an illusion.
There is much on eating food in the transcript, but this thread is not the place for it, although your point @tschai was well brought up. The C's also state that 1st and 2nd density have mechanisms to deter (toxins, running away, sharp teeth and claws etc.), but it is hard for us when 4th density STS simply swoop in out of hyperdimensional space and scoops/beams/tans dimensional atomic remolecularization us out of existence.
Not nice stuff.