Imminent Alien Disclosure?

such information could cause tremendous economic and social upheaval.
It cracks me up every time I read something like this.

OK, apparently there has been a study or two done with very predictable results. Those who conducted the study and those familiar with results somehow didn`t break out physically, emotionally or any other way. But if it got out to general public, we, as in general public, couldn`t deal with reality?

Or is it that if the true reality became known, those it power today wouldn`t be able to justify their position any longer? Un-elected (not that elections mean much lately) bureaucrats decide who shall or shall not know. I can image a lot of current social structures would cease to exist, but after the initial shock, guess what, people would still go to work, they have to make their living you know?
I can image a lot of current social structures would cease to exist, but after the initial shock, guess what, people would still go to work, they have to make their living you know?
Indeed, folks that don’t subscribe to said social structures get along just fine without them, and those that do would either adapt to the new cargo cultures that would replace the old ones or learn to adapt like the rest of us- or not, as they see fit. Society is already undergoing massive change, UFOs not withstanding, so how ever you decide to deal with it, it’s here and now.
BTW, UFO Rabbit Hole is a pretty good podcast if you haven't checked it out.
The UFO Rabbit Hole gives up.
I made the case on this podcast more than once that what we were witnessing was an unprecedented movement led by brave patriots within the military intelligence apparatus that we're putting everything on the line, even their lives, to bring UFO disclosure to the public. I don't believe that anymore. Most, if not all of what we've seen ... has been theater... If you want to see how absolute and insidious the narrative control is, just try this little experiment...

The UFO Rabbit Hole gives up.

Here's Kelly's response to RPK's video:
That's an interesting take on religion which seems to contradict the actual "fruits" of religion and thus reality. There's been a lot of religious persecution and wars in the name of religion. If Judaism, Christianity, Islam or any of the other major religions were created to prevent us from destroying ourselves, they have failed. There are plenty of religions actively promoting the killing of believers in the other camp. More likely that religion is a tool of control by creating division in a unified society like in the story of the Tower of Babel -

From Wikipedia -
According to the story (Tower of Babel), a united human race speaking a single language migrates to Shinar (Lower Mesopotamia), where they agree to build a great city with a tower that would reach the sky. Yahweh, observing these efforts and remarking on humanity's power in unity, confounds their speech so that they can no longer understand each other and scatters them around the world, leaving the city unfinished.
Fwiiw , i've long considered organized religion to be in and of the Kingdom of the "little children " , when you add the 4dsts playing games on top of such a structure welll...

Session 5 October 1994 :

Q: (L) Okay, so the Lizzies blew up the tower of Babel. What else did they do to the minds of mankind; did they do something causing literal disruption of their understanding of language?

A: Close.

Q: (L) What tool did they use to accomplish this divisiveness?

A: Brainwashing of masses.
Interesting to see some folks in the UAP community talking about a “Hierarchy of beings”. The hierarchy according to Diana Walsh Pasulka: God > Angels > Off planet entities/NHI/aliens > certain factions of the intelligence community > humans.

Saw this video from YouTuber “Polarity” that explores this subject. He discusses the role of 3 letter intelligence agencies based on whistleblower interviews and parallels to such hierarchies in Egyptian myths. Ends with quite a graphic description of a dream that involves destruction and reset of the human civilisation by NHI.

Jacques Vallee interview on Joe Rogan today:

Summary by Galaxy AI:

Exploring the Unknown: Insights from Jacques Vallée on UFOs and Parapsychology

In this episode of the Joe Rogan Experience, Jacques Vallée discusses his extensive research into UFOs, parapsychology, and the potential for human abilities beyond current scientific understanding. He shares personal experiences, historical context, and the challenges of studying phenomena that defy conventional explanations.

Early Beginnings in Research

Vallée recounts his early days at the Stanford Research Institute (SRI) in the 1970s, where he was involved in groundbreaking research on the internet and parapsychology. He describes how he was approached by Dr. Hal Puthoff and Russell Targ, who proposed conducting parapsychology research at SRI. Despite initial skepticism from the institution's leadership, Vallée advocated for the validity of this research, emphasizing the potential scientific value it could bring.

The Proposal for Parapsychology Research​

During a pivotal meeting, Vallée was asked to justify the funding for parapsychology research. He wrote a memo outlining the scientific evidence supporting the field, which ultimately helped secure approval for the project. This research aimed to explore phenomena such as telepathy and psychokinesis, areas that had been largely dismissed by mainstream science.

The Physics of Parapsychology

Vallée highlights the need for a deeper understanding of the physics underlying parapsychological phenomena. He notes that while traditional physics deals with tangible objects and forces, modern physics suggests there may be dimensions and fields beyond our current comprehension. He references recent studies indicating that humans might possess an innate ability to detect magnetic fields, similar to migratory birds, suggesting that we may have senses that are currently underutilized or atrophied.

Cultural Perspectives on Navigation and Intuition

Drawing from his experiences in Tahiti, Vallée discusses how indigenous cultures have long navigated the Pacific using methods that seem to transcend conventional understanding. He reflects on the unique abilities of navigators who could guide their vessels without modern instruments, hinting at a deeper connection to the environment that modern society has lost.

Telepathy and Nonverbal Communication​

Vallée also touches on the fascinating topic of telepathy, particularly in relation to nonverbal autistic children who demonstrate remarkable abilities to communicate information without traditional means. He describes documented cases where these children accurately describe objects they cannot see, raising questions about the nature of consciousness and communication.

The Role of Government and Military in UFO Research

The conversation shifts to Vallée's involvement with government and military agencies interested in parapsychology and UFO phenomena. He recounts how intelligence agencies funded research at SRI, seeking to harness psychic abilities for military applications. Vallée shares anecdotes of successful remote viewing experiments, where individuals were able to describe locations and objects they had never seen.

The Challenge of Skepticism​

Vallée acknowledges the skepticism surrounding UFO research, particularly from the scientific community. He emphasizes the importance of rigorous experimentation and the need for scientists to approach these phenomena without preconceived notions. He argues that the burden of proof lies with researchers to design experiments that can differentiate between random occurrences and genuine phenomena.

Personal Experiences and Encounters

Throughout the episode, Vallée shares personal experiences that have shaped his understanding of these topics. He recounts a vivid encounter where he felt an overwhelming presence outside his body, leading to a profound realization about the nature of consciousness and existence. He also discusses his time spent in a remote observatory, where he hoped to witness UFO phenomena but ultimately experienced a different kind of illumination.

The Intersection of Science and the Unknown​

Vallée's insights challenge the boundaries of conventional science, suggesting that there may be more to our reality than what is currently understood. He posits that the phenomena associated with UFOs and parapsychology may be interconnected, hinting at a larger framework of existence that transcends our current scientific paradigms.


In this thought-provoking episode, Jacques Vallée invites listeners to reconsider their understanding of reality, urging a more open-minded approach to the unexplained. His extensive research and personal experiences provide a compelling narrative that encourages exploration beyond the limits of traditional science. As we continue to investigate the unknown, Vallée's work serves as a reminder of the mysteries that still await discovery in our universe.
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