In Spain, now...

loreta said:
The violent people in these manifestations were infiltrated or policemen in civil clothing.
Yeah I saw the video of the agent provocateurs wearing hoodies. The different videos infuriates me. Always these overly-armored excessive force groups where ever big protests take place, such as this one and OWS.

I'm mainly talking about the actions at 1:26 in the video I linked, here - which looks like regular people having enough of it:
Also, another angle:
Perceval said:
Alx said:
With a non-violent approach from the masses, people within the police forces will eventually (I hope) realize that what they are doing is wrong - and maybe change sides.

Remember Nazi Germany?

This is exactly so, people then did little or noting, and the brown shirts never changed their colours for the non-violent masses. Many then seemed to just become absorbed into a new worldview as they waited for someone, to do something, and the rest is history as sanity never came to be.
Alx said:
loreta said:
The violent people in these manifestations were infiltrated or policemen in civil clothing.
Yeah I saw the video of the agent provocateurs wearing hoodies. The different videos infuriates me. Always these overly-armored excessive force groups where ever big protests take place, such as this one and OWS.

I'm mainly talking about the actions at 1:26 in the video I linked, here - which looks like regular people having enough of it:
Also, another angle:

In many circumstances these young people are working for the police. The scene where the policeman falls many times seems to me artificial. Maybe I am wrong, maybe not. But police need to show to the "regular" watchers of tv that the mob in the manifestation were violent. They need an excuse to be themselves violent to defend against a terrible and dangerous mob. For me this is not normal to see a policeman fall and fall like in a action movie.

About this subject:!
loreta said:
In English, very interesting contre-rendu about what happened here this week.

You know, I think about all this situation... There is a taboo theme here in Spain and it is the Civil War. And when you refuse to confront your past, your past will confront you. Same in Japan, I think so, concerning the atomic attacks. But here in Spain the problem is that the King, the King of this country, was put there by Franco. That tells you everything. And the elite of Franco is still here, also. In fact they are our government now. Spaniards thought that the consequences of the Civil War were buried under the illusion of democracy and specially of consumerism. False! The phantom of Franco is still here and the divisions produced before and after the civil war, also. The same that did the coup d'état were never judged, and continued to have power after the death of the Caudillo till now. Franco assured this continuity, let me tell you. And the King was his certainty of this continuation with the help of the Church, the Army and the big business interests and also the outside influences (NATO, USA).

Now we are confronted with something that will divided, maybe, this country even more than in 36, I am afraid. It seems to me that there is no back forward. So not just the phantom of Franco is very present, but also all the others phantoms of the Civil War. I hope I am wrong.

These ideas came to me during the night, unable I was to sleep.

I do not know much about the civil war in Spain and Franco, but I woke up thinking about it this morning. I think you are probably right about the ghost of Franco still present. Look at Hitler and the Nazis and their ongoing influence in the USA and South-America.

And yes, the past comes back to haunt us. So, all this healthy outrage meets latent, unhealthy outrage (one of the reasons why people join the police and the army IMO, they can take it out on others and are enjoying it) and is being played out now?

When I was young we once were on holiday in Spain (Basque country) when Franco still reigned. I remember the vehemence of a Basque butcher, when my brother pointed to a Spanish banknote with Franco's picture and said: Hey, that's Franco, not realizing how much he was hated. The butcher responded: Franco, no! We all fell silent and I have never forgotten this event.
It is a kind of vehemence you won't see so much in the Northern countries, at least not over here. Most Dutch people are very complacent, OSIT. I have always found that difficult to cope with, because I am more temperamental, although I would say that I have adjusted somewhat, unfortunately. It is why I have a lot of respect for these healthy angry people in Spain and Portugal.
That woman that fought back when the police arrested her. Good for her. And the people that protested. You wouldn't hear as much over here.

We also have a monarchy. The monarchy is very clever, they have recruited pretty princesses to charm the masses and soothe the waters.
Recently, the crown prince bought a house in Greece! In the midst of all these troubles he just buys another house in Greece and Argentina, where his wife comes from. It is really sickening.
loreta said:
The violent people in these manifestations were infiltrated or policemen in civil clothing.

This is often the case, but, at some point, ordinary people may become violent when they are pushed too far. In this case, we are not talking about orchestrated violence, but the natural outcome of a psychopathic elite and ponerized 'forces of law and order' pushing people to that point.
Perceval said:
loreta said:
The violent people in these manifestations were infiltrated or policemen in civil clothing.

This is often the case, but, at some point, ordinary people may become violent when they are pushed too far. In this case, we are not talking about orchestrated violence, but the natural outcome of a psychopathic elite and ponerized 'forces of law and order' pushing people to that point.

In fact this is maybe what the sociopaths in power are looking for. That the mob would become very angry, and then... Flash! Put more restricted laws, more people in prison, more hard changes... What is sure is that anger can be contagious also.
loreta said:
Perceval said:
loreta said:
The violent people in these manifestations were infiltrated or policemen in civil clothing.

This is often the case, but, at some point, ordinary people may become violent when they are pushed too far. In this case, we are not talking about orchestrated violence, but the natural outcome of a psychopathic elite and ponerized 'forces of law and order' pushing people to that point.

In fact this is maybe what the sociopaths in power are looking for. That the mob would become very angry, and then... Flash! Put more restricted laws, more people in prison, more hard changes... What is sure is that anger can be contagious also.

It will surely as long as people will be able to share on the Web what is happening anywhere. Here in France, "medias" do not talk about riots in Greece, Portugal or Spain, they must be afraid of the "contagious". It is a "fashionable" term undoubtedly...
I also think it could be possible PTB "pushs" riots to make believe "people" are violent and have the "justification" to be more violent with more repression, more arrests, etc. But, they will not be able to arrest everyone! So what will they do? As you said:
loreta said:
Put more restricted laws, more people in prison, more hard changes...

Perceval said:
Frankly, it would have been perfectly justifiable for that entire crowd to give those policemen a taste of their own medicine. Maybe they'd think twice about being such thugs the next time.

I had the same thought looking at the videos today. I also was asking myself what is the promise these "cops" have to do this, even against others cops? Money? Maybe. Surely. But I think that at a point, this money will not have value anymore, so... What will they do at this moment? I do not know but I guess they will have problems, at least to look at them in a mirror...
SPAIN - Brutalisations..

The in-depth "cleaning" of streets and bars

" The demonstrators scattered through the streets of the district of Huertas. The police began to charge them to clean the zone. At the certain moment, the young people are clamped by two groups of policemen anti riot. The panic seizes them who are going to take refuge with bars nearby. The police forces them to go out with an excessive violence leaving two wounded women and bleedings behind the head. "

Note the man in wheelchair on the road at first and on the right later, taken between two "fires". Shame on them!
MK Scarlett said:
SPAIN - Brutalisations..

The in-depth "cleaning" of streets and bars

" The demonstrators scattered through the streets of the district of Huertas. The police began to charge them to clean the zone. At the certain moment, the young people are clamped by two groups of policemen anti riot. The panic seizes them who are going to take refuge with bars nearby. The police forces them to go out with an excessive violence leaving two wounded women and bleedings behind the head. "

Note the man in wheelchair on the road at first and on the right later, taken between two "fires". Shame on them!

They feel very strong, the Chief of Police congratulated them for their actions. They are little Nazis that can become big Nazis.
loreta said:
MK Scarlett said:
SPAIN - Brutalisations..

The in-depth "cleaning" of streets and bars

" The demonstrators scattered through the streets of the district of Huertas. The police began to charge them to clean the zone. At the certain moment, the young people are clamped by two groups of policemen anti riot. The panic seizes them who are going to take refuge with bars nearby. The police forces them to go out with an excessive violence leaving two wounded women and bleedings behind the head. "

Note the man in wheelchair on the road at first and on the right later, taken between two "fires". Shame on them!

They feel very strong, the Chief of Police congratulated them for their actions. They are little Nazis that can become big Nazis.

Yes they feel strong harnessed of helmet and protection as them are it, they remind me the imperial guards of Stars Wars... It is easy to feel strong for them I guess when they are four or five to arrest one person who just have simple clothes and no protection.

I also saw some videos of riots in Portugal some days ago, and the cops had no shield, no strengthened clothes, etc. This is maybe something which could also explain why in Portugal (Lisbon) they had not the same violence. Just a though, because depending what people have against them, they could not have the same reaction I guess...
Actually I even was "surprised" to see Portuguese's cops could always not have the same protection than in all the rest of EU (and US)...
This was specifically on the video you shared previously actually at 0:46:

loreta said:
Portuguese are valiant and courageous. I love them. Here is a video when they manifest around the Congress. It is a very different type of manifestation than that of Spain. Portuguese are so gentle. But strong!!
MK Scarlett said:
I also saw some videos of riots in Portugal some days ago, and the cops had no shield, no strengthened clothes, etc. This is maybe something which could also explain why in Portugal (Lisbon) they had not the same violence. Just a though, because depending what people have against them, they could not have the same reaction I guess...
Actually I even was "surprised" to see Portuguese's cops could always not have the same protection than in all the rest of EU (and US)...
This was specifically on the video you shared previously actually at 0:46:

loreta said:
Portuguese are valiant and courageous. I love them. Here is a video when they manifest around the Congress. It is a very different type of manifestation than that of Spain. Portuguese are so gentle. But strong!!

Portuguese and Spaniards are very, very different. Different past, different type of dictator in the past. The dictatorship in Spain was terrible, left scars that are still there even if we try to forget them. But I can not speak very well about this subject, I am not from here. I mean I don't feel Spaniard and I don't consider myself Spaniard, I just have feelings and sometimes feelings that sometimes are not very nice. I try to be objective but it is very hard.

Meanwhile when I go to Portugal I feel secure, in peace, like in a womb. I tell often to Portuguese that I will like to live in Portugal. They tell me that their dream is to live in Spain. ;) But going to Portugal is like breathing in another tempo, a tempo more gentle, less hysterical, less nervous. This is just a personal impression. I am not the only one that love to go to Portugal, and consider Portugal a very rich culture and very advance in many aspects.

It is interesting to see the difference between Spaniards and Portuguese manifestations.
Another video about what is happening in this country. I tell you, very violent images. It is so sad to see all this.
loreta said:
Another video about what is happening in this country. I tell you, very violent images. It is so sad to see all this.

Sad indeed... This is all about capitalism and ponerology!

Edit: Shared on my FB.
loreta said:
Another video about what is happening in this country. I tell you, very violent images. It is so sad to see all this.

It made me cry. All these young people and older ones just being attacked.

I watched an episode of The Good Wife. She has to defend the mother of a man who gets murdered by the police during protests. The police put stickers on whom they thought were trouble-makers and then pepper-sprayed and tasered them with 14.000 Volt.
Yesterday I went to Portugal in a little city that makes frontier with Spain, Fuentes de Oroño. I go there to buy sweet potatoes because I don't find them in Spain. I talked with a man about the economic situation. This man have a big store (but empty). He told me how difficult life is now for Portuguese. Now the government, he told me, wanted to pass a new law: they want to impose a new tax for every house or apartment owners. He said: "If people don't have money to eat, how come they will have money for this tax!" More than angry he was sad. Very gentle man.

These little voices that the big medias don't listen... What a tragedy!

I take this opportunity to put a link to an extremely interesting Venezuelan news program directed by an ex-war reporter, Walter Martinez. It is in Spanish, although. But his program gives a accurate picture of the world situation. This is for me the best news program I ever see. Sorry if it is just in Spanish. :( If it is not accurate to put the link you can erase it.!es/video/dossier-103581

You can see the program everyday. Here is the link to Telesur:!es/lista/programa

In this last link you can have some videos in English. I think Telesur is a good news program.
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