Iodine and Potassium Iodide

Recently my vision had been deteriorating alarmingly quickly, especially my distance vision when driving. About three days ago when driving, wearing my frightfully expensive new prescription glasses (I opted for Varilux lenses for the enhanced peripheral field), I noticed that my distance vision was again getting worse. I took the glasses off and to my surprise my distance vision was 100% improved. The new prescription glasses were now the problem. I don't need them for driving anymore.

Before reading the latest session (Nov 21) I had begun taking three drops of Lugol's a day with a teaspoon of raw apple cider vinegar in about 6 oz of water. I have now upped the dosage to 5 drops. I had also been taking a teaspoon of Himalaya sea salt with the juice of half a lemon in a cup of warm water each morning.

With the vision thing, the only thing that had changed was the addition of the Lugol's doses. Has anyone else noticed vision improvement with the iodine? That is something I hadn't seen discussed and was completely taken by surprise. I still need the specs for reading and computer, but hopefully that will improve too. I am going to up Lugol's dosage to 50 mg/day now, starting in the morning, after salt water and breakfast, as recommended. There is also a noticeable increase in energy.
Great thread! I don't seem to have any conditions that require the heavy does treatment, but will try doing the maintenance routine. Interestingly enough, I've been having some strange dry skin/redness on my face. It looks like a rash but it's not itchy or anything. I've attributed to the stress of the move and house sale, but could be something else going. What's strange is that seems to be a side effect of detoxing bromide, but I haven't yet started the protocol :huh: Other things I wonder if it could be EMF related, since there is a higher level of background EMF at the new house compared to the old place. Hopefully the Iodine will help with that. I may try putting some Lugol's on topically at night before bed.

Anyway, I took the information and made it into a Word doc. Perhaps someone can take a look and check if I summarized it correctly. Feel free to make edits as needed. I was trying to keep everything as condensed as possible so it would fit on our fridge for easy reference. I can turn it into a PDF once it's good.


fabric said:
Great thread! I don't seem to have any conditions that require the heavy does treatment, but will try doing the maintenance routine. Interestingly enough, I've been having some strange dry skin/redness on my face. It looks like a rash but it's not itchy or anything. I've attributed to the stress of the move and house sale, but could be something else going. What's strange is that seems to be a side effect of detoxing bromide, but I haven't yet started the protocol :huh: Other things I wonder if it could be EMF related, since there is a higher level of background EMF at the new house compared to the old place. Hopefully the Iodine will help with that. I may try putting some Lugol's on topically at night before bed.

Anyway, I took the information and made it into a Word doc. Perhaps someone can take a look and check if I summarized it correctly. Feel free to make edits as needed. I was trying to keep everything as condensed as possible so it would fit on our fridge for easy reference. I can turn it into a PDF once it's good.

Read the thread. If you put any lugols on your skin, make sure it is highly diluted, like a single drop in a teaspoon of oil or cream.
Is there any particular brand of Lugol's that is preferable, or any to avoid? Or are they all pretty much the same thing?

I am looking at ART Pharmaceutical 12% on Amazon.
Laura said:
Read the thread. If you put any lugols on your skin, make sure it is highly diluted, like a single drop in a teaspoon of oil or cream.

I must have missed it! Does that apply to any percentage?

Btw, I reattached the summary, saved in Word 97-2003 format, as the previous had issues opening in open office.


fabric said:
Great thread! I don't seem to have any conditions that require the heavy does treatment, but will try doing the maintenance routine.

I think quite a few folks will do well just taking the maintenance dose. However, if you notice a virus or something starting to act up, you might want to nuke it for about ten days before dropping back to maintenance dose.
I made up some 5% Lugol's solution. Here is what I did.

1. Measure 100ml distilled water (I weighed 100 grams) and pour into bottle.
2. Mark top of water on bottle for reference.
3. Pour out about half the water in bottle, saving it.
4. Measure 10.0 grams KI (potassium iodide) and add to bottle.
5. Swirl bottle until all KI is dissolved.
6. Measure 5.0 grams I2 (iodine crystals) and add to bottle.
7. Swirl bottle for a minute or so. (The liquid is too dark to see the I2 crystals.)
8. Add distilled water to mark in step 2.
9. Wait a day or so to make sure the I2 is dissolved.

Laura said:
I think quite a few folks will do well just taking the maintenance dose. However, if you notice a virus or something starting to act up, you might want to nuke it for about ten days before dropping back to maintenance dose.
Is the "nuke" dose 20 drops per day of 5%? Would that be 130mg per day of iodine?

Also, would it be practical to choose one Lugol's concentration as our standard in this thread?

As always, thanks!

EDIT: I see you already wrote in another thread:
We were talking about taking 10 drops twice a day for a severe virus infection!!! That is NOT the normal dose or schedule!!!
Where I live now Lugol's solution is readily available, back home it was strictly controlled and you could get it only with prescription. I remember when I was trying to obtain some for my chalazion the pharmacist said that it is strictly controlled because some alternative medicine gurus recommend taking it orally and this is very dangerous.

I was unable to find any references to danger of Lugol's solution if taken orally in very small doses. In large doses however it is considered toxic so perhaps its good to post a warning here to not have it readily accessible to children:
"Lugol's solution at 2% or 5% concentration without dilution is irritating and destructive to mucosa, such as the lining of the esophagus and stomach. Doses of 10 mL of 5% solution have been reported to cause gastric lesions when used in endoscopy."

I am halfway through the book and I see that the author recommends it for treatment of hypothyroidism, but then I vaguely remembered that we were thought at uni that supplementing Iodine can actually cause hypothyroidism, the phenomenon had the name.

Then I googled a bit and found this:
"It was also used at one time as a first line treatment for hyperthyroidism, as the administration of pharmacologic amounts of iodine leads to temporary inhibition of iodine organification in the thyroid gland, a phenomenon called the Wolff-Chaikoff effect. However it is not used to treat certain autoimmune causes of thyroid disease as iodine-induced blockade of iodine organification may result in hypothyroidism."

Perhaps the answer is to be found later in the book so I will continue reading.
mocachapeau said:
Is there any particular brand of Lugol's that is preferable, or any to avoid? Or are they all pretty much the same thing?

I am looking at ART Pharmaceutical 12% on Amazon.

I have just bought that one on
Rabelais said:
With the vision thing, the only thing that had changed was the addition of the Lugol's doses. Has anyone else noticed vision improvement with the iodine? That is something I hadn't seen discussed and was completely taken by surprise. I still need the specs for reading and computer, but hopefully that will improve too.

It would be great if this is standard effect.

I cant wait to start this experiment, but first I want to read the book. I ordered 1 L of solution from my chemical supplier and I intend to start using it in my practice. I would assume that doses recommended for humans apply to animals adjusted to body weight. Will report the results as I go along.

It would be good to find out if Iodine can "nuke" protozoas too, in addition to funghi, bacteria and viruses.

I know that many racing pigeons enthusiasts use Lugol's solution to boost the performance of their pigeons and apparently it works.
mocachapeau said:
Is there any particular brand of Lugol's that is preferable, or any to avoid? Or are they all pretty much the same thing?

I am looking at ART Pharmaceutical 12% on Amazon.
I think it comes down to whether you can trust the seller to actually provide the correct substances. For example I wouldn't buy from a seller in China on ebay. So double check the ingredients and reviews on the seller. I just ordered iodine crystals and potassium iodide crystals from third parties on Amazon to save money and make my own Lugol's solution, but again I have to cross my fingers that the sellers actually provide pure crystals.

curious_richard said:
I made up some 5% Lugol's solution. Here is what I did.

1. Measure 100ml distilled water (I weighed 100 grams) and pour into bottle.
2. Mark top of water on bottle for reference.
3. Pour out about half the water in bottle, saving it.
4. Measure 10.0 grams KI (potassium iodide) and add to bottle.
5. Swirl bottle until all KI is dissolved.
6. Measure 5.0 grams I2 (iodine crystals) and add to bottle.
I think the correct amount of distilled water for 5% Lugol's solution would have been 85 mL.
5% iodine (5 grams)
10% potassium iodide (10 grams)
85% distilled water (85 grams water = 85 mL water. 1 gram water = 1 mL water)
5% + 10% + 85% = 100%
Rabelais, it is possible the iodine is detoxing the lens of your eyes, making it more flexible and easier to focus. I'm assuming you are far sighted. It is also very easy to prescribe too strong of a lens in that case. The results can vary from early morning to late day (findings stronger with eye fatigue). It sounds like your lens is kicking in and doing the work, instead of letting the glasses do it. So just use them to read! And if you have a warranty, go back & recheck the distance Rx. Most places will remake the glasses for free within 60 days. Don't know about France though.
Gandalf said:
mocachapeau said:
Is there any particular brand of Lugol's that is preferable, or any to avoid? Or are they all pretty much the same thing?

I am looking at ART Pharmaceutical 12% on Amazon.

I have just bought that one on

It certainly is cheaper, but only 5% concentration. If my calculations are correct, if you double the dose for the 5% solution it will still last longer so this would be a much better deal. (100ml instead of 30ml.)

The ART Pharm has a GMP certified stamp on the label. Do you think it makes a difference?
Here comes confirmation from a non-medical, but technological study, that Iodine creates salts with metals (the meaning of the word 'halogen'). Specifically, it shows that mercury was brought into solution by Iodine, which caused problems in a dental-unit wastewater facility. However, this property could be very desirable for complexing and excreting mercury in/from our bodies. There is also a hint why Chloride (from table salt) helps Iodine in its work.

Effect of iodine on mercury concentrations in dental-unit wastewater

This study was undertaken to determine whether iodine used to control bacteria in dental unit waterlines could increase mercury concentrations in dental wastewater. [...]

Biofilm in dental unit waterlines and the contamination of dental unit wastewater with mercury (Hg) are two recognized concerns in dentistry. [...] Because of its history of exceeding
local mercury discharge limits, the facility was required to install amalgam separators to limit the release of mercury into the publicly owned sewer system [3]. Subsequent to the installation of amalgam separators, the facility placed iodine-releasing systems on all dental chairs to control bacteria and biofilm levels in dental unit waterlines. These systems contain a proprietary resin that releases iodine at a claimed concentration of 2–6 mg/L. Since installing the iodine-releasing resin cartridges, dissolved mercury levels in wastewater discharged from the facility have increased almost 21-fold.

Iodine is one of five non-metallic elements called halogens (from the Greek hals, meaning ‘salt’, and gennan, ‘to form or generate’). Halogens readily share electrons in covalent bonds with other atoms to complete an octet of electrons in their valence shell. They are strongly electronegative [7,8]. Mercuric ions form exceptionally strong complexes with halide ions (F, Cl, Br, I), and this is particularly so with iodide (Table 1). [...] Depending on the availability of the halide, mercury can bind with more than one of the halide ions.

With a surplus of iodide (resulting from the reaction of iodine with compounds in the dental unit wastewater) and in the presence of Hg+2, mercuric iodide complexes are formed with a neutral or a negative charge. Elemental mercury (Hg ) is not oxidized to the mercuric ion (Hg+2 ) in the presence of iodine alone because Hg0 has a more positive Standard Potential than iodine. ... Elemental mercury can, however, be oxidized by iodine in the presence of iodide, chloride or other halogens because the Standard Potential of the mercury couple is shifted more to the negative than the Standard Potential for the I2 / I- couple with increasing chelator concentration (Table 2). In the process, elemental mercury is oxidized to Hg+2 and elemental iodine is reduced to iodide (I-), freeing it up to complex with other mercury ions. Iodine in the presence of other mercury complexing agents makes it an efficient instrument for solubilizing mercury [10–13] and provides the basis of a patent for removing mercury from contaminated soil [11]. The ability of iodine to both complex and oxidize mercury can also suppress the production of mercury vapor, hence, the inclusion of iodine in some mercury spill kits.

We hypothesized that iodine used to manage biofilm in waterlines can form stable and soluble complexes with mercury, resulting in elevated dissolved mercury levels in wastewater. This study was undertaken in an attempt to test this hypothesis and help quantify the relationship between iodine and mercury in the dental unit wastewater stream.
So I'm going to order some of this stuff. I feel relatively healthy so I'm just going for the minimum... Please correct me if you see anything out of place below:

- Lugol's Iodine 12% solution. I'm looking at this page. Hopefully that's the right stuff.

- Sea Salt - The ones you buy in supermarkets is ok?.. Plus you just take half a tea spoon and dissolve in a glass of warm water then drink?

- Selenium (This is the stuff, right?)

- I already have B vit complex supplements.

Is the above ok to start with then see if anything arises?

I already take a whole bunch of other recommended supplements.. Got a pharmacy situation going on... How vital is vit c for this if you don't have any pressing issues? It's the one supplement I have never adquired.
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