
Are the Israeli pathocrats claiming Canada has moral scruples, from Israel's
point of view? I wonder what morals the Israeli pathocrats speak of as if they
had it? North America is heavily ponerized by Israeli pathocrats, as with many
other nations.

Once again, the Israeli pathocrats show atrocious examples of their handiworks
though their fascist intelligence networks, all over the world, especially with their
neighbours, and yet western powers fall all over themselves with pledges of allegiance
to this (locust) foreign nation other than their own, thus violating their own laws
regarding such treasonous acts? What was once compartmentalized, are more
unified governments, and all for the pathocrats? We will just have to wait and see
what the end results will be... :barf:

Cs: "It is not where you are, but who you are and what you see."

The question has never been whether Iran was going to be attacked by the west, just when. The laughable accusations and absurd justifications for this war have been excreted by the lapdog MSM so many times that most people just nod their head and go about their business. It's all part of the script.
Iran is obviously no threat to anybody if they're left alone to mind their own business. Unfortunately, the Pit bull of the middle east won't be happy until they have dominated everyone in the neighborhood.
The lizzies are going to have a feast with this one, especially if Russia or China decide to wade in.
voyageur said:
[quote author=Deedlet ]
I'm very concerned for my family. I know some of them are trying to leave Iran, and were trying to come to Canada. This will make things much more difficult for them. I've been telling them that for years... telling them to try and get out asap... sadly it seems like it's now too late. :cry:

I'm very sorry too.

Knowing how this affects you personally, I'm sorry to hear things are heating up for your family still in Iran, Deedlet. Just wanted to give you my support and :hug2: :hug2:

As for the rest concerning this obnoxious nonsense, and as others already made the crux of the matter clear, I'll just join with :barf:
[quote author=Mashie ]
The lizzies are going to have a feast with this one, especially if Russia or China decide to wade in.

They may well attack, the usual players that is, initiated by Israel of course. But not so sure if it is just more psychological head games of fear for people. They may just be sowing false cloaked discord and murder like we see in Syria with mercenaries to keep things unstable (in secular classes) and scare the ruling class - on both sides and of course people suffer by their hands in general. The wild card is the fringe fanatical fundy's in Israel and the US - we've meet them before in the Iraq staging. So it seems there is this usual saber rattling by China and Russia, yet business/money is at the root, never far of mind, osit. And while at the same time Canada is closing embassies and kicking Iranian's out, the Prime Minister is at the APEC summit in Vladivostok, as were other foreign entities and corporations, all shaking hands, clapping each other on the back, and holding open and behind closed door sessions with Putin & Hu Jintao.


Prime Minister Stephen Harper met with Chinese President Hu Jintao met on the final day of the Asia-Pacific Economic Co-operation summit on Sunday, after witnessing the signing of a wide-ranging investment pact.
Harper's other big meeting at the summit came Saturday with his host, Russian President Vladimir Putin, when the two men essentially agreed to disagree on the crisis in Syria.

Of course trade deals were made.

China is looking to invest even more in the Alberta Tar Sands, they are buying uranium by the ton and almost anything else that's in the ground. For the west and east globalist's, same old, same old. For independent states like we have witnessed in demise, they want whats there, not who's there, unless it is under their terms. Am hoping Putin is more than this as we need someone standing up to the global bullies. Of all these matters, not really sure about anything, yet now also think something may very well intervene with a pretty big cyclical undiscriminating period and the world has seen that before too, from above.
voyageur said:
Yesterday was trying to unpack the significance of the Defense Minister, Peter McKay's new wife, Nazanin Afshin-Jam and what she was discussing; her influence. It says her father was imprisoned and tortured in Iran. It says she is a human rights activist and in favor of these actions and would be curious of her Palestinian stance amongst other motivations. This union seems a strange coincidence in timing and to who; could be overreaching however.

Regarding Nazanin Afshin-Jam, I think that her and people like her have certain views about the Iranian government that goes beyond hate. I've met many people like her, even in my own family who are so completely against the government that they welcome a western intervention. People with that hateful mentality think that it will be a great thing if western governments were to bomb and even nuke Iran and get rid of the government there - no matter what the cost. Imo Nazanin Afshin-Jam is an example of such a person because of her father's experience during the revolution. I was reading this article


and it states :

One of Canada’s most recognizable Iranian-born activists says Iran’s embassy in Ottawa should be shut down amid allegations the Islamic regime is using its office here to recruit Iranian-Canadians to serve Tehran’s interests.

So from what I understand, because of being a 'public figure' and outspoken against the regime- she fears for her life and thinks some 'boogy men' from the regime are always after her and that they're using the embassy in Toronto to "recruit Iranian-Canadians to serve Tehran's interests." So she calls for the embassy closure not thinking of the consequences it will have on many thousands of Iranians who use the embassy for their own purposes that has nothing to do with the regime, etc..

It is a really frustrating thing to have a discussion with people like her. Because they are so filled with hate for the regime and are totally blinded by that hate, and they can't even see it. They refuse to see that a western intervention is not necessarily a good thing and that they're not most likely going to walts in, arrest all the Mullahs and declare Iran a 'free' nation. Many innocent people are going to die!!

Mashie said:
The question has never been whether Iran was going to be attacked by the west, just when.

Yeah.. it sure seems like it has been 'written in stone' that it's going to happen. That it's inevitable....

But perhaps that's all part of this giant 'plan' by the PTB to make people think that way.. so when it does happen, people can just shrug it off and say,"well it was going to happen, it was inevitable.."

I'm also thinking of the timing of this move to close the embassy. All the extreme weather, earthquakes, fireballs...

Doesn't Victor Clube mention something about August- Sept (or is it November?) that is usually around the time the earth sees more fireball activity?

So maybe this is all more distraction for what's really about to hit? Guess we'll just have to wait and see.
What hurts is to see the Occident destroying all the most ancient civilizations, not just with bombs but with propaganda, racism and completely ignorance of other cultures that have so much to teach us. This hurts me very much.

Canada has always been a country following the American politics. Canadians are followers. Like a very good herd.
Deedlet said:
Doesn't Victor Clube mention something about August- Sept (or is it November?) that is usually around the time the earth sees more fireball activity?

Clube mentioned early November.


The interesting thing is to look at the left hand diagram, which is a plot of the same fireballs, per month, per century. And the important point to note is that it's not uniform across the board. When you get the peaks you see it concentrating in mid summer and early November. The actual peaks are related to enhancements of the hub of the meteoroids in the stream that I've been talking about, the Taurid stream.

Canadians are followers. Like a very good herd.

Please refrain from sweeping generalizations based upon one's despicable government. Many Canadians are mindless drones who gobble up the media pap and march in lockstep with our Zionist lickspittle government but many are not.

This bit of Potemkin theater by our grovelling evangelical Zio-creep government is yet another in a long line of foreign policy embarrassments for anybody here with any working brain cells and I am certain it will not be the last.

In any nation the people are not the government and as you should know "democracy" would be an outlawed concept if normal people had a real say in anything.

It has never been a utopia here but this government (more so than any I can remember) has made an art form out of grovelling to the Israel Lobby. :barf:
We tend to generalize but you are right, meat robot, not ALL Canadians are sheep. For example people from Quebec are less sheep than the rest of Canada. But this is my impression, I am maybe wrong. :cool2: But in general the Canadian politics is very near to that of USA. We used to say that when USA sneeze Canada have pneumonia. :scared: It is always very tiring to live near America... :knitting:
Mrs. Peel said:
loreta said:
It is always very tiring to live near America... :knitting:

But not as tiring as living IN America. ;)

Jajaja, you are right!

I am sorry for Americans. I used to love to go to USA, Vermont, Burlington, Maine... I missed all the small villages near the Lac Champlain... and I think that some Americans are very gentle, open minded. I love many things about USA, but yes, I am sorry for them and what you are living with all this political situation and the wars.
loreta said:
Is this because war is near? Really. I am so deceived by Canada that my words can not express my disgusting. This is for me incredible.

voyageur said:
This was the headline that I woke up with :mad: - it is disgusting of Canada, yet not surprising as it has been building, predictable even based on some of the dots. Also, like good followers, they were likely told by their pathological friends.

loreta said:
What hurts is to see the Occident destroying all the most ancient civilizations, not just with bombs but with propaganda, racism and completely ignorance of other cultures that have so much to teach us. This hurts me very much.

Canada has always been a country following the American politics. Canadians are followers. Like a very good herd.

Deedlet said:
Yup, when it comes to politics I refer to Canada as America 'light'. ;)

Now you guys understand with what kind of crap I'm living on a daily basis, living in Québec province.

But I want to clear out something right away, people in Canada are not all encouraging such behaviors from our PM (quite the contrary). So it would be nice if you could not generalize too much and 'condemn' the whole country as it would be playing their 'game of division'.

Remember, a government's decision is not always the reflect of the population's will. 'Democracy' as expressed by these individuals is merely a vague illusion to my eyes. And what's going on right now dosen't happen for no reason. There is clearly an agenda behind it, osit.

Good ol' Jack Layton must be rolling in his grave seeing what Harper is doing. *Sigh*

Peace. No offense taken.
Hi Loretta,

I'm afraid that your "Quebec" example is yet more generalization.
That's fine I just get rankled when any people of any nation are all painted with the wide brush. In my view the world is a bit more sophisticated than that.

BTW America is two continents North or South. I think you mean to refer to the United States of America. ;D
Bloodnoise said:
BTW America is two continents North or South. I think you mean to refer to the United States of America. ;D

I would say three. Don't forget Central America.
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