Alan Watt, a genius of our time
Hi Laura, want to thank you on many levels for your strength and perseverance of bringing knowledge forth and continuing to do so. You are greatly appreciated, even though I have not made it known to you before, it is so. I have a question - though not regarding Alan Watt, even though his first name is interesting I have not heard of him nor have I done research on his work at this point. It was the right of ownership that caught my attention.
Seeing what is real and what is not takes research, discipline, and being - as we know. There are many that slid into the scene that are placed there for the purpose of misdirecting the light - growing the lie – their myths. Along with those that make out-and-out claims, that are lies, claiming the work of others for their own at the most opportune time.
Nonetheless, for me the subject of ownership has always held traits of STS - which can be subtle - as a double-edged sword. If and when higher knowledge is given it has no ownership per say, it is freely given by those of higher knowledge to those that ask, based on ones ability to receive and retain. If one is rightly born or suffers though the work, achieving to be an able receiver their receiver ability is greatly amplified – purer as it were with less interference or less limitations, distortions. Which greatly affects their ability to discern or distinguish falsehood and anchor even greater knowledge. If one receives higher knowledge throughout their life and dose not publish their information, work, or experiences - only sharing information with others one-on-one or a select few, there would be no paper trail. If that information was brought forth twenty or even thirty plus years later into the current time frame, would this be looked at or seen as copy work – red flags - because there was no paper trail? Is higher knowledge a matter of ownership or who can prove who had the information first or is it a matter of the kind of knowledge if any, the information carries?
I ask because through life I have noticed how the rare few threads of light do and can build upon eachother. Creating a tapestry of its own origin, which if known, connects units with units, knowledge with knowledge and so forth – the collinear effect then would be in action, if not co-opt by STS forces - even for the subtlest of reason.
"A free man? —There is no such thing! All men are slaves; some, slaves of money; some, of chance; others are forced, either by mass opinion, or the threatening law, to act against their nature." —[Hecabe to Agamemnon. Euripides, Hecabe 864]