Is gender a social construct?

bjorn said:
[quote author= Carl]Sure there are males involved but they seem to be more of a 'follower' type, or more feminine, and pretty ineffectual in the end.

I think they are pretty effectual. Somehow they keep multiplying. Sure they don't appear as strong. But I think they can be quite pathological considering how upset they can get when someone trashes their gender fluidity worldview.

Unstable people like that can be dangerous, especially if you give them power. And the first generation is just on the rise. They will take over eventually, and when they do. We will have our own Atlantis.

Makes me think of orcs,alone they're cowardly and easy to beat,but an orc horde is another thing all together.Like the group of students that went from car to car looking for a teacher that didn't come in to school.And the police could do nothing but warn him not to come in.
Atreides said:
An interesting collection of the stuff going on at Evergreen. Not specifically to do with Social Construction of Gender, but the same crazy liberal antics:

You know what is worse than students taking over Evergreen and holding the faculty members hostage? That the college wasn't shut down because of this reason, it was shut down because of a terror threat. Which means, if the terror threat hadn't occurred, this situation would probably still go on and be considered normal. :O
Data said:
Atreides said:
An interesting collection of the stuff going on at Evergreen. Not specifically to do with Social Construction of Gender, but the same crazy liberal antics:

You know what is worse than students taking over Evergreen and holding the faculty members hostage? That the college wasn't shut down because of this reason, it was shut down because of a terror threat. Which means, if the terror threat hadn't occurred, this situation would probably still go on and be considered normal. :O

With the ways these students were acting and the hysteria surrounding it, it wouldn't surprise me if it was actually one of these SJWs who called in the threat. It would fit the mold.
Hindsight Man said:
bjorn said:
Carl]Sure there are males involved but they seem to be more of a 'follower' type said:
Data said:
Atreides said:
An interesting collection of the stuff going on at Evergreen. Not specifically to do with Social Construction of Gender, but the same crazy liberal antics:

You know what is worse than students taking over Evergreen and holding the faculty members hostage? That the college wasn't shut down because of this reason, it was shut down because of a terror threat. Which means, if the terror threat hadn't occurred, this situation would probably still go on and be considered normal. :O

With the ways these students were acting and the hysteria surrounding it, it wouldn't surprise me if it was actually one of these SJWs who called in the threat. It would fit the mold.

Whoever made the call, they should have called the men in white coats. That would have been more appropriate. Instead society actually gives in to their demands. Just shows we lost the ability to recognize insane behavior.

That said, I always wondered how the quote below of Gurdjieff would take shape, now I'm starting to understand how it all is going to look like.

“There are periods in the life of humanity, which generally coincide with the beginning of the fall of cultures and civilizations, when the masses irretrievably lose their reason and begin to destroy everything that has been created by centuries and millenniums of culture. Such periods of mass madness, often coinciding with geological cataclysms, climatic changes, and similar phenomena of a planetary character, release a very great quantity of the matter of knowledge. This, in its turn, necessitates the work of collecting this matter of knowledge which would otherwise be lost. Thus the work of collecting scattered matter of knowledge frequently coincides with the beginning of the destruction and fall of cultures and civilizations.”
It looks like Evergreen College is in a downward spiral. Declining enrollment since 2011 has taken it below the threshold necessary for State funding.

The Evergreen State College: No safety, no learning, no future

The Evergreen State College’s internal chaos is now intertwined with falling enrollment.

By Seattle Times editorial board
The Seattle Times

THE next few days are critical for the future of The Evergreen State College.

The public state college near Olympia has become a national caricature of intolerant campus liberalism in both The New York Times and Fox News. At least one professor has been harangued and classes disrupted by shouting mobs of students accusing the famously progressive campus of “systemic racism.”

That coverage apparently has incited anonymous threats of mass murder, resulting in the campus being closed for three days. In the critical last week of school, students have been deprived of learning by extremes on the left and right.

But Evergreen faces a deeper, and more long-term threat. It is the only state four-year higher education institution to see enrollment drop steeply since 2011 despite wide-open admission standards. At about 4,080 students, it is about 300 students short of the Legislature’s funded enrollment target.

The two problems are now entwined. Evergreen President George Bridges and his administration need to assure future students and their parents that academics come first — and not acquiesce to the 200-or-so student protesters at the expense of the 4,000-student campus. Without safety, there’s no learning, and without learning, Evergreen will wither into irrelevance.

Evergreen has a long history of campus protests since it was founded in the 1970s as an experimental college. But protests this year have been focused inward and unusually aggressive — with students hijacking events beginning with the convocation in September and a board of regents meeting. They took over the administration offices last month, and Bridges patiently heard them out for hours with campus police calling every half-hour to check on his welfare. Most recently, they took over professor Bret Weinstein’s class because he questioned calls for white faculty and students to leave campus for a day.

Evergreen’s board of trustees in a statement criticized “the lack of tolerance and respect displayed by a few.” Bridges, in a meeting with The Seattle Times editorial board Monday, described a flawed student discipline process that left little apparent accountability for those incidents. Bridges said that flawed process was being updated, with discipline imposed if student conduct crosses a line that Bridges himself described: “To what extent do actions of others impede the education of students.”

The situation at Evergreen is an amplified version of a story playing out at campuses across the state, including recently at Western Washington University, Seattle University and the University of Washington — and across the nation.

Since the corrosive 2016 presidential election, Americans increasingly comprise a nation with citizens sealed in ideological bubbles; college campuses are often the most hermetically sealed of bubbles. When Weinstein, the professor, asked a yelling mob of students if they wanted to hear his answer, they shouted “No!”

For Evergreen, the chaos of the 2016-17 school year should become a case study in the First Amendment and the aching need for better civil discourse. The funky, nontraditional college has a unique role in the state higher-education system. But for it to survive, Evergreen must impose consequences when a student protest hijacks other students’ learning.
I ran across this item and remembered a comment made at some point in these parts regarding the legality of egocentric idiots killing each other over disagreements. Proposals have been tabled in Canada to lift the legal ban on the "duel'.


(Also listed in the proposal was lifting the ban on publishing "blasphemous libel" ???)

It's unlikely that pruning these outdated laws would lead to any actual changes; you still can't kill people even if they agree to participate in a ten-paces-turn-and-shoot fight, but it seemed psychologically significant that it should come up again right now after being buried all this time.

Some hyper-dimensional idea planting..?
I was catching up on some of the latest news on Canadian Bill C-16 and found this story, which is about a women's shelter who fought and won a legal battle over their right to refuse a male born transgender woman to volunteer at the shelter because they only want female-born women at the shelter. Although there are some feminist-based distortions within their argument, the basis seems pretty understandable and rational.

Two feminists have charged that Liberal transgender “rights” bill will jeopardize women’s rights if it allows biological men into spaces that are for “female-born” women only.

Hilla Kerner, who spoke on behalf of a Vancouver rape crisis centre, and Meghan Murphy told the senate committee studying Bill C-16 that men who choose to be women are not the same as women.

Bill C-16 adds “gender identity” and “gender expression” to the Human Rights Code as prohibited grounds of discrimination, and to the hate crime section in the Criminal Code.

The Vancouver Rape Relief and Women’s Shelter is “worried that well-intentioned legislation will be used to undermine the rights of women and the crucial work of women’s groups to serve and organize with female-born women,” Kerner said.

She told the committee that the shelter, run by a feminist collective that is pro-abortion and pro-lesbianism, has been subject to a “witch hunt” because it doesn’t take in men who identify as women.

It won the right to do so after a 12-year legal battle with Kimberly Nixon, a man who identifies as a woman and has had sex reassignment surgery. Nixon brought a human rights complaint against Vancouver Rape Relief after it refused to let him volunteer as a crisis counsellor.

The B.C. appeals court threw the case out in 2005, and the Supreme Court declined to hear it two years later. But even though the court “agreed that we are allowed to work only with female-born women, we are deemed to be transphobic,” Kerner told the senate committee.

The BC Federation of Labour has directed its affiliates to boycott the shelter, which is “the oldest rape crisis centre in Canada,” she said.

“And that’s the danger of the legislation: it is not explicitly expressing the rights of women to organize.”
“Dissolving the categories of man and woman to allow for fluidity may sound progressive but is no more progressive under the current circumstances than saying race doesn’t exist and that white people don’t hold privilege in this world if they don’t feel white, or if they take on racist stereotypes attached to people of colour,” she told the senate committee.

“If a white person did this, we would rightly call it co-optation and denounce the behaviour. Why do we accept that if a man takes on sexist stereotypes traditionally associated with women, he can magically change sex and shed his status as male in this world?”

Kerner said there’s no “consensus in society” as to what the terms mean.

“From our understanding, gender expression describes the behaviours that oppress and control women. That includes men’s violence against women,” she said. “In this context, rape is a gender expression.”

Moreover, “female-born women and people who were born male and self-identify as women have different life experience,” she said.

“We know the embarrassment of having our clothes stained with blood from our period, the anxiety of facing an unwanted pregnancy and the fear of being raped. We know the horror of being raped and we know the comfort of grouping with other women.”

Nor do men who choose to be women have the experience of dealing with patriarchy all their lives.

“What we are saying is: If you were born a female, you are doomed. You are doomed in our society to be second-class. You do not have the privilege of growing as a male and have a choice to choose to be a woman,” she told the committee. “Surely, you cannot say these are the same thing.”

The Vancouver Rape Relief centre has been facing backlash since the CBC ran the story, with a Twitter war erupting between Murphy and the Native Youth Sexual Health Network, in which the latter called on the shelter to close its doors.

These social warrior types are seeking victim status at a rape shelter. It's incredibly selfish.

Areas like this as well as prison policies as well as sporting events highlight these issues of what it means to born a biological male or female, and I don't think that changes based on the struggles a person experiences in feeling like a different gender from which they are born.
Woodsman said:
I ran across this item and remembered a comment made at some point in these parts regarding the legality of egocentric idiots killing each other over disagreements. Proposals have been tabled in Canada to lift the legal ban on the "duel'.

God I hope not. There goes my free time. I can imagine social justice warriors lining up non-stop to challenge me in a duel. Being fully booked every weekend.

The following below is not an alien language, just the signs of several 'genders'. Allthough some genders may resemble alien beings.

Carl said:
Is it just me or does most of this seem to be driven by emotionally unstable girls/women between ages of 15-30? I wonder what that means?
That's the impression I get from all I've seen so far anyway. So much so that I find it remarkable that people like Lauren Southern exist.

Sure there are males involved but they seem to be more of a 'follower' type, or more feminine, and pretty ineffectual in the end.

Meanwhile the right wingers are mostly men, have all the guns, and are spoiling for a fight. Something tells me any 'civil war' would be over quickly if left to run it's natural course.

Funny you'd mention that, because I just saw this video today where Jordan Peterson gives some of his working theories on why that's the case. He's missing the element of pathology driving it, but still, interesting theory!

A very thought provoking thread as I try to wrap my head around postmodernism, will read the discussed books on it soon. I also agree that gender is based on biological sex and I think that this gender issue is another symptom of the pathological disease spreading the globe. I don't have much more to say that hasn't been said but I wanted to add this new article posted on SOTT

A Canadian province(Ontario) has passed a law that gives rights to the government to take away children from families that don't accept their kid's chosen "gender identity" or "gender expression".

I'm thinking this is what Jordan Peterson was talking about when he said bill C-16 was just the beginning of a descent into totalitarian chaos pushed by these PC authoritarians. I'm quite astonished at the speed that this is growing out of hand.
Turgon said:
Funny you'd mention that, because I just saw this video today where Jordan Peterson gives some of his working theories on why that's the case. He's missing the element of pathology driving it, but still, interesting theory!

Very interesting theory indeed!
Data said:
Turgon said:
Funny you'd mention that, because I just saw this video today where Jordan Peterson gives some of his working theories on why that's the case. He's missing the element of pathology driving it, but still, interesting theory!

Very interesting theory indeed!

Holy cow!

Funny thing is, that hadn't even occurred to me: How does one explain 50 Shades of Grey and at the same time, the "equality for all, down with the evil white patriarchy!" thing?

It sure makes sense...
Scottie said:
Data said:
Turgon said:
Funny you'd mention that, because I just saw this video today where Jordan Peterson gives some of his working theories on why that's the case. He's missing the element of pathology driving it, but still, interesting theory!

Very interesting theory indeed!

Holy cow!

Funny thing is, that hadn't even occurred to me: How does one explain 50 Shades of Grey and at the same time, the "equality for all, down with the evil white patriarchy!" thing?

It sure makes sense...

Can't get my head fully around it and the possible implications quite yet, but it sure sounds like a very interesting idea! When he gets to the part of woman starting to get into power, which was never really the case like today, I immediately thought about Hillary and how she is basically a major driver, or lets say fix point, in and for that movement.

Maybe a change of the power structure, in the sense that more female psychopathic types are enabled to to broaden their influence and power, instead of male psychopathic types (which seemed to be the norm for millennia) could be part of the equation? When we take female psychopathy into account, of which we know far less then about male psychopathy, maybe in there lies part of the answer, to why and how things turn out the way they do now?
Scottie said:
Data said:
Turgon said:
Funny you'd mention that, because I just saw this video today where Jordan Peterson gives some of his working theories on why that's the case. He's missing the element of pathology driving it, but still, interesting theory!

Very interesting theory indeed!

Holy cow!

Funny thing is, that hadn't even occurred to me: How does one explain 50 Shades of Grey and at the same time, the "equality for all, down with the evil white patriarchy!" thing?

It sure makes sense...

That's an interesting point, it makes me think of what laura posted in the wave about anticipation/beliefs; how wanting/pushing for an egalitarian society enforces the belief that we don't have it and since your mind only knows the present it strengthens this belief that right now we are not equal, so maybe this belief manifests itself in 50 shades of grey were.

Just some thoughts.
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