Is gender a social construct?

I think gender attributes, being reproductive attributes, are geared toward making stable, healthy children/families/society. A healthy society will settle around a set of gender roles that accomplish this, without being in contradiction of the template nature sets for them. Certain biological needs have to be met or the new generation is at risk for insanity or not able to cope with reality.

There is room for differences of course, but any gender role system must meet certain basic needs or else it conflicts with our biology and the two tend to struggle against each other resulting in retardation or general impotence.

IE a man can have female attributes, but if he still fulfills the basic biological/psycho-biological role of a man, and doesn't disrupt positive social structures, then there is no problem.
Yesterday a person who made two "OBE" in waking state, was trying to play the teachers. Responding to his question about the definition of the Ego, I tried to explain with several words that this represented a certain "veil". He told me that there were too many words in my explanation, because I did not have his experience. He considered that the word proper to the Ego was "conditioning" (program). However, I thought that "conditioning" could also be associated with the "mental body". When I asked him, what was the conditioning, then he declined a whole list of words and explanations. So much so, that I wondered, if we could give a definition at the slightest word!
So when "Beautiful" asks for the definition of "genre", it seems to me that we try to partition each word into a box, into a prison, so that the definition would separate from the unit. If one thing is different, then how to create the unity of all things? Definitions, should be "sequels", that is, "Complements", like the tarot cards, where the "Cavalier of the Coupe family" seems to follow the "Ace (1) of the Sword family".
In this way, if I wanted to explain "gender", and at the same time keep unity, I would say, that "gender" is the physical and psychological polarity of the masculine and the feminine.
Interesting how different countries/languages deal with this. In German, we only have the word 'sex', ('Geschlecht'), which means both biological sex, sexual organs and the genus of words. The postmodernists tried to introduce 'social sex' ('soziales Geschlecht'), but this isn't used outside the postmodernist academic echo-chamber.

What others wrote here strikes me as a pure Orwellian nightmare and re-education program imposed by the Western postmodernists:

Siberia said:
In Russian, there used to be two words: "pol" (to denote a biological sex) and "rod" (to denote a category of grammar). The latter is used to classify both animate and inanimate nouns, e.g. "sun" (neutral), "river" (feminine), "wind" (masculine).

But now we have three words: "pol", "rod" and "gender". The latter is used to denote a "gender identity" of a person that we discuss here, and is borrowed from English.

Avala said:
The same words in Serbian, but without borrowing any English phrase. American NGO's who actually runs the country tried to impose "rodna uloga", which would be something like "role of the sex-gender identity", but never catched up in people. You can hear it only on TV.

They also tried to change the words to show if someone who is done some work is male or female (such as in german) but in Serbian it is ridiculous, because its just a title, and cant show the sex of the person. For example "director" is just a title, male or female, no "directoress". It sounds funny and idiotic, so today news TVs in Serbia (all owned by USA) are speaking some strange language which not representing the real language and people's way of thinking.

Seppo Ilmarinen said:
In Finnish language there's normally been only one word for sex and gender ("sukupuoli"). Only recently there's been some push to use word "social gender" ("sosiaalinen sukupuoli"). But that's not part of normal language people use. We also have only one word for he and she ("hän"), which is "gender-neutral" by design. From this perspective too it's been really hard to grasp this whole movement, for example the idea of adding new pronouns and people who zealously advocate this could be straight from Monty Python episode - their mindset is so extreme and bizarre that it's hard to distinguish from parody.


So they have bias to view human being as plasticine, something to mold and shape into anything they wish - like creating your own reality. Maybe turning something fundamental as biological sex into social construct is ultimate proof of this fantasy for them.

Well, all this seems laughable in a way, but things like that really tend to fry people's minds in the long run. I mean, just 10 years ago we considered many things bizarre and extreme and laughed them off, and now they are considered totally normal! So we shouldn't underestimate this kind of nonsense and actively fight it - discussing such things with like-minded people as we do here where we don't need to censor ourselves really helps I think.
thorbiorn said:
genero81 said:
Nima said:
Wow!! :ohboy: just wow. This is all insane. What a world we are living in. I can’t believe it’s got so bad that I agree with tucker Carlson, of all people. Every day I see more and more how truly horrifying it is living with psychopaths and “their” world. Call me bitter but I pray for cosmic intervention everyday now.

This whole issue was nothing more than an oddity for me not really understanding what all the hoopla was about. It's sometimes hard to grasp just how different some other people think from how I think. It just shows how disconnected from reality one can become when one accepts wrong ideas as true. The whole crystallizing on a wrong foundation idea, I guess. But this has been a great thread for detailing all the intricacies of this issue which really shouldn't be an issue at all. What a mess! I have to admit I'm kind of with Nima on being ready for whatever "help" the C's are referring to. Even of the cosmic variety. Or, "beam me up Scottie!" Geezus
Although I hope for the Sun to come out again after a few days of overcast, I am still not hoping for Cosmic Intervention in terms of widespread destruction. Okay, if it comes, I hope I can accept the consequences, provided I survive, in an adequate manner in terms of responding, but it is harder for me to genuinely wish for such destruction to occur. For me it is a bit like wishing for suicide of the collective kind. I can't get myself to support that, perhaps because I have known a number of people who took their own lives? Sure, it was their choice, but hardly the only one they had! It seems to me that beyond all the turmoil we live through now there is much work to be done. This work may turn out be become more complicated if we are seriously traumatized or even dead due to a cosmic event that happened because so many wished for it.

In no way do I want to see wide spread death and destruction. It's just hard at times right now, darkest before the dawn and all. I would prefer an easier, softer way. If widespread destruction comes it will be because things were so far out of balance that a major adjustment was necessary, not because a relatively few were wishing for it. OSIT
luc said:
Interesting how different countries/languages deal with this. In German, we only have the word 'sex', ('Geschlecht'), which means both biological sex, sexual organs and the genus of words. The postmodernists tried to introduce 'social sex' ('soziales Geschlecht'), but this isn't used outside the postmodernist academic echo-chamber.

I read one of the papers someone posted on the Jordan Petterson thread, which talks about genders and language. And as much as I think that English is the best language as a vernacular, it does have one vulnerability which, as you said, should not be underestimated. It is reasonably easy for English speakers to add a "gender", use zie or whatever (in Scandinavian languages it is easy too, given that they are not gendered languages).

BUT, when you try to do that with gendered languages such as Spanish, French, Italian, etc., it's practically impossible. You could have the equivalent of zie, but in order to make a sentence, you would need to invent practically and new grammar (in conjugatons and declensions, etc.) for nouns, adjectives and verbs (past participle, passive form, etc) in order to match that zie. The whole structure, and possibly the syntax would have to change. I read somewhere too, that several transsexuals coming from those language groups, actually try to emigrate to Canada or the US. It just won't hold in some countries as easily as it is holding in Canada, for example. You have to change people's entire view of the sex/gender issue for that, and artificially re-make the language, without any natural accompanying thought changes. Expecting a language (and thought) can change so quickly is delusional, I think. Well, unless you give free reigns to a super totalitarian power, of course.

So, I think that as much as English is today the link between cultures, the bridge for knowledge from different horizons, etc., its strength can also be a weakness in its immunity, and one should not "comply" just because it may seem harmful, without first considering how dangerous it can be at other levels.

Seppo Ilmarinen said:
So they have bias to view human being as plasticine, something to mold and shape into anything they wish - like creating your own reality. Maybe turning something fundamental as biological sex into social construct is ultimate proof of this fantasy for them.

Well, all this seems laughable in a way, but things like that really tend to fry people's minds in the long run. I mean, just 10 years ago we considered many things bizarre and extreme and laughed them off, and now they are considered totally normal! So we shouldn't underestimate this kind of nonsense and actively fight it - discussing such things with like-minded people as we do here where we don't need to censor ourselves really helps I think.

I also agree that there are only two sexes/genders. It's Nature's design for human beings, and the great majority of people, if not all, in different cultures/countries know the difference between the two and distinguish between the two, which is most often an automatic process that happens as soon as we meet someone. We can tell from their appearance and certain (biological/physical) characteristics whether they're a man or a woman.

If there is a minority of either gender who truly 'feels' genderless (and isn't just doing it as a fashion choice!), then I think their case should be taken seriously and be provided guidance and support from professionals/environment. The minority who has parts (anatomically) of both genders also would need the same (professional) support. And the same goes for those (adults) transitioning. I agree that adding another gender for a minority group is not beneficial to them (no inclusion) or to the community/majority at large (likely resistance). The whole 'gender fluidity' movement is rather a sinister agenda by those who, as always, wish to 'divide and conquer'.

A little off-topic, but some time ago, I looked through the 'New Real Peer Review' twitter page which posts ridiculous excerpts of papers on gender studies or studies of other topics. It really shows how those students/professors are taking things quite far. It also makes you think that the time spent writing that paper or 'researching' that topic, could've been spent on something more fruitful!

Here's one example: 'Gender scholar has some revolutionary scientific insights after putting on a fake beard in public':

Another: 'A women's and gender studies prof has some suggestions on how to make the world a happier place' (She suggests "women should work toward more nihilistic anti-reproduction, anti-family goals"):

I remember there was also one about gender in cell culture research (regarding actual cells!).

Jordan Peterson at the time would retweet them now and then, which is how I found it. It's sad because I think it would be more fruitful to explore the mysteries of the world, on real treatment of diseases, on psychopathy, on the real cause of all these wars, or animal studies! etc. Topics that could really make a difference or help us learn more about the world we live in.

Instead, people spend their time on topics such as the above from the Twitter page. Considering also the whole flat earth thing, the push for a variety of pronouns and 'gender fluidity' and 'unlimited sexual diversity' (promoted and financed by George Soros and co.) and the videos posted by Laura in this thread, are all clear signs to me that part of humanity is going backwards instead of forward. :/ FWIW.
It took a few days to read through this thread due to the complexity and history behind this postmodernist movement, but thanks to all who have contributed. As someone who knew nothing about postmodernism until a few months ago and who hasn't read any of the recommended books about it yet, it was pretty much instinctual to want to reject the introduction of multiple nonsense pronouns or the debate that there are more than two genders. When Laura first posted Jordan Peterson's interview about this debate, I was pretty shaken that something like Bill C-16 was quietly trying to be passed through Legislation. Growing up all these years it was something to be proud of that Canada was considered a beacon for different cultures to come together in and co-exist in, and I was very much a 'liberal' at heart for most of my life and thought Conservative values were for old men who were too afraid of change.

BUT, it seems these neo-liberal postmodernists, or whatever name they ascribe to themselves, pushed too far, too quickly with this. And thankfully someone like Peterson came along and sounded the alarm bells on it. I mean, it's pretty much obvious that there are essentially only two real genders, and they are connected to the sexes. That's why we have the masculine and feminine archetypes and principles. It's why you have a mother and a father and each represents, at least in symbolic meaning and representation, something different but wholly connected to each other and to the development of individuals and humankind.

I've understood the introduction of multiple genders and pronouns to be like an amorphous blob that takes up any form it wishes too, but without any real structure or base to define its existence to any real capacity, or as in some cases, negates totally the acceptance of either sex/gender in favour of something completely abstract and without form or substance. And I doubt very much that anyone who has ever supported the introduction of this has ever really thought about what the long term consequences of these kinds of insane pathological ideas would lead to. With the way the world is now, children (and people generally) are bombarded from all angles with toxic foods, vaccinations, social programming, propaganda and all sorts of lies, and then to add to that, to attempt to topple two pillars that have been with us since the very beginning, namely the fundamental and biological truth of masculine and feminine - seems like what Peterson has already said before, an evil and malicious plot to destroy traditional foundations and understandings that in this day and age, people need more than ever.
Laura said:
We should remember what they are battling against:

Man’s instinctive substratum has a slightly different biological structure than that of animals. Energetically speaking, it has become less dynamic and become more plastic, thereby giving up its job as the main dictator of behavior. It has become more receptive to the controls of reasoning, without, however, losing much of the rich specific contents of the human kind. ...This substratum contains millions of years’ worth of bio-psychological development that was the product of species’ life conditions, so it neither is nor can be a perfect creation. Our well known weaknesses of human nature and errors in the natural perception and comprehension of reality have thus been conditioned on that phylogenetic level for millennia....

Man has lived in groups throughout his prehistory, so our species’ instinctual substratum was shaped in this tie, thus conditioning our emotions as regard the mining of existence. The need for an appropriate internal structure of commonality, and a striving to achieve a worthy role within that structure, are encoded at this very level. In the final analysis, our self-preservation instinct is rivaled by another feeling: the good of society demands that we make sacrifices, sometimes even the supreme sacrifice. At the same time, however, it is worth pointing out that if we love a man, we love his human instinct above all.

Our zeal to control anyone harmful to ourselves or our group is so primal in its near-reflex necessity as to leave no doubt that it is also encoded at the instinctual level. Our instinct, however, does not differentiate between behavior motivated by simple human failure and behavior performed by individuals with pathological aberrations. Quite the contrary: we instinctively tend to judge the latter more severely, harkening to nature’s striving to eliminate biologically or psychologically defective individuals. Our tendency to such evil generating error is thus conditioned at the instinctual level. ...

The above-mentioned statements about human nature apply to normal people, with a few exceptions.

I have found that many of the most abrasive and difficult people I encounter, those who seem to work overtime seeking reasons to attack (not just in a SJW sense, but in all matters) have also tended to spend most of their lives feeling weak and frightened, vulnerable as a general state of mind. To such people, others around them who hold a degree of self confidence and strength are often seen as potential tormentors who, any moment now, will surly seek to hurt them. They find themselves living in a permanent state of fight or flight. Small, innocuous things can set them off.

I remember once observing this in action while playing a game of catch in a park with a bunch of kids. We were playing cooperatively, no winners, no losers, just tossing a frizbee around in a big circle. I suggested, “Hey, let’s make this a bit competitive. Let’s play 500!” (I was leading a camp troupe at a Summer gig.)

500, for those who don’t know, is one of the best games ever invented. It works like this: One designated person throws a frizbee out over a big bunch of players who try to catch it. If you snag the frizbee from midair, you get 100 points. If you touch it, but it falls to the ground, you lose 100 points! The first person to get 500 points wins, -the reward being you run up to the front of the field and get to be the one throwing the frizbee for the whole group. I remember this being a great game when I was back in grade school, and I still think so today.

-It gets kids running and jumping and exerting themselves, learning how to use their bodies effectively, and the prize while nothing terribly important nonetheless offers an actual, real reward. You get to throw the frizbee! The randomness and varying distances of a frizbee throw means that pretty much anybody has a decent chance of catching at least a few shots. -The athletic kid and the wobbly geek are just as likely to find themselves in range while everybody else is too far off to bother chasing.

But when I suggested it, there was this one boy who physically recoiled at the word “competitive”. He actually lost color in his face and seemed to shrink inwardly. I could recognize his reaction, having been a kid scared of certain challenges when I was young as well. I hoped that when the nature of the game revealed itself, he would lighten up and start having fun. It was only nominally competitive after all; it wasn’t something like dodge ball or even soccer. But this didn’t happen. He couldn’t get past it and became really bitter. I remember one of the bigger, stronger boys saying something, (I can’t remember what, except that it was happy with zero ill intent), and this kid instantly interpreted it as some form of attack, and responded with a biting remark. The bigger boy actually flinched with surprise.

It was an encapsulated example I’ve seen play over and over in life, to the point where I find my own “danger” sense gives off warnings when I find myself around low self-esteem people. The victims become the aggressors.

I see this pattern associated in part with the SJW movement’s particular focus on the White Male as enemy. The Patriarchy! -None of which is to say that there aren’t many countless examples throughout the history of British imperialism which can be used to explain this attitude. A sense of being threatened and a heightened readiness to respond to attack is a rational survival trait to be certain. But this reaction has taken on a huge life beyond anything seen before in recent memory. -The modes of attack from the SJW movement are generally cowardly in nature, deriving strength from appeals to mob strength and social pressure. Group shaming and threats of eviction from the group (“Fire the prof!”) -Hiding behind the cover of dogma rather than facing an opponent directly through objective debate.

The SJWs are, so far as I've seen, a vast band of weakened people, scared of the world. I wonder if this is in part due to a lack of male hormones?

"Austrian Talk" that Lobaczewski described in Ponerology.

America’s psychological recession drags in its wake an impaired socio-professional adaptation of this country’s people, leading to a waste of human talent and an involution of societal structure. If we were to calculate this country’s adaptation correlation index, as suggested in the prior chapter, it would probably be lower than the great majority of the free and civilized nations of this world, and possibly lower than some countries which have lost their freedom. A highly talented individual in this country finds it ever more difficult to fight his way through to his right to self-realization and a socially creative position. Universities, politics, and even some business areas ever more frequently demonstrate an united front of relatively untalented persons. The word “overeducated” is heard more and more often. Such “overqualified” individuals finally hide out in some foundation laboratory where they are allowed to earn the Nobel prize. In the meantime, the country as whole suffers due to a deficit in the inspirational role of highly gifted individuals.

As a result, America is stifling progress in all areas of life, from culture to technology and economics, not excluding political incompetence. When linked to other deficiencies, an egotist’s incapability of understanding other people and nations leads to political error and the scapegoating of outsiders. Slamming the brakes on the evolution of political structures and social institutions increases both administrative inertia and discontent on the part of its victims.

We should realize that the most dramatic social difficulties and tensions occur at least ten years after the first observable indications of having emerged from a psychological crisis. Being a sequel, they also constitute a delayed reaction to the cause or are stimulated by the same psychological activation process. The time span for effective countermeasures is thus rather limited.

I was curious about the 10 year time frame mentioned above, and while thinking back, I remember (more like 15 years ago now), after doing a stint of research regarding the tsunami of artificial estrogen-like chemicals flooding our food supply through soy-based products and leaching from many of the common plastics we use in food preparation and packaging, wondering what the eventual outcome would be for society. -Included were the specters of dropping sperm counts in males, girls reaching puberty at much younger ages, men complaining of tender nipples after eating plates of chicken wings raised on unregulated Mexican farms using growth hormones to boost productivity…

“Sexuality is going to get really weird as this current crop of kids grows up!” I thought.

The thing I find both expected and astonishing at the same time, is that rather than look at how we’ve been bio-manipulated on a species-wide basis, altered into a new hormone-skewed human offshoot, -and getting angry about that.., instead people feel what they feel, take their experience as though it were normal, and then attempt to reconfigure society to fit the new biological conditions they are contained by.

“The meek shall inherit the Earth”

Holy crap! I’d always taken that as a kind of promise of reward to those who weren’t psychopathic jerks. I’d never considered it might instead serve as a kind of dire end-times warning!

And finally…

(Several thoughts occurred to me as I read through this thread. What a great forum discussion this is!)…

luc said:
Here are some thoughts about the 'lines of force' of philosophical concepts and how this intellectual mess came about. This is a gross over-simplification and doesn't do the various philosophical traditions justice, but I thought it might be fruitful to put my thoughts into words here to get a better grip on all this:

One of the major philosophical questions is of course "what is more real - the objective world of things or our internal, subjective world"? Behind it lurk such question as "can we know objective reality, and how? What is reality anyway?"

There are basically two camps:

The empiricists maintain that objective reality is what's 'out there'. There is no a priori knowledge, i.e. there is no truth per se in our thoughts; in order to know the truth, we must look at the outside world and study it accordingly. Taken to the extreme, this view leads to the kind of naive materialistic world view we find today in many scientific disciplines and in atheists: an object is an object, an atom is an atom, screw you and your strange philosophies. Consciousness is nothing but a by-product of the material world, if anything, it only screws our study of the material world and needs to be eliminated from the equation. Of course, faith, 'objective morality' and religion have no place in such a world view. Ultimately, it leads to nihilism: it can't bridge the gap between 'what is' and 'what ought to be'.

The early empiricists still had God in their equation, if only as a distant 'watchmaker' who created the mechanical universe. I guess this left some room for moral reasoning, as in the social contract theories or the utilitarian ethics à la John Stuart Mill: maybe maximizing wealth and well-being while not killing each other might be a good idea. Although these ideas become contradictory once you eliminate God from the equation, as happened later, because you can't answer the question why not killing each other or maximizing wealth is something worthwhile or even what it means, these concepts are still reflected in today's atheistic, 'liberal democracy' world view. The problem remains though that without consciousness/faith/religion it's impossible to bridge the gap between 'what is' and 'what out to be'. No wonder that ultimately, this die-hard empiricist philosophy gravitates towards nihilism: it just doesn't give us any reason to act morally, and there can't be any 'right' behavior, any worthwhile goals, any meaning.

Now the subjectivists (let's call them that), on the other hand, think that we can never fully access the objective 'outside' world; our perceptions are forever filtered by our a priori restrictions/knowledge. That is what Kant thought, and it might have been partly an attempt to save the 'primacy of consciousness' and as such, religion: there are things we can't know about the world out of principle; this leaves room for the mystical. The problem with this is that it can lead to relativism, as in 'your truth is as good as my truth'.

Now the postmodernists took this 'subjectivist' view and warped it into their pathological, schizoidal view of the world. They eliminated God/the mystical from the equation. Everything is subjective, and everything is just a power play - everyone fighting for dominance. This leads to extreme nihilism - there is no good or bad, there is no point in even discussing what's good or bad, everything goes, there is no truth etc. Needless to say, this 'philosophy' is a direct attack on empiricist science, which, despite its philosophical shortcomings, has a lot of merit. Worse yet, concepts such as social contracts or even basic common sense (that the empiricists still somewhat adhere to) not only become obsolete, but a tool for oppression that must be fought. This is what's happening right now. It's the postmodernist mind virus we are facing, and it is all the more dangerous since it preys on the revolutionary drive that exists in many people, especially young people. It also preys on legitimate criticism of empiricist science and uses this as an 'opening' for the infection with pathological content.

The problem though is this: both the empiricist/materialist world view and the postmodernist view ultimately lead to nihilism (though postmodernism leads to a more extreme and dangerous form of nihilism). How to solve this?

I think the solution is to acknowledge that yes, as Kant said, there are things we can't know (the thing-as-such/the essence of things, for example), and there is a priori knowledge and a priori restraints. This leaves room for a 'higher' reality that we can't access directly, for the primacy of consciousness, and for the fruitfulness of contemplating our 'a priori' knowledge. But here's the trick: we can actually study this a priori knowledge and these a priori restraints of our perception by looking at the world! For example, as Jordan Peterson said somewhere, our a priori knowledge is, at least in part, shaped by evolution. It is also shaped by various psychological and psychopathological phenomena. It is shaped by the interplay of our consciousness with 'the real world', individually and as a species throughout time. It may also be shaped by mass consciousness and the influence of 'morphic fields' and other phenomena not yet understood.

In other words, by studying our minds/our a priori restraints and a priori knowledge while simultaneously looking at the 'objective world', we may be able to overcome our internal restraints to an extent, to better tune our perception, and expand/transcend our a priori knowledge. This would be a form of esoteric growth to become better 'consciousness reading units'. It also bridges the gap between the 'objective world'/empiricism and the 'subjective world'/the world of thoughts and concepts. It's the marriage between science and religion, which also leaves room for a deeper discussion of ethics and uses consciousness as a tool to get a better understanding of 'what is', but also 'what out to be', what objective morality would look like.

I think it's useful to think about such things because otherwise we can easily get caught up in the conundrum of 'postmodernists' vs. 'enlightenment', which makes it look like it's a battle between 'science' and 'anti-science', 'liberals vs communism' etc., when the issues go much deeper than that. What's missing in both camps is the mystical, faith, consciousness. I think part of Jordan Peterson's popularity lies in the fact that he critizises postmodernism not only from an empiricist perspective but brings back religious and mystical concepts into the discussion. In his critique of materialism, he criticizes die-hard empiricism and postmodernism alike.

Just my current thoughts on the matter.

I find when I get caught (trapped) in a debate over issues of race that, (after running into the common wall of people simply not listening, avoiding the crux of the matter, etc.), that things cool down and end when I note:

“Okay, but I believe in reincarnation, that we’ve all lived many lives, each of us in bodies of many different races and genders, all across history. I think a lot of these race and culture arguments hinge on people getting far too wrapped up in the material world. These bodies of ours are very temporary experiences, I think. The soul is what matters.”

People get distinctly put off by that line of thinking. -Partly because to object changes the nature of the argument altogether. “Oh. That guy is one of those a spiritual weirdos. I.., have no pre-programmed dogma to fall back on. I just wanted to do a bit of guilt-shaming about race. I don't know what to do with this. Retreat.”


The idea of “Nature got it wrong! I’m really a man/woman” I think is (very) clumsy and myopic. The Big Picture is that souls (or soul fragments or whatever we are), as I understand it are not inherently male or female. -That when you incarnate, you get a meat costume to wear, and you do the best you can with what it provides. The human animals we ride in are equipped to function along their most efficient genetic programming. Trying to be male in a female body can’t possibly be a terribly efficient or effective way of moving through the world. It looks downright difficult, adding heaps of trouble to an already full plate of challenges. So how does that come about?

The C’s once said that homosexuality is sometimes (or perhaps often?) the result of childhood trauma. (Need to find that quote).

Maybe the mass-altering of our food supply is partly responsible.

So.., is it that a person is certain they are a particular sex out of sync with their body upon birth, or is it that their body and brain are making them feel a particular way because of a bunch of chemical and social programming hoisted upon them by a toxic socio/industrial environment? -And they mistake those feelings as being their genuine “Big i”.

It would seem to me that the body, if unmolested and left to a natural course, would exert a very strong pull toward one gender feeling or the other matching up with the plumbing it was born with, -the gravity of millions of years of evolution being what it is.

-None of which is to say that being gay or trans or whathaveyou might not be an interesting lesson worth investing a lifetime on.-Something people might choose to experience, all experiences being valid explorations in the infinitude of God. Why not? Karma will wash it all out in the end.

But to make any such ride count, it becomes vital to forget about the soul and get super-attached to the body. Identifying as male or female? (Or “Kinder kind”) -Even going so far as to elect for surgery just to maximize the value of a handful of juicy years in a human being’s active sex life? -Remembering that so much of this gender stuff resolves down to the very simple base motivation of who boinks who. Such is the power of our reproductive drive.

That this motivation can be leveraged into a fascist lockdown of reality, soul smashing and a nihilist anti-creation war on reality probably shouldn’t come as any surprise. If you were a dark lord of chaos and had to pick the most powerful human springs to harness for your doomsday machine, you couldn’t get much more bang for your buck than from the human sex drive.
Woodsman said:
So.., is it that a person is certain they are a particular sex out of sync with their body upon birth, or is it that their body and brain are making them feel a particular way because of a bunch of chemical and social programming hoisted upon them by a toxic socio/industrial environment? -And they mistake those feelings as being their genuine “Big i”.

It would seem to me that the body, if unmolested and left to a natural course, would exert a very strong pull toward one gender feeling or the other matching up with the plumbing it was born with, -the gravity of millions of years of evolution being what it is.

-None of which is to say that being gay or trans or whathaveyou might not be an interesting lesson worth investing a lifetime on.-Something people might choose to experience, all experiences being valid explorations in the infinitude of God. Why not? Karma will wash it all out in the end.

But to make any such ride count, it becomes vital to forget about the soul and get super-attached to the body. Identifying as male or female? (Or “Kinder kind”) -Even going so far as to elect for surgery just to maximize the value of a handful of juicy years in a human being’s active sex life? -Remembering that so much of this gender stuff resolves down to the very simple base motivation of who boinks who. Such is the power of our reproductive drive.

I remember reviewing the hermaphroditism medical literature for the The Health & Wellness Show: The medical and social implications of gender multiplicity. The true cases of real hermaphroditism are practically non existent. In those cases of pseudo-hermaphroditism, gender surgeries were given as an option. But pseudo-hermaphroditism is also the exception rather than the norm. Despite the congenital anomalies, human beings are either born female or male.

Hormones can program people powerfully. Women who go through PMS every month and menopause know better how hormones can control our emotions and perspectives. Our societal and hormonal programming can facilitate the "gender as a social" construct, but it is a pathological construct: the very people that promote it and the underlying physiopathological mechanisms.

There is also literature for those who chose to have a surgical gender change. A lot of people actually change their minds afterwards, some commit suicide. Some people change their mind after doing some sort of psychological work afterwards. We carried a SOTT article reviewing this research and we discussed it in the show above. The psychological work for people opting for these surgeries typically focuses on reviewing if a person is psychotic or not. They don't investigate for motivations such as spiritual attachments, childhood trauma, immaturity of the prefrontal cortex and personality in general, etc.

Gender as a social construct is designed to increase the amount of suffering in the population. Truth and biological facts be damned. Sigh.
What I teach little boys and girls is that they are a boy or girl and they can play with dolls or cars and wear princess costumes or play video games or whatever they want without regard to gender. They can change their names when they grow up if they want and it's fine if they like boys or girls. They are an individual and their preferences are fine. An individual has to be free to choose, straight, gay, male, female. I have no problem with a person born with a penus who chooses to be a woman, or a person born with a vagina who chooses to be a man, or any other iteration. The problem as I see it is not the individual preference but the policy of government and the difficulty or impossibility of government creating a fair policy to the extreme minority individuals, in this case transgender.

For example, it does seem appropriate to me to not allow into a women's only bathroom those teenage or adult people with penuses, while it also seems appropriate to me to allow moms to bring their little boys into a women's only bathroom.
Chu said:
BUT, when you try to do that with gendered languages such as Spanish, French, Italian, etc., it's practically impossible. You could have the equivalent of zie, but in order to make a sentence, you would need to invent practically and new grammar (in conjugatons and declensions, etc.) for nouns, adjectives and verbs (past participle, passive form, etc) in order to match that zie. The whole structure, and possibly the syntax would have to change. I read somewhere too, that several transsexuals coming from those language groups, actually try to emigrate to Canada or the US. It just won't hold in some countries as easily as it is holding in Canada, for example. You have to change people's entire view of the sex/gender issue for that, and artificially re-make the language, without any natural accompanying thought changes. Expecting a language (and thought) can change so quickly is delusional, I think. Well, unless you give free reigns to a super totalitarian power, of course.

Just to give an example of the absurdity of such language-bending: the feminists of the 80's in Germany insisted upon using male AND female forms of words in the plural form, where traditionally, we used only the male form. It's a similar idea in principle like what they did in English with the pronouns 'he' and 'she', as in "A manager might find it offensive if her authority isn't respected" - you basically try to include the female form as much as possible. This of course has gone totally mainstream.

Now initially, the feminists insisted on a form with a capital 'I' to make it easier to use both male and female forms at the same time in nouns describing a person, like "DirektorInnen" (which means directors where the male form is the word before the 'I' and the female form is the whole word). Many leftist newspapers etc. used this form for a long time and even publishing houses adapted it in a way.

Now here's the kicker: you can't use this form anymore, nowadays it's considered politically incorrect. Why? Because the 'I' is a phallic symbol!! Not that I liked this artificial construct anyway, but this just shows how ridiculous all this has become. And it also shows the clear and direct influence of the postmodernist 'philosophy' with their talk about 'phallogo-centrism' etc.

Chu said:
So, I think that as much as English is today the link between cultures, the bridge for knowledge from different horizons, etc., its strength can also be a weakness in its immunity, and one should not "comply" just because it may seem harmful, without first considering how dangerous it can be at other levels.

Maybe this is related to what the Cs said in the last session:

Session 13 May 2017 said:
Q: (Pierre) Well, so it's that. People got scared. That's a documented thing. The first leaks from Macron's servers was those documents from a NATO/CIA-sponsored foundation in France that was pushing for a lot of migration and a lot of mosques and stuff. I was wondering if his main mission is to bring in migrants and stir things up to lead towards a civil war?

A: US wishes to destabilize EU similar to Syria so that they can come in and "fix" things. i.e. rule and control resources and trade the "American way". Everyone will speak English!

While it's of course a good thing for people to have a means of communication across nations and cultures, a common language can also be a powerful tool to infect people's minds with pathological material: I think that our early socialisation in our mother tongue provides us at least with some common sense and some defense mechanisms against pathological thinking. When we later learn a foreign language, this becomes more difficult - for example, the English language is considered 'cool' in many parts of the world, so artificially introduced new concepts and words may be accepted uncritically. "Gender theory" or "Gender studies" for example may sound kind of cool to a German, whereas the German translations sound rather ridiculous. Being 'single' has a rather positive connotation (adventures, strength etc.), whereas the German word literally says 'standing alone', which doesn't sound good. So yes, I would say a 'common language' can be a tool for thought control and circumventing common sense.

Also, I guess the very nature of a 'lingua franca' can impoverish the language and lead to less richness in expression and thought. I think this is obvious for example in the corporate world, where the 'corporate English' has become very superficial and only serves the goal for people to communicate in the globalized business world. Kind of a lowest common denominator thing with the result of people only exchanging corporate word salad that refers to shallow and ill-defined concepts. Tradition, our childhood memories etc. have no place in such a language.
I was just reading two articles on SOTT:

It was enraging to realize that Hillary and her precious snowflake libtards who are so concerned about their gender fluidity are ultimately responsible for this horrific situation. Good ole Hillary "We came, we saw, he died... har... har... har..." Damn her and the rest of them to Hell. I'll censor the remainder of my thoughts.
Turgon said:
I've understood the introduction of multiple genders and pronouns to be like an amorphous blob that takes up any form it wishes too, but without any real structure or base to define its existence to any real capacity, or as in some cases, negates totally the acceptance of either sex/gender in favour of something completely abstract and without form or substance. And I doubt very much that anyone who has ever supported the introduction of this has ever really thought about what the long term consequences of these kinds of insane pathological ideas would lead to. With the way the world is now, children (and people generally) are bombarded from all angles with toxic foods, vaccinations, social programming, propaganda and all sorts of lies, and then to add to that, to attempt to topple two pillars that have been with us since the very beginning, namely the fundamental and biological truth of masculine and feminine - seems like what Peterson has already said before, an evil and malicious plot to destroy traditional foundations and understandings that in this day and age, people need more than ever.

Exactly. And then think about various other developments over the years...

You have feminism, which isn't necessarily bad: equal rights for women is a good thing. But then there is a branch that goes hard core, and it becomes "men are evil".

So how do the men respond? Well, they also go overboard and start MGTOW, where it's basically, "We don't need no stinkin' women - they're all evil".

In both cases, a simple reasoned approach would solve the problem. Everyone should have equal rights, but let's not go nuts here.

Instead, a small group pushes things way too far, THIS is what's promoted by the media and politicians, and suddenly it's not only PC but inherent in terms of "being a good person" to follow their lead.

And the cherry on the cake is the Norwegian thing where once they had Ultra-Mega-Gender-Equality, women do women things and men do men things, just like before.

It's the same as this vid:

It would have been enough to simply apply equality/discrimination protections without going overboard, but it seems that it's exactly this "pushing too far" that derails everything.

The problem isn't any gender; it's any gender that goes too far due to pathology.
The problem isn't conservatives; it's conservatives that go too far due to pathology.
The problem isn't liberals; it's liberals that go too far due to pathology.

The next "group" that takes the reins will end up the same way: "YAY! Everything is better... Oh, poo... They're evil! They're psychotic! They're destroying everything!"

Until and unless the population at large learns about psychopathology and about how to deal with life and everything else in a balanced way, I'm afraid we'll be singing many more verses of this particular song.
Problem is, you can't both have your cake and eat it too. All this springs from the myth that everybody is equal, and equal opportunity for all. But that has never ever ever been the case. Men and women are vastly different. The animal kingdom can tell you as much. The female mantid eats the male after copulation. Female cats cry with pain during the act because the penis of the male is barbed!

Neither are all men equal even among themselves, nor are women.

Who benefits from claiming that everyone is equal? And whose plight is ignored when he or she comes up short in a world that shows no mercy because ostensibly everybody has a fair chance of getting what they need and want?
Apologies if this has been stated before. Could part of this gender stuff be a start of the psychopaths in charge to make pedophilia legal? Haven't they been pushing how it should be just another sexual orientation? I can imagine laws being passed to make pedophilia legal, and for anyone speaking out against them as using hate speech and any parent trying to protect their child(ren) from them as going against their freedoms and the free will of the child.
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