Is gender a social construct?

I don't exactly know how much truth there is in all that, it's just one of the arguments I've heard and it makes sense to me.

Just to clarify, what I meant to write here is that I don't know if it's true that women had more fulfilling lives before.
I'm not sure if this is the best place to post this, but I think it's very related to what's being discussed in this thread.

I came across this story of a dad being portrayed as some sort of hero because he complaint on Twitter about his 5-years-old son being bullyied because he wore red nail polish to school.

Dad condemns toxic masculinity after five-year-old son is ridiculed for wearing nail polish

A father has been praised online for sharing a Twitter thread about “toxic masculinity” after his five-year-old son was mocked at kindergarten for wearing nail polish.

Aaron Gouveia, from Massachusetts, is a former journalist, father of three sons and founder of parenting site Daddy Files.

His middle child, Sam, has a number of hobbies that are stereotypically associated with young boys, including playing sports and being interested in trucks.

“When my wife picked him up from school he collapsed into her arms and cried uncontrollably. He was devastated at how other kids turned on him, even his friends.”

Later that day, Gouveia was upset to hear his son ask to have his nail polish removed as a result of the bullying that he’d received.

“My son is far from perfect but he’s got a huge heart and empathy for miles,” he writes.

“He finds beauty in everything around him and for five years he’s never been afraid to be different because different has never meant ‘bad’. Until now.”

In Gouveia’s opinion, Sam’s experience at kindergarten has emphasised the fact that toxic masculinity is taught to children by parents at a very young age.

My wife and I spent five years successfully preaching tolerance, acceptance, and the importance of expression and your kids unravelled that in one school day,” he writes in a tweet targeted at the parents of the children who derided his son.

If all that preaching can be unravelled by one bullying event, doesn't it say much about the effectiveness of that preaching? I mean, isn't it better to teach values that will build real tolerance (which implies being able to tolerate how other people react to what they dislike) rather than preaching he can do everything that he wants and if others don't like it, we have to make a drama through social media and invite the world to "be like us"? Because that's what this dad is doing, IMO

“He now feels the shame you desperately want to associate with being different.”

Right, he can be different, that's fine, but we all have to learn that people will react to that difference. With the decision to be different (supposing that a 5-years-old can actually make that decision, which I don't think is the case) comes the responsibility of accepting the consequences of it. And this dad could have used the opportunity to teach that to his son. But he did the opposite:

Gouveia encouraged his son to paint his nails an even brighter shade, and to ask the children in his class why they were making fun of him.

Sam’s 10-year-old brother then decided to paint his nails “in solidarity” with his younger brother, with Gouveia following suit.

“Intolerant parents and their offspring scored a minor victory today but they don’t win the war,” Gouveia writes.

“Be brave and shine bright, my beautiful polished boy. Know that mum and dad always have your back and if the rest of the world has a problem with your nails, they can check out my nail polish!”

Well, here's how you build a war mindset in a young boy (ironically, under the flag of "learning about tolerance, respect and all that). It's all about "us vs. them who oppress our freedom to be however we want to be"... "I haven't got any responsibility whatsoever on what others think about me and I'll do as I please so just shut up". So much for growing up! The dad has even become like a child himself, and not in a positive way, OSIT.

I was just thinking how people resonate so much with this because it is portrayed as a defence to "have the freedom to do and be as you like and don't care about what others think", yet, this "super dad" seems to forget that his son is 5 years old, and that he could actually have used the situation to teach him a lesson or two.

I mean, if you're a parent, it's normal to feel sad and even angry if your son can't "be however he wants to be", but as a parent you also have a big responsibility that transcends this desire to let your child express his or her "uniqueness" to the world. True, most parents love their children as they are and it's important that they feel loved and accepted, and encouraged to be assertive enough to manifest their individuality. I'm not condoning any bullying either... , but can't people see that he's actually doing him a disservice by not using this opportunity to teach him another important lesson? Like the one above about owning not only the "freedom to be different" but also the responsibility that comes with it. Is this boy going to learn now that he can just complain about others (dramatising through social media) every time people manifest dislike towards something that he thinks should be tolerated.

I have nothing against children doing silly things like this one with the nail polish. It's normal. And I don't think I would punish a boy for doing something like that. But I know that children can be particularly cruel when it comes to criticising another child for whatever reason -not necessarily being 'different'- and that these interactions are also part of growing up, as sad as it might be to accept that a child will cry and feel bad because of this. So I guess this story touched a me a bit as it seems important not only for parents but also educators dealing with this kind of issue. What are we teaching to children? In what ways do we want them to express their individuality (which takes more than 5 years to settle)? Do we teach them to be individuals who are responsible for their choices and effects on others (which also increases empathy for others because they must try to understand where 'the others' are coming from, etc..) or do we teach them to be constant victims of oppression fighting against others who don't like what we do?

These are just some thoughts. I'm curious about what others think about this story too.
but can't people see that he's actually doing him a disservice by not using this opportunity to teach him another important lesson? Like the one above about owning not only the "freedom to be different" but also the responsibility that comes with it.

I think you’ve touched on something there that comes down the heart of the matter: responsibility. It’s not only a disservice in that he misses a chance to teach his son a lesson about life, but also a chance to teach him to be responsible. All actions have consequences, and within society people follow certain sets of norms and naturally if you deviate too much from them questions are asked (at minimum). Since children haven’t yet learned how to have rational discourse (that said, neither have the hard-left liberals) they tease and bully.

However, there is a big difference between being teased about something you can’t change about yourself (like your height) vs something that you willingly do. Even the boy had enough sense to think “maybe I shouldn’t wear the nail polish”. Although he was doing it from the view of self-preservation (I don’t want to be teased anymore) that could have been a chance for his father to teach him actual tolerance and acceptance and tell him that in some situations he can’t just do whatever he likes because other people are uncomfortable with it and one needs to respect that and act appropriately. In other words, external consideration.

Unfortunately this is yet another example of how the liberal agenda’s labelling of all things ‘men’ equals ‘toxic’ and sadly for the child the father is drunk on the blue kool-aid and demonstrating his lack of responsibility by blaming it on ‘toxic masculinity’ instead of irresponsible parenting. Should this child decide he wants to be a girl will the father go ahead with gender re-assignment or is there a line he won’t cross?

So I guess this story touched a me a bit as it seems important not only for parents but also educators dealing with this kind of issue. What are we teaching to children?

Looking at today’s political climate it seems like all the wrong things! Post-modernist ideology has sunken its roots deep into many of our foundational institutions (like school policy) and laws are now written to enforce what is at best an ambiguous things (like gender pronouns). It’s a devastating thing for society and sometimes I’m amazed at how a convoluted and contradictory ideology has taken such a strong hold in today’s thinking.

This has much deeper and serious implications. In essence the assertion there is no real ‘truth’ is to take away a reference point towards which to place the highest valuation upon. Without that, there is no more ‘direction’ from with which to gauge whether one is going towards the ‘good’ or the ‘bad’. And without direction, society is left aimless and thus without meaning.

At the same I can I understand why it’s so appealing, in particular to the young and impressionable: without meaning or even at least direction, there is no longer any responsibility required of the person to direct their life. Ultimately, I think this is what society will continue to pass on to the next generation, with each iteration worse than the last.

We are teaching them not only a victim mentality, but also leaving them defenseless against reality, without any skills to manage life outside this bubble they create. I think in the long run, even their ability to derive any real meaning in their lives is impeded as learning how to cope with hard and trying situations is where we can discover that which makes one strong, osit.
Every week, we seems to have one topic or other getting lot of highlighting, often in a crazy way. This week "cultural appropriation" as of now. Who defines what is cultural appropriation or appreciation?. They can say boys can have girls paint, but if one wore other culture's dress it is cultural appropriation. Until very recently, if some body wore your cultural costumes, you felt good about it. But no longer. Often that seems to come from school/college education. The basic rules seems to have gone out of window with the politicized education system.
They can say boys can have girls paint, but if one wore other culture's dress it is cultural appropriation.

Yeah, it's all moronic, nonsensical and ridiculous. We might start seeing people dying from extreme cognitive dissonance soon. Their heads would just go "pop", smoke a bit, and they'd be falling on the ground left and right. :evil:

If this father (of the boy with the nail polish) could think past whatever ideology possesses him, he wouldn’t be turning this into a drama against intolerance and toxic masculinity and whatnot. Just look at society: Kitchen is a woman’s place, right? Yet all great chefs are men. Clothes, fashion, women’s stuff. Yet, so many men have risen to the heights of fame and wealth in fashion design. Male ballet dancers? Who hasn’t heard of Nureyev and Barishnikov? I think that our society is pretty tolerant when it is sensible to be so, especially in the west at this day and age.
Celine Dion has launched a new gender neutral line clothing line for children. In an interview, she said she was inspired by her own sons who preferred to see the Disney Princesses instead of super heroes during their trip to Disneyland. The result is satanic looking selection of outfits that will make any cute child look creepy.

Her new album is coming out soon, I guess she needed some promotion among her liberal fan base? She should have launched her clothing line before Halloween. Those outfits would have been perfect outfits for that.

It's quite clear that liberal parents preach about letting your child be whoever they want, while at the same time they clearly WANT their children to have gender dysphoria. If nature doesn't support their silly gender as a social construct argument, they will make sure nurture does the job.
Sickening. :barf:



Source for images: Céline Dion has a new gender-neutral clothing line for kids

More from Facebook:





Céline Dion Launches New Gender-Neutral Clothing Line for Children with Creepy Ad

Pop singer Céline Dion is launching a new line of children’s clothing, and she announced the partnership with Nununu with a creepy, Orwellian advertisement.

In the commercial, which first aired Tuesday, Dion declares, “Our children — they are not really our children, as we are all just links in a never-ending chain that is life.”
“For us,” she continues, “they are everything. But in reality, we are only a fraction of their universe. We miss the past; they dream of tomorrow.”

Then, standing in a neonatal unit flanked by male and female symbolism, the Canadian recording artist says, “We may thrust them forward into the future, but the course will always be theirs to choose.”

While Dion is in the hospital, which she presumably broke into because security guards are trying to find her, the entertainer blows black glitter into the air, magically changing the babies’ pink and blue outfits to black and white, gender-neutral clothes.
All of this happens as a children’s lullaby plays faintly and eerily in the background.

Dion explained during an interview with CNN that she was inspired to design a gender-neutral clothing line after taking her twin sons to Disney World.
Rather than go straight for the superheroes, the singer recalled, her 8-year-old boys were interested in meeting the princesses and Minnie Mouse.
“And then I said, ‘But what about Mickey?’” Dion said. “They replied, ‘Oh, we like Mickey, but can we be…’ And I end up saying to myself, ‘You know what, it’s OK.’ You know why it’s OK? Because they’re talking, they’re finding themselves.”

Dion explained it’s important for parents to let their children inform them about “what they feel like.”
“You don’t know what they’re going to become later,” the 50-year-old celebrity said. “You don’t want for them to have a problem of growth and say, ‘I’m supposed to be like that. I’m supposed to say that. I’m supposed to dress like this. Because I’m a guy, I’m a boy, I’m supposed to do…’ No. No. You don’t know. Let people be who they are as quick and as soon as possible.”

The new line, according to the description on the Nununu website, “liberates children from the traditional roles of boy/girl, and enables younger people to grow on values of equality with the freedom to strengthen their own power of personality based on mutual respect.”
The gender-neutral clothes are available now for order.
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Urgh... Why does "gender neutral" need to be so ugly, creepy, depressing and dark? I guess it must reflect the minds or their "designers". And they claim that that way kids are expressing who they are, never mind that they all look depressed or empty. Great...
Had read this (from back in February - may have missed in in the thread) article: The rich, white men institutionalizing transgender ideology -- and as the title of this thread states 'Is gender a social construct?' it seems rather well manufactured with a great deal of money behind it and, ownership in the medical complex with future patents is assured. Through this, said groups seem to have reached into every conceivable societal institution to bind the message into this so called postmodernist enlightened social movement. From there, all that seemed to be needed was for parents to be confused and the rest of society (along with her primary institutions like education and medicine) to double-down on said confusion while calling out those who disagreed with a plethora of names. In this, said is there is only one acceptable societal answer, let the child tell us who they think they are (coaching is okay) and we will make it so. If parents resist, we will remind them of the laws (if enacted) and even take their children away - society after all must remind the parents, and everyone else, that they are simply bad parents when they don't do so.

Ruin a few parents lives and make mockery of them on the news and within social media and people will get the message.

So yeah, it is like a divide and concur strategy, and people like Céline Dion, and so many others, will help lead the way for this strategic planning experiment.


Who Is Funding the Transgender Movement?
I found exceedingly rich, white men with enormous cultural influence are funding the transgender lobby and various transgender organizations. These include but are not limited to Jennifer Pritzker (a male who identifies as transgender); George Soros; Martine Rothblatt (a male who identifies as transgender and transhumanist); Tim Gill (a gay man); Drummond Pike; Warren and Peter Buffett; Jon Stryker (a gay man); Mark Bonham (a gay man); and Ric Weiland (a deceased gay man whose philanthropy is still LGBT-oriented). Most of these billionaires fund the transgender lobby and organizations through their own organizations, including corporations.

Separating transgender issues from LGBT infrastructure is not an easy task. All the wealthiest donors have been funding LGB institutions before they became LGBT-oriented, and only in some instances are monies earmarked specifically for transgender issues. Some of these billionaires fund the LGBT through their myriad companies, multiplying their contributions many times over in ways that are also difficult to track.

These funders often go through anonymous funding organizations such as Tides Foundation, founded and operated by Pike. Large corporations, philanthropists, and organizations can send enormous sums of money to the Tides Foundation, specify the direction the funds are to go, and have the funds get to their destination anonymously. Tides Foundation creates a legal firewall and tax shelter for foundations and funds political campaigns, often using legally dubious tactics.

These men and others, including pharmaceutical companies and the U.S. government, are sending millions of dollars to LGBT causes. Overall reported global spending on LGBT is now estimated at $424 million. From 2003-2013, reported funding for transgender issues increased more than eightfold, growing at threefold the increase of LGBTQ funding overall, which quadrupled from 2003 to 2012. This huge spike in funding happened at the same time transgenderism began gaining traction in American culture.

$424 million is a lot of money. Is it enough to change laws, uproot language and force new speech on the public, to censor, to create an atmosphere of threat for those who do not comply with gender identity ideology?

Transgenderism: A New Medical and Lifestyle Market

It seems obvious now to look at the money behind transgenderism. Many new markets have opened because of it. The first gender clinic for children opened in Boston in 2007. In the past ten years, more than 30 clinics for children with purported gender dysphoria have arisen in the United States alone, the largest serving 725 patients.

Comment: This may be correlated to the institutionalisation of transgender propaganda in schools:

Over the past decade, there has been an explosion in transgender medical infrastructure across the United States and world to "treat" transgender people. In addition to gender clinics proliferating across the United States, hospital wings are being built for specialized surgeries, and many medical institutions are clamoring to get on board with the new developments.

Doctors are being trained in cadaver symposiums across the world in all manner of surgeries related to transgender individuals, including phalloplasty, vaginoplasty, facial feminization surgery, urethral procedures, and more. More and more American corporations are covering transgender surgeries, drugs, and other expenses. Endocrinologists seeking the fountain of youth in hormones for more than a generation, and the subsequent earnings for marketing those hormones, are still on a quest for gold.

Puberty blockers are another growing market. The plastic surgery arm of medicine is staged for an infusion of cash as well as organ transplants, especially womb transplants for men identifying as women who may want future pregnancies. These surgeries are already being practiced on animals and the first successful womb implant from a deceased female donor to another female has already been a success. Biogenetics is poised to be the investment of the future, says Rothblatt, who has headed a massive pharmaceutical corporation and is now heavily invested in biogenetics and transplants.

Comment: Swedish doctors transplant wombs into 9 women

Transgenderism has certainly made its way into the American marketplace, so it seems important to consider the implications of this as we pass laws regarding transgender individuals' and our civil liberties. Transgenderism sits square in the middle of the medical industrial complex, which is by some estimates even bigger than the military industrial complex.

With the medical infrastructure being built, doctors being trained for various surgeries, clinics opening at warp speed, and the media celebrating it, transgenderism is poised for growth. The LGB, a once-tiny group of people trying to love those of the same sex openly and be treated equally within society, has likely already been subsumed by capitalism and is now infiltrated by the medical industrial complex via transgenderism.
Celine Dion has launched a new gender neutral line clothing line for children.

Well, I dunno, the skulls are just wonderful. I mean, who wouldn't dress their gender-neutral child up in skull pants, or a cute little skull jumper with a black shirt underneath? Aww! :umm:

Urgh... Why does "gender neutral" need to be so ugly, creepy, depressing and dark? I guess it must reflect the minds or their "designers". And they claim that that way kids are expressing who they are, never mind that they all look depressed or empty. Great...

How symbolic. It's like a little fractal example of the larger whole.

Children's outfits supposedly born out of compassion for those poor souls oppressed by nature natural genders? Yet they're black/White, lacking in beauty, displayed by models with loveless, lifeless eyes

Is that the true heart of what hides ironically behind a rainbow banner of diversity and freedom?

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