Israel-Palestine War: Hamas Breaks Out of Gaza, Israel Responds With Genocide

As soon as Netanyahu declared this was Israel's 911, it seemed plain that they deliberately allowed this to happen to declare war on the Palestinians. I'm getting so much deja vu it's freaking me out. In the summer 2019 while covid had been a reality for a while but the plans were being made to traumatize the world, I experienced the same level of deja vu. I am truly scared.

Looks like Hamas plans to link up with the West Bank. Israel is going to have a lot to deal with in that case. A ground operation against Gaza is building. Hezbollah involvement on a larger scale therefore seems inevitable. I don't recall such momentum building behind a Palestinian uprising in my lifetime. While I'm still very suspicious of Israeli intelligence involvement I can see this going badly wrong for their military, at the very least.
Some wider context perhaps worth keeping in mind:
  • Project Ukraine is on the brink of collapse.
  • The failed offensive has led to catastrophic losses effectively dismembering the Ukraine military as an offensive force from hereon in.
  • Defeat on Russia's terms is now inevitable - just a case of how and when.
  • Russian military will have close to 1,000,000 in the field by the new year, trained, armed and ready to do whatever the government deems as the next stage in the end game.
  • The Russian leadership has now closed off any form of negotiation with the west that does not include a neutral Ukraine, a new form of government and a return of - or at least security guarantees for - all territory perceived as being Russian e.g. Odessa.
  • The US/EU/NATO alliance is cracking apart on all fronts - open splits and refusals to support further support for Ukraine growing.
  • The political eruptions in the US with an estimated 100 Republicans now willing to vote against further funding or at least to pull back on levels of funding.
  • Ukraine is in danger of running out of adequate funding by year end if not resolved.
  • We are less than 3 months from the most turbulent and dangerous Presidential US election year in history.
  • Public opinion in the west is slipping and getting very restless...

And so now this...
  • Suddenly funding for Ukraine can be linked to the wider fake narrative of defend Israel at all costs.
  • Russia is the cause of what is happening in Israel. So we must defeat Russia in Ukraine.
  • Opposing funding for Ukraine is now going to equate for support for Russia against Jews and a support for terrorism.
  • Right on cue, Zelensky is out there on Twitter etc supporting Israel, declaring the imperative of giving them all the backing they need to protect their territorial integrity.
  • It also means the media spot light shifts from the disaster of Ukraine to one of black and white again, good (Israel), bad (Palestinian terrorist).
Worth remembering that Israel and Ukraine have always been deeply interlinked. Many of the leading Zionists who created and shaped the state of Israel were/are Ukrainian in origin.

A deep dive into the background and wider context by Vanessa a Beeley and Ryan Cristian - worth a watch e.g. The west entirely ignores a terrible terrorist massacre in Syria with over 100 dead but goes wall to wall with footage and condemnation from Gaza.

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Some wider context perhaps worth keeping in mind:
  • Project Ukraine is on the brink of collapse.
  • The failed offensive has led to catastrophic losses effectively dismembering the Ukraine military as an offensive force from hereon in.
  • Defeat on Russia's terms is now inevitable - just a case of how and when.
  • Russian military will have close to 1,000,000 in the field by the new year, trained, armed and ready to do whatever the government deems as the next stage in the end game.
  • The Russian leadership has now closed off any form of negotiation with the west that does not include a neutral Ukraine, a new form of government and a return of - or at least security guarantees for - all territory perceived as being Russian e.g. Odessa.
  • The US/EU/NATO alliance is cracking apart on all fronts - open splits and refusals to support further support for Ukraine growing.
  • The political eruptions in the US with an estimated 100 Republicans now willing to vote against further funding or at least to pull back on levels of funding.
  • Ukraine is in danger of running out of adequate funding by year end if not resolved.
  • We are less than 3 months from the most turbulent and dangerous Presidential US election in history.
  • Public opinion in the west is slipping and getting very restless...

And so now this...
  • Suddenly funding for Ukraine can be linked to the wider fake narrative of defend Israel at all costs.
  • Russia is the cause of what is happening in Israel. So we must defeat Russia in Ukraine.
  • Opposing funding for Ukraine is now going to equate for support for Russia against Jews and a support for terrorism.
  • Right on cue, Zelensky is out there on Twitter etc supporting Israel, declaring the imperative of giving them all the backing they need to protect their territorial integrity.
  • It also means the media spot light shifts from the disaster of Ukraine to one of black and white again, good (Israel), bad (Palestinian terrorist).
Worth remembering that Israel and Ukraine have always been deeply interlinked. Many of the leading Zionists who created and shaped the state of Israel were/are Ukrainian in origin.

A deep dive into the background and wider context by Vanessa a Beeley and Ryan Cristian - worth a watch e.g. The west entirely ignores a terrible terrorist massacre in Syria with over 100 dead but goes wall to wall with footage and condemnation from Gaza.

Very interesting analysis.

By the way, I myself was not aware of what happened in Syria, it was by listening to the Duran that I learned this terrible news. Nowhere did I see an article about this massacre, unbelievable. I think it is big enough to talk about, but it's not. Nothing happened in Syria. As if Syria didn't exist, didn't exist anymore.
Thank you
Not that simple atm unfortunately

Also we don't want to leave anyone behind
FWIW - I saw this in an news article online.
Canadians in need of emergency consular assistance in Israel, the West Bank and the Gaza Strip should contact Global Affairs Canada's Emergency Watch and Response Centre by calling +1 613 996 8885, by text message at +1 613-686-3658, by WhatsApp at +1-613-909-8881, by Telegram at "Canada Emergency Abroad," by Signal at +1-613-909-8087, or by sending an email to
This was posted on an offshoot channel of Readovka, one of the largest Russian TG channels.

We must remain human. We owe it to ourselves

The terrorist attack in Israel provoked all sorts of reactions. Some were horrified by the deaths and abuse of people, some were reminded that this conflict is far from Russia, and others remembered the suffering of the Palestinians. But still, we would like to say a few words about a group of users - not very numerous, but noisy. These are those who started gloating about the victims of the terrorist attack.

Our country has been through a lot. We have seen how bandits in Beslan tortured children and how the Kursk was destroyed - live on air. We've seen our neighbors quip about "russet" and "burnt cotton candy" kebabs.

Yesterday, Russia's Telegram smelled of Ukraine.

Whatever the governments policies, the young brats who came to the music festival did not make those decisions. Not good, not bad, none. And riding a 20-year-old girl naked and with broken legs in a pickup truck is not allowed not because of her country's position. It's because you can't do that kind of thing at all. In Wagner, which our enemies consider a symbol of cruelty, for such feats as those performed yesterday by Hamas, their own soldiers would have been subjected to everything that the laws of wartime prescribe (Keit: meaning, they would be executed). Because there are things you can't do if you are a military man and not Hannibal Lecter. And Hannibal Lecter types are shitty soldiers.

Rejoicing in the deaths of Palestinians under the rubble of destroyed buildings is also an atrocity. When yet another "liberal", calls for killing the children of Gaza - that's no less disgusting.

We've seen too much stupid cruelty and know the cost of it too well to smirk at the sight of others suffering. Others, by the way, are not so far from us. We have seen for ourselves what people in Kiev and Kharkiv have become. To what level of insanity they have reached. To what level of ferocity towards their fellow citizens can be reached if you open an internal portal to Hell, and what a whole country can be turned into in this way. This is a lesson worth learning.

We do not owe Ukrainians to be human. We don't owe Jews to be human beings.

We owe it to ourselves to be human.

And here's another statement made by a Russian TG site that usually posts news about SMO and anything related:

Both sides have committed, are committing, and will continue to commit large-scale war crimes, including the murder of women and children <...> the sides are very quick to move to outright massacres when given the opportunity.

To support the murder of women and children and other acts of mutual viciousness is, to put it bluntly, a psychological pathology - this applies to Jews and Palestinians alike. We, according to the precepts of General Konashenkov, prefer precision strikes against clusters of nationalists, and unlike them, we do not fall into systemic atrocities and war crimes. Although we have every opportunity to do so. Obduracy prevents the achievement of long-term goals, including post-war ones.

And here you can find an example of Israeli ugliness.

Disgusting footage from Israel. A video of two men mocking the bodies of dead Hamas fighters (indicated by a green breast patch) is going viral on local social media. The first one is performing a urinal, while the second one is beating on the head.

According to local residents, the video is revenge for the footage of Hamas militants bullying the bodies of Israeli soldiers.
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The usual suspect, I guess, so the math is easy.

From one of my top Deep State sources. Highest level. 100% reliable for over two decades.

Excerpts of our latest exchange:


"I was having dinner with *** where we were discussing the effect of the dropping of a nuclear bomb on a nation. He said it would take three nuclear bombs to overthrow the US Government. One for the state of Israel."


"I was having dinner with X the very powerful billionaire with a high official of Israel discussing the Yom Kippur War under Golda Meir. He was a close advisor to every Israeli leader. The problem was that Israel ran out of ammunition and President Nixon cut Israel off from the resupply. Golda then threatened to send her nuclear missiles against Russia who would blame the US for the strike and the US would be destroyed. Nixon relented."


"Ukraine weapons are ending up in the hands of the Palestinians. The question is which country is paying for it. Iran just made a deal with the US for six billion dollars and it is unlikely Iran would jeopardize that. I have a source who gave me the name of the country but I cannot reveal it. The fact is that Ukrainian weapons are going to the Gaza Strip and they are being paid for but not by Iran."


"A NKVD general predicted that if the Israelis tampered with the holy shrine of Al-Aqsa it would lead to its end. He was presented by Putin with a gold watch. He sat next to Milosevic at Dayton as his chief advisor. The Israeli Defense Minister Avigdor Lieberman was his protege."

Enjoy doing the math.

FWIW an article from the State of the Nation website.

If there’s one reason, above all the others, why Israel meticulously engineered this war with Palestine — AT THIS SPECIFIC MOMENT IN HISTORY — it is this:​

The timing of Israel’s long-planned building of the THIRD TEMPLE,
where the Al-Aqsa Mosque currently sits, reigns supreme
among the vast majority of Israelis, as well as
religious Jews living around the word.

Dome of the Rock​

The real problem for Israel’s Messianic Jews is that the ultra-sacred Islamic site, known as the Dome of the Rock, is a shrine situated inside of the Al-Aqsa Mosque which are both located on the Temple Mount in the Old City of Jerusalem.

That most holy of holy mosques within the Islamic tradition was built on the same site as the first two Hebrew temples in Jerusalem.

“After the destruction of the First Temple in Jerusalem by the Babylonians in 586 BCE, the Jews of the Kingdom of Judea went into exile. In 538 BCE during the reign of Cyrus the Great, the Jews returned to Jerusalem and were able to build the Second Temple on the site of the original one that had been destroyed.”(Source: Destruction of the Second Temple in 70 CE)
Now here’s the real problem…for the Messianic Jews as well as the Christian Zionists who support them.

They are operating according to a very strict timeline to get the long-prophesied Third Temple constructed. That schedule has already been set back by a number of unanticipated events which are beyond the scope of this short exposé.

Nevertheless, the dictates of the Hebrew Calendar must be adhered to, according to the most orthodox Jewish sects who completely control Prime Minster Benjamin Netanyahu.

Which means that PM Netanyahu had to resort to a very desperate series of black ops (and psyops) to get the job done. In fact, Bibi had to pull off something so brazen and so stunning and so reckless that those false flag attacks / terrorist operations would sufficiently shock the collective Israeli consciousness so that he could justify taking over the Al-Aqsa Mosque for reasons of “national security”.

That, right there, is the reason of the season— the coming war season, that is.
This is another video of the attack on the building whit a larger view,

You can see the missile before the impact specially the last one.
I don't know what to think about this video.
First, for the last first 26 seconds, the sky is not exactly the same than in the rest of the video, the sky looks like dawn. Seems to be the same point of vue, yes, but not the exact same time of the day; In the rest of the video, light is different than for the first 26 seconds as if it were later, once the Sun had really risen...

Second, during these firts 26 seconds, we can see something that explodes on the roof. When looking at a slower speed, it looks like (to me) a "tiny mushroom" (mini atomic bomb, or something?), AND one can see that the explosion takes place above the roof and not on it. And then, the antennas on the roof don't seem to have been destroyed by the blast at all (visible between the first strike and those that follow, aka between seconds 26 and 28 seconds. So what is the aim of this first strike, to begin with?

Third, for the second part, after the first 26 seconds, one can see cars stopped in the middle of the street to the right of the building in question and even what seems to be a vehicle with a flashing light (ambulance, fire brigade, other?). Are they there because of the 1st explosion which must have happened before (change of light and clouds not quite the same in the sky)? Or are they there because they know (if so, how?) something is about to happen, aka what looks like one or more missiles which then destroy the building at its base and bring it down like a controlled demolition?

I don't know, I feel that, maybe, this footage could have take place in another area than the one that is claimed to be. I was intrigued by the header on the video which says: "Video: Mohammed Alaloul/Anadolu Agency via Getty Images". I've searched for this photographer on the agency's website, which lists 17 videos by him. None of them match the video above. There could be a good reason for this, but the fact that it is not there increases my doubts about the authenticity of the place and time period allegedly said in this video.

It's so difficult these days to distinguish between reality and lies, especially when it comes to widely-shared images which can serve the agendas of one side or another.
I don't know what to think about this video.
First, for the last first 26 seconds, the sky is not exactly the same than in the rest of the video, the sky looks like dawn. Seems to be the same point of vue, yes, but not the exact same time of the day; In the rest of the video, light is different than for the first 26 seconds as if it were later, once the Sun had really risen...

Second, during these firts 26 seconds, we can see something that explodes on the roof. When looking at a slower speed, it looks like (to me) a "tiny mushroom" (mini atomic bomb, or something?), AND one can see that the explosion takes place above the roof and not on it. And then, the antennas on the roof don't seem to have been destroyed by the blast at all (visible between the first strike and those that follow, aka between seconds 26 and 28 seconds. So what is the aim of this first strike, to begin with?

Third, for the second part, after the first 26 seconds, one can see cars stopped in the middle of the street to the right of the building in question and even what seems to be a vehicle with a flashing light (ambulance, fire brigade, other?). Are they there because of the 1st explosion which must have happened before (change of light and clouds not quite the same in the sky)? Or are they there because they know (if so, how?) something is about to happen, aka what looks like one or more missiles which then destroy the building at its base and bring it down like a controlled demolition?

I don't know, I feel that, maybe, this footage could have take place in another area than the one that is claimed to be. I was intrigued by the header on the video which says: "Video: Mohammed Alaloul/Anadolu Agency via Getty Images". I've searched for this photographer on the agency's website, which lists 17 videos by him. None of them match the video above. There could be a good reason for this, but the fact that it is not there increases my doubts about the authenticity of the place and time period allegedly said in this video.

It's so difficult these days to distinguish between reality and lies, especially when it comes to widely-shared images which can serve the agendas of one side or another.
Agreed, media can't be trusted generally (As in day to day).... Even moreso when they're out to prove / discredit / WHATEVER a specific thing

In the meantime, this is my update from the center: The shit has hit the fan,
And is now being flung in all directions
Quelle Surprise ! 😑

And now supposedly the "U.S." is on the way with carriers or something 🤷🏽‍♂️

I have cycled through anger and sadness

Emotionally depleted
Smoking some tobacco
Breathing with the DCM in mind
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