Israel-Palestine War: Hamas Breaks Out of Gaza, Israel Responds With Genocide

My video update transcript:

  • Oct. 7th, 2023, This is Efrat Fenigson, and I’m here to share an update from Israel-Hamas War which started this morning.
  • I’m going to share some key details and concerns, mostly based on Israeli citizens’ voices from the ground, and on official statements.
  • This is a very tough day for me and for us in Israel. It is tough for people of Palestine too, especially now that Israel is starting to attack back. War is a horrible thing for everyone involved, except for those who get rich from it.
  • This morning, around 6am, sunrise, Hundreds of Hamas terrorists, at least 300, breached the border fence in multiple places, completely unimpeded, leading to terror attacks and kidnappings in Israeli towns or villages.
  • The terrorists infiltrated a significant number of dryland outposts as well as a naval infiltration point in Zikim. As we speak, Israel is actively engaged in combat in n 22 outposts. - this is from the IDF statement.
  • The attacks have already resulted in over 100 casualties and more than 100 kidnappings of Israeli citizens.
  • In one village, 50 Israelis have been taken hostage, leaving people locked in shelters for long periods of 8-9 hours without rescue.
  • In some places the terrorists were burning the village and people didn’t know if to leave the shelter and surrender or stay and pray the fire doesn't catch them.
  • Many young people who were in a big outdoor party near the Gaza envelope villages, were attacked there, some ran away, some were injured and some are still missing.
  • Apparently Israeli Defense forces that were supposed to be around Gaza were placed around the West Bank because of security concerns so the Gaza envelope was left unoccupied with military.
  • Soldiers are being recruited for reserves, but because of stupid reasons such as no public transport they’re waiting hours to get to bases.
  • Mainstream media apparently admits that IDF spokesperson is forbidding to tell the complete truth, highlighting a lack of transparency. Only now, 6pm Israel time, 12 hours after the event started, we received the first formal announcement from IDF spokesperson:
  • A year ago there was a military operation in Gaza to prepare for such events, and ongoingly there are trainings for these kinds of scenarios. This raises serious questions about Israeli intelligence. What happened?
  • Two years ago there was a successful deployment of underground barriers in with sensors - to alert terrorists breaches. Israel has one of the most advanced and high tech armies, how come there was zero response to the border and fence breaching??
  • I served in the IDF 25 years ago, in the intelligence forces. There’s no way Israel did not know of what’s coming. A cat moving alongside the fence is triggering all forces. So this??
    What happened to the “strongest army in the world”?
    How come border crossings were wide open??
    Something is VERY WRONG HERE, something is very strange, this chain of events is very unusual and not typical for the Israeli defense system.
  • With the recent normalization efforts of Israel and Palestine led by Saudi Arabia, I wonder whether a prisoners exchange deal is something that could only be seriously considered by Israel if a shocking event like that happened?
  • Is it a possibility that only with Israeli hostages it can be justified to release dangerous prisoners from Israeli prisons?
  • MSM reported that “Deputy Hamas leader Saleh Al-Aruri suggests using Israeli prisoners for leverage in negotiations.”
  • A point about the situation in Israel in the past few years - those who follow me know, that there’s a general sense of insecurity in Israel, there’s political and social instability, public funds are being misused on agendas such as Covid, climate, judicial reform, abolishing cash and more. The current and government is highly corrupt in my view, while the previous one was no better.
  • I don’t care about having a popular opinion, I care about exposing evil forces - wherever they are:
    • To me this surprise attack seems like a planned operation. On all fronts.
      This is a failure to protect the people of Israel, for sure, perhaps the biggest failure since the Yom Kippur war exactly 50 years ago, if not bigger. - by the way - is it a coincidence it’s exactly 50 years ago, almost on the day? The Yom Kippur War was on Oct. 6th 1973.
    • If I was a conspiracy theorist I would say that this feels like the work of the Deep State.
      It feels like the people of Israel and the people of Palestine have been sold, once again, to the higher powers that be.
    • At the same time, this is still very difficult to fathom.
Please share this update,

Take care,


Quite a short commentary about what's happening by a YouTuber who also made a sober video on the Russian-Ukraine conflict. He plays an autist (but maybe he is), that is not influenced by emotions but judges everything by facts. Of course, historical facts look really bad for the state of Israel. The ending is hilarious, he mocks the rationalizations that are going on in the society that allows such things to happen, but in an autistic dead-serious way.
The people who were at that music festival are innocents, yes. But would you hold a music festival in the middle of a highway at rush hour?

10 years ago I was playing with a professional band, and our manager told us we might have the opportunity to go to Israel, all expenses paid, and play hotels in Tel Aviv. I refused to go and said they’d have to find someone to take my place.

I’m sorry that these innocent people have been kidnapped, and at least one reportedly murdered, in the same way that I’m sorry for everyone who has died from or been injured by the experimental vaccine that they decided to take.
A video dating back to 2001 has resurfaced, highlighting remarks made by Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu. In the video - supposedly unedited - Netanyahu speaks openly about how Israel intentionally strikes Palestinians in "painful" ways.

Shocking revelations: Netanyahu admits to deceiving the US and intentionally striking Palestinians

"The world won't say anything. The world will say we're defending ourselves... Especially today, with America. I know what America is. America is something that can easily be influenced. Influenced in the right direction... They won't get in our way. They won't get in our way.
According to this TG channel, Israel has officially declared a state of war and to quote "clause (or article?) 40 aleph" was applied which supposedly means the IDF can act under its own discretion.

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Andrew Korybko's initial impressions:

Andrew Korybko said:
The Top Ten Takeaways From Hamas’ Sneak Attack On Israel

Everything that’s happened thus far has been eye-opening for everyone.

Hamas launched an unprecedented sneak attack on Israel over the weekend that completely caught the self-professed Jewish State by surprise after all its security systems unexpectedly failed at the same time. The border wall was breached, some military bases were captured, and dozens of hostages were taken back to Gaza. Israel responded by launching airstrikes inside the strip and preparing a ground operation. Here are the top ten takeaways from everything that’s happened thus far in the latest Israeli-Hamas war:


1. Israel’s Alleged Invincibility Was Dispelled As An Illusion

For starters, nobody is under the illusion any longer that Israel is invincible. Up until this weekend’s sneak attack, some had continued to cling to the claim that its conventional military-technical capabilities and massive aid from America made it the regional hegemon, but that perception was just shattered.

2. It Was Totally Unprepared For Hamas’ Hybrid War Tactics

Upon the breaching of its border wall, which was the result of a colossal intelligence failure and subsequent collapse of all security systems, Israel proved that it was totally unprepared to counter Hamas’ Hybrid War tactics of lightning-fast squad assaults and rudimentary drone attacks.

3. Political Infighting Likely Contributed To This Intelligence Failure

Had Israel’s military and intelligence services not gotten involved in the political dispute over Netanyahu’s planned judicial reforms, which was exacerbated by the Biden Administration’s meddling as explained here, then they might have detected Hamas’ plans in advance and thus been able to foil them.

4. It Also Didn’t Help That US Spies Are Distracted With Ukraine

Israel must take full responsibility for its intelligence failures, but it also didn’t help any that its American ally’s spies have been distracted with Ukraine. If they weren’t so focused on that conflict, then they might have kept at least one satellite over Gaza that could have discovered Hamas’ military buildup.

5. America Is Now In A Dilemma Over Who Gets Finite Military Aid

Business Insider drew attention to America’s newfound dilemma over whether to give finite military aid, particularly artillery shells, to Ukraine as planned or redirect these resources to Israel instead. Its decision could have major implications for both conflicts since the choice between them is zero-sum.

6. Saudi Arabia Will Probably Freeze Its Peace Talks With Israel

Saudi Arabia is under immense pressure from the international Muslim community to freeze its reported peace talks with Israel after the latter’s strikes against civilian targets in Gaza. It’ll probably comply with these demands, which would then ruin the Biden Administration’s plans for a deal before the elections.

7. The IMEC Megaproject Will Likely Be Put On Ice For Some Time Too

The India-Middle East-Europe Economic Corridor (IMEC) can’t be completed if Saudi Arabia and/or especially Jordan freeze their role in its construction to protest Israel’s involvement in the latest conflict, though this won’t harm India’s trade with any relevant party since it’s entirely conducted by sea.

8. Russia & China’s Balanced Statements Surprised Some Observers

Many in the Alt-Media Community wrongly thought that Russia and China favored Palestine, hence why those two’s balanced statements here and here surprised them. Even fewer knew that President Putin fully supports the IDF as proven by his official statements over the years that were documented here.

9. The Debate Over Whether The Ends Justify The Means Has Re-Opened

Hamas’ killing of IDF-trained settlers-civilians and kidnapping of children, women, and the elderly to swap for prisoners was justified by some Palestinian supporters as a legitimate means for pursuing national liberation while other supporters criticized these tactics for undermining their cause’s morality.

10. Hezbollah Is The Wild Card In The Latest Israeli-Hamas War

Hamas’ sneak attack against Israel brought to life one of the latter’s worst nightmares, which might become even worse if Hezbollah decides to commence large-scale hostilities. In that event, Lebanon and possibly also Syria could be dragged into the fray, which could easily become existential for all parties.


Everything that’s happened thus far has been eye-opening for everyone. The reputation of Israel’s security services has been shattered, Hamas’ has never been better in the eyes of most non-Western observers, and many among the latter finally learned that neither Russia nor China favor Palestine. Should the latest conflict become protracted, let alone expand into a regional one, then there’s a real possibility that the US will freeze the Ukrainian Conflict in order to redirect finite military aid to Israel.
Take this with a grain of salt, as it’s just what I’ve seen mentioned in a few places over the last 24hrs online.

It seems a lot of Jewish men fled the draft in Russia and went to Israel.

Well, now there’s a state of war declared in Israel, airlines have cancelled flights, people are stuck at Ben-Gurion airport. And, there’s gonna be a draft in Israel.

Just gonna leave that here.
But regarding the red heifer in general, apparently Israel already has 5 such cows. They came on a special flight from Texas. They need the cows to reach full maturity to be sacrificed, and meanwhile see if they will grow any non-red hairs.

So either the article you mentioned is an old one, because The Temple Institute has been trying numerous times to breed the red heifer. Or the calf is the result of breeding of the 5 cows, or at least one of them. But from the "saving time" perspective, the cows they already have would be better candidates than the calf, if the cow has to be mature to be sacrificed. fwiw.

"We are waiting for the mythological ref heifer to be born so we know when armageddon will start ........waiting......waiting.....waiting.....ok, let's just buy one."

These are not serious people. Dangerous, yes, but not serious.
"We are waiting for the mythological ref heifer to be born so we know when armageddon will start ........waiting......waiting.....waiting.....ok, let's just buy one."

It's very Jewish, though ;-)

Here's a video of these five cows dated 19 of October 2022 on The Temple Institute YT channel.

The description:

The 5 red heifers that were flown to Israel one month ago from Texas, via Kennedy Airport, are currently enjoying their lives in Israel. After spending 10 days in quarantine they are now living peacefully on a farm in Israel's Galilee region.

Their flight to Israel was the culmination of a two-year effort to locate and verify each heifer's qualifications, (all and only red hair, no injuries or scars, reddish tinge to their flesh and hooves), and fulfill all the legal requirements in the USA and Israel to import them to Israel, where they are now being cared for and watched over.

Over the next year one of the five will provide the vital ashes of the red heifer that grants the highest level of Torah mandated purity, enabling entry for Jews who have been splashed with the ashes and water solution, onto all areas of the Temple Mount. Kohanim (Temple priests), descendants of Aharon, Israel's first Kohen Gadol (High Priest) who have been splashed with the ashes and water solution will be able to enter into the area of the Temple Sanctuary, and Israel's future Kohen Gadol will be able to enter into the Holy of Holies on Yom Kippur.

Maimonides, in his Mishneh Torah, Para Aduma, chapter 3, mishah 4, writes, "Nine red heifers were offered from the time that they were commanded to fulfill this mitzvah until the time when the Temple was destroyed a second time. The first was brought by Moshe our teacher. The second was brought by Ezra. Seven others were offered until the destruction of the Second Temple. And the tenth will be brought by the king Mashiach; may he speedily be revealed. Amen, so may it be G‑d's will."

If you would like to participate in this historical/prophetic undertaking by helping with the care and upkeep of the five red heifers, please visit

View a video of the heifers' arrival and reception at the Ben Gurion Airport in Israel

Learn more about the history and mystery of the Red Heifer

Another video from this article mentions that one of the cows is a year and 7 months old. The date of the article is 30.7.2023. I don't know when the video was taken, but it is probably close to the date of the article.

In the video it is said that the cow should be 2 years old to be burned. It means that it will be 5 months since the making of the video until one of the 5 cows will be ready for a sacrifice. So let's count 5 months starting with July, and it is November.

I guess the conflict started right on time.
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I'm wondering about the timing of this newly created war.

Surely, Netanyahu seems to be off the hook for a while as far as his judicial overhaul business is concerned, and that could mean an eternal war to keep him in office.

Mossad is obviously aware that most of the American 'elites' are hell-bent on destroying their country which in turn will leave Israel having to fend for itself.

How does the latest war fit into this doomsday scenario?

Is there any prospect that destroying Gaza will improve Israel's situation in the years to come, or is it that psychopaths just love to inflict pain at home and abroad?
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