Israel-Palestine War: Hamas Breaks Out of Gaza, Israel Responds With Genocide

Interesting take from Slava. This is timed at the point where Ukraine conflict has depleted the west in a significant way.

It does indeed, I see no missiles hitting or flying before the explosions. Maybe they are to fast.:whistle:

Missiles tend to be pretty fast, and they would naturally target the foundations of the building, instead of just blowing the top off.
Peterson’s whole shtick is preaching to people about how not to be puppets of ideologies.

All those years of study and thinking and writing… zero self-awareness.
Given his personal situation and given that you can go to jail for criticizing Israel... Perhaps he could have kept quiet, or not used such crude language. Does he want to make amends to the powers that be? Who knows.

Robert Kenney junior is also disappointing, but then again, can you take the Palestinians' side when you want to run for office?

It's complicated and disappointing at the same time, and we realize that there are very few courageous people, heroes. (Putin is one of them.)
This response from RFK Jr and Peterson is sadly predictable, because proponents of the Palestinian cause have long been characterised as extremist and volatile. I've long been a supporter of the cause here in the UK and have made many enemies for speaking out in the past. It's a really tough situation; you stand up for human rights and moral living, and you get slandered as that most ghastly of tags, an anti-semite! I learned the hard way to choose my words very carefully when in social chatter, but for many of my acquaintances it was too little, too late, and it all came down to BDS and Palestine. I've lost a number of friends over it, and it frustrates me because, although a little mouthy at times, I wasn't wrong in my convictions.

Peterson and Kennedy have become huge figures over the last few years, and I have found lots of value in what they say. But they're specialists, not all-rounders. It's the latter group that make up the majority of those I really understand and listen to these days, and unsurprisingly also they seem to be the group that is bang-on the money when it comes to this thorny subject. Whither the Jews in all this? I followed Norman Finkelstein, Gilad Atzmon et al, but these days you don't really hear from them so much. We've been marginalised by the mainstream line of force, and this has affected Jewish voices too. Increasingly I've noticed that the prevailing divide that has grown has separated the mainstream audience from the fringes, where we here and many others have congregated. Understand that the worldview held by most of us on here would be seen by normies as extremist, conspiratorial and volatile. That a "Karmic and Simple Understanding" I've gathered from life in the last 20 years.

Having said all that, this is a really sad time again. We were warned of a rocky October and thus it has come to pass. I fear for the people of Gaza. I see a mass exodus on the cards, and not before some more suffering too. many have ruminated on here about what will bring the demise of Israel as has been predicted I believe from the C's? Hubris, it's what hits the STS dynamic every time, and it'll happen again and again until people learn.
Just as a deep dive into today's events, I've just found Richard Medhurst's vid on the attacks. He's got a good track record on following middle eastern events, but I won't say too much cos I've only just begun listening. On first impressions I think this is gonna be worth a listen. My own thinking is that this will lead to the erasure of Gaza as a separate region. If the Palestinians are able to, if they've got the money and the sense, then get the hell outta there. At this stage, it's the only idea that makes sense. Increasingly I think for those who will not leave, they will have to accept a One-State Solution. Pragmatism is their only refuge. People dreaming of an Arab army coming to help them are indeed dreaming.

It's a strange segue, but I've been reading about Welsh history and how they survived colonisation from the Romans, Anglo Saxons, Gauls, Normans and Portuguese. They protected their culture and "played the game". With time the Welsh recovered their language, customs and culture, and survived as a bi-lingual entity. Many will laugh and scoff at the prospect of Welsh independence in an Anglo-centric UK government, but it's a small victory for the Cymru to have even survived this long! Just a wee example of my viewing the long game here. :lol: A culture need not seek to dominate in order to survive. "Karmic and Simple Understanding" number two for the day. I won't have another one for a decade, so I won't get carried away! Here's the Medhurst vid anyway, just thinking aloud is all I'm doing. My prayers tonight go to the moderate and experienced minds of Israel and Palestine, but in my heart I know that they will be overpowered, drowned out by the calls for blood. Pragmatism is the only hope I can see.

I think it's useful to distinguish between Mossad, Israel, and Israelis. A couple of of days ago I was wondering about why the actions of the German Social National regime (you know what I mean) against European Jews is still called "holocaust", it makes no sense. It's as if saying: it's the ultimate sacrifice to the god to obtain something in return. The usual random thoughts that come from nowhere in particular.
After all, Israelis have been sold to Pfizer and the like to be experimented on with gene-altering injections not so long ago, so whatever Mossad or Israel (the state apparatus) do, it's not necessarily for the benefit of the population. The pleb is expandable. On the other hand, there is a generous part of the Israeli population that doesn't warrant sympathy, especially those who went on a picnic to watch war planes bomb Gaza not so long ago. Gaza itself, the largest concentration camp should give anyone a pause as to the bizarre irony of history.

When people have nothing to lose, they have nothing to lose. This bit of basic psychology doesn't register with PTB with their billions invested in how to control people psychology programs and to the idiotic psychologist that is Jordan Peterson and the like. When faced with extermination, as had became clearer with the new direction Natenyahou was leaning towards, you have two choices: resign and die, or fight and die. Palestinians have been dehumanized for longer than Russians (if we exclude russophobia from the 19th century), just like Jews in the recent past but with more sophisticated propaganda. Hamas was created by Israel to weaken the PLO. Is it still under control or it escaped control? Hard to tell. It could be a calculation or a miscalculation, which the near future will tell.

As for illustrious politicians like RFK and others, sure Israel has the right to protect itself, so does Palestine. If the empire, using the British empire and now the US empire didn't meddle in the region, there wouldn't be any of these issues today. Everything it touches turns to death and suffering.
Well, is it still too early to mention Mossad?

This seems like a large scale operation, too large for me to expect it to go completely unnoticed beforehand. It's doomed to fail, and the retaliation by the IDF is potentially massive especially given the makeup of the current Israeli government.

Mossad is a well-resourced spy agency, for sure. I am sure there is a certain element of STS wishful thinking baked into the pie, and by pie I mean their plans to create a Greater Israel and eliminate the Palestinians altogether.

The Palestine question is, and apparently always will be, the most sacred of cows.

As the C's have said,
A: Jordan is much driven by emotion. He is having a difficult time coping with objective reality.

🍀 Thank you
I don't usually scare easily, but this has me extra aware for sure
Given what the C's have said about Israel and its destruction at some point, I think it would be prudent to leave Israel someday, if not soon. Not that I think Canada has a whole lot to recommend itself these days either, but what happens when you can't leave the country at all someday? Is there any scenario going forward where things don't escalate or further endanger people living there?
I wonder if this fits in somehow...

Talking about Israel, the End Times and Madam Apocalypse, I just saw this article from the UK's Daily Mirror Newspaper on line edition, which I would like to share:​

First red heifer in 2000 years fulfils Bible prophecy and signals 'end of days'​

Story by Elaine McCahill •5h

A Bible prophecy has been realised as the first 'red heifer in 2,000 years' was born in Israel.

The Temple Institute announced the birth on their YouTube channel and said the calf and its mother would undergo "extensive examination" to determine if it's "blemish free". In the announcement, the Institute said the red female calf "brings the promise of reinstating Biblical purity to the world".

In both Christianity and Judaism, red heifers feature in tales about the "end of times". The birth and sacrifice of the red cow is said to precede the construction of the Third Temple in Jerusalem. In mainstream Orthodox Judaism, the rebuilding of the Temple will happen before the coming of the Jewish Messiah.

The two previous temples have been destroyed. However, The Temple Institute and other organisations have been established with the goal of building the Third Temple on Mount Moriah or the Temple Mount. But some theologians believe the construction of the Third Temple is linked to 'Judgement Day' or the 'end of times'.

Director of The Temple Institute, Rabbi Chain Richman, believes it's now time to build the Third Temple following the birth of the red heifer. The video on the Institute's YouTube channel shows the calf with its mother and proclaims: “a perfectly red heifer was born in the land of Israel”.

The calf has since undergone “extensive examination by rabbinical experts” who confirmed she is a “viable candidate for the Biblical red heifer”. The prophecy says the cow must be red "without blemish".

I don't know how new this story really is for I am sure I read something similar a few years ago. However, it demonstrates the deep longing by many Jews in Israel to rebuild the Temple and usher in the age of the Messiah. If true, then the birth of the red calf may be an ominous sign for us all, as the building of the Third Temple would necessitate bull dozing the Dome of the Rock Mosque. That would not go down well with the Islamic world to say the least.​
Its irrelevant is it mosad or not, the thing is now bigger and Israel will reap what it sow. And been sowing for quite some time. The Israel army and intelligence incompetence could seem unbelievable, but it actually goes nicely with psychopatic wishful thinking. The whole thing goes with the decline of the West (Israel is not geographicaly on the west, but it is the west's proponent), that's why I think that this will not pass and will escalate. Of course Israel will pin this on Iran, so Iran will get in the war too, but first Hezbollah. And posisibly quite soon.
Okay, I've seen some pretty horrible videos of stuff Palestinians are doing. However, I recall that this occupation has lasted over 50 years and there have been ENDLESS examples and videos of Israelis abusing, insulting, tormenting, killing Palestinians over the years and years and years. They have destroyed their homes, families, their livelihoods, their economy, their history, and much much more. At least two generations have been born and grown up under the boot of Israel. How the hell do you think YOU would act under similar circumstances?
Speaking only for myself: the same, or much worse.
Two main hypothesis so far:

1. This is Netanyahu's 9-11 moment, unprecedented, supremely chaotic and with the potential of uniting an Israel willing to forget the corruption scandals and the judicial reform protests to gather around a common cause. Must have been done with the help of the Mossad, or part of it, if it is still the nefarious entity we have known for decades.

2. The Israelies were caught off-guard, given that the Global South is uniting and gathering around BRICS+, this must have been done with the help of the Saudis and/or the rest of the Arab world, including reconciled sister Syria and new ally Iran, thanks to the mediation of China and Russia.

Some thoughts: we kind of think of the Mossad as this all-knowing entity aware of everything going on around the world, carrying out nefarious crimes following their motto "Through deception we shall wage war." To what extent this is still true? Given that the power centers recently have been distracted carrying out their existential war against Russia in Ukraine. And that the C's have said that some parts of the world are uniting more and shredding their fear of the CIA. So why not of the Mossad too? Their Russia hate and appetite of its destruction is priority one, and they are desperate.

OKay, regardless of this, what then of the forseable future? Hamas, with the suspicion of having been infiltrated for long, have taken hostages, and that could give them leverage for some time, but then what? Once the exchange for Palestine detainees is done what is the next step? To face heavy retaliation and maybe rely on the international support of their Arab partners? Or to keep escalating the conflict in an all-in kind of situation where military victory is the only viable outcome? Too soon to know as of now, but regardless, it will have a big repercussion in the oil markets for sure.

This must have been planned months ago, transporting into Gaza through the underground tunnels military and comms equipment, having done training and planning. Hamas had boats, drones, weaponry, rockets capable of considerable destruction. Kind of hard to believe there was no awareness of any of this, not only of the Mossad, but of regular IDF military command. Hamas even captured an IDF General.

And even more so, there wasn't a more favorable time for this than now. The US depleted of ammuntion and military equipment, having to handle a tough situation back home with a semi-revolt around supporting, and having to admit defeat in, Ukraine. Perhaps this can help distract from the inevitable outcome there?
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