Israel-Palestine War: Hamas Breaks Out of Gaza, Israel Responds With Genocide

Here is one analysis on why Hamas attacked now, which focuses on Israeli-Saudi deal that is in works brokered by USA with Palestinians continue to be as main victims. This attack complicates the deal.

But, the situation reminds me of few things.
- What C's said related to 4D STS plans.
Q: (L) So, what were the purposes of the STS forces that were controlling Hitler causing him to desire to annihilate an entire group of people?

A: To create an adequate "breeding ground" for the reintroduction of the Nephalim, for the purpose of total control of the 3rd density earth prior to elevation to 4th density, where such conquest is more difficult and less certain!

Q: (L) Do you mean "breeding ground" in the sense of genetic breeding?

A: Yes. Third density.

Q: (L) Did they accomplish this goal?

A: No.

Q: (L) So, the creation of the Germanic "Master Race" was what they were going after, to create this "breeding ground?"

A: Yes.

Q: (L) And, getting rid of the Jews was significant? Couldn't a Germanic master race be created without destroying another group?

A: No.


A: Because of 4th density prior encoding mission destiny profile.

Q: (L) What does that mean?

A: This means encoding to activate after elevation to 4th density, thus if not eliminated, negates Nephalim domination and absorption. Jews were prior encoded to carry out mission after conversion, though on individual basis. The Nazis did not exactly know why they were being driven to destroy them, because they were being controlled from 4th density STS. But, Hitler communicated directly with Lizards, and Orion STS, and was instructed on how to create the "master race."

Q: (L) And they were going to use this as their basis to introduce a new blend of the Nephilim... (RC) And the New World Order... their version of it. (L) Well, what is the plan now?

A: We cannot tell you this yet, as you would seek to reveal it prematurely, leading to your destruction!!!!
Who is "Jew" is a question and even that is only on individual basis. There are indications that psychopaths are at least one version of Nephilim who feels desperate pressure due to Wave. 1-december-2018
Q: (Pierre) What's the percentage of psychopathy among Ashkenazi Jews today?

A: 53

(L) That's more than half. Alright, anything else?
Q: (Pierre) Another question: Years ago in a previous session, you mentioned that Nazi Germany was a rehearsal. Next time, who is going to play the role of the Nazis, and who is going to play the role of the Jews?

A: That should be obvious by now. The objective, as we have said, was/is to eliminate true Semites from the gene pool.

(L) Well... The question I have - and I'm not sure that I ever really asked it in such a direct way, or if it was ever really answered - is: What is a Semite?

A: Central Asian genetic type formed from two main lines.

(Chu) Which lines?

A: Kantekkian and Homo Sapiens.

Q: (Artemis) Didn't they say that Kantekkians were the ones most filled with light and superpowered energies inside them?

A: Yes

(Artemis) So they want to get rid of superpowered energy?

A: Yes

Q: (Artemis) Evil!

(L) Okay, next question?

(Artemis) Are we Semitic?

A: Yes

(Pierre) So we're going to be the Jews?

(Artemis) We are.

(Joe) None of us have Central Asia in our DNA, do we?

(L) I think we all come out of Central Asia ultimately.

(Joe) Not in our DNA results...

(L) Uh-huh! If you do all our mitochondria and stuff, you always end up there. Okay, next question?
Q: (L) Yes, everybody ought to read “Controversy of Zion” and understand that it’s not just about Zionism, it’s about psychopaths. Alright then. Anybody have any questions about that?

A: We told you that Nazi Germany was a "practice run".

Q: (L) Yes, you did. But we couldn’t even conceive of what that meant or how it would play out. You also told us about mass control by cops with stun guns and more. Everybody is being herded into finer and finer orders of control, and it just doesn't look very... it doesn't look very hopeful from any angle.

(Pierre) And there's a demonized population as well.

(L) Yeah, just like there was in Nazi Germany. Back then it was Jews, and now it's other Semites, i.e. Arabs and Muslims. They got rid of the Semitic Jews during the holocaust and most of what is left are the Khazarian Jews. Now, they are going after the Semitic Arabs.
IF this line of thought is related to this today's war situation, probably this is a "climax" battle.

- "Timing": The empire is at its weakest point (weakened by Trump, Putin, failures in Syria and Ukraine, loosing Saudi's for maintaining dollar, raise of multi-polarity through BRICS etc.). As a Harry potter fan, this reminds me of dialog where Dumbledore suggesting that Potter has to wait until Voldemort is at its weakest point.
People dreaming of an Arab army coming to help them are indeed dreaming.
The wildcard here is Hezbollah, I think. If they enter the conflict, they could pull in more Iranian and Syrian support. Remember, Israel has been flagrantly bombing Syria with minimal repercussions for years. The Syrian government could see this as a prime opportunity to deal with a pestilent neighbour by providing covert military support and responding in a more hardline way to any incursions of Syrian airspace. There are active S-300 and S-400 systems in Syria.

2. The Israelies were caught off-guard, given that the Global South is uniting and gathering around BRICS+, this must have been done with the help of the Saudis and/or the rest of the Arab world, including reconciled sister Syria and new ally Iran, thanks to the mediation of China and Russia.

Some thoughts: we kind of think of the Mossad as this all-knowing entity aware of everything going on around the world, carrying out nefarious crimes following their motto "Through deception we shall wage war." To what extent this is still true? Given that the power centers recently have been distracted carrying out their existential war against Russia in Ukraine. And that the C's have said that some parts of the world are uniting more and shredding their fear of the CIA. So why not of the Mossad too? Their Russia hate and appetite of its destruction is priority one, and they are desperate.
This is how I'm looking at it as well. Joe and Niall pointed out some time ago that the CIA seem to be the 'top dog' in the empire's intelligence apparatus now, based on certain responses by Israel to the Ukrainian situation. If Mossad still have a 'seat at the table' in the Consortium, then they apparently no longer have the influence they used to. As you pointed out, Russia hate seems to have blinded the CIA and become their psychopathic obsessive dopamine-fuelled left-hemisphere focus, to the exclusion of all else, so I suspect this tunnel vision was taken advantage of by the Arab and BRICS+ nations to provide the Palestinians with well thought out strategies that could be used to inflict significant damage to Israel's image, perhaps even with the possibility of ripping the 'mask of sanity' off the psychopathic body politic.

The Palestinians aren't stupid; they know what they can expect from Israel in response to something like this, so I suspect that the military actions are just a screen for the beginning of a massive guerrilla campaign using the Arab-Israeli population as a 'trojan horse' of logistics support. This would force Israel to declare martial law and dispense with any pretence of democracy, and the world would see Israel as it truly is and has been for some time now. The price, that the Palestinians seem willing to pay, is the destruction or absorption of Gaza completely into Israel.

This could be why Hezbollah made their statement about a ground incursion into Gaza being the trigger for an escalation of the conflict. Whether they are serious about this remains to be seen. If they are, it would provide further evidence for a pre-planned strategy on behalf of the Arab world, taking advantage of the empire's defeat in Ukraine, or so I think.
Gilad Atzmon also sees the current conflict as arising out of wishful thinking, hubris and failure to self-reflect on the part of the Israeli power structures. Full article here and it was originally published in 2021.

What we see in Israel at the moment is obviously a tragic manifestation of the same syndrome. Once again, the Israelis have been caught unprepared. Once again mania of omnipotence is replaced by melancholia. Once again the Israelis failed to estimate Hamas’ military capabilities. They failed to recognise the growing frustration of Israeli Arabs and acknowledge the possibility that their frustrations could escalate into street fights or even civil war.

The Israelis have succumbed to the delusional thought that the Palestinian cause had evaporated
. They were convinced that cracking the BDS and starving Gazans had dismantled the Palestinian aspiration. Yet it is Hamas that has managed to win the most crucial victory uniting the Palestinians in Palestine, in the camps and in the Diaspora, alongside Muslims from around the world. This unity is significant especially in the light of Israel being politically divided heading towards a fifth election.

Once again, Israeli arrogance is replaced by deep sadness. Israel could ask itself some necessary questions: What is it that we do wrong? Why is our history repeating itself? Is there something we could do to change our destiny? Rather than this necessary introspection, Israel is actually doing the opposite. Instead of dissecting the present crisis in the light of similar events in the past, Israel repeats the same mistakes. It refers to the current crisis as just another ‘round of violence. It delves into the strategic and tactical possibilities that will ‘enforce a ceasefire on Hamas’. Israel basically speculates over the level of carnage that will bring the ‘Arabs on their knees’ once again.

Israel defines itself as the Jewish State and its tragic mistakes are naturally determined by that fact. If Yom Kippur is a Jewish day of introspection, the Yom Kippur Syndrome is the direct outcome of a total incapacity to self-reflect. Yet one may wonder whether the Jew can be emancipated from the Jewish destiny and the Yom Kippur Syndrome in particular? Like early Zionist Bernard Lazare, I believe that all it takes is drifting away from exceptionalism. But once stripped of exceptionalism, not much is left of contemporary Jewish identiterianism.

I guess that we are touching upon the most devastating existential aspect of the Yom Kippur Syndrome; there is no Jewish collective ideological escape for the Jew. We are basically dealing with a cultural and spiritual limbo.

I tend to believe that the only escape route from the Yom Kippur Syndrome is individual: self-imposed exile. Leave the ghetto late in the night, crawl under the fence, dig a tunnel under the ‘separation wall’. Once out on the land of the free, proceed quietly and modestly in search of the humane and the universal.
Israel continues to deploy large-caliber weapons on its border with Lebanon, while Syria reinforces its military presence on its border with Israel.
Israel cuts off the electricity supply to the Gaza Strip, leaving it in total darkness.

Palestinian insurgents detained in Israel, a terrible day that stains world history once again, we mourn the lives lost on both sides.

Israelis escaping from bordering settlements.

There is a video of a woman's corpse being transported in a van, it is truly a horror. The woman has already been identified.

She was Shani Louk, a 30-year-old German citizen who was visiting Israel for the peace music festival near the Gaza border fence.

Seeing all these horrors reminded me of Luke's words

20 And when ye shall see Jerusalem compassed with armies, then know that the desolation thereof is nigh.

21 Then let them which are in Judaea flee to the mountains; and let them which are in the midst of it depart out; and let not them that are in the countries enter thereinto.

22 For these be the days of vengeance, that all things which are written may be fulfilled.

23 But woe unto them that are with child, and to them that give suck, in those days! for there shall be great distress in the land, and wrath upon this people.

24 And they shall fall by the edge of the sword, and shall be led away captive into all nations: and Jerusalem shall be trodden down of the Gentiles, until the times of the Gentiles be fulfilled.

25 And there shall be signs in the sun, and in the moon, and in the stars; and upon the earth distress of nations, with perplexity; the sea and the waves roaring;

Help the humanity DCM.
I wonder if this fits in somehow...

Maybe. I did a bunch of research recently about this and Gog u Magog topic, as an update to this post awhile back. Will be working on the post during the next several days.

But regarding the red heifer in general, apparently Israel already has 5 such cows. They came on a special flight from Texas. They need the cows to reach full maturity to be sacrificed, and meanwhile see if they will grow any non-red hairs.

So either the article you mentioned is an old one, because The Temple Institute has been trying numerous times to breed the red heifer. Or the calf is the result of breeding of the 5 cows, or at least one of them. But from the "saving time" perspective, the cows they already have would be better candidates than the calf, if the cow has to be mature to be sacrificed. fwiw.

And here's a snapshot of what Israelis are speculating about:

Israeli TG channel shared a video by a woman who served in the army, specifically in the Gaza area. She shared that there is no chance that hundreds of militants would be able to cross the border unnoticed. Apparently there are Israeli military "spotters" who sit for shifts of 4 hours without moving and constantly look on the screen in front of them. According to her, any movement, no matter how small (a bird, a passing cockroach) immediately causes a reaction and checking.

The comments to the video are mostly uninformative and negative, but there was a mention of an "Iranian cyber attack". That supposedly along with the attack on the ground, there was a cyber attack that went on entire night and morning, and that due to the attack the equipment on the base was down. They were "blind". Others consider betrayal of some kind, and others say that it was a regular negligence due to Shabbat.

Here's another video by a person who in the past served as commander in Golany and knows how to do patrols. According to him there is no way that Tzahal and Shin Bet were unaware in some capacity. Lack of fast reaction is also suspicious. He shared that once in the past there was a suspicion of a possible infiltration. He said that within minutes there was a mass mobilization, forces and cars.

According to him Israel was "sold out". That it's a betrayal. And that it has began since the Corona craziness. The comments to the video are also mostly negative, but there are also again mentions of the cyber attack. Apparently this is what is being spread on the Israeli net, that it was a coordinated cyber attack from Iran, and that's why the military had no idea.

Don't know if there was actually an attack, or this speculation is being spread as part of establishing the "Iranian connection". There is no doubt that there are all kind of fakes going around, so it's better to be careful about any information. But it is still curious to see what is being talked on the Israeli "internets".

And there is also this article from Haaretz that enraged a lot of right-wing leaning Israelis. Also notice the possible explanation for the lack of a proper and quick response by an Israeli army:

You can't imprison two million people without it exacting a cruel price.

Behind all this is Israeli arrogance; Our thought is that we are allowed to do anything, and that we will never pay and be punished for it. We will continue without interruption. We will arrest, kill, abuse, dispossess, protect the settlers of the pogroms, go up to Joseph's tomb, Atniel's tomb, Joshua's altar, all in the Palestinian territories, and of course to the Temple Mount - more than 5,000 Jews in Sukkot alone - we will shoot innocent people, gouge out eyes and smash faces, drive out, We will expropriate, rob, kidnap from beds, ethnically cleanse and of course we will continue the unbelievable siege on Gaza - and everything will be fine.

A formidable barrier will be built around the strip, the underground wall of which alone cost three billion shekels, and we will be safe. We will rely on the geniuses of 8200 and the Shin Bet agents who know everything, and they will warn us in time. We will move half an army from Gaza to Havara only to secure the crazy shenanigans of Zvi Sukkot and the settlers, and everything will be fine, both in Havara and in Erez. It turns out that the sophisticated obstacle And the most expensive thing in the world, a simple, smoking bulldozer can break through relatively easily, when there is great motivation to do so. Here, you can cross this arrogant obstacle with bicycles and scooters, despite all the billions poured into it, and all the famous experts and contractors getting rich.

We thought that we would continue to harass Gaza, throw at it here and there crumbs of kindness in the form of a few thousand work permits in Israel - a drop in the ocean, and they are also always conditional on proper behavior - and still keep it as a prison. We will make peace with Saudi Arabia and the Emirates - and the Palestinians will be forgotten from the heart, until they are erased, as quite a few Israelis would like. We will continue to hold thousands of Palestinian prisoners, including prisoners without trial, most of them political prisoners, and we will not agree to discuss their release even after decades in prison. We will tell them that only by force will their prisoners see freedom. We thought that we would continue to arrogantly repel any attempt at a political solution, just because it is not appropriate for us to engage in it, and everything will surely continue like this forever.

Once again it has been proven that this is not the case. Several hundred Palestinian militants broke through the fence and invaded Israel in a way that no Israeli imagined possible. A few hundred Palestinian militants proved that it is impossible to imprison two million people forever, without it exacting a cruel price. Just as the smoking and outdated Palestinian bulldozer yesterday tore down the fence, the wisest of all fences, so it also tore through Israel's mantle of arrogance and complacency. And he also tore up the idea that it is enough to attack and dismantle Gaza with suicide drones, and sell them to half the world, in order to maintain security.

Yesterday, Israel saw images it had never seen before: Palestinian military cars patrolling the city, Gazan cyclists entering its gates. These pictures must tear away the veil of arrogance. The Palestinians of Gaza have decided that they are willing to pay anything for a glimpse of freedom. Does this have any potential? No. Will Israel learn the lesson? No.

Yesterday they were already talking about erasing entire neighborhoods in Gaza, about occupying the Gaza Strip and punishing Gaza "as it has never been punished before". But Gaza has not stopped being punished by Israel since 1948, even for a single moment. 75 years of abuse, and the worst is waiting for her again. The threats to "flatten Gaza" prove only one thing: we have learned nothing. The arrogance is here to stay, even after Israel once again paid a heavy price.

Benjamin Netanyahu bears a very heavy responsibility for what happened, and he must pay the price, but it did not start with him and will not end after he is gone. We must now cry bitterly for the Israeli victims; But we also have to cry over Gaza. Gaza, most of whose residents are refugees created by Israel; Gaza, which has never known a single day of freedom.

And here's a picture that speaks a thousand words:


And also couple of examples of a clown world. Some can't help themselves but involve and blame Russia.

And this one is a poll made by the Russian immigrants in Canada. They are so anti-Russia, they see Putin everywhere :rolleyes: The question in Russian is who is to blame for the attack on Israel. And most votes is Moscow.

photo_2023-10-08_02-59-51 (2).jpg
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In response to a Hezbollah attack from Lebanon into Israel, IDF Artillery struck targets in the area.

An IDF UAV also struck Hezbollah terrorist infrastructure in the area of Mount Dov.

The IDF has taken preparational measures for this type of possibility. We will continue to operate in all regions and at any time necessary to ensure the safety of the Israeli civilians.

This is only the beginning of a potentially dangerous war for the world.
That poor German girl. 😔

I agree with @Keit that something looks fishy for Israel to have been caught this much off-guard.

The thing that makes this difficult to process is that Hamas was indiscriminately attacking innocent civilians and parading prisoners and dead bodies. It evokes the image of barbarism and a lack of respect for decency and life. I know they are an oppressed people but such behaviour goes beyond what the human conscience can withstand and is indeed psychopathic in nature. But I know the situation isn't black and white.

Nonetheless, if the government there doesn't do anything drastic, it looks to me that they'll get ousted and a more pathological government brought in.

Any person in Gaza who values their lives or that of there family need to get out immediately.

Unfortunately taking "sides" is intended to stir up the drums of war further

I hope to DCM that the least amount of innocents are harmed on ALL "sides"

Civilians are innocent anywhere they may be on the map

women, children, entire fanilies and their pets too

"They" want havoc
and they don't care what happens to us in the process
I agree with @Keit that something looks fishy for Israel to have been caught this much off-guard.
It smells like a dead whale! Israeli intelligence is so widespread, that my former employer's vice president of engineering was (and for sure is still) an intelligence agent. How often do you have a chance to have a few beers with Israeli intelligence in a remote location like Poland, huh? Also, the reach of the horrible videos of atrocities done by Palestinians is so widespread in the media now, exactly the opposite of when Israelis were doing the same to Palestinians. The emotions are so high, so I'd say Western society will gladly accept leveling Gaza to the floor if it'll be done in a time span of days. Nobody is thinking why someone could be so deluded to go to the most dangerous place on Earth for the "peace festival", and even why there's a need for such "peace festival"? Reading idiotic three-word sentences by Peterson made me shiver from the cringe.
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