Israel-Palestine War: Hamas Breaks Out of Gaza, Israel Responds With Genocide

Okay, I've seen some pretty horrible videos of stuff Palestinians are doing. However, I recall that this occupation has lasted over 50 years and there have been ENDLESS examples and videos of Israelis abusing, insulting, tormenting, killing Palestinians over the years and years and years. They have destroyed their homes, families, their livelihoods, their economy, their history, and much much more. At least two generations have been born and grown up under the boot of Israel. How the hell do you think YOU would act under similar circumstances?

The Palestinian are acting just as they were programmed to act and this will be show (images) repeatedly all over the media in the western world. For that reason the Israeli have already won the mediatic war in the west but Hamas will gain the support of the entire Muslim world, I think. Netanyahou will soon have is chance to attack Iran who already proclaimed there support for the Palestinian. I think that this war, started today, may be the last war in the middle east for a very long time as there won be anyone left to fight another one unless, someone can prevent Israel from using weapon of mass destruction.

I know, quit pessimistic view I have but that cauldron as been boiling as you wrote for many generation, and the whole middle east for that matter, and this can really degenerate to a global war pitting the west again the Muslim world.

And Europe won't be safe as the battle field (mouvement of ''figthers'') was prepared well in advance.

I have lost my appetite for popcorn, ate to much since the beginning of October. Need to find something more healthy.
This whole scenario reminds me of back in 2014 -2015 when Russia helped Syria and also when Crimean situation happened. This seems, as it could be a major change on geopolitics if indeed Palestine accomplishes something against Israel, the only thing that doesn’t click in my mind is Hamas itself, I don’t know if that group can be trusted at all, cuz it can very well have the Mossad infiltrated in it.
Just catching up on this and I must say the videos don't make Hamas look good at all. It's actually a bit hard to defend this and I think the citizens of Israel will be looking to decimate the whole of Gaza as retaliation.

This attack has given the government there all the justification it needs to literally wipe out the whole Gaza strip?

Man, the world is f*ed up.
Netanyahu said Israel will take revenge on all those who staged today's attack on the country.

Highlights from the prime minister's speech:

- The IDF will destroy all places where Hamas is hiding and will unleash "all its might" on them;

- after talking to Biden, Netanyahu was convinced that Israel can "act freely."

- the French President, the British Prime Minister and other leaders were thanked;

- the operation against Hamas will take some time.

🟩 RT in Russian

What it will do is to heat things up even more.
Media outlets are circulating a fake statement by Netanyahu, who allegedly called on residents of the Gaza Strip to leave the enclave.

In fact, the prime minister called on civilians to evacuate from homes where armed Palestinians are hiding:

"We will turn all places in this city of evil where Hamas is hiding into ruins. The Israeli army will use all its might. People of Gaza, get out of there now."

🟩 RT in Russian
Translation with deepl.

Like this one
🇮🇱🇵🇸 NEWS ALERT - Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu calls on Palestinian civilians to "leave immediately" #Gaza because the Israeli army is going to use "all its might" and "turn into ruins" all the places where Hamas might be hiding (speech).
Palestine 101 by Abby Martin formerly of RT news.

Over two years old now, but still pertinent to the subject.

Probably most on this forum do not need a refresher course, but if someone asks (and you agree with this report) it might be worth passing on to someone, or to use as a reference.

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For some background on the issue I can recommend this interview by Lex Friedman from 2 months ago with a young Palestinian activist who explains it in a very smart way, brilliantly dodging all the usual talking points to strike at the heart of the matter. He has some things to say about Hamas too. We all need to know the reality of the Palestinian situation.


Situation analysis according to Alexander Dugin, FWIW:​

An escalation in Israel could trigger a chain reaction. The Palestinians have no chance in such a war, because they cannot destroy Israel or inflict a significant military defeat on it, but Israel also has nothing to fight for. Palestine is technically Israeli territory, which it does not and cannot control under any circumstances. It is equally impossible to physically destroy all Palestinians.

If we were in a different international situation, the Palestinians could count on the compassion of the international left, but the US is led by neocons and globalists.
They certainly do not care about the Palestinians, although they are not too close to Israel's nationalist policies either.

But it is the chain reaction - and especially the behavior of the Islamic states (primarily Iran, Turkey, Saudi Arabia, other Gulf states and Egypt) - that could be the logical continuation. Or at least, this is what Hamas strategists may have had in mind when they decided to start the conflict.

Multipolarism is strengthening, the intensity of Western hegemony in the collective non-West is weakening. The West's allies in the Islamic world - especially Turkey and the Saudis - do not automatically follow every order from Washington. This is the situation in which the Islamic pole, which recently provocatively joined the BRICS, will be put to the test.

Of course, the conflict could spread to other territories. The involvement of Iran and Hezbollah cannot be excluded, which means the potential transfer of hostilities to the territories of Lebanon and Syria. In Israel itself, there are enough Palestinians who fiercely hate Jews. All this could have unpredictable consequences.

In my opinion, the US and the globalists will try to shut everything down now, as they can achieve nothing good from further escalation.

One more thing: the analogies between separatism, irredentism, etc. in different regions of the world are no longer valid. The West recognizes both territorial unity and the right of peoples to secede when it benefits them and does not recognize them when they are not beneficial. There are no rules. In fact, we should treat the matter the same way (and indeed we do). What is favorable to us is right.

In the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, it is difficult - at least for now - for Russia to choose one side. There are pros and cons in every configuration. Ties with the Palestinians are ancient and, of course, victims, but Israel's right flank also tries to pursue a neutrally friendly policy towards Russia and, in doing so, deviates from the wild and unequivocal Russo-phobia of the collective West.

Much will now depend on how events unfold in the future.

Yes, and of course we must not lose sight of the eschatological dimension of events. The Palestinians have called their operation the 'Al-Aqsa Storm', i.e. the tension around Jerusalem and the messianic (for Israel) horizon of building the Third Temple on the Temple Mount (impossible without demolishing the Al-Aqsa Mosque, an important Muslim shrine) is growing again. The Palestinians are trying to ignite the eschatological sensibilities of Muslims - both Shiites, who are increasingly sensitive to this issue, and Sunnis (after all, they are no strangers to the reasons for the end of the world and the final battle). Israel and Zionism are the Dajjal for Muslims.

To what extent this is serious, we shall soon see, but in any case it is clear that those who ignore eschatology will not understand anything about great modern politics. And not only in the Middle East, although it is more evident there.— Alexander Dugin


Situation analysis according to Alexander Dugin, FWIW:​

An escalation in Israel could trigger a chain reaction. The Palestinians have no chance in such a war, because they cannot destroy Israel or inflict a significant military defeat on it, but Israel also has nothing to fight for. Palestine is technically Israeli territory, which it does not and cannot control under any circumstances. It is equally impossible to physically destroy all Palestinians.

If we were in a different international situation, the Palestinians could count on the compassion of the international left, but the US is led by neocons and globalists.
They certainly do not care about the Palestinians, although they are not too close to Israel's nationalist policies either.

But it is the chain reaction - and especially the behavior of the Islamic states (primarily Iran, Turkey, Saudi Arabia, other Gulf states and Egypt) - that could be the logical continuation. Or at least, this is what Hamas strategists may have had in mind when they decided to start the conflict.

Multipolarism is strengthening, the intensity of Western hegemony in the collective non-West is weakening. The West's allies in the Islamic world - especially Turkey and the Saudis - do not automatically follow every order from Washington. This is the situation in which the Islamic pole, which recently provocatively joined the BRICS, will be put to the test.

Of course, the conflict could spread to other territories. The involvement of Iran and Hezbollah cannot be excluded, which means the potential transfer of hostilities to the territories of Lebanon and Syria. In Israel itself, there are enough Palestinians who fiercely hate Jews. All this could have unpredictable consequences.

In my opinion, the US and the globalists will try to shut everything down now, as they can achieve nothing good from further escalation.

One more thing: the analogies between separatism, irredentism, etc. in different regions of the world are no longer valid. The West recognizes both territorial unity and the right of peoples to secede when it benefits them and does not recognize them when they are not beneficial. There are no rules. In fact, we should treat the matter the same way (and indeed we do). What is favorable to us is right.

In the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, it is difficult - at least for now - for Russia to choose one side. There are pros and cons in every configuration. Ties with the Palestinians are ancient and, of course, victims, but Israel's right flank also tries to pursue a neutrally friendly policy towards Russia and, in doing so, deviates from the wild and unequivocal Russo-phobia of the collective West.

Much will now depend on how events unfold in the future.

Yes, and of course we must not lose sight of the eschatological dimension of events. The Palestinians have called their operation the 'Al-Aqsa Storm', i.e. the tension around Jerusalem and the messianic (for Israel) horizon of building the Third Temple on the Temple Mount (impossible without demolishing the Al-Aqsa Mosque, an important Muslim shrine) is growing again. The Palestinians are trying to ignite the eschatological sensibilities of Muslims - both Shiites, who are increasingly sensitive to this issue, and Sunnis (after all, they are no strangers to the reasons for the end of the world and the final battle). Israel and Zionism are the Dajjal for Muslims.

To what extent this is serious, we shall soon see, but in any case it is clear that those who ignore eschatology will not understand anything about great modern politics. And not only in the Middle East, although it is more evident there.— Alexander Dugin

Excellent article. Thank you.
NEWS ALERT - Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu calls on Palestinian civilians to "leave immediately" #Gaza because the Israeli army is going to use "all its might" and "turn into ruins" all the places where Hamas might be hiding (speech).
Does Bibi REALLY thinks Palestinians will leave their house of generations or centuries, because some boogie man threw some paper rackets and created a fire? Where do they go overnight? Unbelievable!!!

Even when partition/migrations happen (like in India-Pakistan partition or WW II Jewish migration) people know where to go, however dangerous or traumatizing that is.

It looking like a final stand off coming where weakening West will support Israel and all else will support Palestine.
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