Israel-Palestine War: Hamas Breaks Out of Gaza, Israel Responds With Genocide

Russia’s ex-president blames US for Israel-Hamas fighting​

“This is what Washington and its allies should have dealt with,” he explained, adding that the Israel-Palestine conflict has lasted for decades, with the US being a “key player there.”

"According to Medvedev, instead of this, “these morons got involved in our region and are actively helping neo-Nazis, pitting two close peoples against one another.”

"The former president brought his remarks to a conclusion with the thought that “apparently only a civil war on US territory” would help quell “America’s manic passion for igniting conflicts all around the planet.”

"Secretary of Defense Lloyd Austin reassured Israel that the US’ commitment to its security remains “unwavering.”
"In the coming days, he promised, the Pentagon will “work to ensure that Israel has what it needs to defend itself and protect civilians from indiscriminate violence and terrorism.”

Again we are seeing how as an event as powerful as this one happens, all kinds of otherwise quite decent and rational figureheads are just assessing the 'here and now' in a black-and-white manner, without putting the event in a larger and more complicated context that includes the past 100 years or so.

For instance, JBP and RFK Jr. have been quick to express their support to Israel and its right to "defend itself". I find this disappointing. At least with JBP I would've expected him to acknowledge the complexity of the situation and the long history of wrong-doings and violence from both sides. Can't remember verbatim what he tweeted but it was something like "Giv'em hell, Netanyahu!". C'mon man, that's childish and silly!
Also, this is an election year (soon). Biden will be forced to act if he expects another term. The US population still loves Israel and failure in Ukraine will be a political disaster too. Again it’s speculation that this will be a long conflict, but Biden getting impeached doesn’t seems too far fetched now if so.
Also, this is an election year (soon). Biden will be forced to act if he expects another term.

You know I'm getting real tired of the whole world being held hostage by the US and their election cycle. We simply can't live together without some manipulation going on to benefit someone who isn't effected (or is it that affected?!) by the suffering it all causes, and just walks away leaving a stinking mess that ruins whole countries, cultures, peoples and entire continents. It's sickening and evil. :cry:
Again we are seeing how as an event as powerful as this one happens, all kinds of otherwise quite decent and rational figureheads are just assessing the 'here and now' in a black-and-white manner, without putting the event in a larger and more complicated context that includes the past 100 years or so.

For instance, JBP and RFK Jr. have been quick to express their support to Israel and its right to "defend itself". I find this disappointing. At least with JBP I would've expected him to acknowledge the complexity of the situation and the long history of wrong-doings and violence from both sides. Can't remember verbatim what he tweeted but it was something like "Giv'em hell, Netanyahu!". C'mon man, that's childish and silly!

They don't mockingly call him Jordan Peterstein for nothing 😉. These kind of people do a good job of directing the thinking of more right-leaning people in favour of the PTB.
My impression so far is that this could be the start of the end of Israel. It also seems to have the potential for some kind of „WW3“ scenario. It could also very well be that Israel is overconfident, that this time around others will do the fight for them again, if it should get really hot. Times have changed though and it might very well not turn out that way for Israel. I also think there is a good chance that the Palestinians and those aligned with them (such as Iran and Quatar) will not back down, no matter what, and see this as their golden opportunity to finally take on Israel.

Israel's "Pearl Harbor Moment"? Hundreds Dead, Horrifying Scenes Of Entire Families Kidnapped & Whisked Into Gaza​

by Tyler Durden
Saturday, Oct 07, 2023

"where there was reality up until today, and then there will be reality after today."

Former Israel Defense Forces (IDF) international spokesperson Jonathan Conricus has summed up what this day means for Israel, calling in the country's "Pearl Harbor" moment.

"The entire system failed. It's not just one component. It's the entire defense architecture that evidently failed to provide the necessary defense for Israeli civilians," he told CNN of the surprise invasion from Gaza militants. "This is a Pearl Harbor type of moment for Israel, where there was reality up until today, and then there will be reality after today."

Breaking: Many hundreds of Israeli civilians are being captured by #Hamas terrorists and are seen being taken back to #Gaza and attacked by #Palastinians

(Many heartbreaking videos of women and children being kidnapped in the article below. Also the IDF base being evacuated.)

"Israeli Defence forces are now evacuating Air Bases near Gaza as thousands of terrorists flood into Israel.This situation is just escalating."

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Israel Minister of Defense Yoav Gallant: “Today we saw the face of evil. The Hamas [terrorist organization] has launched a brutal attack against the citizens of the State of Israel - attacking men, women, children and the elderly, indiscriminately. Hamas will understand very quickly that it has made a mistake - a grave mistake, and will pay a [heavy] price.

Fifteen years ago, as Head of the Southern Command, I came close to 'breaking the neck' [destroying] of Hamas. I was stopped by the political echelon. This phenomenon will not continue. We will change reality on the ground in Gaza for the next 50 years. What was before, will be no more. We will operate at full force.

I ask Israel's citizens to remain determined and to support our security forces.”

This is terrible. Were there people living in these apartments?

IDF statement: *The IDF struck military infrastructure in two multi-story buildings in the Gaza Strip belonging to the Hamas terrorist organization*

Earlier today, IDF fighter jets struck military infrastructure in two multi-story buildings in the Gaza Strip used by senior Hamas terrorist operatives for carrying out terrorist activity.

In one of the buildings, the IDF struck the military offices of a number of units and arrays of the Hamas terrorist organization, including the Hamas Intelligence headquarters, its weapons production offices and other offices belonging to senior Hamas terrorist organization leaders.

The second building contained military offices used by the Hamas terrorist organization General Security Apparatus.

This demonstrates how the Hamas terrorist organization deliberately embeds its military assets in the heart of the civilian population in the Gaza Strip.
I am not sure how to react. If the "emotion" (fear of What will be next, WWIII, Iran joining, Jewish entitlement (feeling of How dare they can invade mighty Israel, though it is next to Palestine) etc.) visuals of destructions are mostly one sided and they are created by Israel.
  • Articles talk about hundreds dead , but they fail to mention who these hundreds belong to. If 14 levels building is made to pulp in a instant, hundreds will die. But those are Palestinian victims not Israeli's
  • What does Hamas gain by getting few dozens of captives? How long do they sustain war with this?
  • Even if Hamas fired 5000 rockets, destruction level is too low or miniscule. They have to be paper rockets. They do it sneaking in with motor bikes, motorized parachutes? True, it has a shock value. What about wrath of revenge comes with it. It doesn't make sense unless Hamas doing Israeli bid for creating war.
Any way, people are going bonkers even in non-war zones. Let's see where will this lead to.
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