Israel-Palestine War: Hamas Breaks Out of Gaza, Israel Responds With Genocide

Psychopathy at its best

Freed hostage accused of harming Israel's interests

Israeli authorities have accused Yocheved Lifshitz, a hostage who was released by Hamas, of harming the interests of the Jewish state, saying the armed group treated her "well"

Psychopaths will blame Iran for falseflag in Israel

Today the party doesn't stop.


Netanyahu: "We are the people of the light, they are the people of darkness... we shall realize the prophecy of Isaiah."

Congratulations people, we got ourselves the new hitler.

Israel’s ex-PM calls covering both sides of the conflict ‘an insult’ to journalism​

This is somewhat off-topic but I think it's interesting enough that I should mention it here. Earlier on this thread, I said that some astrologers I watched on Youtube were predicting political violence for October. I was particularly impressed by this young man who does Vedic astrology. He is the one who said that a certain configuration of planets was similar to 9-11 in October, and that it would be particularly dangerous towards the end of the month (his first video was posted before the events of 7th October). He also pointed the 'danger zone' to be around the Mediterranean Sea.

In a more recent video where he comments on what happened in Israel-Gaza, he mentions that the configuration of planets began on the 6th of October, so that's a day before the Hamas attack. Alhough I don't think he specifically mentioned that date on the first video, as far as predictions go I think he was still super accurate.

In the second video he also warns that the violence and bloodshed will continue for at least a year, and that the period between 28th of October and the 26th of April will be critical.

In the first video, where he commented on the effects of the solar eclipse of October, he also predicted natural catastrophes for North America. Last night we had a strong hurricane hitting Acapulco, Mexico. It went from tropical storm to Category 5 in a matter of hours. So that's another hit for him.

Finally, for a person his age (he looks like a teenager), I find him very eloquent and insightful when commenting on the Gaza conflict. Here are his two videos:

The first video, posted a couple of days before the Hamas attack:

The more recent video commenting on the Gaza conflict and what's next:

Disclaimer: I know nothing about Vedic astrology, and only a little about Western astrology. Having said that, I'm wondering if the Vedic system is better at predicting global events, while the Western version of astrology is more suited for personality traits, etc. Just a thought.
According to astrologers, this is what you suggest in your question; due to the priorities and structure of each astrological vision.
This is somewhat off-topic but I think it's interesting enough that I should mention it here. Earlier on this thread, I said that some astrologers I watched on Youtube were predicting political violence for October. I was particularly impressed by this young man who does Vedic astrology. He is the one who said that a certain configuration of planets was similar to 9-11 in October, and that it would be particularly dangerous towards the end of the month (his first video was posted before the events of 7th October). He also pointed the 'danger zone' to be around the Mediterranean Sea.

In a more recent video where he comments on what happened in Israel-Gaza, he mentions that the configuration of planets began on the 6th of October, so that's a day before the Hamas attack. Alhough I don't think he specifically mentioned that date on the first video, as far as predictions go I think he was still super accurate.

In the second video he also warns that the violence and bloodshed will continue for at least a year, and that the period between 28th of October and the 26th of April will be critical.

In the first video, where he commented on the effects of the solar eclipse of October, he also predicted natural catastrophes for North America. Last night we had a strong hurricane hitting Acapulco, Mexico. It went from tropical storm to Category 5 in a matter of hours. So that's another hit for him.

Finally, for a person his age (he looks like a teenager), I find him very eloquent and insightful when commenting on the Gaza conflict. Here are his two videos:

The first video, posted a couple of days before the Hamas attack:

The more recent video commenting on the Gaza conflict and what's next:

Disclaimer: I know nothing about Vedic astrology, and only a little about Western astrology. Having said that, I'm wondering if the Vedic system is better at predicting global events, while the Western version of astrology is more suited for personality traits, etc. Just a thought.
Very interesting way to see astronomy from this little young man but oh my, he expresses himself like a savior, a teacher, a guide. It is amazing and also it is amazing how fast he talks. But he seems a connaisseur of the subject.
In his last speech to Parlament, Erdogan openly sides with Palestina, calls Hamas the liberation group that fight to protest its soil and its citizens, declares that bombarment of Gaza amounts to mental illness..
'Hey Israel, the West may owe you a lot, but Turkey owes you nothing ... Had it been in good faith, out relations could have been different but you have abused our good will'
Maybe you can tell us a little bit about this book ? To us to understand your sentence.
OK, it is the book that the old western is based on (Shane by Jack Schaefer). In the ending where Shane is in a gunfight with the young boy watching from somewhere, the boy talks about seeing him pull the gun (aiming upward) with his index finger along the barrel and firing. If you have ever tried that, you can point pretty well with your index finger.
This is somewhat off-topic but I think it's interesting enough that I should mention it here. Earlier on this thread, I said that some astrologers I watched on Youtube were predicting political violence for October. I was particularly impressed by this young man who does Vedic astrology. He is the one who said that a certain configuration of planets was similar to 9-11 in October, and that it would be particularly dangerous towards the end of the month (his first video was posted before the events of 7th October). He also pointed the 'danger zone' to be around the Mediterranean Sea.

In a more recent video where he comments on what happened in Israel-Gaza, he mentions that the configuration of planets began on the 6th of October, so that's a day before the Hamas attack. Alhough I don't think he specifically mentioned that date on the first video, as far as predictions go I think he was still super accurate.

In the second video he also warns that the violence and bloodshed will continue for at least a year, and that the period between 28th of October and the 26th of April will be critical.

In the first video, where he commented on the effects of the solar eclipse of October, he also predicted natural catastrophes for North America. Last night we had a strong hurricane hitting Acapulco, Mexico. It went from tropical storm to Category 5 in a matter of hours. So that's another hit for him.

Finally, for a person his age (he looks like a teenager), I find him very eloquent and insightful when commenting on the Gaza conflict. Here are his two videos:

The first video, posted a couple of days before the Hamas attack:

The more recent video commenting on the Gaza conflict and what's next:

Disclaimer: I know nothing about Vedic astrology, and only a little about Western astrology. Having said that, I'm wondering if the Vedic system is better at predicting global events, while the Western version of astrology is more suited for personality traits, etc. Just a thought.

I suspect these video presentations have affected many viewers. A very articulate a knowledgeable young man, not only of his history of the Vedas, but also world events. Also how the cosmos is not just some balls we can observe in the sky with some fantastic viewing technology.

I am reminded about his view of astrology in the west, my interpretation, of his words, it is a personality cult.

The cosmos we are living with, is a living breathing organism, and how we behave to one another as people, as countries, as part of the cosmos we inhabit, has an impact for all living living on Earth, our home, but also the planets surrounding us in our immediate neighbourhood so to speak.

At this time, I am reminded of the planetary configurations he gave, with the impact on the world we are living through at this time. I am also wondering did Gurdjieff have insight into these Vedic teachings planetary configurations and how they affect life on the Earth, I m reminded at this time of his enigmatic phrase. Food for the Moon.

I thank you @ Windmill Knight for introducing the forum to this insightful young man. I wonder if I could be so presumptuous to present this young man and his channel as a separate thread, to keep track of his commentary and predictions. He seems to be spot on if one has been the segment of SOTT Earth Changes.

I am reminded of the minuscule information I have of the Vedas. I do remember something like, In the beginning was the word, and the word was life and breath. Ohm..

It is the Western philosophical conundrum. If a tree falls in the forest. Did you hear it?

Apologies if this off topic, just my thought from these thought provoking videos.
JUST IN: 'We are Preparing to Enter Gaza by Land'

Netanyahu said about the ongoing developments, further states:

- 'I will not talk about the time frame to protect the lives of the soldiers

- At this stage, it is necessary to continue to crush Gaza from the air

- We are waiting for the appropriate conditions to begin the ground operation in Gaza, and we will make Hamas pay the price for its actions

- Civilians in Gaza must move to the south of the Strip'

Source: Al Jazeera

The French Navy has announced that the FS Tonnerre (L-9014) a Mistral-Class Amphibious Assault Ship is currently being Deployed to the Eastern Mediterranean in order to link-up with NATO Naval Forces including the Carrier Strike Group led by the USS Gerald R. Ford (CVN-78) off the Coast of Israel; this Deployment follows an announcement earlier today by French President Macron that France will be sending a Hospital Ship to the Region to assist Residents of the Gaza Strip.


The embassy is aware of threats made on social media by Alwiyat al-Waad al-Haq, a militia group in Iraq, against U.S. military bases in Kuwait.

As a result, the U.S. Embassy in Kuwait is limiting its activity on U.S. military bases to essential and official events only. U.S. citizens are advised to remain alert.

"Israel First" One would think that the GOP's first priority would be the US border, aka public enemy #1

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In a moment that hearkens back to the Bush administration's spat with the Arab media network's coverage of the start of the Iraq War, the Biden White House is bring pressure to bear against Al Jazeera, as it's not happy with its coverage of Gaza

US Secretary of State Antony Blinken has sought the mediation of the Qatari government to get the Doha-based channel to "tone down" its perceived anti-Israel coverage and rhetoric.

According to an exclusive in Axios, Blinken on Monday said before a closed-door group of Jewish leaders that he "asked the Qatari prime minister less than two weeks ago to tone down Al Jazeera's rhetoric about the war in Gaza, according to three people who attended the meeting."

Axios underscores that Blinken's remarks "suggest the administration, which has asserted its support for the independent press globally, is concerned Al Jazeera's framing of the conflict could escalate tensions in the region." According to more:

Blinken said he gave toning down Al Jazeera coverage of the war in Gaza as an example of steps the Qatari government can take to do this. Blinken said he asked the Qataris to "turn down the volume on Al Jazeera's coverage because it is full of anti-Israel incitement," according to one source.
Blinken didn't given any specific examples of what constitutes problematic coverage, according to the people who attended the meeting, but Israel has long accused the channel of being "a propaganda mouthpiece" for Hamas. The US administration has not gone so far as to verbalize this, but likely quietly agrees.

Some of the White House's own spokespersons have recently dismissed or downplayed the soaring civilian death toll in the Gaza Strip as it's being daily pummeled by Israeli airstrikes.

On Tuesday national security official John Kirby in a briefing said that more innocent people will inevitably die but he did not criticize Israel's seeming indiscriminate bombing campaign which has also killed thousands of women and children. Kirby was aske about the disproportionate response to Oct. 7, and he answered:

"This is war. It is combat. It is bloody. It is ugly, and it's going to be messy. And innocent civilians are going to be hurt going forward," Kirby told reporters. "I wish I could tell you something different. I wish that that wasn't going to happen, but it is going to happen."
And then on Wednesday, President Biden himself asserted, "I have no notion that Palestinians are telling the truth about how many people are killed." He added: "I’m sure innocents have been killed. And that’s the price of waging a war. I have no confidence in the number that the Palestinians are using.”

On Wednesday, Gaza-based Al Jazeera journalist Wael Dahdouh was informed his own family was killed in an Israeli airstrike...
Screenshot 2023-10-26 at 00-52-02 Blinken Told Qatar To 'Tone Down' Al Jazeera's Biased Anti-I...png

Al Jazeera is also a main global source which reports directly from Palestinian and Gaza sources and ministries. At this point, the Gaza death toll has reached 6,500 - which has included an Al Jazeera correspondent's own family.

Washington has a bit of a love-hate view and relationship with Al Jazeera. The Bush White House was actually accused of targeting Al Jazeera offices in Baghdad during the 2003 "shock and awe" bombing that kicked off the invasion. But in the decade after 2010, Al Jazeera was a big promoter of the "Arab Spring" narrative which the West used to topple Libya's Gaddafi, and which was key to regime change attempts in Syria. During those years, the D.C. establishment heaped praise on the channel as it advanced the narrative of "moderate rebels" in places like Syria.
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Interesting news from Mercouris concerning developments.

The body of the first part of his program reviews the hectic international diplomacy, and in particular Israel's decision to target the UN and its Secretary General António Guterres for remarks made by him to the Security Council that whilst being critical of both Hamas and Israel also went on to highlight the ongoing and legal right of Palestinians to struggle for their freedom under occupation. Mercouris believes that demands now being made by Israel for his resignation - for the sin of accurate contextualization - are backfiring (though US silence on the matter - criticism by omission in other words - may prove telling if the Israelis try to bully through on their outburst). But in general he sees increasing concern, even a sense of panic, in Israeli behavior as the pressure mounts and the delay to the ground operation goes on against a backdrop of intense international diplomacy led by the Russians (with strong BRICS/Chinese support) to galvanize the so called Global South. Beneath all the frantic activity, Mercouris believes a consensus is beginning to emerge that if US/Western efforts to block further ceasefire resolutions continue then a broader based demand for not only such a resolution but one linked to an international peace conference under a UN/Chinese led auspice with a two state solution as its primary goal will only grow and take shape, one with the intention of removing US control over the issue for once and for all.

Well, the one thing guaranteed to drive the Israelis to push the self-destruct button is the idea of the two state solution being removed from their/US control and taken up for real by the rest of the world! And another reason why the US and Israel are possibly going to in unison light the blue touch paper on the region via a reverse Yom Kippur War - targetting Jordan, Syria and Iran all at the same time the IDF first goes into Gaza... that's my bet anyway; that they will go for broke from the outset (hence the wait for US forces to gather), over reach - and end up broken.

Anyway, he then:

1. Briefly discusses and dismisses the absurdity of the Putin heart attack propaganda which is demonstrably false because of Putin's full on diplomatic schedule in the days after (he also dismisses out of hand the Putin double issue in - well, double quick time!).

2. Most interestingly, quoting Douglas Macgregor on Tucker Carlson as his source, he goes on to say there may be another reason for the increasing nervousness and erratic behavior by the Israeli's, namely that Macgregor's sources in the Pentagon/US Department of Defense tell him that over the last 24hours or so, a joint Israeli and US Special Forces reconnoiter operation into Gaza with the objective of sussing out how to free hostages etc ended in a total debacle with heavy casualties taken by both Israeli and US forces.

If Macgregor is correct - and like Mercouris, I doubt he would have gone onto Tucker and claimed this without confirmation from sources he can trust - then again it highlights what increasing numbers of specialist urban warfare military commentators are saying - that any idea the IDF will simply walk through Gaza's defenses like a stroll in the park are very much misguided.

Video below linked to point where he discusses these two issues (plus Macgregor's brief comments to Carlson below. Don't expect to see this news turning up in the MSM anywhere soon!)

Twitter Video Link
By way of support for Joe's excellent article, a further spot on analysis and take down by Brian Berletic at the New Atlas of the arguments used to support Israel's denial that it deliberately struck the Al Ahli Hospital in Gaza. In particularly he goes through what he calls The Laundering of Lies (a great phrase) whereby governments and intel agencies now outsource to so called bought and paid for 'experts' in think tanks who then in collusion with social media and mainstream media manipulate the viral promulgation of a narrative that appears independent and authoritative but is in fact the de-facto party lie-line.

- An "expert" from a US government and arms industry-funded think tank (ASPI) has been used to lend credibility to Israel's denial of striking the Al Ahli Hospital in Gaza;

- the "open source" analysis attempted to estimate the number of people who could have fit into the area where there is visible fire damage;

- in reality, blasts from rockets, missiles, and artillery shells cause fragmentation and shrapnel traveling far beyond the blast and capable of causing lethal injuries;

- a hand grenade has a comparable death radius to that laid out in this analysis;

- a hand grenades casualty radius is even larger;

- a rocket or missile would have surely killed far more people in a much wider radius than claimed by this analysis;

- the density of civilians surrounding the hospital is also questioned in the analysis, however footage is easily obtainable from Gaza of similar densities specifically at hospitals;


Australian Financial Review - The 26-year-old analyst who shaped the world’s view of Gaza (October 22, 2023):

Nathan Ruser - October 18, 2023 thread on Gaza hospital strike:

Australian Strategic Policy Institute - Funding 2021-2022: https://ad-aspi.s3.ap-southeast-2.ama...

Times of Israel - IDF: Multiple rocket launcher used to target Hamas in Gaza for first time since 2006 (October 11, 2023):

CBS News - Hamas, Israel trade blame for Gaza hospital blast (October 18, 2023):

Guardian - ‘Emphasis is on damage, not accuracy’: ground offensive into Gaza seems imminent (October 10, 2023):

Guardian - Al-Ahli Arab hospital: piecing together what happened as Israel insists militant rocket to blame (October 18, 2023):

World Health Organization - Evacuation orders by Israel to hospitals in northern Gaza are a death sentence for the sick and injured (October 14, 2023):
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