Israel-Palestine War: Hamas Breaks Out of Gaza, Israel Responds With Genocide

'Macron is ready to send troops to defend Israel.'
Mr. Bedbug has developed such a great appreciation for Notre-Dame de Tel Aviv...
(Pierre) I wanted to ask about Notre Dame de Paris. Was it an accident?
A: No
Q: (Pierre) Now, a lot of conspiracy theories are about this massive real estate project, making money, etc. What was the fundamental motive of this arson at Notre Dame?
A: Destruction of symbol: Our Lady Mother, i.e. Earth.
He had the chance to shake hands with the light, but his Zionist mask kept him at a 'safe distance.'
A simple and standard question. Applies to all "warmongers". Why do they all behave the same? (This question is rhetorical)
"Where is the kid Bibi?" — the press and Israelis ask why Netanyahu's son is not in a hurry to go to the front | Russian Spring
The son of Israeli Prime Minister Yair Netanyahu did not want to return to his homeland and fight against Hamas, now he is in Miami.

This is reported by the British press — The Times and The Daily Mail.

"Where's the Bibi boy? Israeli soldiers criticized Benjamin Netanyahu's 32-year—old son Yair for "abandoning" them by staying in Miami, while 360,000 reservists are called up to fight against Hamas," articles with photos of a strong athletic Yair, who has reached military age, are published with such headlines.

"Yair stayed in Miami, to the annoyance of some soldiers. Yair is enjoying life in Miami Beach while I'm on the front line," one soldier said.

"It is we who leave our jobs, our families, our children to protect our families at home and in the country, and not the people who are responsible for this situation." "Our brothers, our fathers, our sons are all going to the front, but Yair is still not here. This does not help to strengthen confidence in the country's leadership."

Another, sent to the border with the Gaza Strip, said: "I came from the States where I have a job, a life, my family. I cannot stay there and leave my country, my people at this critical time. Where is the Prime Minister's son? Why isn't he in Israel? This is the most unifying moment for us Israelis in our recent history, and each of us should be here right now, including the Prime Minister's son," other reservists are quoted in the article.

Простой и стандартный вопрос. Касается всех "поджигателей" войны. Почему то они все ведут себя одинаково? (Этот вопрос-риторический)
Megatron vía X

The United States does not want a war with Iran, but if Americans are attacked in the Palestinian-Israeli conflict zone, they will respond - Blinken​

But what would a real war with Iran look like?
Iran already has a nuclear bomb and that is a fact. Why it is silent about it is because it wants to delay the possibility of sanctions. That is why nuclear weapons are completely out of use.

Iran already has a nuclear bomb and that is a fact. Why it is silent about it is because it wants to delay the possibility of sanctions. That is why nuclear weapons are completely out of use.

The US can bombard Iran with long-range missiles, causing minimal damage, since most of Iran's bases are underground.

In response, Iran will bomb all American illegal military bases in the Middle East, and with hypersonic missiles it can easily sink American aircraft carriers in the Mediterranean Sea.

If the USA decides on a ground offensive, it should do so through Kuwait. Knowing that Kuwait is bypassed by Iran, all ships can be easily sunk, it can hardly happen.

So if the US wants to attack Iran by land, it will have to defeat all the pro-Iranian military militias from Israel through Syria, in order to get close to Iran at all, and that is almost impossible.

Therefore, even if the US decides to attack Iran, it will buy a ticket home from the Middle East. And that means that a direct collision between Iran and the United States is very difficult for now.

Militarily the US is far more advanced than Iran, but for any success, the US needs to share a land front with Iran like Ukraine and Russia. Iran is currently a militarily technologically advanced country and cannot be defeated with missiles.

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I like the maps, they give context to military strategies. Is the US bluffing?
This is interesting and I share much of what you write. You ask is the US bluffing and I respond that it most certainly is. In Ukraine Russia has wiped out whatever pretensions the West has and today it is confronting the ire of Palestine and of all of its friends worldwide. Their name is Legion. What Russia proved in Ukraine is that old technology is America's signature. Russia opened the door that cannot be closed. In Israel you can treat Palestinians as subhumans no longer and America understands that . That is over. Like cheap money is now in the West. It is clear to me that the current Israeli experiment has failed. Finis. And even the non committed in the marginal West know it too. Will Israel send in its troops ? Perhaps. But the debacle called Ukraine led it to suicide and invasion will prove to Israel that it is not good enough. It is already exposed and will be , no matter how well armed it is. Will America military intervene ? Perhaps. But Russian Khinzals will blossom and Chinese will zoom in.
Our obscene system, Zionist to its core , is crushing. Its splat will be formidable because it is bankrupt and nothing that is bankrupt can or will survive. Once it is kicked in it will not stand up; but the PR battle in favor of Israel is lost. It achieved only contempt. The global majority will not comply. The American isolation is awesome to behold and it is difficult to see the West leading anywhere; I only see an octogenarian eating ice cream full of arrogance and hubris and hear his controllers soiling their pants. It is not going according to their plans.

As the Middle East Crisis escalates, China has now deployed warships to the region. They are now looking to show presence to safeguard their economic interest there. Things are moving fast as America continues to get isolated. And this instability could risk the position of the US dollar as well. Here's what you must know!

✅ Timestamps & Chapters:0:00 Warships In The Middle East2:57 China's Peace Plan6:07 US Is Getting Isolated9:26 The De-dollarization Push12:28 America Won't StopSubscribe to my channel where we dive deeper into the world of gold, silver & investing:🔴

This of course is also helping the Great Reset movement.
This mideast situation has achieved, IMO, a new height in achievement by PTB propagandists to divide the public. Among the many alternative pundits that I had found, for years, to land generally on the sane/common-sensical side of important issues (or at least have something interesting to say), I now see an amazing split. My Twitter feed, by its algorithm, feeds me content from those I follow plus authors it thinks I'll agree with politically or otherwise, but now the tweets are mostly about this conflict and very much divided. And a lot of it seems shallow, as if knee-jerk reaction, not analytical. It's just, wow! Really stunning. No need to name names. Wondering if others see this?
@PopHistorian a “knee jerk” reaction like dialogue is exactly what I would call it. Even among the most highly respected intellectuals, there seems to be no desire for investigation on triggers of this conflict. There literally appears to be no critical thinking and it’s scary. Such as the obvious question of “how can one of the most advanced surveillance system on the planet be infiltrated by 1000+ Hamas personnel on pickup trucks and hang gliders, take hostages with no resistance at all within 7 hours”? Either it was a inside job, or this Elite military is the most incompetent force on the face of the earth. Very well stated by the IDF veteran’s video.
I'm surprised to see all these pro-Palestinian demonstrations. Since when have people in general thought about the Palestinians? Of course, in every university and in some humanitarian groups there have been groups that have taken up the cause of the Palestinians, and even some small demonstrations, but the ones that are happening now are huge and it's everywhere. It reminds me of a color revolution. Not that I think the people demonstrating are hypocrites, that's not it. But in the last few years no one has been demonstrating against governments, or against the prison we've lived through with the pandemic, or against the pandemic. Have people suddenly woken up? Or is it a total and controlled manipulation with a well-defined goal?

My Twitter feed, by its algorithm, feeds me content from those I follow plus authors it thinks I'll agree with politically or otherwise, but now the tweets are mostly about this conflict and very much divided.
The same division when those who took the "vaccine" and those who did not take it.

But this crowd, in the street and no longer on the Internet, is going to have to be controlled or silenced at some point. If they are genuine. There's also the fact that people are on the streets not to change their conditions, not to oppose Agenda 2030, but to criticize what Israel has done.

I don't think people have woken up just yet, they're so asleep. Or maybe I'm wrong and we're witnessing a popular revolution, just like before the Second World War, when people organized themselves into trade unions, and war came as a reply for them from the PTB.

No more revolution, my kids.

Israel-Hamas War Updates: Israel Agrees to Delay Gaza Invasion for U.S. Military to Prepare Defenses​

Israel agreed to a U.S. request to get its air defenses in place to protect U.S. troops in the region ahead of an expected ground invasion into Gaza, U.S. and former Israeli officials said.

It seems that the military contractor who was warned that something would happen in 96 hours was on to something, but Israel has decided to wait for the arrival of THAAD missile systems.
This mideast situation has achieved, IMO, a new height in achievement by PTB propagandists to divide the public. Among the many alternative pundits that I had found, for years, to land generally on the sane/common-sensical side of important issues (or at least have something interesting to say), I now see an amazing split. My Twitter feed, by its algorithm, feeds me content from those I follow plus authors it thinks I'll agree with politically or otherwise, but now the tweets are mostly about this conflict and very much divided. And a lot of it seems shallow, as if knee-jerk reaction, not analytical. It's just, wow! Really stunning. No need to name names. Wondering if others see this?
Well, some people failed the 'Covid Test' and got vaxxed out of naivete and ignorance, and now people are failing this test. What to call this test? The 'Truth in Spirituality and Morality Test' perhaps. The first group are materialists and atheist types, and the second group would be those fooled by religion and a free lunch. These blind spots were always there, just current events are highlighting them. All there is, is lessons, are we in some sort of accelerated testing phase, is the wave involved? People are not aware of the knock-on effects of their own belief systems as Laura discussed in the introductory part of "From Paul to Mark". I pray all our eyes, ears, and hearts are open to every opportunity for learning and may we send the Predator's Mind on a Snipe hunting trip.

500 Hamas fighters got 'specialized combat' training in Iran prior to Oct 7

The exercises were led by officers of the Quds Force, arm of Iran's IRGC.

Israeli Military Chief Spokesman:

“Before the war, Iran directly assisted Hamas with money, training and weapons and technological know-how. Even now, Iran is helping Hamas with intelligence.”

Source: WSJ speaking to people familiar with intelligence related to the Oct 7 attack.

Video source: The Sunday Times
Israeli society is stuffing itself with an assembly line of stories of bereavement. They’re considered good for morale. The wait is being prolonged, the ground attack is being delayed, and the stories continue to flow.

They don’t help pass the time. They’ve become time itself. They reinforce the basic deep Israeli narrative: Jews are innocent victims of horrifying Nazi murderousness. There’s a huge number of stories, which are shaping a collective consciousness. Israeli citizens are undergoing a shift in consciousness now. They’re turning into an enlisted society. A nation that’s an army. A nation of heroes. A united nation. As one. Together.
I have just finished watching today's edition of UK Column at around the 49min mark, they have some very interesting information regarding background intelligence regarding the situation in the Palestine/Israel situation. which I will share below, thanks to the links provided by UK Column. I think forum members will find interesting.

This is the link to UK Columns front page news for today. Links are posted below on the page.

This interesting article was linked to n article from Haaretz, it was behind a paywall on the sight, I managed to find the article posted on the website Jewish voice for Labour

From the article: Some snips

Rogel Alphel is clear:

“Israel is looking forward to war. The war covers up the fury and the protest over the hostages, who are being betrayed by their country overtly and criminally. It neutralizes the fury and protest against Benjamin Netanyahu.

“Like blind people, we are trailing behind a leader who is a malignant national disease that thinks only of himself, into a war that he has a personal interest in prolonging,”

Israeli society is stuffing itself with an assembly line of stories of bereavement. They’re considered good for morale. The wait is being prolonged, the ground attack is being delayed, and the stories continue to flow.
They don’t help pass the time. They’ve become time itself. They reinforce the basic deep Israeli narrative: Jews are innocent victims of horrifying Nazi murderousness. There’s a huge number of stories, which are shaping a collective consciousness. Israeli citizens are undergoing a shift in consciousness now. They’re turning into an enlisted society. A nation that’s an army. A nation of heroes. A united nation. As one. Together.

How many horror stories should someone reasonably consume in a day? Israelis feel a moral obligation, out of a shared destiny, to hear all the stories. All the time. At almost any moment that they sit down to watch television, late at night or early in the morning, during the day or in the evening, they’ll hear horrors. And when they zap among the channels they’ll be able to choose the horror that speaks to them most.

Just before I sat down to write, I watched Shai Golden trying to tempt viewers with a promise of a story unlike anything they’ve heard. There’s never been such a thing, he boasted, like a peddler describing his wares. The horror stories are blinding the public. Paralyzing it, eliminating its ability to think rationally. Israel is looking forward to war. The war covers up the fury and the protest over the hostages, who are being betrayed by their country overtly and criminally. It neutralizes the fury and protest against Benjamin Netanyahu.

We are led by a man who even before the massacre managed to cause the country more damage than it has ever experienced. An architect of the inferno. This is the man whom Israel is following. As usual, with typical obedience, while sacrificing the hostages, to the rhythm of the drums of war, with Holocaust logic, Israel is once again choosing death. And Israeli death is always the most justified and unavoidable death of all.

And this interesting video from Vice on HBO. The video is from 2018. Before Vice changed it's news focus.

How Israel Rules the World of Cybersecurity

After watching this video from 2018. It begs the question from me. Is the hypothesis as some have suggested LIHOP correct? There appears to be much evidence to support this hypothesis.
Wondering if others see this?
I would say "Yes" with regards to western commentators, however looking on Telegram it seems that many of the Russian and Eurasian-focused channels have quite easily recognised Israel's hypocrisy and have simply widened the scope of their mockery and analysis to include an additional target. It's been quite refreshing to see the milliennia-old Zionist psyop fail so miserably in this regard. 🤣
This is somewhat off-topic but I think it's interesting enough that I should mention it here. Earlier on this thread, I said that some astrologers I watched on Youtube were predicting political violence for October. I was particularly impressed by this young man who does Vedic astrology. He is the one who said that a certain configuration of planets was similar to 9-11 in October, and that it would be particularly dangerous towards the end of the month (his first video was posted before the events of 7th October). He also pointed the 'danger zone' to be around the Mediterranean Sea.

In a more recent video where he comments on what happened in Israel-Gaza, he mentions that the configuration of planets began on the 6th of October, so that's a day before the Hamas attack. Alhough I don't think he specifically mentioned that date on the first video, as far as predictions go I think he was still super accurate.

In the second video he also warns that the violence and bloodshed will continue for at least a year, and that the period between 28th of October and the 26th of April will be critical.

In the first video, where he commented on the effects of the solar eclipse of October, he also predicted natural catastrophes for North America. Last night we had a strong hurricane hitting Acapulco, Mexico. It went from tropical storm to Category 5 in a matter of hours. So that's another hit for him.

Finally, for a person his age (he looks like a teenager), I find him very eloquent and insightful when commenting on the Gaza conflict. Here are his two videos:

The first video, posted a couple of days before the Hamas attack:

The more recent video commenting on the Gaza conflict and what's next:

Disclaimer: I know nothing about Vedic astrology, and only a little about Western astrology. Having said that, I'm wondering if the Vedic system is better at predicting global events, while the Western version of astrology is more suited for personality traits, etc. Just a thought.
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